EASY & QUICK?! - I'll Show You Why! (All Tools Explained!)

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all right let's make let's make this olivia where's olivia olivia   normally sits right there all right  gotta find olivia come on let's go all right so this is what we're  gonna do i'm gonna make this   wallet out of this stuff over here and i'm gonna  explain everything i do as i go the edge beveling   the bump jigs the thread i gotta figure out what  color the client has requested what needles i use   leather rougher leather pliers  stitching chisels this is just a lighter   that's glue that's the wallet  i'll get into that in a second so let's get this thing started  some coffee you know how it goes god bless it the [ __ ] all right so this is what we're gonna do today  and i'm gonna show you all the easy steps and how   to make this easy remember we're looking for  easy and a little side note just so you know   when you mess up and you think oh my gosh i  shouldn't be messing up it's okay to mess up   to the pocket upside down yeah i messed up but  that's the only time i've ever done that one time   so it's okay to mess up you learn it's a learning  opportunity so when does the easy start right now   right now let me show you just cereal boxes this  is our pattern that's it if you didn't want to   be tacky we could flip that over that's all there  is to it one two three four five and back pocket is that easy enough so far i think it is hey hey and this is horween dublin  5 6 ounce english tan color so glass burnisher barry king now we just need to cut this sucker up  right put this back et cetera et cetera   this is by the way an nt cutter knife  break off blades disposable inexpensive   link is in the description let's cut off the  first piece use a straight edge we could use   the clicker press but not everyone's got a  clicker press again i'm going to show you   how to do it easy without this quick okay we  got this straight edge cut right easy easy now   the trick is using the bump jigs we don't  need that clicker press we could do this   quick and accurate 100 accurate  just bump everything up to that jig   move that jig over here because you know  this is the right measurement your pattern so that's perfectly that way just kind of do  the top and the bottom all you need again is   the regular straight edge bump jig by the way  links are in the description for the bump jigs   and a square let's put a square on one end we've already got three of our four sides use  that bump jig again and get our fourth side piece of cake and 100 perfect now  we just have these pieces left   something like that and we could split this  up a little bit and tackle these three here hey hey hey sit all right so we know this is a straight  edge here right let us put one good corner so we know that's our straight edge  we know this is pretty accurate that's perfect so mark that corner  because you know that's that's a good one   now we know these three pockets  are the same height as the wallet   and we know this is our main body for the  wallet so let's just make these three pockets   the same height as the wallet take your good  corner right there bump jig put that there so now those the same heights we just need to  cut these three pockets out blade change three pockets three quick  cuts watch how quick this is so i just cut these three pockets in about 45 seconds i just put some curves  on there so hold on these are arc jigs   link in the description very very helpful so we  want to get this curve but i think it's this one   yeah perfect so just grab that out  of there and then come over here   all right we need that curve there take your bump  jig and your pattern and grab a scrap of the same   thickness take your arc jig of the appropriate  size and there you go now you just cut around the art huh how easy bonus tip you see how these   have a natural flow and that  won't just grab another arc jig just like that and you couldn't see anything  hold on we're going for that corner right there see it now look how pretty that is much much better nope no olivia   and through the magicka tv i went ahead and  got both of them done quick quick quick quick if you're having fun do whatever that says   let's get this thing going next we're going to  tackle these two right here but first see that   when that was wrong that's what that meant so now  that's wrong see we're allowed to make mistakes   that's all wrong that's wrong it needs to be  this way first we need this to be straight this curve might look daunting but it's not watch  this just put that up there in that corner jig   get a scratch all draw yourself a line and cut next up this pocket goes on that pocket which is   that pocket that's already  straight so now you just roll and for our height starting to come together let's tackle these two pieces barry king edge beveler i get a lot of questions about my tattoos  and their meaning and significance   the only one i'm gonna talk about today is this  one this is rigby my dog that passed away three   years ago right when i got chloe this is the  paw print i got of him of his paw the day that   he passed away and the reason i'm mentioning that  is because right there by the end of this video   i might have one with chloe paul print right there  we'll see okay where were we we were right here   we need to put this piece on this piece  throw that to the bump jig and mark it then rough it up for glue don't forget rough up that side too barge cement what god bless amy rogue pliers all right we're getting there just need this  stitch line here so just get your dividers we need   some holes stitch holes this is the mascot and zb  anvil link in the description this thing weighs   9 pounds five ounces but handy to yank around  japanese cutting mat rocky mountain leather   that was cut to fit the anvil mauls  barry king that one is six pounds that one three pounds 13 ounces and that  one about one pound right at 16 ounces stitching chisels my 15 teeth were made  custom for me by kevin lee uh these other   ones you can get on amazon i'll put a link  down in the description and i usually use   five millimeter spacing but  also four occasionally okay and that is just a deer bone as a bone folder upon further investigation i saw this  client was looking for havana cigar this is   ritz a tiger thread one millimeter scissors japanese scissors rocky mountain leather needles john james i'm not going to get into all the  hand stitching in this video i did a   whole designated video on hand stitching with   everything you need to know and close-ups  and tips and tricks and that video is on   the channel so go search that out if you want to  know everything and watch each step one by one now we just need to make that edge  look pretty bevel burnish dye sand bob are we getting there or are we  getting there i think we're getting there went ahead and beveled and burnished and  died and did all that saved yourself 10-15 minutes   this client has requested a horowing stamp on this wallet so i need to figure out  where that's going to go right quick so that will be visible so not much of the stamp  will be seen but that's okay maybe like that or like that and hey a bump jig use them every day and we're getting there  this the what are you doing here's where we are like this let's glue this down first all right  there is quite literally no reason whatsoever   for me to show you gluing again on both pieces if  you want to watch it go back watch my other videos   and let it dry and then we'll put  it together save you some time also remember tom hanks said there's no crying in  baseball well there's no crying in leathercraft   either so i don't want to hear you crying about  how come you didn't show me this and show me that   there's that pocket and there's that pocket  but you don't want the cards in this pocket   to go all the way down to the stitching you  want these to sit up a little bit and these   to come down a little bit so they're stacked  like so so go put a card stop stitch right there so that would be where the normal  stitching is going to be on the outside   so we want another one about in the same spot since i can't seem to draw a  straight line i will just cheat boom six holes at six millimeters  is perfectly fine just toss it in   the middle somewhere this will never be seen and there we go there's that hidden stitch  everything's glued on except for this pocket   but we're gonna put this pocket on correctly  rather than upside down or go like that all right there we go see that  stitch is hidden behind that pocket   which is now done correctly you can also notice  that this wallet is bigger than the original again   always adjusting this was way too tight so i've  made the pattern a little bigger let's put some   corners on here arc punch i'll put a link in  the description you can grab these off amazon now let's mark it for stitching can you hear me all right we're rolling got the holes  let's just bevel and do hey chloe have you seen olivia stitched now we can bevel um so she's asking like real questions  you know what i mean like dad   how far is the sun from you know what i mean well looky there we did it that's  not too bad and our pocket is right you
Channel: Mascon Leather
Views: 105,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mascon Leather, Mascon, leather wallet, leather wallet making, leather, making a leather wallet, leather craft, making leather wallet, how to make a leather wallet, how to make leather wallet, diy leather wallet, leather working, wallet making
Id: dLkf29QMEFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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