Yes... Your First VFX using Blender | Blender tutorial for beginners

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all right hey guys what's up nps3d here and welcome back to another excited visual effect tutorial we are making a lot of visual effect tutorials especially for the beginners the reason why I am doing this because when I started learning visual effect that time there was not much tutorials available on YouTube which can easily guide me step by step and also in the end I was not able to make something really cool that's why I decided to make some tutorials where you can learn basically for The Beginner's perspective you can learn through my tutorials step by step and you can create your amazing result and I made around three to four delete about the visual fit for the beginners especially with blender and I got a lot of good response so thank you so much for that because it's you know already motivating me a lot to make amazing content just like that so thank you so much for that for the people who are more deeply interested learning visual effect and want to try out few more uh you know different technique to create visual effect I may a course called modern visual effect it's totally based on visual effect where you can learn amazing effect which we commonly seen on social media and all and right now this is available with 20 discount the link will be in my video description you can go there and check this course it's really really amazing guys I experimented a lot and then I combine everything in a course and I make it available for you so anyways if you can afford you can go and check that codes let's get started with this video I will divide this tutorial in multiple parts and I hope you know why multiple Parts because you can come back anytime and follow the specific part of the tutorial so the part first is how to shoot your clip so whenever you are visualizing a concept or an idea in your mind then pre-plan what you are gonna shoot where you're gonna add 3D stuff or the visual effect then you can grab your smartphone or a camera or DSLR whatever you have and just go on a specific location where you are you know planning and wanna add something and then you can start suiting a small clip like 10 to 15 seconds long it's enough and also I will you know suggest you to capture a 360 environment I used Google camera but you can use Google Street View it's completely free and you can create a 360 environment map using simple images part 2 how to track so here we are inside after effect I have a clip I will simply right click interpret test Main and here I will check the frame rate then I will simply select and drop on this icon and it will help to create a comp with same resolution in the frame rate then I'll simply Ctrl D to duplicate and I'll rename this to the track and I'll simply right click pre-com move all attribute into the new comp and here I will add a Effect called answer because our footage is in a log type of format there is not enough detail available that's why I will add unset mask and will change the values View and it will help to create a contrast then we can simply apply 3D camera tracker effect and wait for it you can see we have a 0.53 pixel error which is not bad but maybe we can you know tweak it simply go inside the comp and here I will add a tint effect then I'll jump back to the main composition and here I will just apply my 3D camera attacker Effect one more time and enables detail analyze and let it do its job once it's done now you can see we have 0.34 which is amazing because now we have a list every zero select few points right click select ground Trend and origin then I'll select one more time and create solid and Camera maybe I will create few more solids and if you want you can create few more you know empties in your scene saver project then I will simply drag the ground and apply the grid effect and here I can see proper a line it or not but it's look pretty good and I think we are ready to move inside blender so bring your tracking data from after effect to blender for transferring this tracking data inside blender I will use a add-on call a to blend it is not optimized for the latest version of blender but yeah we can tweak and you can fix these things so select the camera press U and copy the position and orientation and in blender I'll just create camera and here I'll go and move the keyframe to start from one you will see the end frame so I will simply make the end three to nine perfect now it's time to put the solid over here so I'll go inside after effect one more time and select my ground solid layer and I will just copy The Anchor Point position scale in orientation by pressing Ctrl C and on blender I'll just click on this button called create plane and it will create the plane now I will simply select my camera go to the camera properties background image movie clip and here I will load the footage and increase the opacity to one you can see it's good but little wiggling I'll go to the after effect double tap on the camera and here I'll copy the focal length and then I'll press here but it is not working and the reason why it's not working I'm gonna pause the video and I will explain so the clip which I am using right now suit in 4k then I stabilized it then I converted it in in 1080P that's why the our system is confused little bit like which lens I use because in original I use a 16 mm wide lens while this enough focal length happened so I'll simply you know keep tweaking until I will find the right focal length and the right focal length was like around 13 point something okay part 4 correct the orientation and now you can see our orientation is not good so I will simply create a cube and I will I will select my camera transform plain transform and all other in the end I'll select the cube with holding shift and I'll press Ctrl P choose object keep transform and I can you know simply scale and scale it down my reference object and it will help me to correct the scale and also the orientation once you are done now we are ready to do anything and now I'll create one more Cube to see what is happening [Music] let's simulate the paint effect so once our tracking is finished okay here you can see it's working uh pretty fine I just modified this I will create a paint effect for that I will simply create a liquid effect using Mentha flow so first I will simply create a cube and I'll press M and move this into a new collection called Paint and I'll just double tap and rename this to the imager here you can see where it is available in our scene I'll press 7 to see in our you know ground level where I it is and I'll make it little small apply the scale the next step is we can easily and quickly create a liquid effect by selecting object menu and here is a effort called quick effect and choose quick liquid and it will you know add a liquid domain so I'll press M and move that into this paint collection we have something in our Cube and also we have a separating box so this is the domain which represents the water and this is the emitter which is a source of water where the water will flow and this container will contain the liquid and it will if you will change any setting of this domain it will change the behavior of liquid so first we have to scale the size after domain so I'll press 1 and scale it to make it bigger and maybe I'll press 7 and I'll press s to scale it even more and if I'll start Play you will see something is happening like there is a few water drops falling so let's start changing suppressionally apply the domain scale I will select this liquid emitter I'll select the domain and go to this physics Tab and this is the domain liquid and all stuff okay so here is the resolution it's represent this Cube like if you increase the resolution it will get smaller and smaller and the smaller it will the heavier our simulation will be the denser our simulation will be and the more accurate our simulation will be so for the test purposes I will go with 64 and when we will move to the rendering we'll switch this to the one two eight or two five six whatever your uh system you know and the time steps maximum and the minimum it's of you know calculation between one frame to a second frame crop or you can you know basically we can see where is the first frame and where is the second frame but if we increase this it will make the smooth transition between one frame to Second frame so for here I'll maximum go to the four uh 12 and minimum go to the 4 and these are for the borders so I want to contain inside this [Music] and here is the liquid property if you wanna change you can change it but by default works pretty fine this is the diffusion so if I enable this and there is a preset like if I achieve a water and choose this is set to by default the water okay so the exponent value the less is more thicker and more you know like sauce or a paint or a creamy effect so I'm going to the uh base I will increase the base to 10 and I will exponent maybe I'll make it two and this is for the mess so first let me uh play and see what happened and you can see our particles only fall and just stop it first I will you know move this position of over here emitter okay so that we have a good room and then to continue flowing the water or the liquid I'll simply select our emitter and here you can see the parameter change and change the flow behavior from geometry to inflow and it will you know continue adding here you can see continue adding and this looks pretty good let me select the domain and let me change this to the water and let me play and see the behavior the way it will interact with the ground it will be totally different there will be you know here you can see it is moving uh and considering the area very fast it has splices and all but in our paint effect I don't want that's why I you know change the setting to this one and it will you know behave like a paint you can keep exp doing experiment over here but I am pretty okay with this one I'll select this one more time and increase the initial velocity and if you wanna move these it will follow the your movement and energy I will press minus point one so the next step is what I wanna do is I'm gonna add a paint bucket either I can simply model uh using a using a cylinder cylinder solo this press disable this x-ray mode press 3 and press I and move it like this press I one more time and move it down enable X7 so I can see this is a okay disable this extra remote press three is i e z and move it to here maybe I can select this Loop also press I or we will select this is a z and X and exclude it a little bit or Ctrl R to add one more Edge Loop over here in the end and press three select this Edge Loop press e z and extrude it a bit select this one gz and make it down and if I apply the subdivision surface over here and make it to maybe and disable this you can see this is weird so let me press Ctrl R and just add one more Loop over here press 3 and select this Edge Loop press e s and scale it or maybe press I to invert the selection little bit then press e and s to scale it a little bit so we can create something like that okay press three I can simply press e z z one more time and scale it little down is the overdrive right click sets mode so we have something uh here I can disable this and select this S2 and select this edge control B in bevel it and now we have so now we have a paint again or Paint Bucket something like that where you can easily you know flow the paint and the way the reason why why I model this is because we have a nice you know geometry flow which will help us to simulate all right okay so unsolo this and let me press one and R to rotate and press 7 and just move our liquid emitter inside let me make it scale a bit okay and if you want you can scale it in a you know another Direction too let me rotate a bit more I'll select this flow and just make it a minimator and scale it down apply the scale both let me you know see what's going on because we did not edit the Collision so I'll simply select go to the physics properties fluegate and here I'll add factor and make it point two and hope this time it should work yeah here you can see I think two is pretty okay it was you can see it is also intersecting over here but yeah you can you know definitely play with here and also play with the softest sub steps it will help you to calculate it even more but it will take some more time so here you can see so maybe what I can do I can make this little behind Okay and let me simulate one more time so you can see we have some particles moving over here so definitely like if I select the domain NFL go down here I can down the exponent even one more and this time it will you know flow the liquid more slow like a thick paint or something like a thick liquid you can see it's not moving fast and all [Music] good okay so it's stopped breaking into 40 which we will fix so I have a you know I have my idea in my mind what I can do I can simply add a new basically a cube and make it in town just above the domain make it short just put it over here and you know just just uh small is off see where the liquid will fall and I have to do stuff accordingly apply the scale and this time I will select this make it fluid and this time I will use flow and here I'll choose geometry and make sure to change this to liquid so it will simulate just one more time and because this is the same inside the same domain and because this is inside the same domain the liquid Behavior will be the same let me uh select the domain I'll go down here is a cache setting and let's make it three to nine so it will you know simulate till there let me see a quick look then we will you know bake it in a higher resolution [Music] all right so I will simply you know delete this select the domain and let's make it one to eight this time [Music] this we can start it from minus 100 frames and then bake it from three to nine and also enable the mess in Upper sector make it three and make the particle reduce 1.2 because in original we can see the partial radius is 1 okay so let's define this particle radius and mark the next I will simply change the relation to 1 to 8 and now if I'll go down here there is a case and make it all so it will bake everything like mess in the liquid flow in once and let's click on this button called bake and I'll see once it's done so if you see we're done and just because we added minus 100 that's why we are good to go from the first frame you can simply make the ground Littles down I think it's already down so unless you will see and guys you can you know play more like you can make the Source in a little small so it will glow or less liquid but anyways this is good for the tutorial purposes and it's an idea which you can replicate into something else so now let's move to the texturing and lighting part so let's move to the lighting part and we will do lighting so for lighting in the beginning I shared how you can capture 360 environment so first let me go to the rendered mode and on here I'll change this to the cycle and GPU make sure it is GPU okay you can see with something happening now let's add the lighting so I will go to the boiler Tab and go to the color and choose environment texture open and I will never simply load our 360 environment by the way I will make sure it is available online so you can go simply go and download all the 360 footage and all everything okay and if you want to download this project file it will be available onto my patreon page where you can quickly go and find what this thing is all about and how I think doing things so yeah the blender file will be available on my patreon page now here you can see if you use Focus we have the liquid but we want to change this into the paint so I will quickly drag and create a new sender editor I'll press N I will select the domain delete this and I will add a Effect called principle bsdf and I will load this into the surface and here you can see now let's change the color to something like a you know yellow or maybe a ray type of a paint and I'm gonna in the environment because here you can see our light is coming from this direction over here so maybe I have to create a light also so first let's go to the world Tab and on here I'll press Ctrl this Ctrl T and if I will go to the word Tab and go to the film disable transparent here I can simply you know change the rotation in G Direction so this is the I think the place inside our Hue and saturation and down the increase the value 1.4 it will be little bright and let's add of course effect RGB curves and here I will simply you know boost this just a bit like this and this looks pretty okay to me the next step is I'll go to the object properties I mean object and here you can see we have the shadow going on here you can see this Shadow this Shadow and all so we'll simply create a light so I'll simply shift a go to the light use a sunlight place it here and just rotate the direction and you can see press 7 so rotate the direction around like this with over here okay so you can see and also over here our shadow will blend so this looks so cool I will select the canine last and maybe if you have some textures you can use that and maybe I can just introduce some sort of subsurface so maybe 0.02 Just a Touch like this okay and on this bucket what I can do I can maybe uh you know increase the metallic and down the roughness so we have a chrome type of and finish small tweaks and we're good to go even you can play a more and here you can see we are able to see the emitter so I'll simply but to hide this what I can do I can create a new and here I'll use a value principle value and plug this volume into the value so now it will turn this into a you know volume and now here I'll make the density 0 so it will no longer available over here or maybe we can simply hide it because we already bake the simulation so yeah that's the way you can use and keep things and this looks pretty okay to me render out your animation yeah this looks pretty okay and we are good to render this we can still keep playing and do uh you know we can add a lot of stuff more but this is the basic idea for the rendering what I can do I can simply come to this render settings make sure to render this as a transparent so it will only render the you know or 3D object not the footage and all and and go to the sampling and we can increase the sample to 256 which is you know pretty fine if you want to add anything else in the textures we can you know easily do it like maybe I can introduce some glow and make the glowing texture you know and maybe I can you know increase the transmission so it will turn that thing into some you know transparency object something like that so if you want you can definitely use it and make it but maybe I will you know texture this and before rendering and I will render this so and this is the settings and all and you can go to the output properties and here you can just Define our output very even export make sure it is RGB a so it will export this whole things with alpha or maybe you can go to the passes and here you can you know use a shadow catcher pass so it will export the color pass separately instead of set to catch us separately I am inside of us separately so we can you know play with the Shadow and all this stuff and in last maybe if I'll select this which is by default is Shadow catcher so if you enable this you can see this is a ground so just select go to the object data properties and make this Shadow catcher what else you can do you can create a new material and just change the material little similar to our road okay so the light bounce will be a little similar like over here you will see it will turn them into blue these things will be you can see the blue which we don't want actually so that's why I will keep this a similar color you will see clearly over here so I'll keep this into a little similar color okay the road or even within use the word I will highly suggest go and check out my two amazing visual effect tutorials which I made for the beginners I use the pretty much same workflow and maybe there are something else so yeah once you've done just make sure to you know check the frame from want to well I mean whole duration and just render animation and that's it so uh let me quickly export the animation then I'll see you in the after effect okay before render out animation I thought why not I should add some textures into our can so I go online and I was you know searching some pictures which looks okay and which I can use mainly which are usable but I did not find any so I just open my light and there was a paint bucket already at my home so I used that and I put it on a table and I just simply rotate it and I just took three to four pictures of this so that maybe I can use it and in blender I simply unwrap my model and I project it from view if you project from View and I you know I was not focusing the whole area whole area I only focus the main front part which is visible to the camera and I try to text edit and that looks a lot better one which we are using so let's render out this animation compositing here we are inside after effect and you know you can see uh rendering completed now I will save this project and I will import the sequence here so just double tap so select the first one and choose open exr I exported with multipass right click interpret wizard Main and this changes to 29.97 sorry this composition composition setting and match okay let's drag and drop on top of here and let's go to the effect and control and search extracted R and choose the color and here I will simply add I should call exposure and make it three if you exported as PNG second sequence you don't have to follow this replica simply drag and drop your clip here and you are good to go so I'll put three here and make the exposure one and put the gamma 3 okay now let's go to the white print and make it one point maybe three or something so it will reduce the Highlight mainly controls that you can see all right now the next step is simply enter and change this to the color and Ctrl D to duplicate and the below layer let's rename this is the Shadow and on here just change this to the Shadow and now in this clip if I'll disable we have the shadow information so I'll simply change this to the multiply and now we have our color and also our shadow what is good thing about this like I can simply we can add a cursive effect over here and then I can you know make the shadow more harsh and all you know even I can change the color of Shadow so if I go to the little in a middle like over here here it will Zoom little here you can see the shadow color and this Shadow color is little different so first let's make it little dark and then on here I will just apply Effect called tint and I will choose the black color to similar to this one so you know it can be little little similar we also have this said okay and this will help to blend it more and let's make it a little contrasty okay and I can also apply a fast box blur maybe to make this Shadow a little little just a smooth not too much so let's make it here and it will start to play you can see this is our animation simulation whatever you wanna say and this looks really good here if you see this looks good and in the last you can select the color and maybe apply a selective color and on here select the red one and down this yarn increase the Black Label to make it more red you know you can see also down the magenta or increase the magenta according to you know your requirement in last I can select the footage and apply a selective color and I will quickly change few things I can apply a lumetri effect and just add some contrast in our background to match bomb the shadow maybe or just down the side a little and I can go to the creative and make the Vibrance 60 and make the saturation 90. I can go to the course and here I can also play with the different colors but this looks pretty uh you know okay to me if I'll Zoom so maybe I can if I want I can simply add some fast box Fuller or sharpen into my you know 3D render but for now I will just simply select everything pre-comp and on here I will new adjustment layer and let's apply your own sharp mask and let's make it 100 and here I will just make it 10 or maybe like five I just make it 60 over here also then it will start but I even see and I can also add a new adjustment layer until you can apply alumometric Color on here and here I can change things okay so yeah this is the whole thing I can go to the vignette in last minute and add some viney I think just a bit and let's turn this the half resolution [Music] so you can see this looks really good and I hope now you can you can create and make some stunning artwork just like this using visual effect using these techniques so you can go and check out my other tutorials you can also go and check out my course if you make anything please tag me using Azure rate NBS 3D or hashtag and paste ready so thank you so much for watching this video and you can start if you can close this video just by hitting a like and you can leave your valuable feedback or your thoughts in comment box so thank you so much for watching this video thank you so much for loving me I am interested and I will see you next time this is it for now I'll see you bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: NPS 3D™
Views: 66,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender vfx tutorial, blender vfx, vfx, blender camera tracking tutorial, blender camera tracking, first vfx in blender, in 3d, blender 3d tracking tutorial, b3d, how to make vfx in blender, vfx blender, blender first vfx video, blender vfx basics, blender 3.3 tutorial, Blender and vfx, Blender vfx course, first step in vfx, how to make easy vfx in blender, blender vfx tutorial for beginners, ae2blend, blender commercial ad vfx, CGI Ads Using VFX in Blender, blender cgi ad vfx
Id: FD7Odx8h4aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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