Make your Dirtbike parts look factory! For $10!!!

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what's up youtube fam back at the shop garage whatever guys so the wounded unicorn got um i would say a little bit of uh unwarm welcome to the shop garage whatever the last time that we wrote it so uh if you guys missed a video go back the wounded unicorn uh didn't ride too well the last time i took it out and a lot of the problem was it just would not rev out you would feed it the throttle and it would just [Music] [Laughter] be it was good you know it was really good so what did i do well i can't leave stuff alone i like i want to ride this thing until the day that i decide to break it all down the frame and a lot of you guys i think got a little anxious when you saw that i own this thing now and i've been getting a lot of messages on instagram like please don't cut that thing up please don't cut it up i'm not gonna cut this this is gonna stay a 1991 kx 500 is not going to change i am not going to butcher it um future goals for this would just uh modernize the suspension 100 uh modernize the engine a little bit uh what i mean by that is do a decompress like head what do they call it just a mod decompress mod on the head so it kind of just saves the leg a little bit not that this thing's difficult to start actually it's really really really easy to start which is kind of like what's throwing me off on all this so let me show you what i've done so far oh oh we're recording so guys if you couldn't tell it's like stupid windy here again and cold that's why i'm in the hood but so yesterday i took off the carbonator off the uh the one unicorn here and this is a pwk scribble scribble scribble like i don't know a lot of letters anyways this is just kind of like this is a very common carburetor that was found in the 500 they're great carburetors first of all great carburetors i really wanted to do an air striker uh i've heard so many good things about the 38 millimeter air strikers going into these things so it's kind of what i wanted to do let me show you oh let me show you why so take off the cappy cap pull it slide your slide these are the actual names look at the corners can you even santas it so what i'm showing you on the corners of the slide here is the actual chrome or nickel whatever it is i think it's cremault chromoly coated uh it's coming off like a big time so my theory was is this thing is letting air by if it gets if it gets past the cap that's the other thing so this caps on here there's a little rubber gasket in the cap but it can still suck in air like through the throttle cable housings it's not completely airtight but the other thing was down inside there the emulsion tube where your needle goes through and it lets the fuel come through as you bring up the needle i was afraid that it might be like ovalized or something where it's just letting too much fuel by no matter the so like right now this clip positions all the way down and the theory is with this thing all the way down like like so it still is too rich because uh it's able to pull fuel by through the needle now most of the time easiest fix is just to get a smart car do away with jets do away with all this crap and then just be done with it set it and forget it but instead what i did was i took the carburetor from 99 kx250 this is a parts bike i put on here obviously had to mess with the jetting so this is a pwk air striker 38 millimeter and this is the power jet one now i heard you do not have to use a power jet you do not have to hook it up but it will run just fine without power jet hooked up and sure enough first kick yesterday ring ding ding ding like first kick on the 500 that's that's an accomplishment when you could first kick a 500 right let me show you what else i did so the other thing that was proposed oh just picking up parts off the ground because my shop garage whatever is a disaster um you guys are gonna like this one because this is like straight desperation to get this thing running good so look at my muffler it's like a 125 short muffler right yeah so it's this is literally like what six and a half inches long now it used to be up to there or wait get this oriented right out to there but i cut all that off because this was a spark arrested model where is it there's a stamp it's a spark arrested model what does that mean well it means that it had this huge spark ruster baffle in there that was like a turbine core if you guys are familiar with i'm talking what i'm talking about it's not a screen it's an actual like turbine i'm trying to find the piece i cut out so anyways the reason why the mufflers cut so short and the pipe is nice and loud now it's really loud is because i had to cut that piece of junk out of there and i don't know maybe i threw it away which is good because if i hung onto that that shows that i'm just a dirty scaby little hoarder that keeps every piece of junk that falls through the shop graduated which is typically kind of true it is i mean i'm not i did so this is the spark wrestler core that was in it you guys see how you can't see through it well that's because there is like uh can i get in the light here maybe see there's like a like a fan in there i don't know if you guys can even tell but so it's like a fan shape thing in there but anyways i had a feeling that this thing was restricting exhaust flow maybe this muffler was not even for this bike and just got put on so i had to amputate this much of the housing because the core wouldn't fit inside so i had to like do a lot of careful measuring and obviously i repacked it with new packing material it is very very short now uh it i could tell this is not the right muffler and i did not do that by the way that's horrendous and ugly i did not do that um wow yeah so this muffler is obviously not for it and that might still be our problem but now i know that actually from this junction to the pipe is straight and there's no weird kinks and now there's nothing restricting the flow it comes straight through so i fired it up yesterday ran a lot lot better so i need to get it on the dirt though to confirm that because if it's not guys the reeds are new the carb is vapor honed and all redone new it's nice it might be a stator issue i am hearing from some of the experts on these uh 500s that the stators just couldn't handle the bacon sometimes and they would they would get hot and stop working correctly even though it starts and runs uh the fact that at the very very top end is missing could be could be the stator so i don't have anything to change out with uh took it out and cleaned it but if i mean if dirt wasn't the issue it's you know it's probably gonna be something internal anyways what are we doing today so one of the reasons that uh i didn't turn on the heat on this thing for you guys is this shock is severely blown it was like and i it's not just old tech okay a little bit it's a little bit old tech but the shock would just blow through the stroke super super super fast so we're gonna take this off today we're gonna we're gonna make this thing look like a factory shock with the dirty swing arm because i haven't washed it yet because i was so upset about how this thing ran i was like no you do not deserve a bike wash you stay dirty so at least today we're gonna pull the shock off make it look like a factory shock i'm gonna fire this pig up for you so you can hear the ring ding ding of bog bog and you can see how it sound it sounds so good like loud pipe save lives guide and especially when it's six and a half inches it's it's a wild pipe and it will save lives because everyone can hear me for miles and i don't care about my neighbors because i love my dirt bikes so let's go so the other thing i should probably do today i mean probably is the linkage is like extremely dry free of grease and when you sit on the bike it squeaks like a dog toy um probably because all the linkage is completely dried out so with making the chocolate factory we should probably make like you know the rest of it look factory too let's go oh my gosh it's windy guys it's you know being being in california i should be pretty used to the to the wind and such but it's just not something you ever get used to it's just not i'm hoping this shot comes off like the modern bikes where you kind of just sneak it through the subframe on the other side but holy oh someone forgot grease someone forgot grease when they put this together someone forgot the uh you know the stuff that's hydrophobic and repels water and lubricates and keeps things from binding it's kind of an important step when putting together a bite guys i'd say grease is more important than loctite because i don't know if you guys know but if you use lubricant on threads and this is not like me just blowing wind here like this is true if you guys use a penetrating oil some sort of oil on threads grease included is actually better sometimes than using loctite reason being is with grease or oil we'll just say oil okay with oil you're allowed to get the proper torque spec without the bulk the bolt binding now yes uh like a say a loctite will also lubricate the threads enough to get a proper torque but the difference is is sometimes your bike needs a flex sometimes the bolts need to flex a little bit and bolts will snap in weird places all of a sudden you're like what the heck why'd that bolt snap well it's because it probably had loctite or no loctite or just dry in which case the bolts will bind and break so grease in most cases is better than loctite but there is like places like your sprocket bolts and stuff oh my gosh sprocket bolts are definitely a place for we might need the breaker bar oh my goodness bigfoot must have torqued that thing down to a thousand psi i'm sorry about the wind guys i did put wind muffers on this new camera here so hopefully it's not as bad as it used to be let's get the shock off get it cleaned up and let's make it factory looking just looking not performing just factory looking let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so boys and gargoyles uh the mission the mission of today is just to simply prove that this can be done now this was actually told to me by someone who wants to remain nameless and that's fine i understand alex that you can get a similar result from enamel coating as with cerakoting now don't get it confused here ceramic coating is extremely hard and a lot more chemical resistant and i'll just say all around the right way to do this the reason why i'm picking on the shock absorber of this kx 500 and the linkage and stuff like that is the shock is kind of a low abrasion area except where the reservoir comes out and rubs on your leg but i have a little remedy for that but so this was proposed uh to just try it and so i thought hey if it's worth trying it's worth showing to you guys and if it's worth showing to you guys then it's worth putting extra effort into it to make it right so we're basically doing the exact same process as you would for uh sarah coding where you do a bead blast or in my case a vapor home of the products that you're going to spray you soak them in acetone for 10 to 15 minutes then you heat them in the oven 300 degrees for an hour to let them so it's the same beginning process that it is for cerakote but we're not using cerakote we're using engine enamel why engine enamel well it was told to me alex that the engine enamels are more heat resistant like the cerakote is and like some of the other more expensive coatings are and um when you off gas your material by putting in the oven letting it cook for you know a length of time 300 degrees an hour and then you coat them lightly with enamel engine coat and then you heat them again for an hour and bake them it's a similar look and reaction as a cerakote just basically not with the longevity of cerakote so you're gonna see um scratches probably a little easier and who knows i'm gonna be the guinea pig on this guys so you let me make the mistakes here let me waste my time so let's see what happens i think it's absolutely worth trying it and seeing what happens and see if we can get a good result that lasts i already think it's going to look amazing so we're head right now over to an auto parts store uh one that i know has quite a bit of angel in angel engine coatings and we're gonna pick out some pretty cool colors and uh let's see what we get let's just see what how it looks should look good let's go all right boys and girls and dogs we're just leaving the autozone so this is what we picked up uh vht engine enamel so uh let me show you something that kind of backs up what alex was telling me alex i'm not mentioning your name so back here in the prescriptions it says bake at 200 degrees fahrenheit or 93 degrees celsius for one hour and then of course it gives you all the same it's it's funny it's even the same like prep it says um let's see where is it anyways yeah it says to to sandblast or sanding the surface with 320 grit or equivalent wipe down surface with degreaser wax remover then yeah you mask off what you don't want paint on but i think it's interesting guys so uh not sponsored obviously i just purchased it but yeah so vht engine uh enamel so engine metallic i really dig this color uh we're gonna try it guys we're just gonna send it and see what happens but this should work now going over the directions on this stuff guys i feel like i have to really like point this out right because with any time you're doing a coding you have to be extremely clean and you have to know what you're applying so in this case like we already know you know it's high temperature engine metallic you know that's what it's called right um says this paint is formulated for high temperature and high performance engine applications this unique uh metallic coating withstands uh intermittent temperatures between 650 to 650 degrees fahrenheit oil and gas resistant ideal for engine blocks heads intake manifolds water pumps oil pans and valve covers so they're obviously talking automotive right so engines see a lot of grease they see a lot of oil they see a lot of heat now in the curing instructions one thing i didn't see is it says uh for for added protection applied vht sp-145 gloss clear enamel i didn't really want this to be a gloss application i kind of wanted to be a little bit more satin matte but uh what i've already kind of pointed out and i just want to reiterate it says extremely important after paint is completely dry must be cured to substantially increase the durability of the finish and enhance chemical resistance bake at 200 degrees fahrenheit or 93 degrees celsius for one hour it says do not exceed the heat tolerance of of the least heat tolerance tolerant part inherent heat of engine operation will also accomplish curing finish is not chemical resistant until cured that's a big thing so we might see some big chemical resistance after the stuff's cured so goal is come on come with me here goal is we're gonna we're gonna hit the camera on everything because i love doing that i have i have our shock body i have it already stripped it's been vapor honed looks nice and clean i need to do an acetone wipe it doesn't say to soak it says just to wipe it down but i'm gonna soak it anyway and i'm gonna then heat it let it cool down because it says to spray it between temperatures of 60 degrees fahrenheit and 95. it's a chilly day out here it's in the 50s so i do want to warm it up just a little bit and uh then i'll spray it and then we got to let it sit and it says it can be handled within three hours so um that's a long time but anyways we're going to do it today on this episode so let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah guys as you can tell this thing came out absolutely bonkers i now if you guys have ever rebuilt a shock before right it gets oily it gets nasty i mean when you're filling up the oil it goes everywhere and to say this stuff is chemical resistant is absolutely true um i will say it is pretty good at abrasion resistance too so having said that i'm i'm wanting to test this out a bit more before i fully endorse it back it say you know go ahead guys release the wolves and try it but i thought more than anything i thought it'd be really cool for first just to let me show you guys the whole idea behind it and um see really if there's any validity to it because let's face it guys there's a lot of things out there these days that people just say are awesome and they work and stuff like that but you know they really don't so obviously the big test is going to be right here where you do get occasional boot rub so i am going to actually wrap right here with clear vinyl like they use on graphics i'm going to wrap right here with clear vinyl just to take down the abrasion just to reduce it because i do want to look good and if it does wear through it wears through you know it's definitely not gonna be like as good as what like ahm did on the 325. i'll show you a picture here like come on guys when you anodize it like that and i basically try to copy the color scheme so you know this is for doing it at home on your guys's bikes something you could afford this paint was 10 32 cents so obviously there's more work in the prep you got it you know if you guys don't have a sandblaster or a media blaster or a vapor hone whatever even on the bottle it says a sand with 320 grit so you can get you can do this at home the shock spring was a kicker i couldn't leave it blue so i did vapor hone it down all the way down to bare metal and then i painted it it's um it's a silver it's it's in a it's an epoxy paint um that's actually for shock absorber springs also from the auto parts store so this is an epoxy silver high temp black up here and then all the fixings down here that's all high temp black as well the same it's epoxy paint so we'll see you know we'll put his feet to the fire we'll rub on it we'll put it back in the bike tomorrow and see how it looks but guys i kind of dig this a lot and so you guys know where i even pat or i didn't powder coat it so this is our where did my lighting go holy mackerel well this is my uh easy bake oven right the six dollar 95 so these are the linkage pieces i'll take these out bang them all around hook the metal on everything it's fine this stuff is actually really abrasion resistant i'm kind of digging it i don't think it's going to be as good as sarah coding actually i know it's not and uh so i'll show you guys so these everything fit inside my little my little ovens right the little seven dollar ovens i got from the thrift store and i just i vapor home these two same process cleaned them with the acetone and i think they look killer they look like i don't know i guess if you would see it on the bike it looked like some uh some factory hardware or some you know aftermarket hardware anyway but these are just stock look it okay i mean can you see the glint and glimmer it looks good i am happy with that for sure so we'll get these back on the kx 500 and uh still have a lot i want to do with that while we wait for the yamasaki the towels over it just to kind of keep some things hidden from you guys but the kx 500 conversion guys is coming really soon uh i've been getting a lot of messages mostly from you glenn meyer i know you're watching um about putting this thing on the dyno so the deal with the dyno is i originally had a sponsor that was going to want to fund for their own research the uh the dyno the they were going to pay for it well felon hard times aren't able to do it right now they want to do it next year early next year um i might just go ahead and fund it by myself and get it done because i as well want to know what kind of ponies this thing's cranking out so that video is still coming it hasn't been done yet it is still a goal of mine i want to get the 325 um totally dino because i know it's going to be it's going to be nuts so so i know uh you guys are gonna be curious so again the paint is called uh vht engine metallic uh the color is called burnt copper will you focus would you just focus i'm just trying to get so you guys can see a part number so you can maybe look it up online maybe you could find online cheaper you know but anyways burnt copper um i think they're trying to get to the people who like burnt bronze maybe just a little bit um before i close it down today i want to give a huge shout out to everyone that used that rocky mountain code to buy some stuff for for christmas or for their bikes for themselves thank you guys thank you because i mean i got uh i got the report from rocky mountain today you guys crushed it it's still gonna it's gonna be going on forever guys so i'm going to leave that link right down below in the description uh rocky mountain use that code it supports a channel so much more than you guys can ever know and again thank you rocky mountain for even giving me this opportunity uh to have you guys help out my channel even more i really appreciate you guys at rocky mountain atv shane wilkers if you're watching um anyways guys that is going to close it down it's ill-lit in here it's uh it's late now it's cold i hope you liked it i hope that earns a like from you guys today i worked really hard on it and uh if it taught you guys anything or at least was entertaining to watch give me a like would you and subscribe if you haven't already because yeah it's like freaking 80 of you guys i looked recently who are watching the videos are not even subscribers 80 of you guys and if you love dirt bikes if you love riding dirt bikes beating them up and then rebuilding them to be something awesome again this is a channel here for you guys that's all we do here you don't ever do anything else just directs all the time like all the time every single day of my life dirt bikes so once again guys thank you so much for watching today really really appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart love every single one of you guys i will talk to you guys very very soon that's promise peace out for now happy new year merry christmas all that stuff guys happy holidays uh hoping to see before christmas but if not i love you and i'll talk to you guys then peace out so like i'm saying i put on this pwk38 fired right up and guys if you didn't know i got hooked up with this guy austin over at ap3 he excuse a miss excuse all the stuff so he was cool enough to send me over some products now these if you guys are restoring your old carburetors you're doing the jet kits get an ap3 racing kit i'll leave um his website down in the description use code lund mx20 save you 20 guys and he has obviously a plethora of different colors i like the light pink because it looks kind of like the the oem a little bit uh then he does have like a oem looking blue green uh like a dark blue or a white blue he has red he has all kinds of different colors uh he has a lot of cool stuff on his site like these billet uh anodized these are the fork bleeders guys for your bikes and then carb screws for the idle just trick stuff again guys i'll leave it all down the description but yeah ap3 code london x20 save you some money let's go
Channel: LUND MX
Views: 12,621
Rating: 4.917768 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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