KX500 AF gets closer yet to the dirt

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm walking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's up youtube fam back at it again guys it's clint love with london mx back with the kx 500 conversion the yamasaki right so a lot of you guys been hitting me up and i i feel like i always start every video with a lot of you guys and that's because i do keep up with the comments and the questions i get on instagram now granted i still do have like 70 something unread messages that i will get to it's just it's it's overwhelming it just it's a lot but i can handle it but at the same time a lot of you been asking you know about the backstory on the 500 and of course as always if you want to be filled in as to why we came to this where it came from go back and check out the videos but just to sum it up real quick we picked up this 06 uh yz-450 um down i met the guy down near valencia california near magic mountain and um i bought the whole rolling chassis i'll put it below photo here i put up the whole i bought the whole rolling chassis that motor was blown uh for i think a thousand bucks is what we agreed on and um i knew the engine was blown i didn't know how bad the first intention was to just bring it back throw maybe a set of valves at it a piston whatever whatever broke really and and get it back on the dirt again well when i cracked it open there was a lot wrong there was i mean the valves exploded inside the cylinder head and ruined the piston ruined the ceiling to ruin the head and it would have just cost so much more money and buying piston who know who knew who knews who knew about the connecting rod or the crank bearings or the bottom end in its entirety i didn't pull it apart so i just decided we'll do a transplant so i had this 87 kx 500 that i bought years ago it premiered on the channel years ago um i got it in a trade and um it snapped like three kickstarters on me and the one time i did get it to run to finally start it rep to the absolute moon pinned i couldn't turn it off holding in the kill switch there was too much flame in the cylinder to turn it off and it basically rubbed to the moon until it ran out of gas and um it scared the crap out of me but having said that i decided like okay this thing just needs to come all apart and and rebuild it and i'll put it back in the 87 kx 500 well so i tore apart the entire kx 500 which is actually the frame is hanging up in the rafters along with my mini mini pipe collection but um the the frames up there so i took it over to our buddies over in uh built in california it's a powder coating place cip powder coating i've used them many times and as i was bringing it down to him i was just looking over the frame and it had so many stress cracks all over the frame where it just it literally just it crushed me guys um the old frame was just be not to mention the whole underside of the rails were just trash bent in they're destroyed so i knew that the engine at least was rebuildable we can make it new make it awesome make it run and we did so in the last episode you guys saw that where i just hooked up the essentials put a header pipe on it an expansion chamber i put on our new smart car 40 millimeter smart car but pre-mixed up some reverend oil in our fuel and she fired right off you know and i was so so pleased and it turned out so on the back plate of stator everyone usually goes to the center bolt holes in the stator that's just where it makes sense however for some reason at one point or another in this 500 that stator was changed i did find out the kx 250 stator and back plate i'm not sure what years they came off of i just know it is because i found some photos of a correct stator it looks nothing like it so i just basically lined up where the trigger was on the flywheel and the stator and the time the timing just before top dead center and she lit off within like three kicks three or four kicks it was awesome so now that that's figured out and dialed so having a kx250 stator and flywheel on this tells me that uh someone i don't think it was a performance thing that they're after even though it's a lighter lighter assembly and the cdi is different everything's different but we're gonna we're gonna run it we're gonna test it out see if it works if not then i'll buy the old 87 electronic set for and put it back on it so that's where we're at motor runs and it runs really good sounds nice and crispy but it is loud because i still got a manufacture cobble a little muffler for it and that's it's gonna be a lot of work but your boy can handle it guys you don't understand i am out here in the shop garage whatever every single day and i'm grinding on something um whether it's you know the 90 kx 500 i just picked up the 98 kx 500 i mean i'm working on cylinders i'm trying my hand at uh porting i'm working on doing some different porting on some old they're all junk heads i mean let's be honest they're they're kind of trashed i'm just always honing my craft just trying to do something better with myself here at the shop garage or whatever trying to improve my craft and what i do so anyways now that little spiel's over what are we doing today well guys i removed the air boot now this is a four-stroke air boot from our original 06 yz-450f and well this air boot so you can imagine does not fit on our 40 mil our 40 ml of smart carb it's by far wrong and to point out almost every conversion you will do putting a 500 in something or it really doesn't matter there will be some work that you'll need to do on the air box and i knew that coming in so what did i do i went to our parts bike that the that's a 99 kx250 the motor was taken out of that to be put in the 98 and so now i have this parts bike well i was getting desperate no one's there's a couple people have done this conversion before but i couldn't really find any notes on it so i had to go and do some digging on my own and find out that yes the 99 to 01 kx 250 air boot fits really really close here it is i'll uh go snip this on real quick for it's dirty right now but we're not running it but i'm just showing you this for mocking up purposes she fits see how good mary's on the end of that carb not only that obviously it's going to clear our shock absorber nice and good so right now i am these holes here you have to mount this to the yz450 airbox we cannot use a kx 250 airbox because it won't fit inside of the yz450 subframe right so we are um look at the castings in this those are just crummy gonna have to clean those up um anyways yeah we're gonna use this in in the yz 450 airbox and this i mean for the sake of you can't make this stuff up you got to show it so this sorry about the lighting this is the inner filter cage you know that you guys put your air filter on and the bolt goes through the middle right there well see the shape of that see the shape of our air box looks similar right so putting this in obviously there's no holes i have to drill the holes so i marked on the air boot i marked on the air box where after i i kind of just marked everything up and where it needs to meet again the lighting not very good i apologize wasn't planning on blogging back here but here we are so that's where i have it marked up so it fits into our frame killer right so we're going to drill some holes uh we're going to fit this air boot onto this air box get the air filter situation clean the heck out of this thing because every all the air induction stuff on this stuff is just absolutely nasty so we're going to clean this all up get it mounted hopefully make some mounts for our exhaust we need to work on radiators and guys i mean at that point after after we have all the air induction exhaust and cooling done then that's like what we put on plastic chain sprockets wheels suspension and we're done really really coming fast i mean i make it sound like it's that easy and fast but honestly there's i still got to do brake lines i'll do that all off camera because that's boring you know i got to do all the brake lines i got to do cables and routing and that's not a big deal i still got to do front motor mounts again not a big deal but i just got to do it i have obviously uppers the swing arm and the lower ones hooked in right now um but yeah guys the kx 500 yamasaki is coming along so fast that i am excited we will have this thing easily done quickly here so let's move on so let's go out into the wind here so we got our subframe just marinating this is just a simple green and water we're just going to let this whole air box and subframe everything kind of marinate in this thing for a while because it's all very very greasy and we're going to scrub on this thing with a soft bristle brush and get it looking pretty good again all right boys and girls now that she is mostly complete and there's aside from a cooling system still i'm gonna get to it it's just a lot harder than it looks like just the bolt radiators on the bolts don't match up where they're supposed to go so i have to make it match up where it's supposed to go so but i'm curious for one how easy it starts now uh that it's been cold i haven't started since the last video which was like two days ago and i'm curious if it sounds any better with the exhaust of course it'll sound better right but anyways i just want to start it let's see how many kicks it takes curious that's difficult gas on yep just priming it oh oh yeah i'm not sure how many kicks that was but after i stop kicking it like a little girl then it lights off when i give it one full foot from top dead center she lights right off no problems all right youtube fam so i'm like on day 16 million on doing this and obviously i got a lot done so just take a look at her guys so uh i haven't been showing you a lot on what i've been doing just because it's so time consuming and it isn't really like trying to put myself in your shoes watching this it just really wouldn't be that interesting to watch things like making new brackets for the radiators you know i want to use the existing radiator mounts that were there for the yamaha 450 engine and just make an adapting plate that makes it so i can mount the kx 500 radiators keeping in mind that we need to retain the original mounting positions for all the plastics and so it all looks you know original and it looks like you know it was done well so um next thing i'm going to be doing uh is just finally putting on some hoses running some coolant to it i have you know our new air box the elf air filter in there that's hooked up great you guys heard it run it sounds really good especially with the muffler back on it now i just want to get it off the bench i want to get it on its own two wheels and start it so it's not vibrating everything that's on the bench or it's even on the stand it's kind of rattling on top of the little stand there too so it's just kind of annoying other than that guys i got the feel of the petcock fix it no longer leaks um yeah just a lot of creating mounts brackets things like even for the exhaust pipe you know the expansion chamber right here where it mounts to the subframe making that mount and then one of the other thing too guys is keeping everything rubber mounted as much as possible on the kx 500 because these things shiver a little bit so the more things you have rubber mounted it will keep the vibration down it'll really help with dampening so i've been really trying to focus on things like the muffler uh you know it's it's dual rubber mounted uh just to keep some shiver out of it and um you know the pipe mounts rubber mounted you know just the things you got to think about when building the bike so anyways guys probably gonna close it down here because um i have suspension coming in that's gonna be the next video and we'll get this thing down on its own two feet really excited about that especially to start it when it's on its own two feet i might even be able to click it in gear and up the street real quick even though this is not the final finish phase i hope you guys realize that before you start liking or disliking this video this is all what's called a dry mock-up basically i'm finding where i want to mount everything and then she gets torn back again right on down the frame for the big reveal obviously you guys won't see after that point until the big reveal here on the channel and you'll see with uh what we went with as far as a theme for this kx 500 yamasaki yz450 but guys uh going to be having video real soon coming up on the 05 kx 250 was our i guess our impression of what a 2005 kx 250 would look like if kawasaki was still making um 2020 2021 obviously with some artistic liberties taken into mind and uh so that's gonna be real fun a lot of really excellent parts going on this bike um and then yeah so yamasaki and then the 98 kx 250 which um i've been talking with the guys that era with flap over there at iromoto and he's smashing together graphics that you guys voted on on the instagram channel at lundmx and uh the majority voted and so that's what we're going with so i'm really excited to to show you guys that when i get that in because that bike is like 90 percent done it really just needs tires graphics i think other than all the bodywork and stuff that you'll see but i think it's largely done so that's kind of rad other than that guys uh i'll get you some close-up shots real quick so you can see everything that we did so in here is our air boot it connects to the back of the smart carb there and i worked really hard to make this look as oem as possible uh there's no boogering of any sealant you know when i joined the two i put a sealant in between the permatex all the way around nothing coming out seals nicely and then obviously the air that comes in now isn't gonna get contaminated by anything sneaking by here but that looks real nice the position comes real nice into the carburetor obviously it comes out the carburetors nice straight shot into the cylinder i'm going to be making lower mounts off of this lower engine mount so i have a bolt in here right now because this is what i'm working on as we speak i'm locating so i need to make a triangle mount here for the forward engine mounts and then another mount off this top but we'll go up here to the lower mount to the radiator same thing over there on the pipe side or on the other side i don't know i said pipe side uh what else is going on let's flip to the other side oh and the wheels on i'll show you guys what we had to do here so when i was setting up this muffler and this is again things you got to think about when you're building a bike is when your wheel travels all the way up with the shock in it will it hit the muffler in this case no we have plenty of room so this brake caliper does not impact that muffler which is nice so i had to put the rear wheel on just to get a look at that okay switching over here what do we got to look at over here get this thing centered again uh yeah so um this is the mount i went with on this radiator so on these rear guys again these are in dry mock-up as soon as i have all the mounts made i will take these radiators off clean them repaint them black because that's what they originally came in so re-hit them in the black and route all of our new hoses on here as well um cdi uh you would remember was mounted here i have it mounted in the front now number plate will be here forks and that's great it's out of the way yeah other than that i mean need to put on our new counter shaft sprocket shift lever uh route our clutch cable goes through here to the clutch actuator arm um i need to cut this fuel line shorter but not a big deal that's just i i left a little long not a big deal um let's see what else anything worth noting not really i need to put on the lower chain roller after i get the chain on new sprockets obviously killer sprockets coming i am using this rear wheel getting a matching front i'll give you that guys that much info as far as uh some colors you might see on the final draft but guys that is basically the yamasaki um she's so freaking close to being on the ground right now it's insane um so last video if you guys didn't see that or the video before last i premiered this beauty and some of you guys didn't see when i got this because i got a message like 50 of them on instagram saying what when the heck did you get the kx 500 so i got this from a viewer a long time viewer duster 1970 on instagram real good guy he hooked it up and we ended up buying this 19 i think it's a 91 kx 250. i just went through and cleaned it all up the best i can i had actually before and after photos you go back and check that out there still is a lot of work to be done but right now i just want to get it in a nice sitting position where i don't have to touch it and when i'm ready i can come and spend some time on this i'm really i'm really really excited to get plugging on this thing i put on the steering dampener you know things you got to think about with 500s right like i said 98 i'm just waiting on some things but that thing is almost done and then this is the o5 we're going to finally start putting that together there was a video obviously i put out where we stripped the frame down uh blewed all the welds and cleared it and that thing looks like a showpiece just by the frame itself the worst bike on craigslist guys i've actually been doing a lot to this thing you wouldn't guess but i've been doing a lot to this i know it doesn't look a lot different to you but we have so much awesome things still coming for the worst bike on craigslist um i am receiving a clutch thank you austin from from recluse they're sending me a really neat clutch i can't wait to show you guys for this thing to hold some of this power and really let this thing scream because the clutch that's in it now even though it's a brand new oem clutch it spins when i really feed this thing the meat and potatoes so um reclusive standing over clutch i i want to talk to you guys about the changes i've made to it all good and also talk to you about what this thing did on the dyno because i think it will surprise you as much as it surprised me but i'm not going to leak any of that until i have hard data in front of me and i can show you guys because it's really insane how much power this thing is putting out it blew my mind it rivals of 500 i'll put it that way so anyways a lot of really really good stuff coming up on the channel guys so if you love dirt bikes you love riding dirt bikes beating them up fixing them back again this is the channel for you guys make sure you subscribe and you like the video and you stay abreast of what's going on here at the shop garage whatever because that's going to do it for today love every single one of you guys i can't wait to get this thing on the street dirt i can't wait to get on the ground and when it happens you'll be there i will talk to very soon as promised peace out for now later guys
Channel: LUND MX
Views: 17,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yz450f, kx, 500, kx599, Kaplan, yz
Id: elGoNPwOM0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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