Make your Bafang Mid-Drive Last Longer - BBS02 & BBSHD

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[Music] if you are experiencing increased noise while riding or have more than a thousand kilometers on the bike you should add grease to the motor today we're going to show you how for this job you will need a few tools an eight millimeter hex key a four millimeter hex key a crank puller a 15 millimeter wrench and mobile one synthetic grease for the bb so2 you will also need a phillips head screwdriver always remember to remove the battery before working on the motor using the eight millimeter hex key remove the crank arm bolt thread the crank puller into the crank arm now use the 15 millimeter wrench to tighten the extractor until the crank arm is free from the spindle use the four millimeter hex key to remove the chainring bolts on some bbs02 bikes you will need to remove a plastic chain guard by using the phillips head screwdriver next the motor cover needs to be removed on the bb shd use the four millimeter hex key on the bbs02 the motor cover uses phillips head screws with the screws removed the motor cover can be taken off on the bb shd the main gear will come off with the cover the clutch off of the spindle if it was not removed with the main gear on the bb so2 the main gear and clutch will remain in the motor now it's time to grab the grease always wear gloves while handling grease using your finger pack grease between the teeth of the main gear apply grease to the ratchet ring where the clutch rides as well as the spindle and pinion gear place the clutch into the main gear ensure that the clutch spins clockwise after it's installed for the bb so2 simply pack grease between the teeth on the gears and the motor casing so now the motor cover can be reinstalled on the bb shd the gears will need to be lined up so it may take a few attempts to get it to slide into place just be patient and it will seat properly [Music] so wipe away any excess grease left on the outside of the motor reinstall the chainring using the four millimeter hex key be sure to torque down the chainring bolts in a star pattern after getting them snug slide the crank arm onto the spindle and tighten with the eight millimeter hex key make this bolt very tight as you do not want this falling off while riding finally you can test the motor [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Biktrix
Views: 167,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric bike, ebike, biktrix, bbs02, bbshd, bbs02 grease, ebike maintenance, bbs02 maintenance, bbshd maintenance, biktrix juggernaut grease, ebike motor, ebike motor grease
Id: xyOslcWzMjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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