Make Worship about Worship // Jeremy Riddle // Vineyard Worship Tribe

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hey worship tribe welcome to the third and final video in our little summer series with Jeremy riddle I really hope that you have enjoyed this as much as I have and that you have gone a lot from the wisdom that jeremy has shared and it's not over yet so here we go into video 3 and I hope you enjoy it welcome Jeremy um there are a ton of things that our worship tribe would love to know and hear from you but I want to kick off today with what would your message be to our vineyard worship leaders and our tribe here in the UK and Ireland yeah I feel like I've been called on to address a group of people that I've barely yet gotten to know and I don't know much about I do know a bit about the history it you know on the journey but it's been fun to rediscover what God is is doing and how he's been moving you know in in in the in the in the vineyard tribe and and I love it I guess I I guess all that I really have to share is a bit of my own journey that the Lord's taking me on and and you guys can take whatever speaks to you you know you know in that journey because obviously man so many twists and turns him that turned I could go through where I was raised in the First Baptist Church you know and I was raised with worship being turned to page 363 and everybody sings and you got the Oregon and from that journey to my first introduction of contemporary worship and why Wham and youth with a mission in Kona Hawaii my parents doing this radical thing this crazy departure my dad left his you know law business took his whole family to Y way home and I saw contemporary worship the first time I didn't have any grid but something was something went off inside of me you know and I learned how to play three chords and I learned all the songs most of them were vineyard songs I didn't know that at the time you know and I went on this journey of that being awakened and then we went to a four course core church and then ultimately we my parents just because of their love and their value you know for should they journey took them to Ana when I was a 14 year old boy and it was like we found our tribal you know we found our people and was just so so thrilled to go on that journey and I thought it was gonna be there for the rest of my life and obviously the Lord did so much incredible stuff of form so formed I was there in the middle of God breaking in and worship such extravagance and such his presence being so thick and I was like Oh Lord you took me all the way from New Jersey to you know the west coast and to form this thing to have me formed and there's a very special moment in history and and I'll never forget it it's one of the most important seasons of my life and then going on this crazy journey of getting exposed to the broader body of Christ and and and having a song take-off on the national you know radio and then being exposed to the Bible Belt this new if your strange thing and then ultimately our journey leading us you know up to Bethel and becoming a part of that family and spending nine years with a tribe that had such similarities but such distinctions and such differences and just all all the journey and it's like okay what wisdom you know could I possibly share and I think what the Lord has done in me is I just see something that's much bigger than any one tribe see what the Lord doing it's something that's so much bigger than any any specific set of little local values like the Lord you just realize oh my gosh Lord you are seeking and building and growing worshipers not just a brand not just specific style you are are capturing the globe in worship your uu this thing that you've been seeking from the beginning worshipers who worship this as a father seeking worshipers worship in spirit and in truth with all that they are and in truth like this is what you're doing and you're cultivating us and you're growing this and all over the earth and the Lord has given me eyes to see what he's growing and building in the realm of worship all of the earth and I have learned how to how to not only just appreciate but to be formed by all you know that the the Jesus that I sin all these other movements and my heart is flung wide open to the beauty of the broader body of Christ because in it III think I see the kingdom III I get out of my little myopic boxes of what I've understood worship to be and what I've understood you know you know and these beautiful things that have so formed me but at the same time become come very tight containers for the thing that the Lord actually wants to do and I I'm so grateful you know for that journey and also realizing in that journey because this isn't about any of that I guess I'll say this this isn't I'm so grateful for Bethel I'm so grateful for elevation I'm so grateful for Hillsong I'm so grateful for for all of all of these things but in it I'm looking for the heartbeat-like of what they carry the off you know the authentic thing that they carry that that is that's pleasing to to the Lord at the end of the day and I've just rejoiced in all the little parts that I've gotten to play in different movements and and gotten to see the global church which is the best thing in the world like stepping outside of the Western world of worship me getting to see the global church is the most really exhilarating you know you know thing in my heart's been hungry and I become a student again I guess which is massive of just going like oh I don't know it all okay and and and and I I don't I think it's been beautiful to learn from this but oh my gosh I'm so hungry to grow more and I'm realizing like how many different people carry just beautiful things and one of the things that I've observed on almost every single worship movement that I've been a part of and is that none of them started with it with with a clear defined sense of who they were and what they were about or any of those kinds of kinds of things they all started just hungry they started just hungry for the Lord they started just with that simple sincere desire to see more of God to press in more to know like what what pleases your heart we want to go on this journey what delights your heart and some as I think we need to go in that journey again like as a movement just as a people as individuals sometimes we begin to create all these little define things like we've got it figured out you know and and and and we don't and there's something about just humbling ourselves and going like Oh Lord we just want more of you we just want more of your presence we just want to grow in this thing called worship we don't want to pretend that we're experts anymore I'm no more an expert now sometimes I I sincerely think I know less about worship now than I did when I was like you know 22 years old and knew it all for sure yeah you know and now I'm just like I don't I don't know like lord teach me that kind of songs that are sung before your throne I teach me more about this and I'm less concerned with me figuring out my own identity in my own brand and my own I don't think brands are what it's all about I don't think any that I I think some handles are helpful for just identifying certain things and but all of that ultimate the end of the day it's just going to be about a group of people who are hungry to glorify God who are passionately pursuing his presence on the earth who just want to see more of his activity you know in and through their lives and they want to see him shine through them like that's all that it's about and when we forsake all the other stuff I'm so sick of all the other stuff like I'm just a sec I just there's part of me it's like oh my gosh if we just got in a room and just get like Lord we love you we honor you we worship when we praise you we magnify and we just like forget all the other stuff we come back to this place I'm just letting him wash over us and we're new us like I I think it's sometimes it's like we're we're rapidly entering into a season where I think we need to forget almost everything that we feel like we've known and it goes like well we know that there's more and we know that this bedrock has always produced something beautiful and mighty and you need to purify us again of all the trappings that we've added to this thing called worship you need to simplify this for us again you need to bring us back to the heart of this you had your half - Lord you have to bring us back and you got to let your vibrance in your purity and your beauty wash over us again and so we don't even know our right hand from our left hand we cease to be experts and we just become pure beautiful lovers of Jesus and allow that fragrance to fill the globe because that's all that this was meant to do you know and it's not something it's supposed to be distinguishing mark if just this one little brand of church and everybody else you know it's it's it's always meant to be when God awaken something places his hand a favor highlights a group of people it's always for his church it's always for the whole church it's always he's going like I want to show all yes my bride you're doing something beautifully I want all of my bride to look like this I want them all to share in this it's never just for one group of people anything that God doesn't us is something that he wants to do in the rest of his church because it's about his whole bride he doesn't want one party doesn't want just the vineyard bride he wants all of the bride like all of it and I think the more we carry us for the church and sometimes the last week we spend time trying to distinguish ourselves and simply give ourselves to him marking us him doing the work that he wants to do on us and coming back to that place that's the place of fresh life that's the place of new beginnings that's the place of fresh creativity that's the place where songs flow and and the things and again the vineyard like we didn't know our right hand from our left hand like the group of people meeting broken people meeting in a group hungry for God had no idea that God was gonna transform the globe through their hunger they had no idea and sometimes the less we know about how God wants to raise up and do his significant things of influence the better we are I try and not ever get too lost in my own influence cuz it's never gonna be about that I realize that influence is just the Lord going there Jer you've cultivated something I've done it working on and I'm gonna share it at a broader scale but the second I focus on the broader scale and not about the thing that the Lord is doing is the second I get off track it's always going to be about the the main thing is always going to be about the main thing it's always gonna be about the heart and I've just got pressed in let me just tell you there's a pure refining work that the Lord wants to do like there is something there there's a fresh thing that the Lord wants to do but we're gonna have to repent a lot of things we're gonna have to repent some of the things that we've made worship they were have to repent and and and in some ways even leave some of these trappings behind sometimes songs have become the biggest form of idolatry in the church and I do see their power I I do but there's a part of me that goes like I also longed for the moments of worship where it's just hearts like it's it's it's it's it's just like it is the vibrancy of our passion for Jesus that ignites there no I've been in parts where worship where we haven't even sung songs and it just like the people just begin to worship because it's like the Holy Spirit is moving so powerfully people are just caught up in heaven and caught up in his presence like I get so excited about that and I say man we're gonna see that break forth and so I know the Lord wants to do something fresh I know he wants to pour I know and and and there and I also know this I know that pure worship is always under attack the enemy is always wanting to make it about something else or something else and and and I just I just go we can't let it we have to turn our eyes again at Jesus you know and we have to give ourselves fully to him and and as we do that one simple thing turn our hunger and our affection put all of our unbroken our brokenness or everything we point that back towards the Lord like the Lord's gonna do a fresh thing that's gonna look different than anything he's done before we got a bunch of old wineskins and they won't contain the new wine I can there's new wine coming and it's it's those that I've kind of are able to leave their other trappings like you know behind they just go like Lord just yeah I think the cry of my heart is that the Lord will continue to use me like that I mean you would continue to position you know me and and woo purity is massive John Wimber used to say that you know back in the days you said he's like it's not gonna be the new songs and the new sound test is always going to be character which really comes down to just purity purity will always be the most powerful sound in worship always it's not gonna be the newest most crushing most innovative sound purity will always be and sometimes period will come from the most obscure places on the earth like you know the ones that actually don't actually know what they're doing the Lord delights to use people that don't know what they do because it actually sometimes when we become experts then and then it's it's it becomes it becomes the thing that actually taints us you know and I said the Lord just delights you use the foolish things to shame the wise he delights to take the ones that don't actually ii like paul none of you are high birth no you were nobles you came to the kingdom like it's like the Lord delights to do that in a group of people they use a group of people and and so like I'm excited for the new chapter in their new journey and I know this what John Wimber used to say is the way in is the way on and the way in was just simplicity it was devotion was hunger it was about coming back to the heart of worship and letting nothing distract us from that it was putting away all the other religious forms and things that had just become actions to the heart and just coming back through the heart and I'd tell you this is a whole group of people just starving hungry for someone to just make worship about worship like just nothing nothing than about us presents like nothing just make it about worship again I stopped making it about you know a bunch of things that it's not start making it about Jesus again start making it about his heart start just the start there again and people will come from miles because they're just so hungry people are actually just hungry for Jesus he's enough his presence is enough we don't actually need all the bands and all the kinds of things you just cultivate a place where you can feel his presence he's enough he's more than enough he's more than we can possibly imagine you dis create a space where people can come in contact with just a glimpse of who he is and what he's about people come from house it's always been about his presence it will never not be about his presence and it doesn't matter who can picks up and carries that torch it'll explode because that's what it's about him it's never gonna be about a brand or a movement or that it's always gonna be about him it's about him and when when whoever takes it up and just makes it about Jesus are you gonna watch life with that because he is like he's like yeah yeah worship tribe I know this will be a video that you will re watch and re-watch please send it right into your worship teams and get them to and subscribe to the worship encouragement every month and we would love to be sent in this I are my just so you guys can can get these resources so brilliant thanks so much and we will see you again next month bye
Channel: Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland
Views: 9,578
Rating: 4.9749217 out of 5
Keywords: jeremy riddle, vineyard, vineyard church, vineyard churches, vcuki, vwuki, vineyard worship, worship leaders, worship, vineyard Anaheim, Bethel worship, Bethel worship leaders, worship talk, davids tent, encounter more, Bethel, heart of worship
Id: cvwbc_ss98A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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