⚠️ If You Want To Make MONEY With Blender

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hi everyone welcome back to the channel so today we are going to talk about this technique that used a lot in the fashion industry mixing photo with 3d render you can get a lot of technique in this video so let's take a look what's the reference so as you see like this kind of image that you might see a lot in the instagram we can make that i think this technique very useful and contain a lot of knowledge in the blender so even you don't really doing this you can learn a lot from this video so today i'm talking about the principle of this technique so i will not get into too much about how to design this particular look but in the next video i will talk about more about the design of this and i have developed a very useful curve sculpting tools so i will show that in the next video let's get into it so first you gotta find your image to work with you can go to like a pinterest and find a relative clean image clean background and clean face so just find image and save and we have to bring the image into our blender set your 3d viewport with your camera and just drag your image into your 3d viewport in this case you will get your image on top of your camera viewport but the ratio is off so let's change that either you can just click here fit so it will fit in your camera in the correct ratio but uh it's best you change your resolution as same as the image so this image is 1000 by 1500 [Music] so in this case it will fit perfectly with your image if you want your image to be bigger you can change that in the photoshop before you drop to the blender now we got this and now we have to use a 3d human model so you can use any 3d human model just post your 3d model to be as same as the image so let's make some change for that so you can like make your camera closer to fit now the 3d model is blocking the image so go to your camera setting and within this setting background image and set this to be front and you can change the opacity to be like whatever you like maybe lower a little bit like this so now we just like keep changing the angle to fit this human body to be good enough something like this it's not like a perfectly aligned but now it's okay and now we change some post to fit the image so if your image is like a whole body and just change the whole body to have the same pose as the image that you're using and like the face angle you can see the eyes is around here you don't want to keep changing the opacity you can just open this image and put it aside so you can see what it looks like and sometimes you might still want to change your camera angle okay now i think the post is good enough so now we make a very simple scope for this body so before we scope you can just like directly scope on this body but i'm suggesting you can make a blend shape and make a name like mode and drag this to be one in this case the change that we scope will be applied on this blend shape so we will not change your model directly so all these blend shapes come with this the human model i have don't worry about that just create your own blend shape have to set this as one so you will see what this will do so now let's scope this and show you an example what is the blend shape work so if i scope something like this and that if i drag this blend shape so that's what the blend shape do so that's how i like is like more safe so now we just sculpt this to fit this image because we only work with a flat image it's not like 3d animation right so the proportion or the perspective is not very important you can just like drag whatever just fit this image don't have to worry too much about the both side but if you're making an animation you have to consider that so let's just do that so maybe now i will like this image looks more clear i can drag this [Music] especially like this outline of the 3d model it's very important to fit with the photo and if this lighting is not perfect for you to see you can change something from here like different lighting material it depends on how the accuracy you want you can model this very roughly or you can make it very detailed and to fit your human photo perfectly it's all depend on how perfect you want i'm closing the eyes because we don't really need the eyeball we can close the eyes and later we can paint the image on top of that so remember to keep changing the opacity because sometimes you might miss something like the nose because we might have something like go behind the 3d model so this outline is very important basically okay but of course you will see your 3d model looks a little bit weird so just you can smooth out things a little bit make it looks a little bit better it's not very important most important is from this angle and if you know how your face looks like like this left cheekbone if you know it's like really sharp you can do something for that it might give you some better result but again it's not the most important thing it's just like how close you want to go to the perfection like the ears we can spend some time because we might make some like a ear ring or something around the ears so if we have perfect fate it will looks better okay now for example maybe we will like that cheekbone to be like a close more close to the model we can do something about that even this is the back side you can do something about it just like it looks a little bit better okay so that's what we have so you get the idea just like you have to make the structure similar to this body okay so if you have some clothes you can just like drag your body feed your clothes and next we have to project this image on top of this human model and we use that as the source for the reflection or for like a transparency okay now we finish sculpting so let's make a material for this body so i make a basic material for this body so the whole body is applied on this material so now we can make some texture paint so let's go to your texture pant section and i would like to one more workspace for material so go to the material so this is how you make a projection painting to your body first we need to create a image texture images texture and just drag this with base color and set this to be new and maybe i think 2k is okay just set this to be 2k because we don't need very detail for this so i will call this skin okay the audio setting is okay so now we have like a black image applied on this body and now we have to make some stamp now go to this part and when you're on the brush click new and select this reference image and now go to this tool setting and now go to the brush setting and this texture we open that and change this mapping to be stencil this and now if you hover your mouth you will see this image appear here the ratio is off so click this so now we can use this image to paint on top of this and just like a right click to drag this and shift right click you can make it like a bigger or smaller and just like uh put it fit and you can even like turn on here and to see this image to make them like a perfectly align with each other now it's actually on top of this body so just like a brush and you can set this to be this skin image so you can see what you paint over here so now just like a brush [Music] make sure you cover everything okay so now we have pen this image on top of this model so you can see this result like this and make sure you have saved this this image not the project file you have to save this particular image that we have penned so when you see this part it says image right and these have like a star sign it means you have not saved so just click here and save we can name that and his name skin is okay so we just save that and after you save that the star sign will disappear but if if you make some change you will still see the star sign so make sure you have to save that because it will now automatically save or you can click like option s so you will save and now we've already panned this that is good and we can make some like a little bit adjustment so click this because it's only appear over here the part you can see so all here are black so make it like a go to the back a little bit more so just use this to drag a little bit okay so some part we can use this clone to clean up a little bit so if you click like a control and you click you will see your 3d cursor appear like a different place and this place will be the place that we can clone let's make this image a little bit cleaner it don't have to be perfect it's only used for the reflection and this um transparency so it will not directly to see that so the idea is like make it a little bit bigger than what your original stamp on so you can pick up some more color when it gets some like a reflection or transparent so after that make sure you have to save your image okay so in this case when we close the file it will come back after you save that we finished a very important part and now let's take a look at this image so this is the image and that's what we got so let's make the environment a little bit fit with this image so first let's change the background color as same as this image so pick up this background color okay and now we can change some lighting we can go to the cycle it will looks a bit better we need to change the lighting relative same as this photo so let's do that so just rotate your light source just like rotate it and to see the shadow make it to be [Music] as same as the lighting make the shadow fit with this place and change the angle of the light how sharp is your image shadow you can make it like as same as that but you can make it sharper first and now this case we can see more clear like how the shadow go you can also see the nose okay so now we can make the shadow softer we got the background and we got the shadow correct the lighting is correct so now we have set up our environment now we are actually putting things on top of this model this is the least important part of this tutorial it's all about what you want to show so it's kind of like you can do everything it's free so i'm just giving you some examples some tricks first we might put some saphir on top of this face we create the echo sphere obviously it's too big so let's make it smaller so now we have this sphere you can put it like anywhere what i want to do with this sphere is put on her face right subdivide a little bit and set this to be smooth and we give that material so material little one so made it to be like a transparent we just drag this sphere or any object from here to the 3d viewport you will see this like a square so it will it will put things right on top of the object that you connect to so in this case we can just like keep dragging or you can use the method that we use in the last blender tutorial is like a used curve to draw things on the face right let's quickly build a very basic one so we create a curve first and we create a plan and use geometry node and we drag this curve into this geometry node and we will replace that okay i said this to be relative and we use curve to mesh and use a curved circle and make it like a thinner i set it to be thinner and fill the gap so now we got this tube and we can just like uh draw things using this curve let's delete vertex and set this to be surfers so if we draw things it will be appear on the face so you can either draw it from this direction or you can just like draw it like from the 3d viewport and we can give this a material that material set material and we can also give this to use this and maybe we can remesh this [Music] we can set this to be even thinner okay so now we can just keep drawing things i'm just showing you example that you can like do things like this or you can like further edit this like using the vertex this is just an example to show you so it's your own design you can design like a mask or anything so now we see these things on top of this 3d model it's not on top of the picture so now if we bring this image back from this camera maybe your is in the front so switch is this to the back if we turn off this body the things it looks kind of like on this picture but it's missing a lot of detail all this like you see this shadow or even like this like a shadow detail and also color for the transparency he all will be missing because it's only pick up from the environment so what we will do is actually set this to be shadow catcher so now we select this body just click this part and we find this visibility and you will see this shadow catcher so just click on that you will see something like this so your body will be disappear it just set as a shadow catcher so it will cast the shadow or this shadow will be here as well i know this color for transparency and for the reflective so if you set this to be metal you will also cast this reflection but now we still have this shadow from the model itself like you see the nose and the mouth and this from the jaw so actually we don't want that we only want the shadow from the object so now if we go back to this part this visibility and here is like a shadow if we click on you will see all this part it's kind of like a disappear it will become very weak sometimes you have to click it several times to make it work just click here if it doesn't work you just click like two more times so now we only have the shadow from all the object you see hold the shadow from here and the nose and the lips are disappear so that's what we want but now we still don't see the background so be able to see the background we need to go to the here the camera setting and go to the film and there is like a transparent click on there we can see the image so now we actually have all what we want we have the shadow we have the reflective from the model itself you can see the model becomes transparent you only cast the shadow and it gives out the reflection and the transparency to pick up so that's what we want but you might think the color is a little bit off that's because of the color space so if you go to this also the camera setting this color management your might be standard if your is tender it looks more colorful but personally i would like to use filmmaker because it gives more depth for the color to work in the compositing part so i said it to be like a filmmaker for now actually we have everything we want and we can try to render this so that is the result we got for the render so let's see in the compositing section so now we click here into our compositing section and want to use a viewer to see what we're working on over here that's what we got and we bring this image and just pick this image over here and we use a alpha over this alpha over this image that we render have to be on the bottom and the reference image have to be on the top so now we actually compositing them together so that is basically what we want but we can make it like more detail more layer to work with we can break down this object and know this shadow to be separate so we can work with them individually we can give them different brightness or different like a color hill or anything so let's see what we can do about that go back to the viewport and we go here view layer and inside of this view layer section there's a letter passes and the gold is light and we click on this shadow catcher and also this ambient occlusion so we click both of this and we can try to render again but before that i would like to give the material a little bit color so we can see something might be working so maybe i give it like a blue okay now we render so now let's go to the compositing so now you can see you have this ao and the shadow catcher let's see what it looks like so that is the image that we got without the shadow catcher so it's without the shadow so that is the shadow and that is the ao so we got these two that we can work with let's worry about this shadow first so now let's use a mix and set this mix to be multiply and we multiply this shadow catcher and this image so now we have this image this object and the shadow separate if we use a hue to control brightness okay so we can change this individual and also we can change it to the shadow catcher so we can change them in like individually because we have give this object color so we can change the hue for the shadow like maybe you want the shadow have like a different color if what you make is like a really fantasy stuff the shadow don't have to be the same color as the object so you can use any note to compositing the different path and remember we still have the ao let's use another mix and we mix with this image so plug these two together and set it to be multiply so now usually set it to be like a one but in this case this object is like a glass actually i will prefer set it to be like a minus it's actually make this part even brighter i feel that it's looking better maybe one is too big maybe minus zero five just give a little bit brightness it's kind of like the brightness pick up on the skin so now let's take a look something around here so there's one thing in the viewport that doesn't show it will not show the color of the shadow so if you see here it's only like a black area and you will not see this like a blue pickup from the shadow but in the render there is actually color for the shadow it's actually blue so just keep in mind you will get the color when you render so it's very nice because the color is actually will mix with your background image so it's like a super realistic so to make thing looks even more realistic we can give it some depth of field so if you see the shoulder it's actually have the depth of field so let's do that so let's go to the camera and turn on the depth of field [Music] so just pick a object in your scene that have the most focus maybe on the nose okay so in this case maybe we will like object on the shoulder so it will give like the best result that we can compare so let's take a look at [Music] so if i see this sphere on the shoulder it looks perfect with this shoulder right so maybe that will work let's just take a look other place good idea you can use depth of field make it like a more realistic make things that really belong on the same environment and now we can use something like a bigger object not just on the face we can have some object around her head so if you use like a donut like this around her head and something is behind her head we will get things like this so like all this part is actually pick up the correct like a translucency and the object behind will be black out from the shadow catcher so let's try to render that again one thing about the color management it's something that i'm not fully understanding so now if i set this to be standard the result will be actually very colorful but if i set it to be filmic it will be very dim and you have to export this to photoshop and make some color management in the photoshop and you will get the best result so it's like how professional you are you can use like a filmmaker and make some compositing in photoshop or you can just use standard to get this like a very colorful result right in the blender either you can save this image right away or you can save this image individually you can save all this path individually and you work this in the photoshop it's up to you so that is the output we got this is being touched in the blender and this is the original so that is everything but i have like two bonus tips i want to give you guys one is for the color of the shadow we can change the color of the shadow individually not using the compositing playing the shader and it will give some pretty interesting result so if we go to this material for the object and we use a [Music] light path make shader and also a transparent drag the shadow ray to the effect and we just like put this to shader [Music] so if we give this transparent color and now we change some color of this maybe we give like a very light color make it more like a transparent so now we if we change this to be like uh let's set it to be green first so now actually changing the color of the shadow you will not see here because it's like i said you will not see the color of the shadow in the viewport it will only be visible when you render so let's see what if we render that so that's what we got but let's see the capacity i'm giving you this like a most extreme example so it looks a little bit like crazy but you get this idea if you control the shadow individually you can get something a little bit interesting but it don't have to be so extreme you can make it like very subtle like this you make it like a darker because it's a shadow and you can make these two color a little bit similar so if like this it might looks more natural so like this looks much better looks very natural and the color is different but like before if you only like change this color from the compositing you will not get this like this part the shadow is actually mixing with the object so this looks much better and if you see all this the shadow is all following with the structure it looks super realistic okay so now one more it's about the glare effect that a lot of people ask me actually i have talked about this before but now i'm doing one more time so using this glare [Music] if you see here you can see that so make it more stronger like a longer this part it means like uh it go very long and now we would like to be six so if you set to six you will get like a diamond phone and you can turn some angle you can give some color and this is like the quality of it i will set to hi the color it means if you see here you can see this rainbow color right so this this color means this so if i set it to be 0 it will be only like a pure white so if you give some color you can get some like this rainbow color [Music] and you can set this to be lower so depend on how big is if you set it to be one only the brightest part will have this glare effect if you set this to be lower darker plates also have glare yeah so that is everything thank you for watching and i will post this file in my patreon and don't forget to subscribe so you will not miss the next video see you next time bye bye [Music]
Channel: NENGHUO
Views: 739,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, Tutorial, Geometry Nodes, Curve, 3d, Effect, Render, render, CG, GeometryNode, VFX, Art, Procedural, #photography, Money, virtual, virtualreality
Id: fU1-Xn1TMj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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