Blender 3D - Create a 3D Isometric BEDROOM in 15 minutes | Beginner Tutorial

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in today's video we'll start with modeling the bedroom then lighting adding materials and finally how to make the scene look better i tried to make this tutorial beginner-friendly but i'll be using some keyboard shortcuts throughout the video so if you aren't comfortable with that you can watch the 10 minute blender guide video first also if you are an intermediate blender user you can set the playback speed a bit higher from the bottom right corner i hope everyone who will follow this tutorial get something out of it anyway without further delay let's get started take the cursor to this region then use the left mouse button to orbit the view like this use the hand icon for panning the scene left right up or down and use the magnifying glass icon for zooming in or out we will start with a completely empty scene so select everything in the viewport with a then press x to bring up the delete menu and select delete to delete them first we will add a mesh plane in our scene so press shift plus a and select plane under mesh now head over to modifier properties and add a solidify modifier increase the thickness also add a bevel modifier to remove the sharpness lower down its amount value for the flooring i'll create some wooden planks but instead of adding a new mesh object for it let's duplicate the previous plane added press shift e to duplicate and right click to cancel the movement enter edit mode with tab then make sure everything is selected by pressing a and scale it down with s and x to restrict the scaling on x-axis exit edit mode and move this up with g and c lower down the thickness and adjust the beveling as well press g and x to move it on x-axis now we need some more planks but instead of duplicating it several times we can add an array modifier so select array modifier and then increase the count value also increase the factor value to create a gap between them now we need to create the wool so press shift today and add a cube enter its edit mode with tab and enter phase selection mode by pressing three select all the faces except the last two you can select multiple faces by holding the shift key press x and delete faces now select all with a and move it up then in object mode add a solidify modifier and give it some thickness and if you see the model from the top view you can tell it's not even so mark the even thickness option here just plain wall looks a bit boring to look at so let's add baseboard to it but to work with this model in edit mode we will need to apply the modifier first so apply the modifier and in edit mode add a loop code in the middle with control r and right click to cancel the movement then bevel it with ctrl b with that done enter face selection with three then alt left click on the face to select face loop press plus c and select extrude faces along normals then add a bevel modifier to it as well currently the walls look very empty so let's put some photo frames on it select its side face and duplicate it with shifty right click to cancel the movement then press p and select selection to separate it select the new mesh in object mode and enter its edit mode scale it down then press c to extrude and then i to inset extrude again enter x-ray view with all plus c this will let you select vertices at the back as well select all with a and maybe adjust its position with g duplicate and select the bottom vertices then move those up duplicate once again exit x-ray view and adjust the bevel amount now let's add a shelf on the other wall duplicate the side face then scale it down adjust the position extrude and with cursor on top of any selected part press l to select a mesh then press p and separate it now let's create the bed we will start with the bed foundation so add a plane move it up and scale it down inside edit mode then extrude it down add a bevel modifier to it and increase the amount and number of segments then to create footboard simply duplicate it and place it above then in edit mode scale it down in y-axis and move it in the y-axis as well in the front view enter x-ray and then add some loop cuts select the middle vertices press o to turn on proportional tool and then use the mouse wheel to adjust the influence disable the tool then select the bottom vertices and press s z and 0 to straighten them out and then move them down select the top vertices duplicate them and then extrude them up now right click and select shade smooth also adjust the bevel then instead of duplicating it to the other side add a mirror modifier to it here change the axis to y now let's create the legs so in top view set the cursor near the back corner and add a plane scale it down in edit mode and then extrude it up on z axis add a bevel modifier to it then add two loop cuts in edit mode box select the vertices with x-ray enabled so vertices at the back also get selected and then move it to the right to get a smoother curve i'll left click on it to select the edge loop and then ctrl b to bevel them now select the top face extrude and then scale it down press shift and s for snap pi menu and select cursor to select it then add a uv sphere scale it down and maybe move it up on c-axis shade it's smooth again now add a mirror modifier to it set the mirror object as the plane and mirror it on the y-axis as well now duplicate this plane to create the mattress and move it up scale it down and then apply the scale with ctrl a then to create the blanket enter its edit mode select the top face and the side faces duplicate using shift e and then scale it down press p and select selection to separate it then press alt c and extrude it along the normals now to create the pillow simply duplicate the mattress and then scale that down to create a pillow shape geometry after applying the scale enter edit mode then add some loop cuts and presses to scale them now let's add a table near the bed so place the cursor over here and add a plane extrude it up and then maybe scale it down on x and y axis duplicate the top face and scale that up then extrude it add a bevel modifier duplicate the top face scale it down and move it to the corner extrude it down press l on it to select it and separate it then add a mirror modifier to it in edit mode enter x-ray view select the bottom face and move that up i also want to create some drawers in this table so let's create those select the front face and add a loop cut select the two faces and press i to insert it press i again to inset individual faces scale them down a bit and then extrude inside duplicate the faces again and extrude them out extend the bottom face a bit more and then inset the top face and extrude it inside so it looks like an open drawer now set the cursor to the face and add a uv sphere scale it down and move it a bit to the front then duplicate it and move it down to the bottom face now let's put a table lamp on it so place the cursor on top of the table and add a uv sphere scale it down select the top vertex and press o to turn on the proportional tool and then press g and z to move it down delete the vertex and alt left click to select the edge loop extrude it up then place the cursor there and add a cylinder before clicking anything head over to the operator panel and change the number of vertices to eight scale it down and disable the proportional tool scale it up press shift plus c to restrict the scaling on z axis also scale down the top face now let's create some objects to put on the shelf first let's add a potted plant on this side so place the cursor on the shelf and add a cylinder change the number of vertices to 32 and scale it down then move it up select the top face and scale that up extrude scale extrude inset extrude again and scale down add a loop and scale that up then add a bevel modifier and shade it's smooth now add a uv sphere change the number of segments to 16 and scale it down then scale it down on x and y axis only then in the top view press forward slash to isolate it so we don't have any interference from other objects then select four edge loops and scale them down and shade it smooth as well now shift select the pop to make that active press control plus p and select object to make apparent to the plants so if you scale the pop the plant gets scaled as well now let's add some books so duplicate the shelf and then adjust its scale to match that of the book and then also adjust the bevel amount now duplicate it and rotate it in the z axis but in order to that easily we need to set the origin back to geometry so right click and under set origin select origin to geometry then try to rotate it another thing i will add here is the youtube silver play button maybe this room belongs to a big youtube creator so add a cube and scale it down then scale it down in y-axis to make it thinner then duplicate it scale it down and move it to the front with cursor set to center at a cylinder change the number of vertices to three and set the alignment to view then scale it down also rotate it select all three and press control plus j to join them together rotate a bit and move it to the front now let's also add a rug near the bed so place the cursor there and add a plane then scale it down and in edit mode extrude it up a bit now add a camera to the scene then head over to view menu align view and select active camera to view then in output properties change the resolution to something square and with the camera selected go to camera properties and change the type to orthographic with g you can adjust camera position then change the lens value now add a plane and scale that up for the scene lighting add an area light increase the power and increase the size then move it up on z axis in the top view duplicate this slate and place that at the back to illuminate that area select the walls and then head over to material properties click on new then under base color choose a color from the color wheel i will simply put the hex value of the color i originally used then to add a separate color to the walls enter edit mode select the walls and in material properties click on the plus button to add a new material slot hit aside then add a new color after adding materials i felt the wall shelf was looking too small so i selected all of them and scaled them up then head over to render properties and change the render engine to cycles then to make the scene look better scroll down and in color management change the look to high contrast and maybe increase the exposure as well then turn on render t noising option so you don't get a noisy final render and then head over to render menu and select render image now it will take a few minutes or a few seconds to finish the rendering depending on your computer hardware after it's done under image select save as in the file browser select the filter where you want it to get saved name the image and click on save this image now you can close this window down then in order to save this project so you can access it later head over to file and select save as select the folder where you want it to get saved name the project and click on save as that concludes this tutorial hope you managed to follow this one i would really love to see your final results if you decide to share it on your socials tag me in your artwork so i'll be able to see it thanks for watching till the end hope to see you again
Channel: 3DGreenhorn
Views: 271,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 3d art, 3d art, 3d design, 3d game art, game art, blender beginner tutorial, blender making 3d art, bedroom, making your first 3d art, making a 3d artwork in one day, room blender tutorial, how to make a 3d scene, modern bedroom, computer graphics, computer graphics software, tutorial, how to, make game art, making a 3d bedroom in 15 minutes, game, blender first model, first 3d scene, blender tutorial, blender guru
Id: yCHT23A6aJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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