Make Stylized Renders In Blender With GREASE PENCIL

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so you want to create comic style renders and free and open source software blender the solution grease pencil and a couple other handy tricks first some setup open the render properties tab make sure that you're rendering an Eevee scroll all the way down to color management and since we aren't trying to make anything look realistic change the view transform from filmic to standard we can tweak the contrast later with the look drop down but for now we'll leave it at none this will make our colors look much better in the final render next we need some poppy tune Shader materials for our objects in the scene click your object and go to the shading workspace in between your principled bdsf and your material output node place a Shader to RGB node and then after that a color ramp node in the viewport it looks like nothing has changed but everything has changed if you move your handles on the color ramp there suddenly we're getting somewhere and now we can change the colors move the handles adjust it all on the Fly even add new handles for more effects if you're going for more of a cell shaded harsh line look change the color interpolation from linear to constant now we're really really getting somewhere add all the objects you want an outline on to a collection that we'll call outlined now add a grease pencil blank to your scene we'll name it outline go to your timeline and make sure the object's keyframe is on frame one now go to the modifiers Tab and add a line art modifier make sure the source type is collection and add our outline collection you can set the layer to GP underscore layer and the material to the default black here we can change the thickness and the opacity if you want to have a different color go to the materials Tab and change the base color to whatever you want go to the object data properties and uncheck used lights so your color isn't affected by shading to fix the lines clipping into the geometry go to the object properties viewport display and check in front much better in the line art modifier we can check and uncheck any options for the kinds of lines that you want to show and as you can see the outline will always render from the camera's point of view so you can move the object or the camera and the outline will always be there as predicted one weird bug of this modifier is that when you have intersections checked it will show lines on intersections even on objects that aren't in the collection here's how you fix it scroll down the line art modifier in the intersection pop down check one of these boxes now the intersections are gone to bring them back scroll down open the chaining drop down and check intersections with Contour this brings back the outlines only on the objects that are in our outline collection don't ask me how it works but we have to do weird things sometimes if things ever act in an unpredictable way go back to the solid View and then go back to rendered view that'll fix things right up now we want to be able to draw additional details onto our object and to do this we'll add another grease pencil blank we'll call this one detail and with the blank selected we'll change the object interaction mode to draw mode to get the lines to stick to the geometry let's change the stroke placement to surface and offset to zero make sure that your strength is one we can draw away and not just from the camera angle we can draw from any angle we want but now we're having the same problem as before with the the outline it's clipping into the geometry and if we make a display in front lines on the back side of the object will show through and that's not what we want is it so instead of checking in front here's a little trick credit to this tip goes to Pro grease pencil artist Sophia Jad track check her out in the description click on the object you want to draw onto press Ctrl a and apply all transformations go to the modifiers Tab and add a solidify modifier change the offset to one now we can draw right on the object with that extra padding to keep things from clipping turn that modifier off and look everything's in front you can do anything to the grease pencil object that you can do to a regular object so you can parent it to your object so it follows it around or go into edit and sculpt mode and change it that way and before I go I have one more tip for you if you want to get that jittery flipbook hand-drawn look on your lines here's a really easy way to do that on the grease pencil object you want jittery add a noise modifier change the randomization steps to however many frames you want to wait before the line changes now you can change every aspect of how you want the noise to affect your lines in the modifier to get this neat water looking effect effect I changed the position the thickness and the noise scale but you can tweak all these to get the effect that you're looking for now play your animation and look all that hand-drawn detail just from a click of a button and you can add this to your outline too so that's it get out and make your own hand-drawn looking Comics all in 3D [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: PlanetaryLuke
Views: 144,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, render, grease pencil, tutorial, greasepencil, how to, tips, tricks, animation, easy, tutorials, cel shading, cel shaded, modelling, lazy tutorials, ian hubert, npr, toon shader
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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