Make Images Come to Life with Leonardo AI's Image-to-Motion Magic

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so leonado AI just released their own image motion feature which essentially allows you to add motion to any AI generated image turning it into a 3 to 4 second video so in my recent live stream I upgraded my leonado subscription to The Apprentice plan and I gave it a fair test so in this video I'm going to show you a step by step on how to use this tool I'm going to show you some images that I generated within 1 hour of testing and then I'm going to tell you what I like and dislike about the overall application let's get into it so this is the homepage of leonado AI I'm just going to Showcase a little bit of the user interface so at the top it actually gives you all of the tools that you can use with this application the two that were mainly using is image generation and at the right here it says motion so when you scroll down it actually gives you all of these recent Creations created by the community one thing I like is how easy it is you can just click right here it says motion and you can now hover over the different images and you'll see these are some of the images that have been created by the Community all right let's get started so we want to click here which says image generation now I know there's a lot going on but I'm going to explain all the stuff that I use I'm going to give you guys a step by step now on how to do it so at the top here this is actually the section where you can input The Prompt for the image you'd like to generate now one thing I do like is over here on the left when you click these dice it essentially gives you the option for new random prompt let's click on that and see what image it generates one thing that I like is that it provides you an example of a prompt it only takes like seconds for it to generate and also this doesn't cost any tokens at all and if you're not happy with the prompt it generated you can wait 3 seconds and just click it again I'm not going to read The Prompt let's just see what it produces but over here where it says fine-tuned model this is the option now and I love how it's just a drop- down box and it gives you all of the options that you can select these are obviously the paid options that the free subscription doesn't give so I actually tested all of the Alchemy V2 models to see which one produces sort of the most realistic results I'm going to go with um Leonard Vision XL just to Showcase I think this one produced some good results all right so we've got that selected now we want to come here I went to cinematic most of the time because I want it to produce a very realistic image now on the left here you can select how many images you'd like it to generate I selected three obviously the more you select the more that it's going to take out of your tokens make sure you've got Alchemy selected here now for the resolution I actually just went here and clicked 16x9 and it's automatically set the resolution for me but let's generate this image and let's see what results we get whilst the image is generating is it's actually got a timer here and you can actually see how long it's taking you can see there it took less than 30 seconds so these are the images it generated like and just remember guys we selected the auto prompt and I didn't even read it but it's produced these results okay so I I'm not going to add motion to this image it was really just to show you guys how to just generate an image I'm going to go now to chat GPT where I pretty much provided some instructions so all I wrote was provide me prompts for Leonardo AI we want to generate images and then add motion to them so provide prompts that will generate images that look amazing once motion is added like water clouds Etc make them breathtaking so I'm just going to ask for more examples now and then we're going to go back and we're going to provide these prompts to the actual image generator all right so it's provided me about eight prompts I'm going to grab five of them and I'm going to generate all of them and sorry just a correction I wasn't using Leonard Vision XL I did use it but I actually got better results on this one Leonard diffusion XL all right so there you go I've pasted all of them now so they're generating one thing I really like is that it can generate five images at one time if you have the subscription plan model so all the images have been generated now it took literally for those five images less than 2 minutes for all five images to to be generated so I'm going to pick the best out of the three images for each prompt that I generated and then we're going to add motion to them so the first one a narrow Cobblestone Alleyway in an old European town so this is the first image this is the second and this is the third all right so I'm going to go with this one so we just want to click here where it says generate motion video which is so easy and then it takes you here gives you the option for motion strength and visibility if you want to Community to see your post now the motion strength this is the important part um I was testing it I tested it with one I tested it with 10 tested it with five seven I feel like I got um probably the most consistent results using five uh this may change in the future but just to give you an idea start at five and just see what what works but I I got sort of the best results on five so let's generate that it cost 20 25 tokens so the next one is the early morning scene in the highlands let's go with this one the next one is a pristine tropical beach as the sunsets this one's actually very beautiful I'm going to go with the second one okay so same thing generate boom next up we have a vibrant night mark it an Asian City this one's going to be good because we've got a lot of people so I want to see if it's able to create the movement with everyone we'll go with the second one and the last one we've got a peaceful Suburban street I'm probably just going to go with the one in the middle all right so the results for the first one's already done so let's click onto it and let's have a look so what it's actually done is that the people over there are now looking like they are walking towards me and also as well the actual camera itself is also moving forward this results not that good um but I'm just giving you an idea as to what it's done let's have a look at the next result we're not seeing any motion there with the deer so definitely not necessarily a good example either I want to see movement with the deers I want want to see movement in the grass and I also want to see movement in the clouds in the back as well so this wasn't a good result either all right so here's the third example and please bear with me guys I know this has been the third example and it's but I promise you there's some good results we're going to get there but yeah you can see there the water is getting a bit weird um the clouds the clouds are good the clouds if we just slowed it down a little bit um and yeah the water if the wasn't water wasn't that crazy but yeah another example where the results did not come out good here's another example where it's not good it's it's panning to the left and the people aren't really moving so another poor example so this is probably the cleanest one uh the reason why I say that is that the pan is good it's smooth however we're not really seeing any movement with the trees or anything like that however it didn't look like a CL a windy day so yeah another bad example to be honest but I just wanted to show you guys essentially what it does it automatically does it for you so you don't have the option to essentially control the motion it will just automatically do it for you I'm going to show you guys now some of the results that I did in the live stream these these ones came out really good and I'm going to show you what they look like right now you just click here personal feed we want to scroll down so this was actually one of the first actual motions that I created now this prompt actually was from chat GPT as well but this one is so beautiful and the reason why it's so good is that they got the camera motion correct cuz they're moving forward but then you can see them I mean you can see the like the motion and the water just coming down as it comes down it's hitting the surface of the water here but then this is also moving and it's falling off the Rocks here beautiful and then you can see the sun in the background as well that this this result came out really really nice here's another example now this this isn't perfect but I just wanted to give you a better idea the clouds are moving a bit better the water is getting a bit crazy there so I mean that's like some like dangerous water right there but a little bit better than the results that we did just before okay so here's a walking example and this one I really like and the reason why I like this one is I know that like he's walking and I mean it looks like he's walking the feet are getting a bit weird but what I do like is that it's walking in the camera motion is moving at the same time so really creates that cinematic effect and then like around it it just looks so realistic as well so this is a good walking example I want to show you guys this example and I know that the birds like you know they're kind of a bit mangled at the end there but the fact that it was able to get the image of like I mean that's what was like hundreds of birds and like able to add motion to the birds and also add motion to the water like the fact that this is just a new tool and it was able to pick it up is an under water example this one came out well look at the bubbles on the left here just going up and then you can also see the guys moving the camera is panning up with the guy and then at the surface of the water like it's that's all moving as well this was a a beautiful result here's another example of multiple people walking down a market at the same time and then the camera is also panning with them as well this result came out very nice I was very impressed with this result here's another example of a bunch of um here's another example of multiple people walking but it's like so cinematic like you got the first person at the front but then all the people in the background are blurry but they're all walking at the same time I was really impressed with this result very nice so this is actually somebody else's image that was generated in the community feed but it gives you the option to just click add motion and then this is what it produced but I love this one like the fire in the back the smoke and then he's walking and camera's panting with him so another good example so let's talk about what I like about the actual application itself first thing I want to say is the interface is very clean and it's very easy to use I figured out how to use the tool literally within seconds like it wasn't hard anyone can learn it so that's one thing that's very very good they've done a great job in making everything so simple and easy to access I like that the four options of what you can do it at the top and then the best thing is the Community Feed just down here for inspiration you can just click motion or you can go to the latest you can go new and it'll just automatically generate it let's Klick into sci-fi right now takes you to all these ones that have been created I'll just click on this image right here and then it tells you who made it you can either follow them you can just click image to motion and that will literally let you do your own motion to their image so I love that like you can just sort of use other people's stuff as as well it's awesome the next thing I'm going to talk about is the actual results itself I was actually taken away with how good the results were not just the the motion feature I was taken away by just the actual image generation itself some of the results we were getting are very realistic another thing that I liked is that when we were generating the prompts they did not take long I'm talking about like that one example that I said before the five images um that were being transferred into motion those took no more than 2 minutes the other thing as well is I like the auto prompts that is really cool you can just click Auto prompt and it'll just randomly generate something for you so it's really good in that sense it also worked well with chat GPT so if you're not too sure what prompt to create you can go to chat GPT and will provide you some prompts and voila another thing that's important and I think especially with the paid subscription and I went with the base model right so when I selected The Apprentice plan which cost about $12 uh it actually gave me $8,000 500 monthly tokens now after 1 hour of testing and also doing this video we are now on 6,873 uh tokens left after doing all of that that is definitely enough for you to play around with it learn stuff it's it's definitely enough to create a bunch of videos as well so I think they did very well in how much tokens they're giving us so that you can generate as much image as possible another thing that I thought was cool is that you have access to stable diffus Fusion models uh they're all here and I'm sure there's going to be more that's going to be added another thing that I liked is that you can have five things generating at once that's really good I mean the last thing you'd want is waiting for one image or one thing to be generating at once so definitely like that I really like the community aspect of this because one thing that I I I do is I sort of just go through here to get like inspiration and then the best thing is that it tells you what the prompt was and it tells you what uh model they used so I think the community aspect of this whole thing uh and like who knows what it's going to become like maybe uh there'll be um like look at this one 461 likes so you know what I mean I think you can get appreciation from your own post and get inspiration from others so definitely another thing that's good another thing as well is I like how the categories are up here as well photography animals character sci-fi that's one thing I like this also has an app so you can jump on your phone and you can generate stuff and whatever you're thinking or maybe you're planning on a project that you're going to work on on the computer this communicates with the same desktop app as well so definitely like that it has an app now some of the things that I didn't like more specifically to the motion feature um I would have to say that the results are not consistent uh and what I mean by that is that I'll select five for the strength of the of the motion and then I'll also do maybe a 10 but uh I mean the the the results sort of weren't making sense like you'll do a five and then uh everything's moving but then you do a 10 the clouds aren't moving so the results are not consistent yet the other thing as well uh it didn't actually give you uh control of the actual motion or control of the camera itself where Runway ml allows you to have a paintbrush and you can control the panning of the camera and you can also control where which motion and where in the image you'd like the motion to be uh to be selected so those are the two things that I didn't like but I mean they just released the feature so I mean I'm sure it's going to get better maybe they're looking to add an option for people to manually add their motion so that's really it to be honest so those are the two things I think this is definitely a win for uh Leonardo AI anyway guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up if you did and comment down below if you're using this tool or let me know if there's any tools that you'd like me to be testing for you guys I'll either see you guys in the next live stream where I'll either be testing another tool or I'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Ai Tech Realm
Views: 3,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai, leonardo ai motion, leonardo ai image to motion, image to motion ai, ai image motion, image to motion, image to video ai, image to video, Leonardo AI Tutorial, leonardo ai tutorial, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai prompts, ai image to video, motion to image, ai tech realm, add motion to image
Id: biKEq7nQaDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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