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have you ever asked yourself how you can take your mid Journey images and make a cinematic short film out of them in today's video I will show you a quick and easy way how you can take those images and bring them to life and by the end of it you will be able to create a cinematic short like this one in no time with only just three simple AI tools that are easy and free to use for you so let's dive into it okay great so first things first is of course we start in mid Journey like always I prepared some prompts for it that you will see now so let's start like always you know just create a new channel here of course type in SL imagine like always and then we start with our first prompt that we want to use and in this case um I would just paste it in here is it a fish swamp swimming in a Great Barrier Reef during daytime uh I will add to those the um that it's a cinematic still so you can just what is really handy in it you can just add like uh the atmosphere that you want to have so we say cinematic still because it should look cinematic then uh also that we would like to have cosics in it and uh also cinematic lighting so that we just get a cool look like we would have in a cinema or something so um yeah that we have a nice look of course we will add my personal two favorite Tex that I always use is the minus my styra of course and minus AR 6 to9 for the aspect ratio then we will just send it and see what we get by the way maybe you see it already I have a TBO mode activated here I will I can show you now in a second how to do that because with this mode you will get much faster results in mid Journey see we have now the first images generated here just let me show you really quick how you can do it you just go to/ settings like where you also set the the ma version 6 version and uh the latest one and then what you can do is you just change it from um for example for relax mode you can then change it to turbo mode yeah cool so let's get back to it um as you can see we got some nice images already um I think for now the tones are quite even and I would like maybe to have a bit more variation into it so what I do also most of the times is maybe just regenerate The Prompt and let's see what we get okay so I think this is looking already a bit better I really like this one here where we have you know here a bit of color shifts and so on also some nice cosics that are coming down from the from the water um in case you doesn't know what c CICS are it's just uh the sun rays that are shining onto the water and then casting those Sun G Rays lights um and you see the cosics that are then here reflected onto the ground so cool yeah so um we will just upscale this one this will be our first image that we can use then for our short so as a next one what we will do now is uh also SL create imagine and then just type in our new one p it in so this time it's a detailed image of animon fish or clown fish you can also write clown fish it doesn't matter uh swimming in the Great Barrier Reef during daytime and then of course again cinematic steel we want cosics in it cinematic lighting and for this one we will also use the minus minus SRA and what we can do now which is really cool because we want to keep it more consistent so that they're blending into it the shots so we will just drag this image that we just upsc here into the text field and then now we just need to take care that we have here space in between but this looks good so uh you know just make sure that here there's a space in uh some space between it otherwise it will error and then what we can do now is just press enter again and yeah great now so now we are back we see okay cool we have uh you know some colors adapted from what we had before which is really nice you know it Blends nicely in and we see okay we have this animon fish in front maybe it's even still too far away I want to try one more time without the SR if we then maybe get even closer to it okay and here we go and we almost already see okay sometimes which is also new to me so it seems like when you use the SRE and it's a bit more far away you don't get as close as you want if you want to have a closeup so you see the fish here is much more in the uh front and we really were looking just for this so yeah just keep that in mind let's make maybe variations out of this one just to see what we get okay great and uh yeah I think we we can work with one of those ones for sure so um I would just choose now this one because I also quite like it or maybe maybe let's just this one uh because then it will float like this which is cool and we also have to close up here yeah great and now we have our first DS uh gathered of course you will need not to save them so that you have them ready for the next two that we will use so we will now all save them open always click on them and then go to open a browser H for full resolution and then just right click and then save the image and then you can save it to the folder of your choice when we actually saved all our images to the folder we can now jump to the next website like our next AI tool where we will now do the upscaling step because most of the images that we see um from mid Journey are in a good resolution but still not in the best resolution and we can enhance them quite well with Kaa AI again which I also showed in another video if you haven't checked it out yet so once we are on the crer website we also put the link for this into the description and um yeah from there we can then go here now and uh click here on the top to enhance and then we see already we can hear drag and drop an image so now we just navigate actually to our folder where we have our images inside so you just drag and drop into it just select one of the images we can now also see here on the side or preview image now we can also open the settings tab and then see okay what settings we get here um we already see also the um the prompt which um so it reads it um Auto automatically which is really cool when you have another images uh otherwise we can then set the AI strength resemblance and Clarity but we don't really need that we can just go with the default settings for most of them so we will just do it like this and just select it two times because from the four times on we then have to get the pro version but we want to keep it free so 2K is more than enough so we do it then just click on enhance and then it's starting and we have to wait a bit okay great and now we are back and um we can directly swipe and see what we what we get so we instantly see that our fish get way more detail than before and also look at the cors for example it's a huge difference in terms of details like here it's more blurred and then you see we're getting more more detail but it's keeping also the depth level and um yeah it looks just overall much better also the detail in the water it's uh crazy like what kind of great detail we now get into it and it's making the image much more popping and more or um yeah nicer to look at and um to save this image we just have to go right click and then oh not open a new tab of course so just go here and then uh just click download and then save it to your folder again or go to the download folder um yeah uh basically the same step we will now do for all the other images as well and then I will show you the next AI tool which we will use to animate our images just to show you really quick also now on the closeup it's crazy like the detail we see on the fish it's so great like uh what we had before and what now and it um yeah and the best thing is that you can use it for free like magnific you have to pay instantly but here Kaa gives you really nice options for free which is amazing like uh there's so much detail and photo realism in it so this is uh really great for a short film or yeah just uh to achieve photo realism okay great and now we coming to our last and final step so now we open haper Ai and it's really cool because right now this tool is also completely free to use it could change in the future but for now they're offering it for free so um yeah feel free to use it it's really nice uh I use it for a lot of things and in my test I was really Blown Away by the results so what you can do is uh you can also click here try for free then you have to sign up I did this already so I'm signed in at the moment and then I can go into um yeah uh into the homepage you already see like really nice results that people got with it which is really cool just all from still images so we want to go to animate your image in HD uh so this is what we want to do and click on here but we can also go to our Creations tab we have everything you see I did some tests before for short short trailer uh that we saw on the beginning of the video so now what we want to do is of course first upload our image and then I would just open one of them then it reload right fast and then we see okay this is our clown fish just in the midr more or less and then which is really important actually you can't just send it like this uh haper needs a description for the video so it can play on this it's like giving a comment to an animator or like saying okay uh how the fish should swim which makes totally sense so we would just write something like uh the clown fish um or let's say a clown fish swimming uh in the Great Barrier Reef and let's say the sunlight beams and maybe also and cors are moving let's also copy this for the other ones and then just see okay we have here the option if it should be public or not that it uh it should be shown in the explore page so yeah you can change this and then as well uh you can say here a seat phrase but we don't need it for now this is just uh for other images if we want to have the same style here but for now let's take for 4 seconds and then just hit create and then you have to wait a bit all right so our uh first video is done and ready let's see what we got Okay cool so we see already there are some fish moving in the background we have some cors here moving here um the crown fish he's just floating around at the moment maybe I would change this later but for now I think it's quite cool that he is still uh yeah like the hero character here in the shot and we can have a look at him and um yeah we see like everything is moving a bit and also in the background and which is really nice you see the sun rays um moving now which is super cool I think because it gives this nice uh atmosphere uh in the image which is super nice so um actually we will now also drag in the other ones so I would just paste it in here again um but saying um a lot of fishes and then uh maybe um swimming forward in the Great Barrier Reef sunlight beams and cors are moving so let's sent this again make sure again 4 seconds great we'll do the same now for the other ones as well all right awesome and this are now our end results so let's see what we got from all the videos so here's the ne next one and we already see this is super cool like fish are moving now on the left side we have everything moving we have sunlight beams so this is really impressive of course we have here a little bit of like texture flickering on the ground but I think uh in general it's a really nice image and uh it's really sets the mood and everything so and then our closeup as well looks super nice I think um yeah I mean uh looks super super nice and I'm happy with the result for sure and I think this will be super cool when we put it all together in the end and then also here we see uh okay we have now our last shot it wasn't super successful but I think it still has something uh maybe I will regenerate this one but otherwise I think it's super nice and now we are coming to our last and final step putting it all together I really hope you guys like this video let me know how you like the output and if it worked for you guys in the comments and try it out yourself and I'm really curious like with what you are coming up in the end and how it will look like in case you have liked this video I would really appreciate if you could give this video a like and share it so I can keep doing what I'm doing see you the next time and have fun with the final video [Music]
Channel: PixelArtistry
Views: 8,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use midjourney ai, ai tools, ai animation, ai video generator, midjourney ai free, midjourney ai art, generative ai applications, midjourney ai video, midjourney ai prompts, midjourney ai tutorial, image to animation ai generator, generative ai full course, midjourney ai free subscription, ai tools 2024, artificial intelligence, upload image to midjourney, midjourney beginner, midjourney v6, midjourney v6 tutorial, ai filmmaking, ai filmmaking tools
Id: d2nthQfgntk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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