Make Comics in Stable Diffusion!

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what's up YouTube it's your boy curly Mike D and I'm here telling you now that's not what we're gonna do today what we're gonna do today is talk a bit about um generative AI to you make comics and so about a year ago I made a comic using uh mid-journey version three at the time which was really incredible compared to I guess what existed before when you look at the results of what mid Journey version 3 had versus what you can do with it today in version 5.2 I it's it's dramatically better now maybe not as artistic necessarily unless you really really dig down and figure out ways to do that but uh it's it's definitely we're in a whole new world compared to a year ago I wanted to kind of revisit the topic and do a straight up tutorial using stable diffusion because that's kind of where I've moved at least in the last week and we'll see where that goes I started exploring doing some sequels to uh the comics I did last year I did one called goats that uh got a lot of views uh probably thanks to the the former YouTube video there it opened up a lot of doors for me to do other creative work with people and I really appreciate how many of you clicked on that link and went to see it and and uh sort of found it and read it I did some more comics that I didn't really post out in the open because at the time uh we're talking November to January there was this like crazy crazy anti-ai art thing happening and uh people were getting threatened and and people were angry and so I thought you know what I I want to make this stuff still I want to just keep writing but I'm just gonna posted on my Facebook and maybe one or two other places not tempt fate and uh get the wrath of of people who were very possibly justifiably angry about uh the potential this has to uh kind of Ruin careers and all that jazz but let's talk about stable diffusion versus mid-journey so mid-journey is uh subscriptions cost anywhere from ten dollars to I think 120 dollars now depending on how much image generation need what kind of uh what kind of features that you need in terms of privacy and that sort of thing and it's wonderful it is to me it's still the best uh it allows you such a wide birth of of things that you can create the problem I found this week when I was trying to revisit one of the comics I did is that I wanted to have a scene where a couple in the morning wake up and they're just having a coffee and having a conversation and I wanted to have one of the characters in boxer shorts and mid-journey is a against boxer shorts it would give me jogging pants it would give me uh full-on pants it would not let me have boxer shorts and if I tried to put the person in their underwear forget it uh even even the phrase bikini which I tried to like let's get around this and just put bikini bottoms on the person it wasn't letting me do that it gets to a point where the censorship starts to affect the creativity in the past when I was fighting mid-journey it was uh kind of like it didn't understand what I was saying and so I was kind of rewriting my stories to kind of work with with the images that I was getting but now it is kind of a censorship issue in that I can't get certain just certain clothing that that seems kind of insane and uh there is like this little appeals thing when the robot Flags you and generally I've had good results with that but sometimes it just doesn't even flag it it just just says Hey like it it just kind of ignores what you're asking for and gives you something else not because it doesn't know what that is uh it's it's because it doesn't seem to want to give it so last week I started playing with stable diffusion because there's no rules of stable diffusion you could kind of do whatever you want but the problem is it's much more complicated it's difficult to work with uh it's just difficult to install I had to install python like three times because every time I install it stable diffusion every once in a while would just be like hey I can't find this anymore so I have to uninstall and reinstall uh I I don't even know what I'm doing in Powershell I just copy some code I get off the internet paste it in there this is probably an invitation of hackers watching this to hack me uh I'm just pressing buttons and hoping something comes out and it took me a while to get stable diffusion going I think I started probably a month ago trying to install it I'm not the most technical person but I'm not not technical so the fact that I'm having trouble getting it going uh I mean it's it's supposed to be so simple now that you just copy somebody's line of code and type it into Powershell but uh sometimes things break or you don't have the right thing installed and you have to go copying an error code and searching for uh that answer and hoping somebody else asked it on Reddit or on GitHub or something so about three four days ago I made a two-page comic on my I think first or second day of using stable diffusion it's a totally different world than if you're using mid-journey in that if you're just to use the base stable diffusion you're not going to get great results uh I at least putting in a prompt with with the defaults that were loaded got me a bunch of mangled weird faces it took a while to understand what was going on and how you kind of need like a little extra bonus downloads to to Really build your library up of of what you can do kind of styles and looks and even characters in some cases so I want to go over that a little bit without getting too far into things and then I want to go into doing a couple of panels of a one-page comic and how I'm using both stable diffusion and uh photoshop's new generative fill generative fill from Photoshop is amazing it also has a lot of censorship problems which I hopefully I'll get to a little later on but uh it can do some really amazing things if you kind of figure out how to how to make it work if you kind of think that you're going to type in comic page soldier running field not gonna happen um the biggest issue you're going to deal with when trying to make a comic is uh getting consistent characters and getting actions for most people using any of this generative AI art they just type a couple of prompts they they prompt a couple of images and they're incredibly happy they they get some pretty picture and they're happy and they post it online everybody tells them they're great and that's wonderful when you're making a comic it's not that simple it's uh it's really the main thing is getting a consistency of characters from panel to panel to try and be able to tell a story without the reader going hey that's not the same person that was in the last panel I'm not going to say I'm an expert on it there are people who write scans of information about this stuff and uh and different ways to make it work and there are ways within stable diffusion to really kind of focus uh what a person will look like by using something called Alora which is like a trained model specifically of a character of an actor that kind of thing in the previous tutorial last year I talked about how I use specific actors names I would type their name put it in and that would make mid-journey kind of go in reference who that person was and give me something that looked like them and it worked great for what I was doing but then a lot of people will be like hey that's Anthony Hopkins and that's fine I guess but maybe his estate will sue me one day for a comic that I made no money off of so let's take a look at uh just the stable diffusion interface itself and this is it lots of uh sliders and boxes here we've got the text to image which is what I'm going to be using the most today and generally you write a prompt you write a negative prompt and you hit generate and hope to God something comes out so I'm just gonna write a soldier running in a field and this is using the uh main thing that it comes with just when you install it normally and we're going to hit uh generate and this is what we get and that is not very good if you're gonna make a comic that looks like this it's going to be a very bad comic you can say something like oil painting and uh maybe it'll be better but it's not now some of these things can be fixed by doing stuff like uh using this high-res thing and turning down the denoising string and all this stuff that I don't really understand let's actually try this though to see what it's going to look like now it's actually made a frame like it's an oil painting and uh it's still not good oh it's it's better though let's take a look at how much better it is when it finishes yeah it's better but it's still I don't know I don't think I would read that comic either so there's this whole community that sprung up that is just about making different kinds of models uh or checkpoints now checkpoints are essentially a new training database of specific kind of looks or specific subject matter that you can load in and use as kind of the default base of which you're using to generate characters so that's one good way to kind of get a look to your images that's kind of consistent throughout making a comic the biggest place for that is uh this place called civet Ai and Civic uh just to be aware this is a not safe for work kind of site there are filters that let you kind of block all the dirty stuff but uh just just uh I mean even the clean stuff is kinda PG-13 so so if I want to do kind of a comic cartoon look we're gonna say cartoon we're gonna type that here and we're gonna see what comes up so now we have all these options we've got these real cartoons this Pixar kind of stuff uh all of it is really great what I'm going to use for today's tutorial and by no means is this the only way you can do it this is what I used on the comic I did this week so I'm very comfortable and familiar with it and uh we're gonna use this cute cartoon illustration one now what you would do is download this file and you would put it into the models slash stable diffusion folder other people on other channels will be able to explain this a lot better than than I can but basically you would download this put it into the model stable diffusion folder in your install and then when you go back to stable diffusion you're gonna have uh this stable diffusions checkpoint list you could reload it if it's already open and now you have all the options of all the different kinds of uh checkpoints that you've downloaded so I'm going to load this cute cartoon version 1.0 this is going to take five minutes at least for me on my computer uh if you're using one of those Google collabs to do this or if you've got a super fast computer maybe it's going to take faster than that but for me with uh about a three-year-old with a 38 graphics card and an I9 this is what's happening and it's annoying because sometimes I load up the wrong one and then I gotta wait five minutes so there's no getting around it let's uh sit and wait while that's happening let's just go over uh the script that we're going to be doing today for today's purposes I hate doing this but I use chat GPT to write this little comic script uh we just needed something nonsensical just as an example so let's take a look at uh this where I wrote please write me a five panel funny comic about a spunky female soldier named Sarge and her dim-witted friend Charlie so that's enough to give us description of five panels and uh some some dialogue to go with it so Sarge a tough determined female Soldier is standing with her arms crossed while Charlie and Goofy and clueless friend looks excited Sarge with a serious expression Charlie I've got a new mission for us we need to we need to retrieve the top secret plans from the enemy base Charlie grinning I'm ready Sarge with me by your side nothing could go wrong so we're just gonna try to make these two panels and see how it goes I want to talk a little about how I use these checkpoints because if you're like me you probably have no idea what to type especially with the negative prompts and all that stuff the great thing about civet is that there are lots of examples like for instance if you were to click on this uh image of this wizard lady you get sort of the information some people don't share kind of the prompt or all the the things they've used but in this case this guy whose name is prompt sharing Samaritan who's the guy that made this uh this whole checkpoint he also is a prompt sharing Samaritan and he's shared the prompts the negative prompts and all the sort of steps and uh how everything was put into it to work so we can look at uh what his prompt is Masterpiece best quality everybody puts that in for some reason angry female witch in the forest with arms crossed wearing a blue pointy hat and orange hair and a blue cape and blue cloak and then all this garbage for the negative prompt that luckily we can just kind of copy this prompt copy the negative prompt and uh paste that in stable diffusion and and get a result and what I did when I was trying to figure this out was kind of look through these things look through all the things that are available I love this one which is uh this this night and I thought you know what I'm going to copy this and use this as sort of a starting point I'm going to edit the prompt to make my own character and then we'll go on from there so that's kind of the best way you can learn this stuff and get a grip of what you're doing before you kind of start writing your own prompts just copy this stuff paste it in and then start editing from there I'm just going to copy the prompt and paste it in and copy this negative prompt paste that in as well and we're gonna hit generate so uh generally you can change the sampling steps uh 20 seems to be okay for the most part I've started using this high-res fix only in the last day which seems to get rid of not only does it upscale your image but it seems to get rid of any kind of extra heads because I had a lot of cases where there was like a person and then an extra head on top or extra limbs and stuff so that seems to have gotten rid of it you can change your size down here I often like to do um 768 by 512 one combination of that to either gave me a portrait or a landscape kind of image and so we're going to just generate that and see what it looks like just copying his prompt purely all right so right away we're getting some kind of interesting character here and does it look anything like his not really uh it has some similarities in that there's a sword and that there's a warrior but uh this is not gonna probably do for us I mean it's similar let's see uh what the final image looks like here it's nice and it's a starting point to to sort of look at that prompt and and move along and learn new things so I did a little testing before this this kind of speed up the journey and I'll show you what the prompts are and I'll actually paste them in the description below if you want to copy them um what we're gonna do is get Serge and Charlie and we're gonna generate a bunch of images and we're going to use Photoshop to kind of put them together let's see what uh The Prompt that I came up with was uh Masterpiece best quality I don't know why again female Soldier she's going to be wearing a white tank top that's sleeveless with green pants a brown belt brown boots curly brown hair standing with her arms crossed while Charlie looks excited so we're gonna say standing arms crossed and that's about it we're going to generate one to just see what things look like so not exactly what we wanted it's a great starting kind of look of what we hope the character is going to look like uh what I want to do right now is just change one thing I'm going to put the word determined in there and I think what that's going to do is just give her a little bit more of a facial expression I'm hoping and generally at this point uh what I would actually do is let's turn off the high-res fix which is what makes the stuff look good but uh we're gonna do a batch count of 12 images right now and I'm going to generate that and the reason I took it off hi-res is it's going to speed things up and it's just going to give us an idea of of what the character uh will look like when generated a bunch of times and this is really important when you're coming up with a character and you're trying descriptions I really highly suggest that you do this step and the reason I would say generate a bunch of images once you have like a general description in there is you can see how consistent it's going to make the character what I found was that certain descriptive words that I put in just didn't give me what I wanted or they didn't give me a consistent character and once in a while I would hit a combination of words generally if you're very specific and make the person fairly unique in how they look like the curly hair and the soldier descriptor I think really help here in in giving stable diffusion idea of what to kind of make the character look into uh so I think the soldier has given her muscles and made her kind of tough and you can see now if we look at those 12 people look how consistent that character is uh I did this before and it wasn't quite this consistent but I think that keyword also of adding determined has done this so now we've got uh a very fairly consistent I mean she's taller and shorter and her belt and Boots might change but really the hair looks good uh the outfit is fairly consistent consistent enough that we can fix most of the problems in Photoshop if we need to so I'm gonna actually turn the high-res fix back on just because it's going to make the face look a little sharper and better and we're going to do this again so I just want to say something about this restore faces check box because when you see an ugly face on a character it's tempting to check this and I think if you're doing sort of a realistic character or using a checkpoint that has a fairly realistic look by all means go ahead and restore faces but I found when I was using it on a cartoony image it really didn't do much uh it didn't do any good it was It was kind of mangling the faces because it's trying to restore a actual human face onto a cartoon face which has entirely different proportions I'm just going to interrupt this at this point because I realized her mouth isn't open she's not talking so while there is a lot of ways to get around that uh I'm just gonna say talking speaking just just to emphasize that another way you can actually emphasize that is to put a bracket around something that'll emphasize it once or double emphasize it uh and and that should hopefully make the mouth open okay during that speaking uh is not working you know what we're gonna do turn off the high res fix and we're gonna say open mouth let's say open mouth and see what that gives us I'm gonna cut it off pretty quick oh no there you go so we now we know we have an idea that uh the mouth is going to be open and so it's going to look like she's talking we can also do yelling or Screaming or shouting and that generally works but it'll give you a very big expression on this kind of cartoony look so I think just saying open mouth it's going to be good enough to get uh to get the look we want so let's turn high res back on now the reason we're gonna do like 12 or 20 kind of images is we want to be able to generate the character for say the first panel and have a bunch of options when I was doing my comic I was doing about 20 Generations every time I was looking at the character that I had generated for panel one comparing it to the person in the second panel and seeing okay which of these costumes is the most consistent which these hairstyles is the most consistent how do I uh make sure that when I put them side by side that people will know okay this is the same person they won't be kind of nitpicking that hey something's wrong with this because you do get uh messages from people saying that guy doesn't have a tie in that panel and uh they're right but man I forgot I'm doing a lot here not drawing this comic a lot of this is just waiting around the advantage kind of of doing a comic and mid journey is you could be typing prompts and sending them out and if you have like the the professional level account I think is what it's called the 60 a month one then it uh it kind of lets you generate up to 12 things at the same time and and so you could be working on your next prompt while one is kind of uh making you four images in this case especially if you're doing like 12 over 20 images at a time you're kind of using all your GPU power in your computer so you kind of just got to sit back and do something else maybe surf the web drink some coffee I don't know something okay so now we've got this uh grid of of all the versions we've created I mean the hair is consistent across the board she has generally the same look so I think this is kind of a good start when I've done this for my Comics I almost always do 20 images at a time just because it gives me more options but uh for today's case we're doing 12. so I think we have a couple of options here I mean she's she's kind of more squashed in some of these versus taller and tougher and others uh sometimes just got kind of crossed eyes so really we're gonna kind of look in the end what what's gonna make sense for for the two panels that we're making uh the next panel she's gonna be kind of sneaking so Sergeant Charlie dressed in camouflage sneaking toward the enemy base I'm not gonna make them in camouflage they're just gonna keep the same outfits so we're gonna say now instead of standing with her arms crossed she's gonna be walking taking big steps sneaking sneaky let's hope stable diffusion knows what sneaking and sneaky is I don't think it will but we're gonna again take off the high-res fix we're just gonna generate and see see what's going on if it's giving us an idea and right away we can see it's she's just walking gonna say walking you know what we're gonna try marching see if that kind of gives us a different like a high step look this is really where you're going to spend a lot of time uh when you're not just waiting is kind of trying things out and seeing what's going to work so after a couple of tries it seems crouched down bent over might work might give us some terrible results as we're seeing in some of these images but uh I think it'll give us kind of the I mean definitely that does not work for us uh but I think something like this would work this would work as well um so I'm gonna redo this with just now open mouth just so we have her speaking again so I did another batch of four and uh I think I finally found one that's gonna work that's not too weird sometimes I don't know what it is but it her arms are constantly one straight arm for whatever reason this one is also all right too uh she's maybe a little angry there but I think the pair of these two works pretty well so that's what we're gonna go with you could actually just hit uh save here and we'll call this Sarge cute cartoon so we know uh which which uh checkpoint we're using for it and now from this drop down list I have Sarge cute cartoon and so now we're going to move on to Charlie Charlie is dimwitted I'm gonna make him blonde I had kind of uh something generated I lost that prompt so it helps to do these uh saving the Styles so that you can quickly bring a character up uh but we're just gonna change some things here quickly we're gonna say he's male he's gonna be wearing a green tank top you know what I'm gonna put dim witted right here after Soldier green tank top sleeveless green pants brown belts same kind of thing we're just gonna say he has short blonde hair uh and in our first panel here foreign he's also going to be smiling mouth open and same as before we're going to turn off high-res and we're going to generate uh let's generate a batch of 12 here so I know from from my previous attempts that this should make him oh you know what I didn't do so what we're getting here is kind of a Wimpy dude I want him to be big and dumb I'm going to add muscular in here somewhere so I'm just going to interrupt this and say right before short blonde hair we're going to say muscular and we're going to try that again I mean what we're getting is good and fits with her but uh he's kind of a kid I want I want the kind of young small character to be bossing around the big one we're gonna just keep trying things until we get something that works by putting enormous chest I got a much uh broader character and I think this is going to work a little better so if we take a look I mean we're getting very consistent hair the face is fairly consistent as well but it's uh determining kind of which one of these guys I mean I love the look of this guy or this guy uh even this guy's pretty good that would be my preference so now we're just going to generate the second panel for Charlie we also want him to be sneaking as well uh so same same description we're just gonna say now Crouch down bent over open mouth confused happy similar to what we had just more of that dim-witted happiness that we want from him so if we look at our last batch and uh the next action these two guys kind of match up with this guy uh similar similar kind of build the belt buckle is the same so I think we can make this one work and uh let's let's take it from here next I just want to get uh sort of the background we want the inside of an army barracks so we're going to say inside of an army base and we're going to change the width here so we're going to do 768. by 512. uh you could you could figure out the the aspect ratio that you want for however however you would like your panel to look uh let's just go with that for now so this is looking very realistic even though we kind of have the uh the cute cartoon profile loaded so I'm going to just interrupt that now and I'm going to say cartoony and you know what we're also going to just specify the barracks and let's see if that's gonna work these are not the kind of Barracks I was thinking of all right this is looking a little better this looks a little more like an army base great so I'm just going to interrupt this because we know we're in the right ballpark now if we look at uh what we're getting here that would almost be great this would be this is kind of perfect as it is uh but we're just going to run it now with high res because hi-res always just seems to straighten things out okay so we generated a bunch of backgrounds I got one I'm pretty happy with uh we're gonna just interrupt so we're not generating any more and wasting more time and I'm gonna now generate the outside of an army base for panel two uh Jeeps tanks actually we're going to say uh field outside of an army base so hopefully that gives us something a little more specific for our second panel because we want to see the enemy base in the background uh it's prioritizing the Jeeps so let's say uh field outside uh army base in the distance okay these are all very beautiful but none of these will really work uh this one would work if maybe we had like an army base in the background even this army base so I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna just take this into Photoshop but I want to show you some of the stuff we can do in there uh so let's uh close out a stable diffusion for the moment and I'm going to open Adobe Photoshop and we're not going to open Photoshop Photoshop we're gonna open we're gonna open the Photoshop beta which is uh the only one that has generative fill as of today which is in July of 2023 just gonna bring in the images that I know I'm gonna need so we're going to start first taking our background image and we're gonna lay out the first panel so we just want to have sort of a medium shot of uh of Sergeant Charlie and so we're gonna grab uh the shot that we wanted of Sarge and this is kind of the most important tool in doing this kind of comic workflow when you're kind of copying characters from one background and pasting them into another and it's using this object selection tool which really just uh it just highlights around a character in this case it's not seeing her hair is part of it but uh you should just shift click and add that in you might have to get a lasso tool and shift and draw a little circle around that but now we can just control copy and let's find our background Barracks scene here and there you go you know it's it's as easy as that I think we're gonna control T and flip that horizontally uh we can always make her fit a little better I think here Photoshop crashed uh because it's a beta and I changed my mind on which image we're going to use I I just like I know she's got sort of this crop top kind of thing going on here but I kind of like she just seems a little more determined than the other one we had chosen uh I mean you could really go with whatever you want what I'm going to do here is just select her again convert and delete that background uh then we're going to grab Sarge that we upscaled here or Sorry Charlie and we're going to copy that and paste him into Photoshop and just do the same thing so just select him invert that and and delete so very good practice to save while you're while you're working especially if you're dealing with the Photoshop beta so if we just look at these two side by side she's pretty gigantic compared to him uh we want to scale that down we want her to be smaller maybe not that much smaller but uh definitely want him to be the taller one and it's obviously it's foreign magic wand out oops all these gray Parts here so this background is uh competing quite a bit for uh attention here and what I would do in this situation is Maybe uh we're gonna first blur it so I'm gonna go to filter and do a bit of a lens blur this is pretty extreme at 62 uh but I think I think that's probably going to be well that's a little too much so you could try this out and see what you like I think we want some of the details what's going on but we but we don't want it to distract too much looks like it could be good there we go so now we've got these two in the scene and uh I think that's ready to go so we're gonna follow a similar path with uh grabbing Charlie over here and pasting him into the second panel and we're also going to grab uh Sarge and do the same so here we go we've got Charlie and Sarge uh we probably wanna lay them out a little better so flip him around uh I want them to be looking at each other so I'm going to just flip him around uh so it'll be something like this but obviously we want to see the army base in the background this it's not only about the two characters talking here it's also seeing that the image that we have so what I'm going to do is not only am I going to shrink them let's just hide them for now this background is great I love uh what we have going on but there is a problem in that it is uh it's just a little too tight to the trees so what we're going to try to do is use the crop tool here and we're going to just expand this I'm gonna go to like here maybe we don't need so much of that side but let's let's try that and now we've got a lot of white space obviously this is not looking great but uh what we're gonna do is grab our uh Marquee selection tool we're gonna select all this white space and we're gonna right click and say generator generative fill trees and grass so there you go it's pretty mind-blowing the results that you get uh so instantaneously and it also gives us some variations so that's our first variation and it really just kept the style of the the leaves on the trees and the bushes here uh this is an option it's maybe a little too open that's another option but I think this first one is good we can always generate more if we if we feel like we need to but I think we're happy with that uh just gonna resize Sarge to kind of the appropriate size which I think is something like this so here's Charlie we're gonna get him the right size it's probably about it uh and we want to flip him over so again as you're kind of doing this uh and you see that hey I don't have enough uh space on this background still you can always go back and I'll just save this panel a bit and use that crop tool again just give them a little more space we want them to to be out to here get their full bodies in so first they're gonna hide these characters and then I'm gonna make the selection here and we're just going to generate without putting in a prompt just to see what happens foreign ER there I think this one works the best what we're going to do is just uh do a generative fill here as well see if we can just clean that up the great thing about generative fill is it Blends what you have with what it makes in in a generally a seamless fashion so that works pretty well uh just gonna see if I could clean that up so I really don't like this area of the image and we could use a generator to fill again but we're probably gonna fight with it a bit so I'm just gonna do the old uh actually I'm gonna flatten this all down merge these layers and now I'm going to use content to wear fill on this area actually you know what I'm gonna use it on this whole area here and contents aware fill and we're gonna get rid of the trees we really wanna not have any sort of brush and bushes what we want is just some grass uh so that Sergeant Charlie are standing there and this preview shows us what we're gonna get it's pretty good uh it's maybe a little hard Edge there but we can always do another generative fill here just kind of blend that a little better and you'll get this weird thing I mean what could possibly violate uh Community standards but let's specify grass and see how it goes that one works all right it's uh again if I was doing this for real I would probably spend a lot more time on it but uh for the purposes of what we want which is these two here and I'm just gonna move her up a tiny bit what we're gonna do is just quickly throw in a drop shadow underneath it I'm just gonna take the brush tool with a nice soft brush and black and uh that's a little too big but just do something in here under his knees and I'm going to bring the opacity down we just want the impression that they're casting a shadow uh we're not finished yet what we need to do is add this army base in the background so we're gonna grab our trusty Marquee tool drag a selection and right here we're gonna say generative fill and we're going to say cartoon army base cartoon bunker and fencing now that looks pretty terrible so we're gonna change that to military compound [Music] cartoon military compound apparently the military is uh violating user guidelines okay so that looks a little bit better uh it's closer to what we would want I think we're going to end up having a word bubble here and another one over here anyway so that'll fill in some of these spaces but uh that's how I would make the first two panels of this uh and then it's just going on from there so here's our first panel here's our second panel all of this could take as much or as little time as you want and get as good or as sloppy as you want I think uh the hardest thing about this is is all the waiting you're doing is it easier than learning how to draw yep absolutely uh me personally I could never draw one of these characters once uh with everything I've spent years trying to draw I could never draw these guys but to be able to get them to do this comic it's really nice uh to be able to do that there's so much more you can do about integrating the characters into the background you could also generate the characters in the location already and kind of blend the two panels together so you have uh Sarge in the forest you have Charlie in the forest and you just add that Gap in the middle that makes it all work and Photoshop is great for doing that but this is kind of how I'm working at the moment I'm not sure if this is how I'll keep working on Comics but uh it's definitely a lot of fun to do this to be able to come up with these characters that I would never be able to draw on my own and and make stories that way so thanks for watching uh I don't know if I can do the thing with the button and the stuff
Channel: hyperbolic films
Views: 9,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tmGL-QTahwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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