Escape The Evil Hospital

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where am i wait am i in the hospital what happened how did i get here hey mikey why are we in the hospital are we sick i have no idea but i feel fine whoa what's that for oh there's someone else here hold on mikey do you see what he's saying huh apparently the doctors here have gone crazy they've lost their minds seriously then there's no time to waste we have to escape we need to run through these lasers you shouldn't have touched those no kidding but we do have to bust out of here before the crazy doctors get to us but there's no way out we could try pulling this lever maybe it'll turn the lasers off sweet let's make a run for it what's going on here oh it's a bottomless pit don't fall in i'll do my best why would a hospital have a parkour course whatever stay focused keep breathing i think we're supposed to avoid the red squares do you really think we can escape we don't have a choice we have to break out of here if those doctors catch us it's all over ah i made it wait this isn't the exit yeah where are we oh i see we're inside an x-ray machine weird let's just keep moving mikey try again okay here it goes don't step on the light oh mikey be careful i think those are x-rays i'm doing the best i can almighty oh no what if we're stuck here you can do it buddy finally good job now mind the gaps are these bones yeah careful not to fall between them oh i really don't want to do that looks like we'll have to cross this light bridge next we're still so high up don't look down okay look it's a skeleton whoa creepy all right keep running oh i'm running we have to get out of here yeah and quick before the doctor's navis the crazy ones you mean yeah where do we go next jj this way i guess let's see i'd like to know what we're doing here in the first place but we've got to keep moving oh poor mikey don't leave without me jj i want to get out of here too but i don't want to find out what will happen to me if i get caught i'm right there with you buddy what's going on in here there's all this pink liquid and syringes must be medicine yeah or some kind of potion so don't let any get on you oh i won't now what uh i think we have to get to that door somehow but we can't cross this gap you're right so we're gonna have to jump down you ready oh i just know something bad is going to happen down there looks like we're okay for now although the room is full of lava more parkour we don't have a choice but i don't want to fall in well try not to slip i'll do my best but i don't like this take it one hop at a time i made it good work now up the ladder let's go i'm coming i wonder what's up here me too mikey i think we're about to get a speed boost that's useful for a getaway you see this yellow thing i think if you step on it it'll make you run faster it's easier to escape when you're speedy whoa that was way too fast i fell off did you go the wrong way mikey yeah it's okay just come this way this time i will at this speed we're practically unstoppable we're getting away for sure let's see him catch us oh back to normal speed finally you made it thanks for waiting of course oh an elevator not sure why a hospital needs a basement like this but oh well huh yes we made it back up wait that area is off limit it's where we were before oh i'm scared it's probably the basement that's off limits oh that makes sense yeah you just had it backwards i get it now oh no what it's a dead end no way and to make matters worse there's a giant in the bag you must have gotten caught by the evil doctors huh a security camera hang on do you hear that mikey yeah uh i think the doctors are coming this way what do we do we have to hide quick but where i don't see any good hiding spots there's no room under the bed oh i know what into the giant's mouth hurry wait are you messing with me no i'm not i don't think that's a good idea well i'm going in you sure about this it beats getting caught i'm coming it actually worked yep we're in his mouth but let's keep moving lead the way jj what's that dangly thing whatever here i go whoa look out below i think we just got swallowed mikey where are we now in his stomach seems like it but let's keep moving wait a second aren't we going to get digested in here we have to bust out of here before that happens let's worry then that must be the and hardest purple things look like toxins will they dissolve us if we touch them so gross did you just touch the liquid oh you melt it broke me down do you think that's blood down there oh it must be we could easily drown in it so try not to fall in i'll try here goes nice just a little further yes oh i fill in oh no jj it's okay i got it this time i am not falling in again [Music] yeah cool a blood vessel what could be in there come on mikey let's see what's up here okay [Music] all right second try looks like we have to choose a path next do we go with the left middle or right i think i'll choose the middle path not again i'm getting tired of falling i'll try right good pick it's all right just follow my lead okay i'll go left this time then i'll go right hang in there mikey i'll try left again you doing all right buddy this is really really hard go right then left and left got it as for this last one i'll try right then oh i made it come join me mikey you have to jump on the ribs why not the spine i don't know but just try sticking to the sides i fell in too i'll go right this time don't fall in that acid is no fun tell me about it okay almost there yes i can do this [Music] good job what's next well let's see oh no way that's the spine let's climb it want to take the left side or the right i'll take the middle i don't think that's gonna work i'll go left then and you go right sounds good i wonder what we'll find at the top wait a second isn't that isn't that the heart oh you're climbing right under it be careful can i make it no way it's not safe [Music] i guess that wasn't a problem after all that's a relief now let's see what's up here hmm okay we have to get across without touching those [Music] mikey dodge them mikey stop stop stop don't go in there yet why what is it notice how it's all brown uh-huh let's just say this isn't gonna be pleasant what do you mean this right here is the large intestine i have no idea what that is i just want to get out of here already me too mikey but it'll be messy in there don't step in anything ew gross i don't want to touch that oh mikey it's okay me too oh i can't believe how gross that was let's not do it again too late focus i can do this is that it no yes what is it i did it i made it out though i'd rather not say how follow my voice hey oh i'm coming how do you do this here we go [Music] go into a toilet yeah and this here's the sewer yeah try not to touch anything it smells awful in here even the water is gross i know it is toilet water after all the sewer water looks even worse [Music] well mikey let's find a way out of here yeah and fast go go go go go we're doing great do you think we're almost out of the hospital oh good i can't wait to get away from those freaky doctors i want to be free what's around the corner only one way to find out a ladder does it lead outside let's see what's up here [Music] what is this place whoa the manhole opened up onto the street look we escaped the hospital you're right we did it we busted out of there [Music] what a relief if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 16,392,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 4xt7BSDsnys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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