Make Awesome Push Sticks Production Mode

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so today we are going to go production mode and patch out a bunch of these push sticks so here at the school we usually make about 200 of these at a time and it usually lasts a few years so gather all your plywood scraps because we're gonna get busy so to speed things up I'm gonna make a parent to help consistently route the same shape so I always sought off with a template or a pattern now what size should I make it well it's whatever feels good in your hand and weld it do the job that's the most important thing so don't get too hung up in trying to make it really fancy because you're gonna be cutting it into it anyways now I also see a lot of people using too tiny little sticks and trying to push their work through the table saw well I don't feel very comfortable with that everybody just get a piece of scrap wood cut a notch in it and use this instead I feel much safer now it might not be the most comfortable push stick but it's a lot better than having two little sticks now to make the template it's a quarter inch MDF now I'm not a big fan of MDF before making templates it's great because it's easy to sand shape and these are decent surface for routing now I cut this to five and seven eighths because when we make our push things we just go down to the Home Depot and buy a few sheet of construction grade plywood which is around $40 it measures exactly 4 feet by 8 feet now for cabinet grade plywood it usually comes 48 and a half inches which allows for the soccer because upper cameras are usually 12 inches deep so 5 and 7/8 gets a better year for sheet of plywood because it allows for the saw kerf the length depends on what feels good to you if it's too long they push thing like this well that's pretty awkward and if it's too short well then it's useless so I'm going to make my push take around 10 inches looks about right so I'm gonna mark it at 10 and I'm also gonna keep a little bit of a taper it kind of helped me visually when I'm cutting actually you can see the fence so you can cut whatever angle you want 10 11 12 whatever I'm gonna set mine at 12 12 degrees I'm just going to put this right on the corner which one my line and there were at 10 inches I'm gonna do the same right there alright so I'm going to give a little bit of shape here to do a little round over here I just got a can of putty just put it right on here looks about right and then for this I frontside the angle is a lot bigger than this is smaller than 90 and this is bigger than 90 some and then maybe try a big hand like this okay so visually I think it might be too big so let's try a smaller diameter let's try this one so I think that looks much better so now we have to make a little opening for our hands so I'm just gonna go right about okay I'm gonna go with an notches okay so they say this is a right about here where there's not just going to be it so I'm just going to measure it and this is two and 3/8 so we're going to measure off of here so two and 3/8 I'm going to bring this line up somewhere around here so that's where the hole is going to start and I'm looking at well how should big should I make it so this is the hole right about here I'm gonna give myself a little bit of room say four and a half so four and a half inches from here to here somewhere out there make sure down here four and a half is somewhere around here okay and that's what's gonna be and then I need to know how thick I want my handle to be so basically I just call a list when my line is around one and a half that's called it that so one and a half is right here so how big should I make the hole well I just wanna make sure that when I grab it that there's enough room here for my knuckles on scrape it so I decided to go with one in quarter because I have a fortunate bit that's one and a quarter two and three quarters is right here I saw my draw hole here draw a hole here and then I'm going to write that out so my miter gauge is set to 12 degrees I'm just gonna line it right up to the tip there and I'm gonna cut this eye up and I'm cut this off [Applause] so I have my one and a quarter inch bit set up what I want to do is I'm going to set this top I want to make sure that the tip just barely hits the table I never want to go through the table so right about there I'm gonna set my stop so I see a little dimple right there so next I want to set up my fence so I know that this is one and a half inches from the top so I cut myself a one and a half inch spacer I just bring it down like so put it right here and then just clamp it down clamp this side okay so it's right there so next I am just gonna eyeball it so and right about there so I'm just gonna hold it in place [Music] once I do that I see the two little holes right here so I'm just gonna let it find Center let's get rid of this so I'm going to let the bit find Center right about there so just lid find Center like that just go down pop it in here good mind somebody find Center and right about so now you have a clean hole you have a clean hole on both sides live band saw most of this off now when I'm sayin I'm gonna be real careful because this is going to be the master so take your time [Music] so I'm just gonna smooth it out just a little bit nice and smooth now because I'm gonna be making a lot of push sticks besides my template I'm gonna mount my jigsaw upside down on a piece of piece of board like this it makes life a little easier now I'm gonna cover slab so the plate can come through on a piece of wood here I'm since we use a table saw so make sure you take this thinner off someone might be right about here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm going to Center my jigsaw we're gonna middle the slot I cut a little notch here to hold this down this is about a little over 3/8 so I cut this at about 3/8 so you still this up I'm gonna push clamp down on it mix it tight so now the blade is centered make sure this is square so I can cut a straight line code is here just like that [Music] okay so let's turn it on so now I want to find the center of this hole here so first I'm gonna leave this here and if your first two here same thing over here so here I'm gonna measure this is a one and a quarter inch hole so I'm gonna happen that is 5/8 so 5/8 is right here and then from here 5/8 is right here so the center of the hole should be right here and there's a cinema house so I'm going to set my template right in here I don't know if you can see it there's a straight line that goes across this way I'm gonna line this up right here barely touching I'm going to bring the fence over like that and then I'm gonna lock it in okay so right here I want to make sure they can still spin without hitting the right there just like that okay so I'm going to turn it on and I'm just gonna go right across this way and stop right I can see where the middle of the bit is because when he's spinning just a little dot in the middle so I must I maybe even come shy of it and I can always send it smooth so here we go [Music] then we're going to do the same for the other side I'm gonna send this and make it nice and smooth so oh look what I got a round sanding block if you don't need to make one of these I had a video that I did last week this is perfect for it so to make my jig I'm gonna put my piece right here make it flush to the top and then I'm gonna mark out where I'm going to notch it a little bit hey maybe like a half an inch up beyond this and half an inch beyond that so I'm gonna notch this part out now I set my stop to five and fifteen sixteenths it's a little bit bigger than 5 and 7/8 so I'm gonna set my height I kept this approximate somewhere around there will make my cut [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna set the height for this one this was about half an inch so it's no big deal get close enough so now I'm gonna like that I'm gonna go like this now I'm gonna cut this off I know I have to stop shy and then finish off with a bandsaw line it up to the saw curve right about there [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so the next thing I want to do is I want to put the template flush to this just like that nice and flush then what I'm going to do is I'm going to clamp it once I got this nice and flush I'm going to get the fence I will dust relief here I'm gonna put this on here I want to make this flush to this guy here and then I'm gonna clamp it and I'm gonna screw this thing down now I'm going to trace the pattern onto my Jake I want to bounce all most of it off and I'm going to use a pattern as my routing guide and in route there Jake so I bandsaw close to the line and I change the bits will be a I think this is one in na so a little bit smaller sixteenth inch all the way around so I am going to cut this out and then I'm gonna put the template back on here and use a template to help me guide the routing okay so install my clamps got my template on here nice and tight so now I'm going to raise the bit and I'm going to use the bearing to ride on my template and route the jig [Music] [Music] so when I'm in production mode I have my stop setup so that when I cut I would cut it just a little bit bigger than the jig [Applause] when it comes to the last piece I'm sick this guy and I'm just gonna mark it because this is about us maybe a eighth of inch bigger than a jig and we show my router sixteenth off of each side so here I'm just going to flip it over for the last one and I'm just going to kind of eyeball it I can always make a little bit bigger not a problem I also like to make them in different thicknesses I have three quarters and these are like 5/16 now once the blanks are all cut out I'm going to take one I'm gonna put it right up against my jig here now you know that it's going to stick out about a sixteenth of an inch on each side this is pretty much flush so I'm just going to trace it out roughly and then I'm gonna go set it up at the drill press draw these out so the drill press I have my fan set up and also have my stops all I have to do is put it right here boom move across once I get the first part cut I think this stops off then I flip emerge over and I take care of the other side so here at the jigsaw I have my friend set up so he would just help me guide it this way got it this way [Applause] [Applause] so from here we're going to take it to the bandsaw we're gonna rough them out I'm gonna put it on the jig and then right away hey everybody I hope you enjoy the video these make great gifts I'm stocking stuffers but what have you so support my channel don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe until next time see ya
Channel: William Ng
Views: 67,953
Rating: 4.9372902 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, how-to, building, tools, school, learning, push stick, shop tools
Id: oKYy4sc02II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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