Dream Shop & Table Saw Setup

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hey everyone I know it's been awhile since I posted my last video so did you miss me anyways I'm excited and I want to update you about what's happening here I received a lot of emails asking me if I was okay because I haven't posted anything lately and also if I'm still in business because I haven't posted any classes on my website for the past six months I want to thank you all for your concerns but the school is doing just fine if I can enable me to take some time off to pursue something I always wanted which is a separate studio just for filming now this space that I'm in right now used to be my lumber room slash storage area so in the past few months I've been planning and reorganizing moving a few thousand board feet of lumber around finding a new home for my hardware and machinery so that I can create my space I now have my own studio which is about 24 by 26 feet is not huge but I think I can make it work so here I'll lay down some hardwood flooring my knees will shut for about two weeks and they also upgraded some electrical added some outlets you of course have to do some dry walling and paint here I installed a ton of LED lighting what you see here is about a hundred eighty thousand lumens so here is a hundred eighty degree view of my new shop now I'm very fortunate to have friends with strong knees and backs that help me with this project there's just no way I could have done this on my own I also added an upgraded some of my video equipment which took some time away from me because of the learning curve the best part about having my own studio separate from the school is that I can now leave things set up I don't have to worry about breaking down the equipment cleaning up for my next class and then having to set up everything again that was a real pain also if there was a class going on that I'm not teaching I can be here working on my videos so as you can see this project kept me pretty busy this is quite an undertaking but I'm not quite done yet I'll probably take a few more months before I'll get it to where I want it so instead of waiting till I finish I thought I'll just film everything that I'm doing while I'm setting up shop so I just hope some of these videos will be helpful to some of you so when setting up a shop there's two things I need to have and we consider it to be the harder of my shop and that is a table saw any weapons now the workbench already have and I needed to bring in a new table saw I looked at all the major brands and I decided on the saw stop I chose a sauce on that because of the flesh the tipping mechanism because I feel like the best safety tool in your shop is really right here it's your knowledge so if you understand and respect your saw you shouldn't get hurt I was very fortunate to go through a program at Cerritos College where I had safety just pounded into my head now don't get me wrong this fresh detecting mechanism is a wonderful thing and accidents do happen because we as human beings do stupid things and it's usually our fault and not the machine so comparing apples to apples I went with a sauce top because it's just a well-made beast of a machine and it's very well thought out sending up the salt took about an hour with the help of my guys the first thing I noticed when I unpacked I saw was manual now most manuals are written by non-technical people and it's usually hard to understand I was impressed with how much effort they put into this thing it has a spiral binding color pictures and is written by someone that I think knows a little bit about table saws it's really easy reading and illustration it is spot-on now the machining is very impressive it's smooth and it's flat all the holes lined up which makes assembly a breeze I cut these wings absolutely flat it also helps when you have a extra pair of hands to kind of hold things in place while someone time out the bolts now another thing that impressed me was how beefy they made this fence it's a vital part of the saw it's gotta be square straight and it's gotta be rigid I really like these tea style fences it's so easy to build jigs and fixtures for these things so when I was setting up the fence I know the sauce I made a few improvements which I really like and it eliminated some of the problems I've been countered in the past before cutting any wood on my table saw there's a few things I want to check the first thing is to make sure that my blade is parallel to the miter slot with intolerance of course now I have never seen or used a saw that's perfectly aligned because there are other factors like the blade itself might have some run-out so if you can get it to within six thousandths of an inch that's pretty good now I take my miter gauge and I clamp a piece of wood to it and then I'm going to make the cut all the way through then I can check it now make sure your miter gauge doesn't have any slop there's no point in doing this test if your gauge is all over the place when you're making a cut now most sauce that I use the miter gauge needs a little bit of fixing and I was wondering why this one fits so nicely right out of the box so I took a closer look and I found these tiny ball latches here on the miter gauge which puts consistent pressure against the opposing side now if you have one of these older style miter gauges and doesn't have the ball latches on there let me show you how to fix it so take a punch like this sit your miter gauge on something solid I just do on my anvil and then you just stop it and you just do all along the line what this does is that when the punch pushes in you spread some meadow out and they're kind of mushrooms up now if it's still too loose then you're gonna have to do it on both sides okay so if it's too tight then you're just going to have to Sam it down until you get a nice snug fit so my piece of wood is clamped on nice and tight and let's make the cut [Music] now when I was cutting I noticed that it cut a little bit more toward the back so if I pushed my mitre toward the back here and move the blade okay I can hear that is rubbing so I'm gonna move it to the front okay it's not it's not touching so I'm gonna see what my tolerance is here so I'm just gonna use the feeler gauge to see how much I'm off just by eyeballing it it looks like maybe three thousandths okay having a hard time with that so let's try it let's try it mm you should just fit right in there here's mm okay this one's this one's about right but it's about mm of an inch so I'm pretty happy with that next on my checklist is the fence I want to make sure it is square to the table now I've seen these type of fences that are not square believe it or not I have a friend who asked me to take a look at least saw because it wasn't cutting consistently you've got two pieces of wood with the same fence setting and we have different results so I went over to this house made a few cuts and found the problem to be somewhat intermittent sometimes it matches up and sometimes it doesn't I found the problem by putting my Square to this to the fence and it was out of square the fence was actually tilted toward the bottom like this so when we were cutting a quarter inch stock it would be one link and then if we were cutting a little thicker stop as you can see it's a little bit different but we couldn't tell because when we were putting our stock against the fence there were no gaps now his fence is not adjustable so he had to order a new one now this fence that that I have here has these two screws here now you can lift each side up and down like this until we square once it's square the nice thing about the saw stop is that they made these faces here adjustable and replaceable let you see I got my fence square and it was like this well there's a gap down here now I can drop the fence down by loosening up the screws which is accessible through these slots over here and just in case you push the fence into the blade while he's running yeah I have students who've done that but now I can replace them with these old fences you can't now that we have to fence Square to the table we need to check to see if the fence is parallel to the miter slot and I do this using the same method as idea to check the plate if you have a towel indicator that would be helpful but not everyone has one so I'm just gonna use this piece of wood to make it easier to see I'm gonna cut this to a little point can we change the angle a little bit [Music] so when I put my mighty slidin I don't care if this is 90 okay it's not important because actually I read keep it this way because if I just go like this now I only have one point of contact which makes it easier so I'm gonna bring it back make it flush up against here and then I'm just hold it tight and bring it over and I can see there's a time in a little bit of gap there because if I go like this you're gonna hear it okay now if I bring it back what's gonna happen is that the fence it's gonna push my stick back this way so obviously there is no gap here so I'm gonna bring it back make it tight bring about one more time and what that looks really small okay so I have three thousandth of an inch here okay definitely too tight mm okay that's that's perfect now if I do need to adjust my fence all I have to do is these two set screws on either side if I screw it in it pushes the pan out this way so it makes the fence go this way and if I adjust this side you move the fence go this way okay so you want to get it to around two or three thousands of an inch away from the blade now I want to talk to you about the most important safety feature that you have to have on your table saw you should never cut a piece of wood without this on there and that is the splitter this will save you from a kickback every single time the flesh detecting mechanism this all has will not prevent a kickback but it will save your fingers if your hand is pulled into the blade during the kickback now this saw most newer sauce has a riving knife built-in is mandatory for all new saws to have that if you have an older saw do yourself a favor and get an aftermarket splitter micro jig also makes one and you can check that out on my website now I've seen pictures from students and Friends of kickbacks I've seen one where a piece of wood came back and hit him square in the face and broke his nose I saw another one where his eyes were swollen shut and looked like he was the loser in a bar fight from the kickback luckily it didn't take his eyes out and lose his vision if that piece of wood came back and hit you in the wrong place it can be fatal now I'm not trying to scare you but it can't happen now I took the riving knife off to show you what a kickback is this one a piece of wood comes off the fence while you're cutting like this the back of the blade will pick it up and because this chapter against the fence this board will come shooting back at you around 100 miles an hour because that's how fast the blade is spinning so if you have an older salt that doesn't come with the riving knife please do yourself a favor and get one now that the saws been checked out and ready for some work the first few projects will be for safety top of my list is some push sticks now it doesn't have to be fancy just get yourself a piece of scrap and just cut a notch in it so the next thing I like to have before I start making projects is in Alfie table if you ever use one you never go back I just don't feel comfortable having to catch my work piece coming up to saw while the blade is running now you can use outfit rollers which is better than nothing I would recommend getting one that rolls bi-directional now I have two types of rollers here I have two single and I have this one here which is multiple bearings where it can roll either direction that you're pushing it to now when you're using a single make sure that when you set up it is parallel to the table if anything make it point toward the fence okay because if you don't and you're pointing out away from the fence when you're cutting a piece of wood you actually tends to pull the piece away from the fence and that's not what you want that that's what kickbacks happen now with these multiple ones I really like these because it really doesn't matter which direction you push it to it's bigger and has much better support I highly recommend an outfit table over rollers you can use the table for assembly and for gluing up I will make it out of melamine it slick doesn't stick and for gluing up is easy cleaning now mine has a Formica top it's a little bit more durable than melamine the top measures thirty seven and a half inches by six feet when I finished edge banding I chose the size due to the size of my studio and also back in the days when I was making a lot of cabinets I used to cut a lot of four by eight sheets and I was at the time working out of my three car garage I make the LP table four feet past the blade it saves me time from running around the table to retrieving my pieces now I can do this [Applause] once it passes the blade it tips up so I can just grab it and just pull it back you saved me a little bit more time now if the table is too big it'd be hard for me to trying to dip my finger in there and trying to lift it up where else I have to run around the table on the other side to pick it up so think about what kind of work you'll be doing before you make your outfit table don't just make it this size because I said so or someone else says so now with a temporary Opry table in place I can start cutting wood first thing is making my slits for the table saw here I have my crosscut sled this one's for cutting angles or making taper cuts I have one for making dedos it's calibrated but I haven't had a chance to run a dado through it yet and my miter sled for cutting 45s now that I have made my sleds I'm ready to do some serious we're working and hope to put out more videos for you guys so don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: William Ng
Views: 110,447
Rating: 4.9442539 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, how-to, building, school, learning, dream shop, dream shop build, dream shop tour, table saw tune up, saw stop tune up, saw stop, table saw tune up video, table saw fence alignment, shop acessories
Id: Wr85XZISwJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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