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hey everybody the pushing video I put out a couple of days ago I realized I might have overlooked a couple of things when the Thomas started coming in and yes I do read your comments I took it for granted that everybody knows how to cut a notch but I realized that you wanted to see how I do it so in this short video I'll complete the process and talk about a couple of other things too now the size of the push stick I actually incorporated the golden rectangle I didn't want to mention that because I know the haters out there will say man you're so crazy you know this just a push thing why you getting so technical well what I actually did was I multiplied the six inches by the golden ratio which is 1.618 to give me the length and that came out to be like nine point seven something so that's about nine and three-quarter inches so I just rounded off to ten inches I didn't want some of you to take it for granted and to go to the extreme and trying to get it exact dealing with fractions now I know this is just a push stick but it's close to a golden ratio push stick now some of you asked about the protractor that I use in the video I'll put a link in the video description below now some of you also ask me about why don't I make a push stick with a replaceable heel well now when you're cutting a piece of wood and you're bringing the push stick through the song you're not only cutting the heel but you're cutting to push the castle so there's no way that you can just replace this point you can have the get rid of all this so what I usually do is after I this is all chewed up like this I just bring my saw back cut this off and and cut a new heel now normally when I'm cutting I always like to raise the blade so that the common gullet is above the wood so maybe something like this so I am going to cut this part off now I'm going to move it over about 5/16 to a quarter of an inch that's how big I want my heel to be now here Podengo is a little bit steep I mean a little bit shallower so I'm gonna raise the blade up it looks kind of scary but for this purpose I mean you'll be fine so I am going to cut right about where this is a right by here it's an eyeball it I'm a stop shot this whole just hold it in place and toy stops now I'm gonna take it to the bandsaw and then remove this then we move this part here [Music] now before we start writing our push sticks we had to change the bit remember we had the template on top before so that's why we have the bearing on top now this becomes our template or a pattern so we're gonna have to change to a bit that has a bearing on the bottom so it rise along like this and cut this way now I made my stop as my backing board so I'm going to come through this way it will prevent any tear up the problem is this my jig here is writing over here but when it comes off it's going to cut into my magic here so I want to prevent that so I am going to get a piece of wood and I'm so cool on my path with the bearing which is right along here and it won't touch my magic now some of you my why don't you just cut it like this in the first place why it's very difficult to cut this in an angle and and also if I don't have this notch here it's hard for me to keep this thing flush and have it aligned correctly so it's easier for me to just cut a piece of wood stick in here and glue it up but either way you can do it either way you want so I'm just going to be right here from here to here and then glue from here that's it now that the jig is ready to dry can we stuff on the inside [Applause] so get 1/4 inch roundover bit in here I'm gonna run over everything but the bottom [Music] draw a line right here I'm gonna take about 5/16 of an inch off the bottom if I take a 3/8 it's this seems a little bit too much but it's up to you Cory would be a little bit too little so I really played up a little bit more so the angle would be a little bit steeper [Music] so remember we can get multiple uses out of this if this case chewed up like this just cut it off and put another hook on it for those of you that are strapped with time the templates my push sticks or on my website the same with my salmon blocks now the protractor some of you guys are asking for is also on backorder but I'm having a pre-sale right now these are kind of cool because they measures the inside angle and also outside angle these comes in the standard American Standard and also I measures and metrics so if you don't want to support my channel head over to my website and pick up a few things thanks again and I'll see you soon
Channel: William Ng
Views: 31,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, how-to, building, tools, school, learning, push stick, jigs
Id: d5kVCesMYJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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