Make Animations Like Vox, Soch, Dhruv Rathee in After Effects (Hindi) EP01

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Hey guys! How are you all? I am Nikhil and I welcome you all to today's new video. Today's video is going to be very interesting because today's topic, this is one of the most requested videos on this channel and it's about how to create animations like Vox, Soch by Mohak Mangal, Dhruv Rathee, etc. You must have noticed that the motion graphics in their videos are very engaging because the animations they use to highlight or tell specific things look very professional as well as creative. You may have wondered how you can create these animations or how you can use these animations in your videos. Keeping this in mind, I am starting a new series about how to create animations like them. Since this is one of the most requested topics, I hope you will get to learn a lot of new things through this series. Even if you are a fresher who just began learning After Effects, then also you can follow this series easily because I'll explain everything in detail. Before starting the video, if you are watching my video for the first time, then subscribe to the channel and if you are already my subscriber, like this video and drop a comment. It will motivate me to create more videos like this. Now, let's start today's video. Alright guys! So here we are on After Effects. Before starting this tutorial, you need to do two things. Number 1, you need to download an image of a news article that you want to showcase from the internet. I screen-captured this PNG image from Indian Express. You can use anything that you want to highlight. I am using this just as an example. Second, you need to install a free extension in After Effects, which is called Animation Composer. You need to simply go to Google, type "Mister horse" or "Animation composer" and you will find this website. Click on Download for Windows here. This will be very useful in the future. It's free. So no need to worry. After installing it, if your After Effects was already running, you need to close and restart it. It's that simple! Okay? This is the image that we will animate. I screen-captured this image in very high resolution because I am using a 4K monitor. So I will drag & drop it like this. So it will create a composition of the same size automatically. Then I will create a new composition and name it Render, which will be the main composition. I will set the size as 2K i. e. 2560x1440. If you want, you can go for Full HD or 4K as well. I have set the frame rate as 30 FPS and the duration as 10 seconds. Press OK. Now I will drag the News image composition and we can scale it to make it smaller. Then I will go into this composition and then I will create the marker animation. We will create the marker highlight effect. And it's actually very easy to create. Here, we will select the pen tool and make sure that the Fill is set to None. We only want the stroke properties. So I will set it to 90 pixels. I will click here. I will hold Shift and click here so that we get a line. Then I will use the color of my choice. Usually, they prefer bright yellow color so we will create the same color highlight, in this way and I will set the blend mode to multiply. This is how we get to see the highlight effect. Now we will animate it. To animate it, you simply need to add the trim path to it. So you need to do to this shape layer's properties and here, you will find this button next to Add. I will click on this and add the Trim path. Now we will animate the trim path like this. So basically, we will animate the End property because we want the marker to move from left to right. Not marker, actually it's highlight. We want the highlight color to move from left to right. I will set this to 0. Create a keyframe, go to around 1 second and 15 frames and I will set this to 100. So we get this simple animation. This looks too plain so to make it dynamic, select keyframes, press F9 to easy-ease it and then I will go to Graph editor, I will right click and make sure we are working in Speed Graph. If not, just click here and your speed graph will be visible. Then I will select the End property and we need to create a mountain with the curve so the animation will be slower where the curve is not sharp and as the curve goes up, the animation will be fast. So we get to see an interesting movement because of this. To make this work easier, the script we installed, Animation Composer, we get Keyframe Wingman with it. Okay? We need this script. What is does is, instead of tweaking this from here again and again, and if I want to make the same animation or the same curve on multiple layers, it will take a lot of time to do it again and again. So I will simply select the keyframes and using these handles, I can adjust this completely. So if it has multiple keyframes, I can select all the keyframes simultaneously and adjust them from here. So we get this nice animation. But still, the marker is looking simple. Usually, when we create a line on a paper using a marker in real life, its color gets spread a little. To create that effect or realism, I will use an effect which is called... I think it was Roughen Edges. Double-click to apply it. Then I will set the edge sharpness to 5 and reduce the scale to around 40. This is a very subtle effect. You can notice the imperfections we get, and that's what I wanted. It's a minimal effect but small details like these make your work stand out and make it more authentic and realistic. So that is looking really nice, I think! Now, I will press Ctrl+D to make a duplicate of it and I will move this down so that it covers the main text completely. Like this. Okay! To adjust the size of this path, I will go into Contents, Shape, and Path. I will select Path and I will make it smaller because the text ends here. Now I want to highlight a few more things here. So I will do that as well. For example, I am selecting sentences randomly. So I want to highlight this text. So I will press Ctrl+D to make a duplicate of it. I will press P for position properties and I will move it down. Like this. I want to highlight the first text. Then I will select its path and I will move it here, like this. I will reduce the size. Around 75 or 80 pixels should be good. So, yes, this looks much better to me. Let me adjust it a little. Then I will create another duplicate by pressing Ctrl+D and I will move it down like this. Again, we will go to its path properties. And I want to highlight this up to here only. Okay! So that is looking nice! We got this animation. Now we need to displace it a little. I mean, I don't want all the animations to run simultaneously. I want them to start one by one. So for that, I will simply displace them by 15 frames. So I will go to 15 frames. I will keep this here. Then, let's go to 1 second, or 1 second 15 frames, a little later. And then, this marker will be around 2 seconds and 15 frames. So this way, first this marker, then second, then third, and then fourth. Now we will create some dynamic camera angles. So we will go to the main render composition. First of all, I will select this layer and convert it into a 3D layer. Then I will press P so that we will get position properties. And I want the starting position to be here. I will place the time indicator at 0. I will create a keyframe at the position and then I will press R to bring down the rotation and I will create keyframes in X, Y, and Z, rotations. Then I will select the layer again and press U so that the property on which the keyframes are used will be visible. Then we will go to around 1 second and... Let's go at around 1 second 10 frames. I will hold Shift and zoom in and we can also move its position down. This way, I will give it a good angle. Around -27. Like this. Okay So this is our first animation. Then I will go to around 3 seconds and we will come down where other things are highlighted. Then we will rotate it a little. Like this. Like this, and I will take the position a little back. Okay, so this is our first and then second animation. Then I will go to around 4 seconds and 15 frames. This time, I will again change its rotation. Like this, around -16. We will set Y to -23. And we will set X to -12. Then I will close up the position. I am trying to keep the things that I want to focus on in close-up. Like this. So here, our third animation is done. Then finally, at 6 seconds, I will copy-paste the initial keyframes. Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V. So it will come back to its position. If I preview it, it looks very lame and basic. To make it look interesting, we will simply select all the keyframes and in the Keyframe Wingman script, I'll type 'AT'. If I go to the graph editor, you can see what it's doing. This way, we have adjusted all keyframes at once. We don't need to adjust every keyframe separately. If I preview it now, we get to see a very cool animation. Right? I think it's looking quite cool! Then, let me quickly add a white background. So I will create a new solid by pressing Ctrl+Y. I will name it BG for Background. The white color is right. This will hide the cut-out black sections and it will give a clean look. I think it's looking very nice. To give it a hand-held feel, I will add a new camera layer. 50 mm is fine. Press OK. Then I will create a new Null object. I will convert it to a 3D layer and name it Cam Control. Then we will link the camera to this Null object. Okay? Then I will press P for position properties and I will hold Alt and click on the stopwatch and then I will add a simple wiggle expression. So type 'wiggle', open and close brackets, and here I will type maybe 1, let's go with 8. Let's see. Okay. It's less. I think we need more wiggle. It's too little. Let me make it faster. So let's keep it 2 and 10. Yup! Now we get to see a nice handheld feel. You can see it. I think it's a little fast. So 1 will be right. 2 looks too fast. We need a subtle camera movement and such small things give a more professional look to our animation. So this is looking nice. And now we will do the best thing which is adding some depth. For that, I will go to Camera Options, and turn on Depth of Field. Then we will go to the start. The focus distance looks rights but we will see it later. I will set the Aperture to around 150 and we will also set Blur to around 150. Okay Okay! This isn't in focus. So to bring it to focus, I will switch from active camera to top view. And... This line is the focus distance. If I adjust it, you can see it. This is the focus distance line and the newspaper image is here. So we need to bring the focus distance line over the paper so that it remains in focus properly. Like this. And now, if I go to active camera, now it's properly in focus. Now we will animate focus distance and depth of field. So I will create keyframes on focus distance, aperture, and blur level. It's good on these three. Press U. And now, I will also select the newspaper comp and press U so that we see the keyframes. So we will add the keyframes at the same positions. We will go here and I will adjust the focus distance. If you do it by holding Shift, you can do it faster. So, that's that! Okay! Now we have to reduce the aperture and blur level a little so that these areas are readable. So I will set it to around 100. And we will set this to 100 as well. Okay? So this is good. Then we will go here and this time, I will increase it a little. Something like that! Then we will adjust the focus distance again. Then we will click here. Adjust focus distance again. I will reduce the blur level a little. Then finally, we will copy-paste the previous keyframes here. Then, select all the keyframes and click on this button so that the same curve that we added to this will be added to these keyframes so they will be aligned to the animations. If I preview it now, we get to see a nice depth in the scene but to take it another step up, we will turn on motion blur. I will click here, select this, and turn on motion blur. So we get to see a nice motion blur here which enhances the complete look. So let's preview it. It looks very cool! If you want, you can use this like this only but if you want to give it a more organic feel, you need to create a new adjustment layer. I will name it Effect. We will add an effect to this, i.e. Posterize Time. What does Posterize Time do? Basically, my comp is 30 FPS, but when I add Posterize Time to a layer or an adjustment layer over a layer or composition, we can adjust the frame rate using this effect for that layer or the layer beneath it. So if I set it to 5, the complete animation beneath this will be played as per 5 frames per second. This way. I think 5 is too low so I think around 10-12 will be fine. We get to see the authentic look of a newspaper. It's a subjective choice. If you like this effect, you can go with it and if you don't like it, you can turn it off. So you will see the normal effect. But I think that effect gives an organic feel. So that is something that you should definitely use. Then we will add some amazing textures which will make this animation look more amazing. The first one is this Animated Paper texture. I will add this here. We will scale it. I will set the blending mode to multiply. By the way, you will get all the textures that I am using in my pack. You will find the link in the description. Or let me show it to you. It will be a small promotion of myself. So you need to go to my website. In Store, you will find this transitions, overlays, and sound effect pack which I personally use myself. Currently, it's flat 50% off for the first 100 downloads. I think around 80-85 downloads have been done. So you have the chance now. The price of this pack will increase later. So if you want, you can purchase it right now. Okay? It's very amazing. Obviously, if I have made it, it will definitely be amazing. But, yeah! It's amazing! I personally use them so I would definitely recommend you to try it in your videos. They will look better. I will reduce its opacity as I want it to be less intense. 70% is good. I will add another scratch overlay over this. You will get this scratch overlay in my pack too. Then I will set its blending mode to screen. If I preview it now, we get to see a very cool look. This was one animation that you suggested. I got a lot of requests to make a tutorial on this which is used by Vox, Soch by Mohak Mangal, and a lot more people. So definitely, it's a simple effect. It looks quite cool too. And you can use it in different ways. I have used it to highlight a newspaper. But if you want, you can use a screenshot of your YouTube page or Instagram profile and highlight the follow button and you can make animations this way. There are so many different things that you can try. So that is a wrap, guys. I hope you liked today's video. Comment and tell you what you think about this video. If you want, you can follow me on Instagram @dope.motions and @nikhilpawarrr. I have created a complete playlist about graphic designing, Photoshop tutorials, and animations which you can check out now. You will find the link in the description. With that being said, I'll see you in the next video. Till then, take care, and always, stay raw, stay creative! Peace out!
Channel: Nikhil Pawar
Views: 106,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vox animation tutorial, after effects tutorial, vox tutorial after effects, after effects animation tutorial, vox, motion graphics like vox, learn after effects in hindi, soch by mohak mangal, dhruv rathee, vox animation, vox animation after effects, nikhil pawar, motion graphics tutorial hindi
Id: 36PYcJNiV0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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