EDIT like Dhruv Rathee and VOX | Newspaper effect in Premiere Pro

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in this video I will show you how to transform  this news article into this animation all using   Premiere Pro you will see this kind of a newspaper  effect in most of the videos from Dhruv rathee VOX   and a lot of other big creators as well so let's  get right into it so first of all We'll add this   paper background in the timeline I downloaded this  paper background from YouTube only and I'll add   this in the description as well along with all  the other assets that I'm going to use during   the edit so let's set this as a full screen now  we're going to create a solid let's take a bit of   a greenish color maybe something like this and add  it above this paper background now if you change   the Blend mode of this color matte to multiply you'll  see that this color blends with the background   maybe the green is a bit too harsh so I'll just  change the color of the green to maybe something   lighter like this yeah you can play with the  color and see what you like now we'll bring   this newspaper here above everything and we'll go  to the effects Tab and add a crop to the newspaper   now if you go to the effects control panel and  just cut off everything that's not needed like   for the top part something like this bottom as  well let's cut it till here uh maybe 66 here in order to just keep the text and remove the white  background you can change this also to multiply   so what multiply does is it removes all white  parts of the image so we only have the darker   ones which is the text in this case now let's  position it properly and one more thing we can   do is copy the newspaper cut out and change the  cropping change the cropping to keep this writer   part and let's just hide the previous one for now  and focus on this to just reveal the writer if you   bring the previous layer we'll see that both of  them are here I have kept them separate so that   we can animate it later on separately now we  need to add the Narendra Modi image I didn't   like the one that is used here so I downloaded a different one from Google we can use this you can   also get this in the description as well so after  bringing it you can position it properly like this   maybe we need to increase the size of the yeah  just copy paste this here so after positioning   him like this we can copy it again and change the  position of the bottom layer a bit like this and   in order to have a shade in the background you can  just go to the effects Tab and search for tint bring   it here change this to something reddish and this  to uh something reddish as well this looks pretty   much done now now we just need to animate all the  elements here so let's Nest them properly both the   images I will just Nest them the image and the  drop shadow and the background and the color we   can Nest them as well now we have two layers of  the newspaper and one layer of Narendra Modi so   let's start animating them first of all we animate  the headline so for that we'll go to effects and search   for transform drag it here and uh uncheck this  thing use composition shutter angle and change the   other angle to 180 this will give us a smooth blur  when we do the animation so we'll have to select   the position keyframe go a few frames forward  select this again to generate two keyframes now   go to the first keyframe and drag it down like  this see if you just move it you'll have a blur   so drag it down like this and go to the opacity  key frames here go to the second key frame here   and another key frame go the first key frame and  bring it to zero so that the en it's like it comes   out from here and it fades in properly now in  order to smooth the animations we can select both   the key frames right-click temporal interpolation  ease in right-click temporal interpolation ease out   select this drag it like this same here drag it  like this yeah looks pretty much good to me now   we can copy this opacity and transform and drag it  to our second section of the newspaper as well so   both of them come together for the second one  we'll just select the key frames and drag them out   a little bit like this so that they come out at a  different time yeah maybe it's a bit too late so   we'll bring them forward yeah looks good to me  now we can do the same thing with our Narendra   Modi image as well while copying the multiply  thing also got copied so we'll have to change   it to normal yeah looks good now and maybe we  can drag it out as well something like this so you have to play with the key frames so  that the animation looks better to do the last   animations we will select everything right click  Nest it together and after all the animations are   done for the initial part we will add another  transform in the next sequence and change the   shutter angle to 180 and uncheck this as well now we will  add a scale keyframe and a position keyframe go a few frames forward and zoom in by changing the scale value  125 should be good also change the position value   so that the things are in the center now select  them right click ease in and ease out let's see   how it [Music] looks it looks good to me okay now  let's do the highlighting animation so we'll add   the Highlight when it starts to zoom in so we'll  add it here let's go inside the Nested sequence and   start adding the Highlight animation from here so  for that we will add another color matte click here   go to color matte and add a yellow color matte for  the highlighter now add this color Matte here and   go to effects panel again and search for crop add a  crop to this one as well and let's change the   blend mode to Overlay and just cut them [Music]  out yeah this looks good to me maybe we'll change   the color of this a bit after you do the cropping  we'll go to the beginning of the color matte and add   a keyframe here at the right one so that we can  animate it like this and go a few frames forward   to add another key frame now go to the first  key frame and increase the right value till it   vanishes here if you go like this you'll see that  the crop reveals the Highlight smoothly like this   now you can do the same thing here right click  ease in ease out and maybe just drag it out a bit   to smoothen the animation much further it looks  good to me now if you go to the main composition   you can see it highlights as the zoom in is being  done we can change the position of the color matte so that the zoom in looks good we can add one  more thing to make it better when the zooming   is being done here we can add some blur in the  scene so that it feels like a camera is focusing   onto the screen so for that we'll go to the effects Tab and add some gaussian blur here and in   between the zoom in we can add some key frames  and increase the value of the blur and   just keep on varying the value in between the key  frames make sure that the starting is zero and the   ending of the key frames is zero and in between  you can just change the values so that when it   zooms in the blur increases and refocuses on the  screen let's try and make it ease in and ease out as well yeah looks good to me now we just need  to add some sound effects and we should be   done for the text animations we can add  some swoosh sound effects yeah this looks   this looks good maybe it's a bit fast we can  just increase the length of the sound effect   by pressing R on the keyboard it brings  out the rate stretch tool and stretching it   like this a bit we'll use a different sound  effect for this this the second one [Music] so yeah I've added a bunch of Swoosh sound  effects all of them are different I'll   add the link to them in the description  as well so you can just test with them   for this kind of animations mainly the swoosh sound effects Does the job if the volume is a   bit too much you can just decrease it  from here in the effects control panel now   for the zoom in We'll add a camera  shutter sound effect let's start from here yeah the sound effect seems a bit too  fast for me so we'll bring out the rate stretch   tool again and drag it out to make it slower  yeah looks good to me now we'll just decrease   this volume of this one as well now for this  highlighter We'll add some highlighter sound   effect I downloaded this from YouTube as well  but you can find it in the description okay   let's use this portion so we's start from  here the volume of the camera shutter is   still too high let's decrease it more so  that we have some room for our highlighter   sound [Music] effect okay looks good to me  so let's look at the animation from start to finish yeah this looks good maybe  you can change the sound effects   a bit more to make it better but yeah this is it
Channel: Pritam Dz
Views: 2,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video editing like dhruv rathee, dhruv rathee, dhruv rathee video editing, video editing like vox
Id: ycRzXh3LWkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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