6 Single Strand Stopper Knots You Should Know!

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hey what's going on weavers thank you so much for clicking on this video and in today's video we're looking at six single strands stopper knots that you should know some of these are decorative some of these are practical but I'm sure you'll find a use for each one of these knots and your daily life as well as your paracord crafting let's get into it first up is the Celtic button knot also known as the single strand diamond knot we're gonna start off by making two counterclockwise loops there's one and two and notice that the standing in is laying on top and with that standing in we're gonna pass it through that middle section we're gonna go over under over and under these sort of four strands that are laying across like so and bring that standing in back around to the right side and then we're gonna go through that lobe on the right side go under the next two strands and through the middle of the knot and bring that standing in to the front okay now from here all we have to do is cinch up our not so pull on both opposite ends of the rope in our Celtic button notches start to come together there will be a bit of excess slack in the knot so pull all of that slack from one side of the knot all the way out to the other and once you've got that firmed up we have our Celtic button knot or single strand diamond not a lot of uses for this one in terms of paracord crafting mainly decorative I can use it for a single strand bracelets as a stopper knot or to decorate your bracelets and lanyards and the other way you want number two the figure eight knot this one is super simple you're going to pass the tail of the rope over itself to form a loop continue under and around the standing end and you're gonna finish the knot by passing the tail down through the loop from here pull it tight and we have our figure eight knot the figure-eight knot has many practical uses it is a quick and convenient stop or not that can be undone very easily it is also the basis for many other mountain climbing knots number three the double overhand knot I'm gonna wrap my paracord twice around my index finger away from me I'm gonna take that end and pass it through those two loops and then tighten the knot and that will form our double overhand knot this knot has both practical and decorative uses I like using it as a stopper knot on my bag Larry however it also is used in boating climbing and is also the basis for other useful knots such as the double fisherman's knot or the double overhand noose number four the barrel knot it's not as very similar to the double overhead not gonna take my piece of paracord and this time I'm going to wrap it three times around my finger forming three loops wrapping away from me I'm also moving slightly to the left with these loops and then with the tail of the rope I'm gonna pass that tail through the three loops and tighten the knot like the double overhand knot this knot has both practical and decorative uses however it is often widely used in climbing and rappelling as a stopper knot number five the stevedore not gonna take the tail of the rope put a bend in it and bring it back towards the standing end and I'm gonna make two loops wrapping around that bend it's one loop the second loop and after the second loop I'm gonna pass that tail through the bend that I made and then pull on the standing end and also tighten up the coil and after you've firmed up that coil you have tied the stevedore knot at this point if you want you can clip off that excess cord and melt it and that will give you a very nice single strand stop or not great for use for lanyards another paracord craft projects however the stevedore not makes a moderately reliable bulky single strand stop or not then you can use to prevent they rope from passing through grommets and other things number six the monkey's fist I'm going to take my working end and make two passes around my index and middle finger and then I'm gonna change directions and start wrapping perpendicular to that another two passes just stack those two passes going upwards make sure your passes are stacking properly on top of each other at this point I'm gonna add a tiny ball bearing for a bit of weight is actually slingshot ammo now I'm gonna take out my index and middle finger I'm gonna take that standing in and start wrapping through the two spaces above and below the ball bearing this time wrapping vertically again and I'm gonna do another two passes and when wrapping in this direction it looks almost like you're doing two and a half passes and we're gonna finish up top like so and from here now we're just gonna send out all the excess cord now again I did do a mini monkey's fist you can make a slightly larger monkey's fist with a marble instead of the small ball bearing I used but just for this video who decided to do another mini monkey's fist you do the same process except do three passes instead of two so I'm working all the slack out of my monkey's fist and you want to make sure you pull all the excess from one end of the monkey's fist out to the other be sure to pay attention to where you're going with these direction of the slack because you couldn't be just pulling it back and forth and going nowhere and this will just take a bit of practice to get used to now I also want to hide the tail end of my rope here you don't have to do this but I'm just doing this for aesthetics and I'm pulling the tail of the rope almost just underneath the two passes there and working that slack all the way through out to the other end of the monkey's fist and again I'm gonna work that slack all the way out to the work standing end and there we have our monkey's fist not has many practical but also decorative uses such as lanyards and key fobs but in terms of practicality it really is used to weigh down one end of a rope so that you can throw it over something and it has seen a lot of nautical use in that sense and there we have a guy's six single strands stop or knots some practical some decorative some both there are many other great single strand knots out there but I hope you guys enjoyed this collection here let me know in the comments down below which one is your favorite and I hope you all will try tying these knots as always a huge thank you to all my patreon supporters if you want access to exclusive patreon videos as well as other perks feel free to check out my patreon page linked in the video as well as down below you can join for as low as 3 bucks a month thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what I did in this video feel free to check out what I have to offer the rest of my channel
Channel: The Weavers of Eternity Paracord
Views: 430,647
Rating: 4.940824 out of 5
Keywords: weavers of eternity, tutorial, weavers of eternity diamond knot, the weavers of eternity paracord tutorials, paracord tutorials, paracord, paracord survival bracelet, the only knot you need to know, survival knots, best survival knots, knots you need to know, knotting, practical knots, practical knot tutorial, best knots, celtic button knot, barrel knot, double overhand knot, monkey's fist, figure 8 knot, stevedore knot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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