Make a "Getback" Whip from Paracord

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[Music] hey guys welcome back today we are gonna be making a get back whip it's been something that we've been kind of putting off for a while it's a big project so we're gonna be doing kind of a simplified version of it here so if you're somewhat new to paracord and this is something that you'd like to make this would be a great place to start there's a lot of more advanced tutorials for this project on the internet but nothing that is kind of an entry level getting into this for the first time tip thing so kind of the main piece of hardware that you're need for this project is our panic snap this is nice because it fits over the handle of your clutch or brake on your motorcycle and with just grabbing it on the release mechanism you can pull it off easily there's no fumbling around for a release so this is what you'll need to get started other than that you'll also need 25 feet of paracord in two different colors so for a total of 50 and then some kind of beads or something to weigh it down on the end we're gonna make kind of a whip end to it some people like to make more of a slammer with a pool ball or something like that with a big knot around it we're gonna go for like the four tails of a whip on this one and then for tools it'll help if you have something like a fydd or Marlinspike we've got this nodders tool that we sell in our store but anything with a little bit of an end is gonna work even a screwdriver for that matter and then scissors and a lighter let's dive in alright so we're gonna start off with our paracord pieces and we'll just clip each of those down into half the length so once you have all those cut just find one end of all of them we're gonna be starting on the tail end um so at the end we're gonna be telling these beads on but we won't do that yet because they're just gonna get in the way but we want to leave about a foot of extra cord before we tie your first knot and actually a little bit more than a foot let's leave a foot and a half of cord and then we're just going to tie a overhand knot there just to keep things in place a poor-man's binder clip alright so in this end we're gonna be making what's called a foot rope nut it's just nice decorative not for our end that'll lead it into our four tassels for the whip so to set it up you want our same colors on opposite sides of the knob so like this and then we're going to start by making a box knot or walnut so that's just going to involve putting our greys over the top like this to have two loops and then take this color here do the same thing but it's going to go under that second cord then this one over the first under the second just like that this is a common one used in kids plastic lace bracelets and things once you have your box not we aren't going to tighten it all the way down we're gonna start by grabbing one cord and moving around counterclockwise underneath the one next to it and then across the top we want it to rest just to the inside of the opposite colored one going this direction here so we're going to move counterclockwise around the circle again so we'll grab this orange one bring it under the one next to it and then over across the top here just to the inside of the great one going across same thing with this one underneath our orange and across the top it's a little bit complicated to hang on to then our last one here it's orange one it's gonna go underneath and then it actually has to come up through our first one that we did so this gray loop here you know so we'd be laying it across the top like this but it's got to go through there and that's gonna lock it all down alright so it looks like a mess here but it is a symmetrical mess we're gonna tighten it down a little ways but not all the way we've got another step to go in this alright so once you've got it tightened down you can kind of pull the cords off of the top there you've got coming out at all different places here so now we're there laid across the top right alongside the one of the opposite color we're gonna follow that over right alongside the one of the opposite color so we're following this orange one right now just to the inside of it and we'll catch all the cords up to that step before we move on so now this one here was following this orange one across we want to go underneath right alongside and same with these ones across the top to the inside of that great one it's not a very good end on that paracord and this one as well across the top following that other colors through so now we're not a symmetrical again and we've got our towards fastened down a little bit better now it's relatively easy to just follow each one of those cords through until it comes out the top here so we'll start turning the knot sideways so you can see what I'm doing we'll start with this orange one so we're just going to keep on following that gray cord but instead of continuing to follow it we're over here it already has one along side so we'll just follow it as far as it goes underneath we're gonna poke it straight into the knot and up through the top like that so I'm moving on to the next one we've got our gray I'm following alongside our orange hook it right in that hole and up the top of the knot and for this next one here there we go and our last Grey all right so now we've got our not finished we just want to tighten that down as much as we can [Music] all right our our foot Rokinon is done and we've got still our foot or so of cork here on the end that's going to turn into the whip ends but for now we're going to be making the bulk of it with kind of a Sinnott chain not so we're gonna undo that overhand knot that we tied just as a placeholder and we should have our four strands again with our colors on opposite sides so for this knot it's going to start the same way as our our foot rope nut we're going to just put both cords we got a lot more cord to work with this time but both cords over the front then each of these cords grab an end down here as you can see what I'm doing want to go over the loose end and underneath the next one and same with our other side over that first chord over that first chord and underneath this second one oops I pulled that cord through all right so we'll just tighten this loosely down here we've got that same knot that we started out with before well tighten that one down and then the next step is gonna be a little bit different after that all right so there's our first knot we've got that checkerboard pattern so we would put our cords across like this but to have a round shape instead of that square that we have here we're gonna actually switch that up so they're gonna go to the opposite sides so we got this in the bottom corner we're gonna bring it up to the top corner like that and this one is gonna go to the bottom corner that's gonna give us kind of a spiral pattern moving up the whip so now same with these orange ones grab this one first we're just gonna go over that first cord underneath the second we want to go opposite corners of each other so these orange ones here we went straight across this one here would be on the bottom but it's going across at the top and put our second orange cord through all right so aligning this you can see what's going on we've got our square again just like before but it's sitting at a kiddy corner to the one underneath so go ahead and tighten that down and this knot is actually going to be the bulk of the whip so we're gonna keep on stacking these knots keep on doing the spiral adjusting on each knot there and be building that out for about two feet so one more time for clarity's sake this is what our knot looks like before it's tightened down we've got a loop in each cord fed through the loop next to it so from the side that looks like our our tubes that we put across another ones fence reads the opposite direction I'm going go ahead and tighten this down I've weaved about 20 inches now just shy of the two feet that I had told you and at this point we can attach our our shackle we're gonna be using much the same knot that we did before except we're gonna be weaving it through the the anchor point on the bottom there so it's gonna be oriented in a diagonal to our cords so to do that I'm just kinda want to lay it out there or upright rather and feed the cords through just as we as if we're doing the knot without the shackle there by doing it diagonally like this we get all four cords running through this to make sure that it's the strongest knot alright so we've got our two cords across like before and I'm just gonna use a straight box not on this I'm not gonna do the diagonal one we've got our lines going parallel instead of cutie corner then taking our orange cord I'm gonna bring it just like before over that first chord underneath that second what we want to do that while also going through the shackle so I'll feed it through there over that first chord and then I'm gonna flip it around so we can go underneath this chord here and then the same thing with our orange going the other direction I'm going to go over this chord underneath this one [Music] so we're tighten that down it and then you'll kind of see what I mean here they're not doesn't look too much different from before you've just got that shackle going through the middle of it so when you tighten it down make sure that it's pointing up right otherwise you're not what kind of tighten off to one side all right and then to make sure that this knot holds tight we just wanna make one more read on top of that it's the same way we're just gonna be forming them not through the shackle [Music] so there's our two knots tighten down you know that's pretty secure the shackle isn't going to go anyplace to finish this off we're gonna turn around and do the same knot on the outside of what we already have so it's going to look a little bit different but we're just going to weave about three inches down that makes kind of a nice handle on the top and finishes off the knot nicely so we're gonna flip this up to down so just like before I'm gonna take my great chords first and make my loops like this so you guys can see that there get one going each direction and then just kind of hold them down there with your fingers and then with our orange cords we're going to be going over the one there we go that's a little clear over this loop and then through this bottom one here same thing on this other side I want to go over this loop down here and underneath this one then from the top to get them all kind of in place it looks the same as it did before our interlocking loops like that so I'll just tighten that down as close as I can to the shackle and the first knot is not gonna hold tight by itself that'll kind of get locked in place when we add that second layer to it all right so one more time if it's coming out on this side our great cord here because we're doing our spiral one again now I'm going to go to the opposite side great cord from the bottom up on this side and you know the real [Music] after done weaving and then cutting infusing your hands on our handle end we're gonna move down to the whip portion where we'll add our our spacer beads now these are beads you can find in our store but little weights like this can also be found at most hardware stores you can put whatever you want on there whether it's scull beads or something sharp or whatever but these will just kind of weigh the end down so that it's not flapping around quite as much when you're riding your bike all right so thread one of these onto each end and we're just going to tie a simple overhand knot to keep it on and that'll work because we're going to clip the end of the cord and fuse it to the knot so if you want to do a more secure stop or not you can definitely do that but we're just gonna melt the end you want maybe melt it a little bit of extra time and then push it get it up against your knot that's uh the plastic actually kind of fuses to your knot so that knot wouldn't come undone by itself or even if you tried it alright so we'll do that to each of these cords and move on from there [Music] so there's lots of ways that you can make this fancier um you can put Turks head nuts to cover up your ends and things but this is just kind of a standard one if it's your first try it's a fun project it takes a little bit longer to get this much length to it but it was worth it I think it looks nice and hope you guys enjoyed this one now you guys are all adults or at least I assume you are but what you do with this is up to you and not my fault hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful if you want to make this project for yourself we put a link in the description with all the supplies that you'll need for this project thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Paracord Planet
Views: 70,014
Rating: 4.8828125 out of 5
Keywords: Paracord, tutorial, DIY, paracord planet, getback whip, get back whip, paracord whip, biker whip, panic snap
Id: fT3jbtBTXto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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