Make A Custom Windows 10 ISO

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are you sick of having to remove all the bloatware every time you reload windows 10 well today i'm going to show you how to make a custom iso without the bloatware stay tuned microsoft's really not going to like this video i did a video a while back on a script that will actually allow you to remove bloatware from windows 10. it's actually a neat little script that actually helps you to remove a lot of packages that you don't want in windows 10. however you have to run the script every time you install windows 10 which is kind of a hassle wouldn't it be nice if you could actually have an original iso of windows 10 that didn't come with all the bloatware to begin with well that's what we're going to be doing today we're actually going to be building an iso image that doesn't have all the bloatware and to do that we're going to be using the msmg toolkit that's a nice little set of scripts that will allow you to build an iso file that can either be customized or slimmed down to whatever your needs are this is based on the windows assessment and deployment tool and you don't actually need a degree from microsoft in order to use it it's actually a really easy to use script and i'm going to go through the steps and show you how to use it so since this is going to take a while let's just jump right into it so there's going to be a few things that we're going to need in order to do this the first thing that we need is a copy of windows 10 we're going to need an iso to be able to build upon and to get that what you're going to want to do is go download the media creation tool from microsoft it's really easy to find just google media creation tool and you should be able to find it when you open it up it's going to look just like this takes a minute for everything to get started all right we're going to go ahead and accept the user agreement here and what you're going to want to do is we don't want to upgrade this pc we want to actually create installation media so we're going to select that and go ahead and hit next and then here you can actually select what kind of media you want if you'd like to change whatever the default is here you can actually uncheck this and then you can kind of select if you want to do a different language a different edition which there is no different edition it's just windows 10 or you can actually change the architecture so you can go 32 or 64-bit obviously i would stay with 64-bit if you're doing this on the system that you actually plan to use this on then it would be fine to use the recommended options and then we're going to go ahead and hit next and then you want to make sure to pick iso file we don't want to make a usb thumb drive we definitely want an iso file and then once we do that we're going to go ahead and hit the next button it's going to ask you where you want to save it now i already have one saved right here because i created this ahead of time but what you can do is go ahead and give it a name and then push the save button and at this point it will actually go through and download the iso from microsoft service this is going to take a little while to do and since i've already done it i'm actually going to cancel this but i would just wait it out until it's done and then once it's finished we can move on to the next step okay so the next thing that you're going to need is the toolkit itself so to do that you're going to want to go to msmg toolkits website and i go i have a shortcut right here on my desktop i'll go ahead and leave a link to this in the description below so you can find it yourself and then what you want to do is go over to the download link and hit downloads and then from there you want to click download for the msmg toolkit itself and at that point it should send you to a mirror where you can actually just go ahead and hit accept all cookies and then give it a second for this thing to load and what you're going to want to download is this compressed file right here the toolkit 7-zip now you're going to have to have 7-zip installed on your computer in order to do this um personally i'm not a fan of 7-zip and i went ahead and extracted this and created a zip file so i could actually open it in windows but just keep in mind that you're going to have to have 7-zip in order to open the archive originally you can always uninstall 7-zip afterwards if you want to but once you download this you'll go ahead and you'll have it on your desktop or wherever you saved it to and we can move on to the next step and what that's going to be is we're going to want to extract what we actually downloaded so we're going to want to take the toolkit itself drag it off onto our desktop here and it's going to take a minute for it to extract and once it's finished we can go ahead and close the archive and then we can open up the toolkit folder right here now in the toolkit folder what we need to do is we need to actually place the iso that we just downloaded into the iso folder so we're going to open the iso folder here and we're going to take that iso that we just downloaded and go ahead and drag it into this folder and once we drag it in there that's all we need to do from there we want to go back to the beginning of the folder here and then we want to click the start script so we're going to do that right now go ahead and hit yes to your account prompt and then from this point you want to hit a for accept and it's going to take a minute hit any key to continue and then once you're to this point you're actually at the main menu for the script and we're going to go through each step that i'm going to take to actually create a custom iso now you don't have to follow my settings exactly you can actually go around and experiment in this and come up with your own custom iso this isn't about what i'm doing this is about what you want to do so some of the things that i'm going to choose to remove may not be the same things that you want to remove but that's what makes this kit so great because you can choose for yourself what you want and don't want so let's get back to it all right so from here the first thing we want to do is click one for source and then for source we have an iso image so we need to extract that iso image so to do that we're going to want to hit right here number three extract source from dvd iso image so go ahead and hit 3 and then it's going to ask you the name of the iso and this is the name that you would have given the iso previously mine was windows but yours may be named whatever you wanted to name it when you saved it from the media creation tool so i'm going to type in windows here now you don't want to use the iso file name because it automatically puts that on just put the name of the file without iso after it then hit enter and it's going to go through and it's going to extract everything from the iso into the dvd folder in this toolkit and i'll show you that once it's done it may take a minute to get through this section but once it does go ahead and just click any key to continue and you'll be back at the main menu now just to show you real quick what we just did i'm going to go back to the folder here and if you look we have a folder here called dvd if you open this folder this is actually the contents of the iso that you just extracted so just to kind of give you an idea what the script is doing is essentially all it did was pull the files from the iso into this folder and we're going to go ahead and go back to the tool now and then we want to go back into the sources menu again and then for this what we want to do is we want to extract source from custom windows esd image your windows iso probably uses an esd image this is just a more compressed image to kind of take up less space on the thumb drive or cd-rom that you're using to actually burn the install too now what this program actually needs is it needs a wim image and in order to do that we're going to actually have to use a script in this tool in order to convert it to a wim it's going to make it a little bit bigger but it's going to make it so the tool can actually use it so let me show you how to do that all right so what you're gonna do is you're gonna push on right here number seven extract source from custom windows esd image so hit seven and it's gonna go through and it's gonna find the additions of windows that are actually on this iso image now obviously this one has a copy of each edition of windows now what i would do is you can pick all if you want however i would just select the one that you're actually going to use it'll make this tool kit a little bit quicker if you choose all of them then it actually has to go through and repeat the steps for every single version of windows and it takes it a really long time to get through so i'm actually going to select number six for windows 10 pro so once i hit number six i'm going to go ahead and hit enter and it's going to go through and extract just windows pro from the iso image one thing you can't forget while you're doing this is you're unfortunately going to need a lot of patience because in between each step here you're going to have to wait for the the script to actually do what it is that you're asking it to do and a few of those actually take a little bit of time but it's okay because it's going to be a great payoff in the end all right so once it's completed you can go ahead and press any key to continue and you're going to go back to the main menu now we need to go into the sources menu one more time here so go ahead and click one again to go into sources and now that we have the esd extracted we actually need to select source from the dvd folder so go ahead and hit one and it's going to ask you which image you want now obviously we only extracted pro so pro is the one we're going to do so we're going to go ahead and hit 1 enter and it's going to ask you if you want to mount the windows boot image i'm going to say yes and the recovery image i'm going to say yes as well so once it finishes mounting that image we can start removing some of that bloatware let's get back to it all right now that it has the image mounted we can start removing bloatware's go ahead and hit enter to go to the main menu and from here we're going to want to go into the remove menu so go ahead and hit number three for the remove menu and then we want to click on remove windows components the very first one and then we want to select windows components to be removed so go ahead and hit number one again and this is going to give you different categories of components that you want to remove so let's just start at the very top we'll go into internet and these are the components that are currently going to be installed so we got adobe flash for windows edge chromium browser and internet explorer now what i typically do on these is rather than choosing which ones i don't want to install i click all in order to eliminate everything and then i go back and i choose what i actually do want to install so for that we're going to go ahead and hit a and that's going to actually put a minus in front of all these that means they're going to be removed from the image however i want to keep internet explorer because you know we need something that we can use to install chrome right so in order to install internet explorer we're going to go ahead and hit three and that'll put a plus next to internet explorer and then go ahead and hit x to go back and then from here we're gonna go into the next menu multimedia so in multimedia has a whole bunch of things that it wants to install just like before i'm going to go ahead and hit a to remove all of it and then for some of these things like for instance the first login animation isn't necessary you can remove you cannot install that if you want however it makes it really boring while you're waiting for windows to set up for the very first time so i go ahead and leave that one on then we got game explorer this is for microsoft games if you don't plan on using any microsoft games then it's really not necessary but if you do go ahead and hit two to install it and then these are different tools multimedia tools for windows you've got like the snipping tools specific speech recognition and things of that nature the media player photo viewer and the windows system assessment tool now on these ones right here i would highly recommend installing media player and it's because some games actually require media player in order to play so go ahead and hit five to install media player and you know what i'm gonna leave the rest out so we're gonna go ahead and hit x to go back to the previous menu and then now we're gonna go ahead and click privacy so go ahead and hit three for privacy on this one you actually have to push one in order to remove all privacy components so go ahead and hit one and it's gonna uncheck everything and then i'm gonna go through here and i'm gonna decide which ones of these i actually want to install so we've got assigned access customer experience improvement program yeah not none of this is interesting me at all kernel debugging location services picture password pin sign-in nope none of it so you know what i'm going to leave all of this stuff out completely so we're going to go and go back and then in remoting we're going to go ahead and hit four to go into that menu and then we got home group which is an absolutely worthless windows networking tool we got multi-point connector and then remote assistance you know i'm going to remove all of these and then we're going to hit x to go back and then from system going to go ahead and hit 5 to go into system and then from here we have just like before i'm going to go ahead and hit all system components going to go and hit one it's going to uncheck everything and then i'm going to go through here and decide which ones of these i actually want to keep so device lockdown no ease of access no easy transfer file history you know what that one i'm actually going to keep because file history is necessary for windows backup and you know what you should always have a backup trust me you don't want to not have a backup it's very important very important so go ahead and leave that one checked then the next one we're going to go through here and you know i use paint to take screenshots all the time so i'm going to go ahead and keep paint security center i actually like microsoft security center so i'm going to go ahead and turn that one on and that actually depends on windows defender so there's some dependencies in here so if you actually uninstall one then the other thing won't work like for instance if you go into system restore right here it depends on windows backup well as you can see windows backup is unchecked here but if we actually check system restore i'm going to go ahead and hit i you'll see it automatically checks windows backup so it actually does do some dependency work so it makes a little bit easier so you don't accidentally install one thing and not a dependent that it actually needs and then windows firewall yes i'm going to keep that windows subsystem for linux i am actually going to keep that windows to go nope and wordpad yeah why not that's keep wordpad okay from there we're gonna hit x and go back and then we're gonna go into system apps which is kind of a redundant name we were in system before now we're in system apps so we're gonna go into system apps and as you can see while we're cut off now well here's the thing right is there's actually a whole list of other components above here and what you're going to want to do is just kind of drag this window down and just resize it a little bit so you can see everything that's on the screen there you go and then from here we're going to go ahead and hit a for all system apps now on this one it doesn't automatically go you actually have to hit enter for this menu here just to make it work because a lot of the selections right here actually have a two-digit selection so you have to use your enter key on this one so we're gonna go ahead and hit that and it's gonna uncheck everything then we're gonna kind of go through and see what we want like accounts control for windows store no i have no intention on installing windows store don't need it assigned access async text service azure nope windows help nope calling shell note capture picker nope camera no so we're gonna go through here eventually we might find something we actually want to install the edge classic browser nope i control app file explorer this was one that we definitely want so we're gonna go and hit 14 for file explorer and then lock screen app um narrator one drive absolutely not we don't want one drive parental controls maybe if you're into that people bar absolutely not quick assistant app and you know a lot of these things it doesn't look like i'm actually going to be using so i'm actually just going through here real quick just to see and the windows defender app so this is one that i definitely want because i'm actually a fan of windows defender so we're going to turn that on windows mixed reality no no and i'm going to leave all the xbox stuff out and it looks like that's it we've got two things windows defender and the file explorer app so we're going to hit x to go back and then hit enter and then the last menu is windows apps so we're going to go into there and this is going to be another big menu that has a lot of apps in it but like before we're going to hit a for all unchecks everything then we're going to go through and see what we want like okay alarm clock you know what i'll use the alarm clock and calculator i will definitely use the calculator camera no quintana desktop app installer you know i'm going to actually go ahead and install this one right here i'm going to hit seven and then feedbook feedback hub google's vp9 codec this is actually an important one make sure you check this one right here and i would recommend actually doing all of the different codecs high efficiency image file definitely going to want to check that and like i said go through all of the different codecs and and select all of those we want maps play fixing you know a lot of these we're not going to use so onenote paint 3d nope people photos i actually don't like the windows 10 photos i like to change it to the old windows 7 style photos so i'm definitely not going to use that screen scratch skype nope sticky notes you know you sticky notes can come in handy however sticky notes requires the microsoft store so we're definitely gonna skip that and then voice recorder nope tips weather and here's another one web media codec and the webp image codec we're gonna definitely want both of these so we're gonna go 31 and 32. windows mail no windows store absolutely not and then the xbox in your phone and that's it so we're going to go into x now and go back to the main menu so now that we went through all of these different subcategories we've told the script which components we want and which components we don't and now it's time to go through and let the script remove all of the components that we've chosen to remove and to do that let me show you how okay so what you want to do is in order to actually allow the script to remove all of the components that you've chosen go ahead and hit the x button for back and then you want to click right here where it says start removing windows components go ahead and push 2 and it's going to go through and it's going to remove components based on the selections you made in the previous step now this is going to take a little while to do so go ahead and sit tight grab yourself a cup of coffee and watch your computer work some systems can take a lot longer this is all going to depend on the speed of your computer if you have a faster computer obviously it's going to go a little quicker if you have a slower computer this might take you quite some time so go ahead and sit tight and wait for this thing to finish and once it's done i'll meet you back in windows all right now that it's done removing components go ahead and push any key to continue and now we can hit x to go back and go ahead and hit x one more time to go back again now the next thing that we're going to do is that this script actually allows you to integrate components into your windows install as well and i'm actually going to do that i'm going to install directx 9 and the visual c runtimes because honestly those are usually helpful when it comes to gaming so we're going to go ahead and integrate those just so i can show you the integrate menu so we're going to go ahead and go into two and then in this you can integrate all different kinds of things you can ch you can integrate language packs you can integrate drivers features updates or you can do custom features as well and where you get all this stuff at is you actually we're going to go back to the website and if you look right here the msmg toolkit packs this is where you actually get all of these packs in order to do the integration in the first place so what you would do is go ahead and click on browse right here it's going to open up the mirror and then from here you would just choose what you want to integrate and then place that into the toolkits directory like for instance we're going to use directx 9 and i've already downloaded that but here's where you would get the files themselves at so now that we already have it all downloaded let me show you how to actually integrate them into the toolkit the way you would do that is go into the original folder again where we actually saved the toolkit to and we want to go into packs and then from packs these are all the different folders that the different packs go in so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on directx 9 i'm going to move it out of the way here and i'm going to take this folder and just drop it into here it's going to go ahead and copy it once it's done we can close this and open the next one and then from here same thing we're just going to grab the folder and drop it in and it's going to take a minute to copy and there we go once that's finished we can go ahead and go back to our script and we're going to want to choose windows features and from there go ahead and hit 3 and then obviously we chose directx 9 and visual c plus plus so for that we're going to hit n and it's going to go through and right now it's installing the directx 9. once it's finished you push any key to continue and then choose the next one that's going to be q and there we go any key to continue now if you did anything wrong like for instance let's try to install something that i didn't download let's take um let's do like the windows media feature pack so if we hit g right now you'll see that it's not found they can't the feature pack is missing from the below folder so if you wanted to do that you would actually have to go back to the website that i showed you before download that feature pack and copy it into the folder here if you wanted to actually integrate that into your windows install but for now we're going to be done so we're going to go ahead and hit back and then hit x to go back again now that we have our iso for the most part created we actually have to tell the script to actually make the install now and to do that let me show you how okay so the next step we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and hit five to apply all the changes that we have just made so we're gonna go ahead and hit five and then it's gonna give you all these different selections the one we want is number two apply and save changes to the source image so we're gonna go ahead and hit number two and then it's going to ask you if you want to clean up the image folder for this i would hit no because if you want to go back and you want to add something later that you actually removed it'll still be there to add it if you want to so go ahead and hit no so as i said before this script takes a lot of time there's a lot of waiting involved so unfortunately you're gonna have to find something to do to pass the time while this is going on because especially this section right here happens to take the longest of any of the other sections that we have to do and this is because it's actually building the wim file that will later be used to create the iso so if you need something else to do hopefully you have your phone handy and you can i don't know watch some of my other videos and in the meantime wait until this finishes up all right now that this is finished up and yes that did actually take a really long time so we're going to go ahead and hit any key to continue and we're right on the home stretch now so now that we have our image put together now we need to actually make an iso file so the last tool that we're going to use is target right here so we're going to go ahead and hit 6 for target and then from here it gives you a bunch of different options you can actually create a usb flash drive straight from this menu however i'm not going to do that i'm going to do mine in a different way what i want is i'm going to make a dvd iso image but you can actually go through and kind of experiment with some of these other selections if you want to but for right now we're going to make a dvd iso image go ahead and hit one and it's going to ask you what you want the volume label for the iso to be so i'm going to name mine cyber cpu and then hit enter and then what is your iso file's name i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to do cyber cpu and then from there it's actually going to go ahead and create the iso now this actually doesn't take very long it flies through this section fairly quickly so once it finishes i'll actually show you how to burn this iso to a thumb drive so you can actually install it on your computer okay now that we've actually built the iso now we need to do something with it and you know most new computers don't have a cd-rom anymore so we don't actually want to make a cd out of this iso what we want to do is we want to actually put it onto a usb thumb drive so we can actually install it on our system and for that we're actually going to use a tool called rufus this is a tool that i use to create images all the time and it works really well so let me show you how to use it all right so what we're going to want to do is we want to go back to the toolkit folder here and go back into the iso folder and you'll notice here you have two isos in here now you have the original iso that you created from the media creation tool and you also have the iso that you just created with this toolkit now this is the iso we're concerned with now this is going to be our new deep loaded version of windows so we're going to go ahead and click that i'm going to drag it out onto the desktop and go ahead and close this folder for the tool kit we're going to go ahead and run rufus here and rufus is a really easy to use program that you can download for free i'll go ahead and leave a link in the description on where you can actually download this and from here what we're going to want to do is we want to select our usb drive and that's going to be this drive right here and then we want to push the select button to select the iso that we want to actually write to it so from there we're going to open this up go to our desktop and from there select the iso that we just copied and then hit open and then once you have that open you can go ahead and just push start and it will actually start writing the iso to the usb drive but luckily i've already done that and if you look around this copy of windows that we've actually been doing on this on the whole time is actually the copy that i already made using this method and as you can see there's hardly anything on here from before windows is really stripped down all the bloatware is gone and it's running really well so now that we have an iso created you can actually use this iso to install windows on as many computers as you want at least as many computers as you have licenses to run windows on you still have to have a license for windows in order to use this but at least now you have a pre-deep loaded copy of windows at your disposal whenever you want to use it now i would recommend rather than using the in-place upgrade in windows 10 to upgrade to the newer versions of windows as they come out i would recommend repeating these steps each time a new build of windows comes out so that way you'll have a fresh copy of a loaded version of the latest build of windows but if this was helpful to you then please like this video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that bell icon so you can be notified of future videos i post a new video every week and hey before you go check out a couple of these videos have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 347,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 10, windows, install, microsoft windows (operating system), windows 10 lite, windows 10 install time, windows 10 upgrade clean install, windows 7, how to clean install windows 10, minimal windows 10 install, minimal windows 10, minimal windows 10 setup, minimal windows 10 iso, windows 10 iso creation, windows 10 setup, windows 10 config, msmg toolkit
Id: 2yyiLv0v2BA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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