How To Start a Drop Servicing Business with WordPress (2020)

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today i'm going to be showing you how to start your very own drop servicing business using wordpress for those of you that don't know what drop servicing is it's basically where you go to a website like fiverr or upwork you find a service then you build a website around that service you try and get clients for that service and then when people make an order on your website you basically go and fulfill it through the services that you found on upwork and fiverr you put a bit of extra money on top so that you can make some profit it's one of the oldest business models there is going where you just go and outsource a service then you find clients for that service in today's tutorial i will be showing you how you can pick a niche for your drop servicing business i will be showing you how to set up the website from scratch so it is fully optimized for you to start taking orders for your drop servicing business i'll be showing you how to fulfill those orders and then i'll also briefly be showing you how you can go and market your drop servicing website using google ads so if you're interested in wordpress digital marketing and all of that type of stuff make sure to subscribe to the channel so let's go and have a look at the website we will be building today need a website try trendypress we make affordable and beautiful websites we can build your website from scratch within four to six weeks want to get your idea off the ground quickly then why not try one of our pre-built websites if you already own a website and it's not converting how you'd want to try our website reviews or if you just have an idea that you want to discuss then why not try our web consulting service head over to today so let's have a look at the drop servicing website we will be building today will be a fairly simple website design so that you can get your drop servicing website off the ground pretty quickly so you can see we have a full width slider over here so that you can go and showcase the different services that you will be offering then if somebody clicks on services you can go into more detail about the different services that you are going to be offering on your website then you can go to the portfolio and you can go and showcase some of the work and some of the services that you will be offering and these will be directly taken from the fiverr gig or from the service that you will be drop servicing then if somebody goes and clicks on this they can go and look at this in better detail to get an idea of the different services that you are offering on your drop servicing website then if we click on pricing we will have the pricing tables and once again these prices will be directly based off of the pricing of the fiverr gig that you will be drop servicing so you can go and mark up these gigs and make some profits on the services that you will be drop servicing and then finally if you want to offer a premium package so a custom drop servicing package then the customer can go and contact you using the contact form down here and then you can go and discuss a custom package now another great thing with these pricing tables is that if somebody wants to purchase the package so let's say they want this standard package they can just go and click on choose plan and it will bring them directly to the checkout where they will be able to go and pay with card or with paypal so there's no faffing around they can just go and choose a package and get started right away and i'll also be showing you how to create all of the other relevant pages such as your privacy policy and your terms of service so you can go and create loads of these pages and we'll be just using a drag and drop builder to do this so no coding it's going to be really easy to set up and also be showing you things such as how to go and create your logo and loads of different things within the back end of your wordpress dashboard the first thing that we need to do in order to start a drop servicing business is to actually pick a niche for our drop servicing business and there are so many different niches that you can pick so don't feel like you're restricted with the type of thing that you can market and build your drop serving servicing business around so we're just going to have a look on fiverr and just get a few ideas of niches that you could potentially use and just have a look at the process of how you can come up with an idea for your niche so i'm just over fiverr here and we are just going to go through some of these over here so the first one i have had a look at is a packaging design now all i've done for all of these different examples i am going to show you here i've just gone and hovered over the broader niches so these are all of the broader niches or the broader categories and then within those we have subcategories of different niches that we can go and market and build our drop servicing business around so the first one that i've gone and had a look at is packaging design so i believe that's under graphic design over here so just go to graphic design and then you will see loads of different design niches that you can go for and then over here where is it so i can't seem to find it but there is a packaging design on here somewhere so like i said you're going to go and just click into lots of these different categories and see what you can find so we've got packaging design over here and basically this is pretty straightforward so you can go and design packages for companies and people that are looking to start a new business or people that already have a business but want to refresh their brand with a new packaging design so you can see over here there's quite a lot of different services that we could drop service so let's just go and have a look let's just say let's see which one looks pretty nice so this this looks pretty cool over here they look like they've got some nice packaging designs so let's have a look or let's just see a few more so let's have a look at this one over here so this looks pretty cool they look like they design pretty nice packaging so let's just go and click on this for example and we can go and have a look at the type of gig that they are offering so we can see over here you will get a unique packaging design 3d image commercial use the source file the print ready file so that's going to be really important because if we're drop servicing this gig then we're going to need to give the print ready file to our clients and you can see that that's going to cost 83 pounds that's around 90 and then we've got higher packages around 110 120 sort of dollars and then around i think probably let's say 150 that type of thing and basically they can had add extras on for this so what we could do is now i've just gone and googled packaging design over here so you can see packaging design agency and i've just gone and clicked on this one over here so let's just go and look at their services now so if we just go and click on what we do and we can go and get a rough idea let's see if we can try and see if we can find some pricing and those types of things so it's really easy so you can see obviously this is their packaging design agency so you can just go and build your drop servicing store just exactly like this so you can go and build a drop servicing agency just like this and you can go and drop service this gig over here from fiverr so it's really simple how you can go and find a nice just like that so this literally took me about five minutes just to come up with a niche idea already so you can see on here they're mostly working by quoting their customers so this is a little bit of extra effort so people send you an email and then you quote them based on the work that you want but probably you would expect that they're at least charging probably 200 dollars for packaging design so even if they were to go for the highest package over here that's probably let's say around 150 they still make a 50 profit so you can see how easy it is to go and start one of these drop servicing businesses so let's go and have a look at another one over here this is a really cool one i had a look at so i was just going i think once again i was in video and animation this time and i believe i had a look at real estate promos and then within real estate promos i found this one over here i'll render a hd realistic architectural 3d animation so these are really cool so these are people who are planning maybe to build a house or something like that or it could even be a large firm who build a big load of buildings at once so maybe a block of flats or something like that so a big building firm who needs some blueprints created for based off of how they're going to do it or it could be a real estate company who are trying to pre-sell flats and houses and they want to show the customers how it's going to look once it's done so you can see over here they've got once again various packages so we've got the 75 pounds once again that's probably around 90 to 100 so one 3d model and it will do a video as well with background music and all those types of things and then we have the next one up so just a longer video and the next one up to that just another longer video now obviously you can contact the fiverr seller and you can work out a deal with them based on other things they can always offer you a different type of package that they can give to you based off of what your customers want from you so once again over here i just typed in real estate animation so you like i said you your customers this is a very weird sort of very narrow niche but you could find some good customers here like i said from big real estate companies or building firms and those types of things so if you type in real estate animation and i just found this company over here called jarvis visual communication and you can see they basically do the same thing so you could create a similar company to what they have created here but you're just drop servicing this service over here so you can see they've created loads of cool ones like this so for offices for bars cafes restaurants loads of different things for houses all the different types of things and once again this is something that looks like it has really large value so you would think think something like this a type of video like this would probably quite be quite expensive you probably could charge around 500 for something like that and the max that you're going to get charged is around sort of 250 dollars so you make a good 250 profit from drop servicing something like this and once again you can just market it on google ads you can market this on linkedin to people who are in real estate and those types of things so there's loads of different marketing we will go through that at the end of the tutorial so let's have a look at another one so we're just gonna go over here so another one i found here is brochure design so once again pretty simple now you could offer this to different companies that need a brochure so it could be a hardware store different things like that it could be a furniture store a carpet store it could be a restaurant so it doesn't just have to be brochure it could be flyers and all of those types of things so there's loads of different companies that you can go and target this with and once again you will be using google ads linkedin ads and different things like that so once again over here i just went and typed in brochure design and i just clicked on the top one over here and we can go and have a look at this company over here so you can easily go and create a website like this and you're just drop servicing any of these gigs over here and some of them are expensive and some of them are fairly cheap so we'll just have a look at this one over here let's have a look so let's just go and click on this you want to use a fairly decent gig on fiverr if you're actually going to be drop servicing these types of things not just any old cheapest one that you can find so you can see over here you get the print ready file and once again you get the print ready file double-sided and then this one is print ready and the source file now it might be a little bit hard to make profit on these more expensive ones that's around 450 so you're gonna have to charge around 550 600 for this type of thing so you might if you're thinking about getting into this nation any other niches that you're thinking about getting into if you see where it says get a free quote you're going to want to go through this process just to see the type of price that they are charging so like i said any of these other ones so this best packaging design i would contact and ask them or this company over here we could contact and ask them how much it would be for a video so we can get a rough idea if we can make good profit off of this so once again having a look at the brochure design this is a really simple website and you can actually create a website much better than this and i'll be showing you that in this tutorial actually start setting up the website with wordpress because for me personally i mean this website is okay but it's not beautiful so you can see they've got the prices down here a four page one is gonna cost 210 pounds for a a4 brochure design so if we have a look over here we can see four pages so they're doing four pages for 400 so obviously we're not going to want to drop service this gig because they can get four pages for 210 so almost half the price so we can go back to the drawing board over here and we can see if we can find a cheaper one so if we just go over here let's just go and change some of this so what we can do is let's just go and let's just go for best selling over here so instead of recommended we're going to go for best selling so now that i have sorted it by best selling we can actually see which ones are the best selling ones so if we was to have a look at this one instead let's go and have a look at this because it's a little bit cheaper and we can see if they've got still a decent level of quality so you can see over here they're doing two to six pages so they're doing up to let's go and have a look 16 to 26 pages for around sort of 80 90 when you convert that into dollars so if we go back over here we can see 24 pages is 735 pounds so you could get this one over here and like i said the quality is not bad and it is one of the top selling gigs on fiverr so you could go and use this and you could market this up to you know almost 10 times the price so it's pretty cool what you can do with some of this so that's just another niche that we've had to look at so let's go and have a look at a few more other ones so this over here is one that i just came up i think off the top of my head let me just go and have a look because i can't completely remember but i'm pretty sure that there isn't anything in here that says oh there is linkedin profiles okay so i tried to take a bit of credit there but yeah so when i was having a look we've just seen that we've got linkedin profiles in here so basically what these services will do they will actually go and set up your linkedin profile for you and make it look professional so once again if we just go and have a look at the best-selling one over here and then from here we can go and have a look so let's go and have a look at this best-selling one over here so let's just go ahead and click on this five gig and then from here we can look at what they are offering so let's go and see at their different packages so up the highest one they've got around that's around 100 or so so a full linkedin profile from scratch they're going to add the headline education certificates and awards professional experience targeting hashtags and skills and endorsements so over here i've just gone and typed in linkedin profile writing service so you can see over here the top one over here is saying 55 pounds so if we just go and have a look at their website and you can see their website is it's not great it looks very old-fashioned it looks very outdated you could easily go and like i said i will be showing you in this tutorial and go and create a website that looks so much nicer than this and offer this service and you can mark the price up so you can see the lowest they're offering is 55 pounds so if we come back over here the lowest is 45 pounds so that's 10 pounds profit but if you actually make your website look a lot nicer than this then you can mark up your price a little bit better and you can offer loads of different package deals so let's just say the minimum that you could probably make is around 20 pounds that's around 25 30 so then you can go and offer these different packages here so you could probably sell this one for 150 so you're going to make something around 25 to 50 per cell which is really good and like i said this website is kind of old-fashioned looks a bit outdated so you can mark up your prices because you're going to look a lot more professional and look a lot nicer so you can see over here 130 pounds for a long profile and over here they're charging 90 pounds so that's a 40 pounds profit that you could go for but like i said you once you kind of make your brand look a lot nicer you can still charge even higher prices than that so we'll just have a look at a few more here so one other idea that i came up with this was the one that i came up with off the top of my head so i tried to claim credit for the linkedin profile one but this was the one that i meant so if we have a look in here you won't see female model in any of these you shouldn't anyway but basically i have used a lot of these models before from drop shipping to actually go and do some demonstrations and make product videos for when i want to dropship products so what you can actually do is you can compile all of these and you can put them into a modeling agency so it could be a drop servicing modeling agency and basically all of these different models will be on your drop servicing site the person can pick the model they want how many images they want and then you just mark the price up and then you come over to fiverr and you basically just go and tell them what they actually want from your customer so i just typed in model models for higher over here and we can see over here there is this modeling agency so these have loads of different models now obviously these are going to be a bit more high-end because they've got really good photography but so if we just have a look at the pricing it's going to probably be a little bit higher than we could possibly charge for a drop servicing agency so let's just go down over here and see if we can find any pricing so let's have a look at shoes and bags so they don't really so here we go so it's nine pounds to 38 pounds per image for a female so if we just come over to here so that's per image so let's say with 10 images you could that minimum you'd be charging is 90 pounds and if we have a look at one of these models so let's just say this one over here we can go and see how much she would charge for 10 images so we can see that so she's charging so she's charging about 90 pounds for 10 images anyway so you wouldn't make any profit off of that but you could always mark it up and you could say i want to charge 15 pounds per image or 15 per image depending on what country you're in and then you would charge 150 pounds for 10 images you would come over here and then you would purchase it off of her for 90 pounds and you make a 60 pounds profit so like i said you can compile all of these you can add all of these gigs to your drop servicing website and then the person can just go and pick the model that they want or the multiple models they want how many images that they want and then you get that through and then you just go and make the order through the gig so i thought that was a really kind of cool drop servicing idea that you could come up with you basically start your own modeling agency without actually having to have any models on board so that's one we've looked at and then finally i just had a look models for my product just so you could get some more ideas of how people could find this type of website so you can see over here here's another modeling site they don't really have much going on but like i said you can see how the idea works so what you are going to want to do is basically just head over to fiverr and look at all of these different categories and there are literally hundreds and don't think that any category or any niche is too small too narrow if anything the narrower is the better because you're going to have less competition and less people trying to get customers as well and one thing just to remember is it is easiest to just sort it by best selling over here just so you can have a look at which ones are the top gigs on fiverr and then you can go and find the cheaper ones so if we have a look over here this is the top selling gig and it's also fairly cheap as well so we don't want to really use expensive gigs because then it makes it harder for us to make a profit so like i said just go on to fiverr have a look in here there are so many different ones and try and think about how you're going to market it first so you probably would want to go into a niche maybe that you know something a little bit about and the type of customers that might come to you but if you don't then just go for it give it a go because the only expenses we're really gonna have are setting up the wordpress website so we're just gonna have to get hosting in a domain so if for whatever reason this niche the niche doesn't work out for you you can always start again and just build another drop servicing site and try it again so just go in have a look and see which ones piqued your interest i've just given you a few ideas just to give you an idea of how you can come up with the niches so now you need to just go and do some research and see which one you think would be good for you so now that we have gone and had a look at how to pick a niche for our drop servicing agency what we will be doing next is going to go and purchase some hosting so we can start building our drop servicing website with wordpress the first thing that we're going to do in order to start building our drop servicing website with wordpress is to go and purchase some hosting and hosting just allows us to have our website live on the internet now the hosting provider that i always use is siteground i use this for all of my websites because they're really reliable they're quite cheap as hosting goes and they have really great support so if anything goes wrong with your website you can contact them and you can get in contact with their support really easily and really quickly and they usually fix things within a matter of minutes so what we're going to do you will find a link in the description to sitegrounds and then you will just come over to this page over here and what i'm going to do is just going to go to hosting i'm just going to go and click on wordpress hosting over here so from here we can scroll down and we will see three different packages so we've got startup grow big and go geek now obviously if you're just starting out you only really need to create one website with drop servicing so you can go and purchase the startup package that allows you to create one website and also get a free ssl certificate with this as well so that adds a little padlock to the url to tell your customers and people that come over to your website that your website is secure so that's really good so like i said you can just go for this package but if you're planning on creating various different drop servicing sites then i recommend going for the grow big plan allows you to create unlimited websites and don't worry if you're just starting out and then you decide you want to go and create some more websites you can always upgrade your plan so if you go for the startup one you can always upgrade to grow big and then you can always upgrade to go geek if your website starts to take off and you're getting a hundred thousand monthly visits which hopefully you will then you can always upgrade later on so what you're going to do is just going to go and click on get plan over here now when you click on get plan it will ask you to choose your domain so hopefully you have an idea of your domain name for your drop servicing site now it should be something that is related to your niche so for example you can always go and find a domain name using this website lean domain search and basically allows you to type in a term and it will come up with loads of ideas so if we were to go for packaging let's say we're going to go drop servicing packaging design we can go and type in packaging in here and we can go and see which domains are available so if we just go and type that in there and then from here you will see loads of different domain names that are available and you can always go and sort them by length and you can always go and sort it so you could say i want it to end with the word packaging so we could go for pin packaging or hit packaging or you know any of these types of domain names so something that is related to your niche you're going to go and just type a word in here and then it will come up with loads of domain names if you're struggling for domain name ideas for your drop servicing website so once you have gone so let's just say we're going to go for this one over here pin packaging let's just say for example so let's just go and copy this and then we can go over here so once you have gone and thought of your domain name you can just go and put it in here so you're going to ask you to register a domain name so i can just go and paste that in here let's get rid of the dot com and i do recommend just having a com website it just looks a little bit more legitimate so once you have gone and picked your domain then you're just going to go and click on proceed now when you click on proceed you will come over to the last bit of purchasing your hosting and in here you're just going to have to create your account information so you're going to enter in an email address and create a password then you're just going to go and put in your personal information so your name and your address and your phone number then you're going to go and put in your payment details you're going to pay for the hosting and then you can go and choose the period that you want so you can go for 24 months 36 months or you can even just go for the one month trial but i recommend at least just starting with 12 months to start off with because that's going to give you a fair chance and a good amount of time to actually work on building up your customer base and then finally over here you can go for domain privacy if you want to i don't think that's 100 totally necessary basically what that means is you people won't be able to see who registered the domain but if people can see it all you're going to get is a few emails from seo companies and things like that offering you seo services or web design services and things like that so you don't really need to get this but you can always get it if you want to and then you have sg site scanner so this basically just means siteground will scan your site to see if it's being hacked or anything like that now personally once again when you're just starting out you probably don't really need this so once you have gone and entered all of that information in you can just say that you confirm to the terms of service so you confirm the terms of service and the privacy policy and then you can just go and click on pay now now once you click on pay now you will be brought over to your siteground dashboard now it might look a little something different to this but something very similar to this but that doesn't really matter because all you are going to do from here is go and click on websites now from here you should see your domain name that you just purchased and from here we can go and install wordpress and an ssl certificate onto that domain name so when you see your domain name over here you're just going to go and click on site tools when you click on site tools you will be brought over to this dashboard and the first thing that we can do is install an ssl certificate onto our domain and like i mentioned earlier the ssl certificate basically just allows you to have this padlock over here in the url and that basically just tells all the people that come over to your website that your website is secure and especially if you're trying to get orders through a drop servicing site so people are going to be paying you then you definitely want them to think that your website is or to know that your website is secure so in order to get the ssl certificate we're going to go and click on security over here and click on ssl manager and then from here we can see that we've got our domain name and then it's just going to say select ssl so we can just go and choose let's encrypt and then just go and click on get once sideground have finished installing your ssl you will see let's encrypt is installed now the last thing that we need to do in order to get the little padlock is go to https enforce over here so just go and click on this and then just make sure that it is turned on so it should say success https enforce is enabled so now we should be able to have the little padlock once we have our website live and running so the next thing we're going to do is install wordpress so we're going to go to wordpress over here i'm going to go and click on install and manage now from here we're just going to go and select wordpress and then we've got our domain selected installation path just make sure you leave that blank then you can go and choose your language of course if you want to so i'm just going to leave it as default english and then finally the last thing that you need to do is enter in a username a password and an email address now this is really important this is going to be the username and password that you use to login to your wordpress website anytime you want to make changes to it so make sure that you make this something that is memorable and then maybe just go and save it in a file somewhere and what i do recommend as well is when you are creating your password for your wordpress website is that you generate it from siteground so don't think of it yourself and type in just generate it and it will randomly generate a password for you and you can go and save that in a document and the reason i recommend to do that is because the better the stronger password you have the less likely chance that your site is going to be hacked so make sure that you just go and generate a random one like i said and just go and save that in a file so i'm just going to go and fill all of this information out now and then once you have filled all of that information out just go and click on install once wordpress has finished installing you will just see the green tick saying wordpress is installed on your domain and now what we can do is we can go to our wordpress dashboard so from here just go and click on admin panel once you click on this you will be brought over to this page over here that says welcome to your wordpress website now you can go through the siteground setup if you want to but i'm going to show you how to set up the website from scratch so i'm just going to go and click exit over here and now we are brought over to our wordpress dashboard now before we begin anything i'm just going to go through a little tour of wordpress just to show you what all of the different tabs over here actually are for so basically we have our dashboard and from here you can just go and view any news and updates to do with wordpress so you probably won't really use this very often next here we have updates and these are updates for your site specifically so if you have to update the theme or the php version anything like that you will see that in updates so you can go and update anything that you need to on your wordpress website next up we have posts so originally wordpress was a blogging platform so you would create blog posts so if you want to create a blog post you can go and add a new blog post and you'll see all of your posts within here now you probably won't be really be using this very often for your drop servicing site then we have media so every time you upload an image to your site and we can upload images from the front end so every time you upload an image or a video or anything like that it will be added to the media library and you can go and add ones directly from here as well next up we have pages so be using this quite frequently throughout the tutorial so every time you create a new page the home page the about us page any types of pages that you're going to have on your site you will do that through here and then you can go and manage all of those pages in here and add new pages then we have comments so as i mentioned earlier because wordpress was originally a blogging platform people would leave comments on blogs so within here you could go and approve the comments or write back to them or delete them all of those different different types of things now you probably once again won't really be using this much next up we have appearance so from here we can go and change the theme and that's basically how our wordpress website is going to actually look so we will be using this once again you won't be using it too extensively but i will be showing you how to install a theme later on in the tutorial next up we have plugins so this is a really important part of wordpress and probably something you're going to be using quite frequently when we build your drop servicing website so a plugin basically allows you to add extra functionality to your wordpress website so for example e-commerce functionality or page builders or anything like that then you can do that using a plugin so we'll be adding new plugins and installing plugins and all of those types of things within this tutorial next up we have users so this is where you can go and create people that can log in to your wordpress website so currently we only have one user which is ourself and we are the admin for the website but if in the future you start getting a lot of orders on your drop servicing site you can go and hire virtual assistants and you can set them up as a user it's where they don't have admin right so they can't make any changes to the website but they can just go and view data in the back end of your site so that's why you would sort of use users then we have tools so this basically just means you can export and import data from your site once again probably won't really be using this too freaking frequently throughout the tutorial and then we have settings over here so there are a few things in here that we're going to use so for example the permalinks this basically means how your links are shown for your site and those types of things so that's basically what everything down here means an sg optimizer is just a plugin that's automatically installed on all wordpress websites by siteground and once again this just just monitors if your website is running or if it's down so if it's down the sd optimizer tries to get it up as soon as possible so that's basically an overview of wordpress so now that we've gone through the overview of wordpress the first thing we are going to do on our site is actually install a theme so let's go and install a theme on our wordpress website so we're going to go to appearance over here i'm going to go and click on themes and then from here we're going to go and click on add new and then from here where it says search themes we're just going to go and type in astra and then once we type in astro you will see this astra theme over here so just go and click on install now astra is one of the best free wordpress themes that you can use it doesn't cost anything and it's really fast and you can go and build your site completely from scratch using the astra theme so it's really great so now we're just going to go and click on activate over here so that we activate our theme and now we've got these other themes so we're just going to go and delete these themes just because we don't want them taking up space on our website so just go to theme details over here i'm just going to go and click on delete and then we're going to go and delete this one as well so just delete this and we can always just keep this theme as a backup if for whatever reason this theme crashes then we've always got a backup theme so our site isn't completely down so now that we have installed a theme we are going to go and create our home page so we have something to actually start building our drop servicing website around so before we actually go and create the home page i'm going to go and install a plug-in for the wordpress editor so if we go to plugins over here and we can go and click on add new and basically when you create a page within wordpress you can use the wordpress editor to go and change things on that page now recently wordpress changed their editor and personally i don't like how the new editor is so we've got this classic editor over here so from plugins we're just going to go and install this classic editor and like i said my personal opinion is it's a lot easier to use the classic one than the new one so we're just going to go and activate this classic editor and now we can go and create our home page so we're going to go to pages over here and just go ahead and click on all pages so we can see all of the different pages that we have so by default we have a privacy policy and we have a sample page now just go and trash this sample page so we're just going to go and trash this because this is just taking up space on our websites and we don't need to use it so then we can come in here and we can go and so you won't have this home one you should just have a sample page in here i'm just going to go and delete this permanently so just get rid of this and then once you're going to go back to all pages and you should just have your privacy policy page now don't worry if you don't have the privacy policy we can go and create this later on as well so now we're going to go and add new so we can add our home page so go and click on add new and then from here we're just going to go and type in home and then just go and hit publish over here so now we have our home page published and now what we are going to do is we are going to go and make sure that this is actually our home page so right whenever you publish a page it doesn't mean that it's automatically your home page so we need to go and make sure that the home page is our homepage so in order to do this we're going to go to settings over here and we're going to go to reading over here so go to reading and then from here you will see your homepage displays and it's going to say your latest post but we don't want it to display our latest post we want it to display a static page and then we're going to go home page and choose home then we can scroll down and just hit save changes and then whilst we are here we're going to go and change our permalinks so let's just go to permalinks over here and like i said that's basically the format that your url shows up in so if you leave it as plain which it might be on then it's going to show up with some numbers at the end which just looks weird so what you want to go and choose is post name so it's basically just going to have your domain and then slash and whatever the post is so home or about us or wherever it is so go and choose post name and once again hit save changes so now we have actually created our home page if you go and click where it says my wordpress over here let's go and click on this and now we can see we have our home page so looking pretty plain pretty boring but at least now we have a base that we can start building our drop saving servicing website on so the next thing we are going to do is install a plugin called elementor and basically that allows you to actually go and build the pages and elementor is basically a drag and drop page builder so you don't need any coding or anything like that you can literally drag elements onto the page so we'll be using that quite extensively in this tutorial so we're going to hit my wordpress again to go back to our wordpress dashboard we're going to go to plugins and we're gonna go to add new so we're gonna add a new plugin and we're gonna go and add in elementor so just go and type in elementor in here and hit enter and then we should see the elementor page builder you can see it's active on over 5 million websites so it's a really popular page builder that you can use to build beautiful websites so just go and click on install now and then once it has been installed we're just going to go and click on activate once you hit activate you will be brought over to this page here now don't worry we don't need to use this so we can just go and close this for now and now let's go back to the front end of our wordpress website so it's still looking the same so from here we're going to go and hit edit page over here and then from here it's going to bring us to where we're back in pages so over here and from here we can go and hit edit with elementor so that we actually activate elementor and now it will bring us back to our home page and now you can see we have a home page it's in full width mode and we can actually start building out our home page from here so for now we're not going to actually build our homepage yet we are going to go and create a logo for our drop servicing site first before we start building out our homepage but like i said i just wanted to create the home page so that we have a kind of base so we can start building out the website so from here in order to go and create a logo we're just going to go and click so just click these three little lines over here and we can go and click view page and that's going to bring us back to our homepage and like i said from here we can go and create a logo for our drop servicing website now when it comes to creating your logo for your drop servicing website you don't want to spend too much time on this some people spend weeks and weeks just perfecting their logo when in reality your logo really isn't that important as long as it looks clean and professional then that's all that really matters and try and link it somehow to your niche but it doesn't want to have 100 have to be so what we can do to create a simple logo we can use a website called canva so you can just go to custom dimensions so go and sign up for canva just enter your email address and create an account then when you create an account you will come over to your camera dashboard over here and we can create a custom dimension camera board so you're just going to go and type in 265 by 90 and then just go and click on create new design and then from here we can go and create a very simple logo so what we can do is let's just wait for our camera canvas to load and from here we can go and let's just go in the templates we're just going to go and type in logo over here and then you might just be able to go and find something so let's go for elements instead and we'll go and type in logo within elements and then once again over here you can go and find something maybe that you might want to use as your logo so some of them you've got to pay for and some of them are free so let's just say for example let's go and have a look through this one here looks pretty cool let's say let's say i wanted to use this for my drop servicing site i can just make this a bit bigger i could go and line it up in the middle and then i can just go and add some text on and because i'm building mine based off of the architectural plans that we saw earlier so i'm going to make the drop serving site based off of that so i could just go and type in architect over here and we can go and let's make this a bit bigger so maybe not that big let's say 24 and then you can just drag this out like that and i can just line it up like that so let's just make it a little space sort of like that and then you can always go and change your font and find something that you think is a little bit more appropriate we're looking for something a little bit more professional let's see what we can find let's have a look at this so this is canva pro so anything with this little gold crown will be canva pro so let's see what we can use as a free one so let's just say this horizon one over here maybe might look pretty cool so let's just drag it out and once again if you need to you can just make it smaller and i'm just gonna make it so once again to me that's not looking that great so i could just go for something like this let's just say as an example that's a pretty clean and professional logo so let's just make it a bit smaller and that's basically it that's all you really need to do to create a logo now if you're looking for something a little bit more professional so if you're on a budget this is what i recommend doing so just creating something like this or it could just be text on its own so that's if you're on a budget now if you've got a little bit more money to play with then you can go and hire somebody on fiverr so if i just go and type in logo design and we can just go and hire somebody on fiverr so you basically just say this is the niche i'm in this is the type of logo i want so you can say i want it to be clean and professional and they'll just go and create a simple logo for you maybe you can spend around 20 to 30 dollars and then another alternative is to go over to a website called graphic river and from this website you can go and just purchase a pre-made logo template that you can go and edit usually within photoshop or illustrator so if i just type in logo over here and once again it depends what niche you're in so let me say let's say architect logo so i can go and have a look at something a little bit more specific and then you can see over here there's loads of cool architect logos that i could go and use so like i said if you've got a little bit more of a budget i would definitely recommend going for this route just because it's going to look a little bit more professional as opposed to creating it in camera but then if you're on a budget then you can go and do it this way so once you've gone have gone and created your logo from here so from your home page you are going to go and hit the customize button over here so i know we've got the edit with elementor but we're going for customize this time so edit with elementor allows you to add elements to the actual page itself and customize is what allows you to kind of change things within the theme overall so if we just go and click on customize over here and then when you click on customize the customize area will load so you will see header over here so header is the top bar over here that has our menu and our logo so let's go to header then we're going to go to site identity and then we're gonna go and click on select logo so from here we're gonna go to upload upload files and we're gonna go to select files and then you can just go and navigate to where your logo is so here's my logo over here so i'm just gonna go and choose this and once again you will be able to see 265 by 90. so you can see this is one that i actually purchased off of graphic river and i just edited it within illustrator so we're just going to go and upload this now so now make sure you put the name of your brand or your domain name in here and just put logo at the end and you're going to copy that into the alt text and that will will just help a little bit with seo for your actual brand name so then we're just going to go and hit select then you can crop it if you want to so mine looks like it's a good size anyways i'm just going to click skip cropping and now we have our logo over here now if we scroll down we want to get rid of this which is my wordpress so over here we've got our site title and we can just go and untick display site title just to get rid of that now don't worry we will go and change this later on in the tutorial i'll be going through what we can actually go and do with this so for now just go and hit publish now another thing that we will create is going to be the favicon because you don't want this wordpress icon as your favicon so the favicon is just this little icon that shows up in the tab so you can go and create this within canva once again so you would go four dimensions usually you can go for very small dimensions for a favicon so you can go for something like 80 by 80 and then once again you can just go and use part of your logo as your favicon so for example i could just go let's say this is my logo i could go and just put this as my favicon so just that icon over there so once again if you've got one created on fiverr then just go and tell them can you just send me a png picture of my logo so just without the text or if you've got one off of here then when you actually edit the file within photoshop you can just go and create your favicon based off of just this part of the logo without the text so like i said just go and create it with dimensions 80 by 80. so once you have gone and done that we can scroll down over here and you will see site icon so that's the favicon so click on select site icon upload file select a file and then from here i'm going to go and choose my favicon and once again you just put your domain name or the name of your website and then favicon and put that in alt text and click select then i'm just going to skip the cropping once again and we should see it come up here when i hit publish so let's just hit publish and then let's go and close this and hopefully now so there you go now you can see my favicon and that just kind of helps to tie the branding together for your actual drop servicing website so now that we have gone and created our logo and our favicon so you can see it's starting to come to life a little bit more but not completely of course we are actually going to go and start building out our homepage now before you even start thinking about building out your homepage for the rest of the tutorial what i want you to do is i want you to have another website in mind and you're going to kind of base your website off of another website that you've seen so go and research some websites that are in your drop servicing niche and see if you can find some cool ones that you might want to base yourself now we're not going to copy this completely but we're going to at least it's going to give us an idea of the type of site that we will go and create for our drop servicing site so you can see over here this site is pretty cool and it's just nice and clean and they are offering the same services that i want to drop service so i want to create my drop servicing website around so and then you can see we've got pricing over here so it's a pretty simple site so we're going to go and kind of create a similar site to this so like i said go and have one in mind that maybe you want to go and create your site around but you can still follow along because i'm going to show you all the techniques of how you can kind of replicate the store or the website that you want to base your drop servicing site on so what we're going to do is we're going to head back to our site over here and once again we're going to click edit page over here and then from the home page over here we are going to go and click edit with elementor so when you click on edit edit with elementor you will have the elementor panel over here and basically the way elementor works is you can go and drag any elements you want to into a section over here so you can go and create your page based off of different sections so if you click on this plus button you'll see we have different sections so we can have a single section we can have a double section like that triple quadruple or as many as you want so generally for most sites when you see them their first part of their homepage is just a hero image over here or sometimes it might be a slider like this website has so they're really easy to create so what you can do is you can just go and choose a single section like this and firstly we can go and add a background image to this singular section so the way it works is like i said you can go and drag individual elements into a section but the section itself can also be edited so if you press this little button over here these dots you'll see edit section when i hover over it so if we click on that and then over here now it's going to say edit section so we can edit the layout we can edit the style and then within an advanced we can do more editing like adding margins and changing things to make them responsive so we can hide it on desktop hide it on mobile or add it just for mobile loads of different types of things so we will go through this without the tutorial so the first thing that we are going to go and change for our big hero image over here is going to be the background so for our hero image we want it to have a full background and for my one i wanted to have a background of some sort of architectural image that has been created so an architecture architectural render that has been created now for this i'm going to want to use my five gigs so let me just go and open my fiverr gig so i've just gone and opened the fiverr gig that i'm going to be basing my drop servicing store around so if we just go over here and you can see here's a few different images that this person has created now what i actually do recommend doing i would actually recommend ordering the services first so that you firstly you know that the quality of the service is good and then also you have some pictures that are unique to you that not anyone can just find on fiverr then what you can do is you're gonna go and use these for your site now just for the purpose of the tutorial i'm just gonna be using this one over here so what i can do is i can right click and open the image in a new tab and then i can just right click and i can save the image so let me just go and save this image now and now let me head back over to my website so once again if we click on this to edit the section we go to background and then over here we will see classic and then so you'll see the classic background type and then under that you've got color and you'll also have image so i'm going to go and choose an image upload a file select a file and then from here if i go over here i'm going to go and choose the one i just saved from fiverr and then i'm just going to go and click on insert media now from here i'm just going to go and click on layout and we're just going to make this a little bit bigger so we're just going to go for a minimum height so you can go and choose minimum height and that basically just means that you can make it however big or small that you want to now if we go and have a look at this site over here you can see it's fairly big but i personally don't like the hero images to be that big i think it takes up too much room but that's my personal opinion so i'm just gonna make this let's have a look what 450 looks like not 1450 450 so let's just so if you click this arrow it brings it like that so maybe it could be a little bit bigger so we're just going to go for 500. let's go for a nice nice round 500 like that yeah so i think that looks nice and then you'll see once we do that the image kind of starts to repeat itself so we don't want that so back in style over here you can go and change this size so where it says size you can go and change it to cover so that basically means it will cover the entire screen and then you can go and change the position so i'm going to go for bottom center let's have a look at bottom left does it make a difference no so sometimes the images will change to bottom left bottom right but if they're small enough then it doesn't make a difference if you go left right or center so we're just going to leave it bottom center and now you can see it looks like that so we can still get a clear view of the type of image that our drop servicing site will create so now that we have done that i'm actually going to go and add an overlay to this so a color over the top of this now when it comes to picking colors for your site i recommend using a site called coolers dot co so let's just get rid of that one there and just go to coolers dot co and basically from this website you can go and generate color schemes for web design so for your drop servicing site so what you can do is you can just hit start the generator and then basically what you can do is you can just go and hit the space bar until you come up with a color palette that you like now what i personally recommend doing and this is what i do for most of my websites that i create is i just go and recommend having white and then black and then so basically you can lock these and then just have three other colors so also let's just go and have a grey in there so if we just go for o e o e o e so that's kind of like a darkish black let's go and see if we can change this to let's try it if he so maybe we want to make this a little bit like a darker sort of gray so let's just go and change this let's just say this one over here so you're just going to keep it simple i recommend keeping the colors of your website simple so these three colors are going to be in by default and then you can just go and add in one other or sorry two other colors that you want so just go and start hitting the space bar until you get a color that you like and you think kind of matches the niche that you're in so for drop servicing it probably won't make much of a difference but like i said just keep going until you find something that you think is nice so you can see over here i've got three colors for mine so we've got sort of two purplish colors and this sort of ready color so what i'm going to do is over here i've got this chrome extension that allows me to pick colors from a web page so i'm just going to go and let's go for this red one so i'm just going to go and grab this and i'm just going to make this an overlay so we're going to go and click on the three dots again and what we can do is we can go we've got background under style and then you've got background overlay so go for background overlay then you're going to go for classic and we can just go and add an overlay like that so you can see you can go and change how intense that is so if we go back into the overlay over here so you can go and change the opacity so if i change this to 0.2 let's say just sort of like that and now we can see it's looking like that so i think that looks really nice so now what we're going to do is we're just going to have a look and we can go and decide on what's going to be our main tagline so let's just go back over to our site over here we're going to do is we're going to add a heading in here and we can just go and put this into the center now when it comes to headings you can change everything once again within style so i'm just going to go and change this text color so let's see what we can change it to it's going to have to be something quite bright and maybe i might just bring the opacity of the background down a bit so let's go and change the opacity to something like that so that looks pretty cool and now we can go and change this so what we can do is we're going to go to typography and within typography you can go and choose your font that you want to use so i'm going to go for a font called domain now what i recommend looking at is google font pairing so if you just type in cool google front pairings and then from here you will see loads of different front panes that you can potentially use for your drop servicing website so just go and have a look in here it may be some once again that might suit your niche or that you just think look cool and go have a play around with it so for today's tutorial we're going to go for demean one called domain and we're going to go and what we can actually do is we can go and set this up so that we don't have to make every single heading the mean and all of our body text so our subheadings are different fonts so let's go and set that up so we're just going to hit update here and basically that will update our page then if you click these three dots we can go and click on view page now from here if you want to go and set the default fonts for your website you can go to customize over here and then from here you can go to global so go to global and you have typography and then you have base typography so over here basically what you've got is your body so anything that's smaller text like paragraphs and those types of things are going to be this so we're going to go for montserrat so we're going to go from one serrat for this and then what we can do is we can go back and all of our headings are going to be we're going to go for domain so all of our headings will be domain and then hopefully that should change so we want to change all of these headings here as well so heading 1 so you can go and change different headings so if we want to head into heading three to be different you can go and change them but by default headings h1 to h6 so that's just different size headings will be the mean and then all of our body text will be monsterat so we can just go and hit publish now and we can just go and close this once again so now i'm going to go and hit edit with elementor again and then that way anytime i add different headings on to my website it means it's already set up and i don't have to change it within the style area within elementor itself so like i said what we're going to do now is we're going to go and add in a tagline so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just say our kid tech trouble hopefully i spell that right no i haven't my spelling is pretty bad and then we're going to say visualizations let's see if i get this one right yes okay i got that right so my spelling's not that terrible so there we go so now we want to make this a little bit bigger so we can go to style and we can go to typography so i'm going to make the weight i'm going to make it a little bit thicker so like something like that and then i'm just going to make it a bit bigger so let's say yeah that looks pretty cool architectural visit visualizations so i like that and now we can go and we can go and add in a text editor so text editor basically we'll just add in a smaller kind of version of text to a paragraph so i'm going to go for style and then you can go for center again i'm going to change the color to white and you can see it's added it as montserrat because i've set that as the default font and then i'm just going to go and change the size again so let's go and see what this looks like that's a little bit way too big it's 25 years still 20. so this is a little bit of trial error so i'm going to say in here is i'm going to say let's see what they've got over here so they've got get your style your designs visualized i'm going to say present your developments professionally i like that that sounds pretty cool so we're just going to come in here and we've got contents i'm just going to go ahead and paste this in and we're just going to go and change this to a paragraph so that it's like that now what i'm actually going to do is so when you are creating your website it's fine to go and trial and error things and see how they look of course so i actually think i'm going to change this background this red background i think i'm going to change it to a bit of a darker color so let's go back to our background overlay i think i'm gonna go and change it to this midnight blue color so that's like this one over here i'm just gonna go and change it to that and just see i think that looks a lot better already a lot more clear and if we just make it one notch darker something like that and then i'm just going to go and add another part of the tagline and let's just go and add let's see what else they've got over here convince the planning council more easily that's pretty cool we're going to say sell your project off plan so what we're going to do is we're going to say sell your project off plan once again change this to a paragraph and we don't want to delete all of our text so we're just going to bring this like this and we're going to put over here and unsign and then we can grab all of this go to style and we can make it all the same size so let's see what we will do is let's go and delete this so sometimes when you are creating sites with elements or like this it can be a little bit fiddly and things might come out and start looking a bit weird so you're gonna have to just do them by hand so present developments profess see so like i said sometimes it can be a little bit weird so if that ever does happen to you where you're doing something and it's acting a little bit weird just hit update hit view page so you're basically coming out of elementor and then we'll just go back into it so once again we'll just hit edit with elementor and now it should start to act a little bit more normal so we've got our hero image over here so we've got architectural visualizations sell your project off plan and prevent development developments professionally now the person who is searching for this is going to know what that means so try to use language that is relevant to the people within that niche so obviously i'm not an expert with this but i know architectural visualizations that basically means that you're creating architectural models based on something you're going to create in real life and then sell your project off plan and prevent developments professionally so this is basically for property developers that want to go and sell their property before it's built so they go and show people the plans first and that way people just buy in and before like i said the property is actually built so you're going to want to go and put in some sort of language and like i said the easiest way to do this is to go and look at another site that is already doing it and you can go and base your site off of that so now that we have done that we will start adding some more elements to our home page over here so let's go and add in some more elements so what i'm going to do is next i'm going to go and add in some icon boxes like this so i think these are pretty cool and with pretty much any drop servicing site and most websites that you find they always have these sort of icon boxes like this that explain the kind of services that you offer but sum them up really quickly and really easily so that your customers can understand exactly is what you are offering so if we just come over here we can just go and click the plus and now we're going to click a three section so i'm gonna click a three section because i wanna have three different icons like this so once we do that next up we're gonna click the little grid over here so that we can go to all of the elements and i'm going to go and type in icon so we've got icon box i'm going to go and put an icon box in there now i want to have a heading as well so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go and add in a heading so you can just go and drag a heading in so sometimes like i said it can be fiddly so that doesn't work what we can do is we can add the plus button and we can just click plus single section and then we can go and drag our heading into that single section there so there we go and we just make that into the center and then i'm just going to say our services so let's go and say our services i'm gonna make this a heading one just so it's a bit bigger now what you can do is you can always so if we just go and have a look at this you can see that there's not much gap there so you can always go and add a gap in so if you go and click on the actual element itself and go to advanced and you can always go and add some padding so if this link values together means if i add padding so if i add five you can see it adds five to the right top left and bottom so we just want to add it to the top really so we can unlink this and we can go and add let's say 20 padding just to the top so you can see now there's a bit more gap there so what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to add a bit more i'm going to add 40 in there so let's see how that looks so that's looking nice okay so that looks pretty cool and now we're gonna go and create our icon boxes so i'm gonna go and base this off of this so digital impressions of your projects and developments so like i said once again when you find a site that you can base yours on you're going to want to go and use the same language you can also go and take some language from the actual fiverr gig so over here we can go and have a look at any of the language that he's using so let's have a look at what he's got over here i'm professional experience architectural doing sketching modeling and rendering i help with any sort of work so i could go and have a look maybe at some other ones so if we open this back up i can go and have a look at the different services that they're offering and then i can go and use their language so let's say this really expensive one over here they're probably going to be using some pretty technical knowledge when it comes to architecture and architectural rendering so let's go and have a look at some of the things that they're saying over here so industrial product design so let's go and have a look at this architectural and interior design 3d so let's go and have a look 3t interior design exterior design so i could just go and say let's just say for example we can start with 3d interior design so we're going to go and paste that in there and i'm just going to go and make these capitals like this 3d interior design and let's make the capital as well like that and then we can go and search for an icon so let's see do they have a 3d icon no so let's go and see something that might be relevant to 3d or let's go for design we could go for architect let's have a look architect let's see any of these relevance not really so when it comes to searching icon i recommend you just going to go and scroll so i'm just going to go and scroll through and see if i can find an icon that's relevant to 3d design so i'm just going to go for this pencil one over here i think that could be relevant to 3d interior design so then i'm just going to go and add in some information about this so we will create realistic 3d interior designs for your real estate so let's just say real estate projects and then once again we can have a look at what they're offering so we can say including kitchens bathrooms shops offices and many more so we can say something like that including kitchens so let's say kitchens and let's have a look sorry i forgot kitchens bathrooms shops offices and more kitchens bathrooms shops offices and more so there you go so that's our first icon box created now i'm going to go and change the colors of this so we're going to go to style over here and now i can start incorporating some of my other colors so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my color picker and i'm just going to choose this one so let's just copy this and we're going to go and make that our primary color so over here we can just go and paste that in so now you can see we've got the primary color like that and then we're just going to leave the text the same color there already is now the really great thing about elementor that you can do now i don't have to replicate this whole thing again because i've already created this now i can just go and i can right click and i can hit duplicate and then with this little pencil i can go and drag that in there i can do right click i can do duplicate and once again i can just drag it over there so now all of the styling and everything is done and all i have to do is just change the text and then go and change the icons so i'm just going to go and have a look what can we do next so we've done 3d design we can do exterior design so let's go for exterior design so let's come over here we'll go to contents and we'll go and type in exterior design and i'm just going to go and put in a capital d in there and then i'm just going to go and say something like we can create exterior designs based on your project needs we have worked on various projects including luxury apartments shopping malls office complexes and more so you're just going to say something like now like i said you're going to have to it might take you some time to perfect your copywriting so that you use like i said the language that is relevant to the people in your niche and then you're just going to go and once again i'm going to go and find an icon that is relevant so i'm just going to go for this one over here so that looks pretty cool and then finally i'm just going to go and add in one more icon box so for this one i'm just going to go for animation because i think that's a pretty important one and then i'll just say we can so let's start again we can create realistic animations for your some reason i don't know why i struggle with that word so much but anyway for your architectural projects to help you visualize your ideas and help them come to life so something like that that sounds pretty cool and once again i think i'm just going to add a little bit of space over here so if we just click on this i'm going to advanced and we can go and add some padding to the top so let's say something like say 30 let's see what that looks like 30 something like that so now you can see our site is coming together still looking pretty plain we've got a lot of work to go to do still but still it's coming together and we can see that it is coming to life so that's really good so now that we have added that i'm just going to go and add in some other stuff so what i'm going to go and add in next i'm going to go and add in a portfolio i think so you can see here they've they've got a portfolio i don't really know what this is supposed to be but i'm gonna go and add in a kind of portfolio of work so i'm gonna go and add in a portfolio of work over here now this is pretty easy to go and add in what we can do is we can just go and add a single area and then over here we can go and type in gallery so we can go for a basic gallery so let's just go and add in a basic gallery over here and now from here we can go and start adding some images to our gallery so i've gone and got my gallery images together and basically all i've done is i've taken a fair few images from loads of different gigs on here and one thing to remember is you don't have to just drop service from one gig so you can drop service from multiple different gigs so it's okay to take images from multiple different gigs as well that you can go and display on your drop servicing site so once you have gone and saved the images you can go over to canva go to custom dimensions again and this time we're going to go 1080 by 1080 and create a new design and basically what you're going to do is you're just going to go and upload the images and you're just going to resize them so that they are just square images so that then we can add them to the gallery to our site so we can go to uploads here and then we can just go and click on upload an image and then i can just go and upload one of these images so let's just say this one for example so we're just going to go and upload this image over here and we're just going to add this in and what you can do is you can just resize it like i said like that and then that's 1080 so i can just go and download that so that it is a square image so just go and do this for about eight images so i've just gone and already done this for my images so i'm just going to head back over to our sites here and then i'm going to go and add those images over here so i'm going to go to upload files select file and i'm just going to go into the gallery and add these eight square images like this and just go and hit open so now i've added all of those images and i can go and click on create new gallery and insert gallery and now we should see that our gallery is just loading now what we can do is we can go and change the size so let's go for medium let's go for medium large let's see what this looks like so you can just go and muck around with it so let's try large and you can also go and change the columns so if you wanted to have two like that as your gallery i think personally that's a little bit big we could go for eight and once again that's a little bit too small so i think four looks pretty good and as you can see our gallery is looking pretty good so that's looking pretty cool and you can go and change the style so you can go and change the spacing so we could do custom spacing so you can go and have it as zero if you want to so that they're all next to each other you can go and do one i just think i'm just gonna do five like that i think that looks pretty cool and then you can go and add a border in if you want to now personally i think the border just looks a little bit tacky so i'm just gonna go for no border and you can also add a caption as well so add captions to your images but personally like i said i think that just looks nice like that then what we're going to do is we are just going to go and duplicate this section over here so just hit duplicate and where we've got our services we're going to put that over here and we can go and put in our work and then you'll be able to see it like that now what we can do is as well you'll see you'll notice over here that there's this kind of white area around the edges now we can go and get rid of that so if we go over here we can change any section to a full width section so if we go and do that now you can see it looks better i personally think as a forward section because then it just makes the images look a little bit more prominent and allows the customer to see them just a little bit better so basically you want to go and create a kind of portfolio area like that so for whatever it is if it's packaging design if it's if it's modeling images wherever it is you're going to want to go and add an area on your home page to display some of your best work so now that we have done that so we're just going to have a look at one there one over here we can see that they've just got to contact us now what we are going to do next is we are actually going to go and add in our pricing so we're going to go and add in a pricing structure so we're going to have some pricing tables so i'm going to go and have a look at their pricing tables over here and we're going to go and add some pricing tables and we're going to go and create those based off of the fiverr gigs that we're going to be using to drop service our services so we're going to go and create something that is similar to this but instead of just having contact at the bottom we want them to be able to purchase the package straight away so we're going to go and add e-commerce functionality to our drop servicing site as well later on so let's go and once again just duplicate this section over here and you can just grab it and let's go and drag it over here and now i'm just going to go and change this to pricing so now we're going to have our pricing over here so now what we're going to do is let's go and create some pricing tables so in order to add a pricing table we need to install another plugin so just go and hit updates over here and then from here we're just going to go hit the three dots and click exit to dashboard and we will be installing a plugin called elements kit and this is basically a third-party plug-in that allows you to add pre-made sections to your site so these have been pre-made with the elementor plug-in so go to plugins over here and we're just going to go to add new and then from here we're just going to go and type in elements kit and just hit enter and then we should see it's the first one that comes up over here on the left so this elements kit one so just go and hit install now and then once that has finished installing just go and click on activate and then once it has activated you will see elements kit over here so what we can do now is we can go back to the front end of our drop servicing website and we can go and hit edit with elementor and once elementor has finished loading we can just scroll down back to where it says pricing and we can go and now we see we've got this elements kit icon over here so just go and click on this and then what we're going to do we're going to go and click on sections so with elements kit there's loads of pre-made templates and layouts so there are cool things in here that maybe you want to go and test out as well but for now we're just going to go to sections over here and what we can do from the sections we're going to scroll down so just on the left hand side here let's just give it a moment to load so now we're going to scroll down and we'll see pricing over here so just go and click on pricing and now we can see we've got these pricing tables so just go ahead and click on insert and then once it has finished inserting we can see we've got our pricing table over here now we don't need this section over here because i've already got my pricing heading so i'm just going to go and delete that section and now we're just going to go what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go and copy this and now i'm just going to go and hit the plus button and the plus and just create a single area and i'm just going to go and paste it in there so now we can see we've got our pricing tables over here now we can just delete this area over here so let's just delete that and now we can see that our pricing tables come up right under our pricing heading and we can just go and delete this section over here so now we've got all of our pricing tables and we can begin to edit them so in order to edit them we can go and click on the little pencil icon over here and from here we can actually start editing so let's just click on go it we can start editing all of our pricing tables so for this first pricing table i'm just going to have a look at the pricing table from the fiverr gig that i'll be using so these are the three pricing tables so i'm just going to go and copy some of the information over here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go for project size in square feet so firstly we've got free over here now i'm not going to offer any of my services for free so what we are going to do is we're just going to go and change this and let's just see what their package names that they have so we're gonna go for basic standard and premium let's just call it that so we're gonna call this one basic and then within the price tag we're gonna mark up the pricing so this one is just five dollars so i'm gonna mark this up to around 40 so we're just going to go for 40 and not within currency so sorry just get rid of that we're going to change this one here to a4 so just 40 or you can go and do it something like 39 39.99 and it doesn't have to have a duration so you can just go and delete this so let's just go and leave it in with a dot so they go 39.99 like that and then we've got the features over here so with the features we're just going to go and copy some of these so we've got project size in square feet so i'm just going to go and enter that in and then i'm just going to say 200 so we've done that then we've got included 2d drawings so we can go and put this in and we can just put one so included 2d drawings is one and then we can also go and put in revisions so let's go enter in revisions here and we're just going to put in one so basically all we've done is replicated or sorry duplicated this over here but onto our site and now what we can do is we can just go and change some of the information so that it reflects some of the other plans that the fiber gig offers so what we can do is instead of rewriting all of this again we can just right click and hit duplicate so now we've got another pricing table and we can just go and delete this one so now we've got this other basic pricing table so we can go and click on this one to edit it so let's just click on the pencil icon over here and now we're just going to go and change this one to standard so let's change it to standard like that so now we've got our standard one and let's see how much it costs so it's costing i think that's probably around thirty dollars so i'm going to mark this up to 70 dollars so we're going to make this 69.99 so go to price tag and we can just change this to a six so that's going to be 69.99 and then within the features we can just go and change what we need so we can change the square feet to 300 over here so that's going to be 300 then we can go and change the included 2d drawings so it's still one and then we can go and add in the rendering so we can say let's copy this and then we're just going to paste it below and we're going to go and say rendering so now we've got rendering one and then we can go and change the revisions to two and let's see if there's anything else that we should add so we've got 3d modeling so we're also going to go and just add in 3d modeling as well so then we can just go and put this below here so like that so now we've got 3d modeling and let's go and just put another one below let's see if it's going to let us so we'll just add a break in so let's copy that and add a break in here there we go so now we've got our standard package and then finally we can go and leave this so we want to have one of your packages standing out like they've got here so that's what a lot of sites do because it kind of just draws the attention and generally you're going to go for the more expensive one is going to be the one that's standing out so we're going to go and leave this one over here as our enterprise one and what have they called it so we're just going to call it premium so let's call this one premium or we could just leave it as enterprise i'm just going to leave it enterprise because i think that sounds pretty cool so now we can go and change the price of this so let's go and have a look at the price so that's around again let's say that's 140 i'm going to mark this up to 200 so i think i'm actually going to mark this one up a little bit higher as well so i'm going to go ahead and change this one to 99.99 and then i'm going to go ahead and change this one so this one is going to be 200 so 199.99 so 1.99 99 and then we can just leave this as a dot so let's see we might have to just make this one 200 so the only frustrating thing about using these free tables is that you have to have something in the duration so when you add the dot there it kind of just if if it's too many so if i go and add in something in here if it's too many then it's just gonna make it a little bit too long and the dots will come up here so one thing we can actually do is we can do 199 and we can put dot 99 in here 199.99 like that so now what we're going to do is we're just going to go on to this one and we're going to copy all of these features so let's go and copy all of these and then we're going to paste them into the features of this one so we'll go to features and we'll just go and paste that in there and now once again we can just go and change it so we've got we can put a higher level of detail in here so let's go and add in high level of detail in here and add in a break like this so now we've got project size in square feet is going to be 900 so let's change this to 900 and then we've got included 2d drawings so let's have a look included 2d drawings is going to be 2. so we can go and change that to 2. and then we've got rendering is going to be three and we've got revisions is going to be three and then we've got a high level of detail as well is there anything else that i need to add planning and design alternatives i guess i can add that in as well so we can also go and add that in so let's go under here and we'll add in that and then we'll just copy this break so this br just means break it just means that the text will show one line under so we'll just add that in and that's basically it so we've got project size 900 square feet included drop 2d lines 2 rendering 3 3d modeling planning design alternatives high level of detail revisions three so now that we've got that i've noticed just here i've got 3d modeling twice so let's just go and change that so we'll just get rid of this one we don't need that and we're just going to go and hit update so now we've got our pricing plans and i'm just gonna go and add in one more for a video so what we can go and do is let's go and have a look at if any of these people are offering videos so we'll just go back over here and we're going to go and copy one of the gigs that are offering videos so you can like i said you can use multiple different gigs for your drop servicing site you don't just have to use one gig is obviously easier if you're using one gig because you know exactly who you're going to be purchasing the gig from once somebody makes an order on your site so that way it does make it a little bit easier but overall it's okay you can still go and use multiple geeks so let's go and have a look at this one i think he does videos so let's just go and click on here and we're just going to go and add in one of his videos and this is the one that i've already clicked on let's have a look is this the same one as this one i think it may be yes it is so let's go and see any other ones that make videos let's have a look at this one that's the one i've already looked at so let's see so what we're going to do is as a matter of fact we're just going to use what the this website here is using so we're going to go for 3d video walkthrough and from here we can go and change this so we'll call this premium so we've got enterprise and we have premium and then we're going to change the price and the price is going to be so what have they got they've got 30 pounds per second wow that's quite expensive so let's say 30 dollars we're going to change this to 29.99 we could say per second so 29.99 per second and then we can go and add in our features so let's see what they've got for theirs final price is worked out after seeing the project details and the shots required so we can just say something like that and then you can always go and we can add a contact button to this one so we'll go and add a contact button over here so that the person needs to contact us directly for that one so we can go and discuss it with them further so let's go and change this to contact so that's the only one where they have to contact us the rest of them they can just choose the plan and check out so we will be adding the e-commerce functionality later on in the tutorial so that when somebody just clicks choose plan then they can go straight and check out now what i need to do next is go and i need to change the colors to make it match the rest of my site so what we're going to do is we can go to i probably should have done this actually earlier so that we could have just duplicated it but that's okay we can just go and do it now so we're going to go to style and we're going to go to price tag so let's open up the price tag and then we're going to go and change the color so we're going to change it to this purple color over here so let's just go and find the purplish color so for whatever reason it's not showing so let's just go back to the top and i'm just going to go to pick color and i'm just going to pick this one and now i can copy it so now we're going to go and scroll back down and we're just going to go and change these so i'm just going to go and quickly change all of the styling to these so i'll just do it for one just so you i can show you how to do it and then i'm going to go and change it for all of them so let's just go and change the styling so the color over here is the price so then we also have the hover color so when we hover over it we can see it's going pink so i want to go and change this as well so if we go to advanced over here we go to background and we go to hover and now i can change it so that it goes like that so you can see that looks a lot nicer so the last thing i just want to do is actually go and change the button now let me just have a look if i'm actually using this sort of pinkish color anyway so to be honest with you i probably could just keep that how it is so that looks pretty nice so now we just need to go and do that for the rest of these so i'm just going to go quickly and do that for the rest of these and i'll meet you back here in one moment so i've just gone and updated all of the tables so now they look like this so that's looking really good so that's really nice and we're just going to go and add some spacing in here so if we just come to the top of this inner section and we can just go and add some spacing so we're just going to go and add some padding to the top so about 20 something like that let's see how that looks yep that looks really nice and i'm just going to go and see how it looks if it is a full width section just to see what it looks like just to see if it makes any difference so this one over here needs to be a full width section as well and i think that actually looks a lot nicer when it's full width like that it doesn't look so squashed up together so we're just going to leave that as a full width section so now we have gone and created our pricing tables it's looking really good our site's actually starting to come together and you can clearly see what we are drop servicing and we've got some good visuals of our work now when it comes to the our work area you might want to go and add in a few more visuals and we will go and create a whole page that's going to show our work as well just because for example this one over here where it says that we're offering 29.99 per second well if they can't see any of the videos within the our section no one's ever going to go and purchase this so we would want to go and show the work and break it down into the individual sections so people can see what they're going to get for the package that they purchase so like i said you might want to go and elaborate on the our work section and i will be showing you how you can go and create a page just for this on its own as well later on so what we are going to do next we are actually just going to go and create a contact us form and that's basically just going to be the last part of our home page it's just going to be a contact us form and then once we have done that then we will go and start setting up the e-commerce functionality so people can just purchase this and check out right away so once again let's go and copy this over here and we're just going to go and paste it in here and now we're just going to go and call this contact us so now that we've got that we are going to go and create a contact us form so in order to do this what we can do is we're going to go back to our wordpress dashboard and then from our wordpress dashboard we're going to go to plugins we're going to go to add new and then over here we're going to go and type in wp forms and just hit enter and then we're going to go and install this one so it looks like a little teddy bear so just go and click on install and then once it has finished installing we'll go and hit activate and now we can see that wp forms has been activated so now let's go and create our first form over here then from here we're just going to go and choose a simple contact form so click on create a simple contact form and then from here we will see we've got a simple contact form already created so this is really easy to create now what we're going to want to do you can go and change some of the options for this so if we go to field options you can go and change the name first last wherever you want to go and change within here and in the advanced options as well you can go and change some of the stuff but really and truly you just want to go you're going to want to go and just keep it as it is it's a simple contact form where people can contact you so now if we go to settings we're going to go to the notifications now it's going to get sent so basically what this means is when somebody contacts you where will it get sent so it's going to go and be sent to the admin email so this is the email address that you used when you first installed wordpress now you can go and change this and what i recommend doing is having a professional email address now it's really easy to create a professional email address with siteground so if we go over to siteground over here and basically within your site tools what you can do is you can go to email over here you can go to accounts and then what you can do is with your domain you can go and create an email account so i can go and create something like contact at and then that's your domain and then just go and choose a password so choose a password and then just going to go and hit create so now you will see that you've got your professional email address down here and all you need to do then is just go once you have created it you can just go log into webmail and that will basically go and create you an inbox where you can receive emails so we're going to go and copy this and now we're just going to go and paste this in here so every time somebody sends or fills out our contact form it will be sent to our professional email address now the email subject is just going to be this so basically when it comes through you're just going to see this then you can see it's from so you can go and put it as the name of your site so from your domain and then the from email once again will just be you can just put this in so it doesn't really matter who it's from because it's just the person who's filling it out so that's all you need to do and then you've got confirmations as well so this is just the message that the person sees once they hit submit on the contact form so you just see thanks for contacting us we'll be in touch with you shortly now you can go and put in a few like a time frame in here so we'll be in touch with you in three to five working days or something like that whatever you want to put in depending on how much time you have and if you think that you can answer your emails fairly quickly so then you can just hit save and basically we're going to do is we're going to hit embed over here and just going to go and copy this so just go and copy this code over here and once you've copied that what we're going to do is we can just go and exit this so just hit the x over here and now we're just going to go and embed this contact form so we're going to go back to the front end of our drop servicing website and we're going to go and hit edit with elementor and now elementor has loaded we can scroll down and we can hit the plus button here we can choose a singular section over here and now what we can do is when we hit the grid go and type in shortcode so drag a shortcode into here and now we're just going to paste that short code we copied and now you can see we've got our simple contact form and it's that simple so it's really easy to go and do this let me just go and hit update and let's go and have a look at how our page is looking so let's go and see our homepage so if we scroll down over here we've got firstly what our drop servicing website is all about and some images of it then we've got the services that we offer so all the different services then some pictures of our work and people can go and click on this as well and just scroll through the different images of our work and like i said if you want to add a video you can in there as well and they can just close this and then if we scroll down we have the pricing tables so different prices for what we offer and then finally we've got our contact last form just at the bottom so now that we have basically completed our home page what we are going to do for our home page is we're going to make it a one-page home page where people can just click and it will bring them down so they can click services it will bring them to here they can click portfolio it will bring them to here and then they can click pricing it will bring into here and finally they can click contact and it will bring them down to this section and that's a really easy way to run your drop servicing site you don't have to create loads of different pages because everything pretty much that the customer needs to know can all be on one page and like i said you can create another page for your portfolio if you want to once you start getting more orders and once you actually have different work to show that you've ordered from the fiverr gigs then you can create a dedicated page just for this section but when you're first starting out you can just create it as a one-page site because it makes it so much easier to manage so in order to do this we're just going to go and hit edit with elementor and once elementor loads once again we can actually go and create this as a one-page site now so in order to do that we're going to go and click on the little grid icon over here once again and within search widget we're going to go and type anchor so you will see menu anchor over here so we can go and drag our menu anchor here and then we're going to do is you're just going to go and add in the name of this so for this one we can go and call it services so that's going to be our first menu anchor services then we can add another menu anchor in so let's type in anchor again and then we're just going to call this one portfolio and then we've got pricing so once again we can go and type in anchor drag it over here and we can type in pricing and then finally we've got the contact us section so you can type in anchor put it under here and we'll call this contacts us so now we've got contact us actually let's put this just call this contact it makes it easier so just call it contact so we've got contact pricing portfolio and services so now we can go and hit update and what we can do is we can go and create a menu that's going to link to all of these so in order to do that we're going to go and exit to the dashboard over here and then from here we're going to go to appearance we're going to go to menus and then from here we can create our menu so go and type in you can call your menu whatever you want but i always just call it main menu so this is what's going to be up in the header so click on create menu over here and then from here what we can do is we can go and add custom links so firstly for our custom link the first one so when you're adding a custom link you want to add this part of your domain plus the slash so add that in and then you're going to go and add in a hashtag so hashtag and the first one that we had was services so then just put services in here and add to menu and then the next one that we're going to add is going to be the portfolio one so it's going to be hashtag port folio and then you can call this portfolio and add to menu and then the next one we had was pricing so we do hashtag pricing and we can call this pricing add to menu and then the last one that we had so we're gonna paste that in was hashtag contact and we can go and put in contacts us and click add to menu so then just go and hit save menu over here and then we're going to go and take it as the primary menu so once again ticket as a prime menu and hit save and now we can go and test our menu out so let's go and let's wait for that to save and once that has finished saving let's go and we can click so let me just hit save one more time and now that has finished saving let's go so we can just hit leave it should have saved so don't worry if you're getting that error message so now if we hit services we can see it comes down to here if we hit portfolio it comes to here if we hit pricing it comes to our pricing tables if we hit contact us it brings us to the contact us section now you will notice that i haven't actually set up my global colors so if we go to customize over here we can go and change the colors of the links so now that our customized areas has loaded we can go to global we can go to colors we can go to base colors so you'll see the theme color i'm going to change it to my theme color over here and then we've got link color so we can change the link color like this and that should hopefully get so you can see it changes the color of these and now we can just go and hit publish and we can just close this so basically that is our home page so it's looking really good it's come together pretty well and we've got all of the information that we pretty much need now like i said you might want to go and add in a slider in here if you want to go and show off some more of your work as well so similar to how this website has done it so you can see they've added in an image slider so i will just show you very quickly how you can do that so just go and hit edit with elementor so once elementor loads from here you can go and create a slideshow so it's really easy to do this if you go to edit the section over here and then over here in style if you go to background you can go and click on this little slideshow button so if we just go and click on this and then from here we can go and add some images to our slideshow so if i just go to upload files over here sorry to media and we just scroll down and i can just go and let's say add these three images over here click on create new gallery and just click on insert gallery and then that's going to go and create a slider so if we just go and open this up we should see that these images change every couple of seconds so there you go you can see that that one just changed there so it's really easy to go and create a slider like that just so you can show some different visuals to your potential customers now another thing i just wanted to show you as well is that you can also go and change the contact us form to make it look a little bit nicer so in order to do this if i just click on this plus button over here i can go and choose this elements kit again so if we just choose this and then we can go to sections again and we can go and choose a wp forms section so if we just scroll down you see wp form and you can go and choose whichever one you think looks best so i'm just going to go and click insert on this one over here and now we can see that we've got contact form so if we go and click on the pencil icon on this little forms elements over here then we can go and select our simple contact form and it comes up like that so now we can get rid of this one over here and we can get rid of the heading so let's just delete that and now we can see we've got our contact us form and i personally think that that just looks a lot nicer than the previous one so that's how you can go and just add a contact us form that looks a little bit nicer so now that we have done that what we are going to do next we are going to go and add the e-commerce functionality to our website so that when somebody clicks choose plan it will just bring them straight to the checkout and they can go and make a purchase for one of our services so let's just go and hit update over here and what we're going to do next is we are going to go and click exit to dashboard so we're going to go back to our wordpress dashboard and then like i said from here we can go and add the ecommerce functionality so we're going to go to plugins and we're going to go to add new plugin and then from here we're going to go and type in cart flows so just go and type in cart flows and then you will see this funnel build up by cart flows so just go and click on install now and then once that has finished installing just go and click on activate over here and once that has activated we will now see cart flows over here so go to cartridge and click on flows over here and from here you should see no flow so i'm just gonna go and trash this just so i can show you what yours will look like so it'll just be plain like this so let me just go and delete this permanently just so it's not showing anymore and then when you click on flows it should just show clean like this saying no posts found so what you're going to do is you're going to go and click on add new and you will see loads of different templates some of them are pro which means that they're paid or that doesn't matter because we don't need to use any of those so we're going to go and choose this one over here called inline checkout now it's going to say install and activate woocommerce so firstly we need to go and do that so woocommerce is what adds the e-commerce functionality to a wordpress website so go and click install and it will say install and activating so just give it a few moments and once you click on install and activate then it has finished it will bring you back over here so we can scroll down now and now we can see inline checkout so that's just we're just going to be using the checkout page and we can go and click import so it's going to say importing step one of two so just wait for that to finish now once you do that you should be brought over to this page if you're not brought over to this page and you're brought to a woocommerce setup page then you can just go and skip that woocommerce setup page and it should bring you back here so just go and skip that and now you should see woocommerce over here with products and also with cart flows so we can go and add a title so we're just going to go and call this let's just call this service one so this is going to be our first service or you can go and name it after the service that you're offering so if i go and open up the front end of my website so my home page and we can go and have a look at what i called my first one so this is called basic so we can just call this basic service and then we can just go and hit update so now we have got a checkout page for our basic service but before we need before we go any further we need to go and create a product so in order to create a product we're going to go to products over here and we're going to go and click on add new product over here now from here we can go and name our product so we can name our product once again just the same thing so this one's going to be just the basic package and then from here we can go and put the price of our product so we can see the price 39.99 so i can go and choose 39.99 now what you may notice is this is here is in dollars and my store is in pounds so i'll be showing you later on within the woocommerce settings how you can go and change that so for now don't worry too much about that if you're in the us then you can go and change this to dollars or if you're in the uk you can change the pounds or whatever country you're in if you're in europe you can change the euro so don't worry about this for now so all we're going to do is enter in our price over here now once we have done that we can actually go and put this as a virtual product so basically that just means there's no shipping for this product because it's not going to be shipped out it's not a real product that we're going to send out it's going to be a document or something of that nature so now that we've done that we can just go over here and we can also add a category if you want to so when we go to add category we can go and type in our categories so i can go and just add in rendering or i can let's try and spell this again architecture i know i'm not going to spill it right so don't worry guys you know me so let's call it architectural rendering and then that's going to be our category and then we can just hit publish like this so now that we've done that we have created our first product so what we can do is we can go and add this product to our checkout page now so if we go to flows again so go to cart flow and click on flows over here and then from here we can go and edit our basic service flow so go and click on edit over here and now we can go and edit our checkout page so what we can do is we can go over here and we can click on edit over here and then from here we can go and edit this now the first thing we're going to do is we're going to change the name so this is going to be the basic checkout page and then we're going to edit the permalink so that it matches it so this is going to be the basic checkout page as well so once we have done that now we're going to assign a product so over here where it says checkout layout we can select the product so once you just come in here and just go type in the product that you just created so basic package and we can just hit sorry not add new we don't need to add new let's just remove that so we've added this product already so over here we've got if we go to checkout design you can go and change the primary color so i'm going to go and change it to this purple color that i've been using throughout so let's go and change it to that and then you can go and change the font family so mine i've been using montserrat so i'm just going to go and change it to that and then we can just go and hit update so let's just hit update on this and now we can see that this has been updated so what we're going to do next is now we can go hit edit with elementor now once we hit edit with elementor we will see that we've got this checkout page over here so basically we don't really need any of this so we can actually just start deleting a lot of this stuff because we've already kind of sold them on it once they hit get this package so once they hit choose plan we want them to just go to the checkout and it to be just as simple as possible for them to enter in the information so we can just go and delete this we can delete this we can delete this delete this and get rid of this now you can go and keep in some of these so if i just undo that so just ctrl z that you can go and keep in what our clients say if you want and then you can go and add some testimonials in here so once you actually start getting some clients you can go and change these testimonials to real people of course if you want to now for me personally i'm just going to get rid of it for now and i'm just going to get rid of this and then what i'm going to do is i'm just gonna go i'm gonna get rid of this as well and basically just get rid of everything now this over here this is the checkout so you can see the short code is the cart flows checkout now the only thing i'm gonna add is i'm just gonna add one simple thing i'm just to add a banner so i'm going to drag that above my checkout like this and all i'm going to do is i'm just going to change the background so i'm going to change the background to an image so let's just go and pick let's just say this image over here that looks pretty nice and then what we're going to do is we're going to change the layout so we're going to change it to a minimum height and then we're going to go and change the image style so we're going to change it to not contain we're going to change it to cover and then the position is going to be bottom center so i'm just going to go ahead and change it to that and then i'm going to add a background overlay so let's add a background overlay to this and not image we're going to change it to a color and i'm just going to change it to that purple color and then from here i'm just going to go and drag a heading into here and i'm going to center align it and i'm just going to go and change the text color to white change the typography to domain so let's change the typography to this and then we're going to go and change the size so let's go and change it to something like 50 and then we're just going to go and we're just going to go put on package name basic package oops and what we're going to do is we're just going to go and copy this information here just to our checkout so we're going to have the basic package like that and then what we can do is let's see what we can add so if we come down here we can go and add like a list so let's add we could try if i type in icon list so we're going to go for an icon list and we're going to drag that in there once again let's center align it and we're just going to go and copy this information so we're going to go for project size square feet it's going to be our first item list like that and then second item list is gonna be this one over here so let's go and change the heading for that and then the third icon list is gonna be revisions one just so the customer is reminded of what they are getting so once we've done that we can just go you can go and change the icons if you want so i'm just going to make them all a tick so let's go and type in check and we're just going to choose i like this round check i think it looks nicer so i'm going to go and change this one over here as well so let's type in check again and we'll change it to that one and finally the last one over here is going to be a check as well so let's go and type in check and hit insert and then we can just go and change the styling of this so what we can do is we can go we've got icon so i'm just going to change the icon color to white and then i'm going to go and change the text color to white and the typography so i'm going to go ahead and change it to monsterats the font that i'm using and we can change the size let's have a look let's try it 25 so that they can see it so it's pretty prominent and i'm just going to change the weight as well make it a little bit thicker let's try something like that so that looks pretty cool and now we can just go and hit update so now if we view the page we can see it's just a checkout page like that so all they have to do is they just go and get their basic package and then they just check out and then what we're going to do is once we receive the order then we can go and email them to actually start the project now it depends what service you actually drop servicing so for this one there's going to be a lot of email communication so once we receive the order then we're going to email the client so we'll go through this how we can fulfill orders later on but just give you a brief overview so you kind of understand it before we actually start going through the steps they're going to make the order then we're going to email them and say we want to start your project and you're going to go and get some information from them based off of the project that you want that they want you to start but this is an easy way to go and just get them to check out seamlessly and like i said over here they can be reminded of what they are going to get and then they can just enter in all of their information so now that we have done that we can go and click edit step because now we're going to go and edit the thank you page so we've done and we've completed our checkout page so what we're going to do next is go back to edit flow over here and then we're going to go to thank you page so we're going to go to edit over here and then from here we're just going to go change this to basic thank you page because it's the basic package thank you page and once again we're going to paste that into the permalink and click ok and we don't really need to do anything else to this so what we need to do now is just hit update over here and then we're going to edit this with elementor once again so now we're going to go and hit edit with elementor now once elementor loads you will see this page over here load and all we can do now is just go and change some of the colors so that it matches the rest of our branding so we can just go to style over here and we've got the background color so i'm just going to change it to this background color then i'm going to go and change the icon so i'm going to change the icon to white and you can just go and change the content so you can say thank you for your order and then we can just put in here a member of our team will be in contact with you shortly to discuss your project and that's all you need to put and then we've just got this little triangle bit over here so we need to i believe that that is an image so let's see how we can get rid of that because we don't want it to be that color so let's just have a look over here see if we can locate it so within background let's have a look if i can find this so it's just under shape divider sorry i just lost my bearings for a second there so we've got shape divider and we can just change that to my purple color as well so now we've got thank you for your order remember our team will be in contact with you shortly to discuss your project and that's that and you can also have over here join the community if you want to just with this is facebook twitter and i believe this is google hangouts maybe but i'm just going to get rid of this for now i don't think that's really necessary and now we can just go and hit view page now when we hit view page it is just going to say order not found because we haven't actually made an order but basically when the customer makes a purchase over here it will just give them a summary of the package that they have purchased and that's a really nice way to just take them through the whole process so they if they click on choose plan it brings them to the checkout and then it brings them to the thank you page so what we're going to do now is now we're going to go and duplicate that for these two plans over here as well so we're going to go and duplicate that so what we can do is we can go back to our wordpress dashboard over here now from our wordpress dashboard we can go and replicate the checkout and thank you page that we just created for the basic package and we can go and do this for the standard package now so what we're going to do is we're going to go to products again and go to all products because we need to go and create the package as a product first so that we can link it to our checkout so you can see over here i've already gone and duplicated the products so what you can do is with your basic package you can just go and hit the duplicate button so i'll just go and show you how to do this so you hit duplicate over here and then from here it will make a copy so what you can then do is from here you can just go and call this the same as your package name so this one's going to be standard so over here i can just go and type in standard and then i can just get rid of this standard package and then you can just copy this and you're just going to paste this in here and hit okay so you're just going to go and do that now you can see for me it's calling this standard package 2 because i've already got the other one that i've already duplicated as standard package then all you're going to do is come down here and change the price so my one is 99.99 so you just go and do that and then that's it so once you have done that you just go and hit publish now i'm not going to publish this one because i've already gone and duplicated my packages so i don't need to actually publish it so i'm going to do this this basic copy one i'm just going to go and trash this so what i recommend doing actually whilst you're in here just go and create your other one as well so go and create your enterprise package as well and that will just save you time from doing it later on so like i said i'm just going to go and trash this draft over here so let's just hit trash on this and then if you ever trash a package or a product should i say if you trust something i always recommend just deleting it from the trash as well just it just takes up space on your website so just unnecessary space that you don't really need to take up so you can just come in here and click on delete permanently so as you can see i've gone and duplicated my products so that's really easy so now we've done that we can come over to cart flows and we can go and click on flows over here and then we've got our basic service flow so what we are going to do is we are going to go and actually open this up and then we can go and copy it so we're going to do is we're going to right click this and just open it in a new tab so we're going to open our original package so our original flow of cart flows in a new tab and then we are going to go and we're going to hit edit on our checkout page so we'll just open this up in a new tab as well as a matter of fact i can just open this up in its own tab and then we're just going to go and hit edit with elementor because what we're going to do is we're just going to copy everything from here and we're just going to paste it over to the checkout page for our other package so now that's just opening what we can do is we can come back over here and we can go and create a new flow so by doing that we just have to hit add new now just something worth noting you can only have three flows within cartflow so three checkouts and thank you pages with the free version of cart flows you can only create three now it just happens to work out that i've only got three packages so that's good but if you have more than three packages then you are going to have to upgrade to the premium version of cart flow so we'll leave a link in the description to cart flows but like i said when you're just starting out with drop servicing then you only really need three packages anyway because most fiber gigs come with three different levels so you're just going to be copying those anyway so like i said you're not really going to need to upgrade your cart flows plug in until maybe you want to start offering different services because i've got these three packages and this one they're just going to contact me so it doesn't need a checkout or a thank you page so i just thought i would mention that in case you have gone and created loads of different packages on your site and then you can't go and create checkout pages for each one so we're going to do is we are going to go and hit add new over here and once again we're just going to use this inline checkout so we're just going to hit import once again and it's just going to finish importing that and once it has finished importing it will bring us over here so now i'm going to call this standard service so we'll just call it that and then we're going to go and hit update and then once it has finished updating we can go and edit the checkout page first so let's go and click edit checkout page so once we have done that i'm going to just go and call this standard checkouts and then we're just going to copy that and we're going to go and paste it into the permalink and hit ok and now we're going to go and hit edit with so sorry cancel let's hit update and then we're going to edit with elementor so now that we've updated it let's just go and hit edit with elementor now now once elementor loads what we can do is we can just delete everything on here once again like we did originally so just delete everything get rid of it all apart from this checkout area now what we can do is we can come over to our basic package page where we've got edit section we can click right click on this and click copy and then over here we can go and hit paste so right click and hit paste then we can just drag this up here and now we basically have our page replicated and we can just go and change some of this so i can go and change this to standard package and then i can just go and add what we've got in our standard package so we've got project size is 300 so over here i can just go and change what's in here so we can go so let's open this up i can go and paste that in and i can go and copy this and i can go and paste it in here and then we've got rendering is one so what i'm going to do is over here you can hit the duplicate button and i'm just going to go and type in rendering one and then as part of the package we also have 3d modeling and two revisions so i'll hit that and in here i'll put 3d modeling and then finally revisions is going to be 2. so that's basically it so now we can just go and hit update and now we can go and view the page now one thing that we do need to do with each step as well is to go and allocate the product so you can see there's no product is selected so if you get this over here you can just go and hit edit step and then from here if we scroll down we can go to select product and i can go and type in standard package and just hit update and now all we're going to do is going to do that for our thank you page as well so let's go back to edit flow over here so i'm just going to go and click on back to edit flow and now from here i can go and edit the thank you page so let's go and hit edit over here and then from here we are going to call this standard thank you page copy this put it into the permalink hit okay hit update and once it updates we can scroll down and we can hit edit with elementor and now from here we can just click on exit to dashboard and we're just going to go and copy our thank you page that we've already created so now we can go back to edit flow from our basic checkout page and from here we can go to our basic thank you page so we can go and hit edit on that one and then from here we can go and hit edit with elementor now once our thank you our basic thank you page loads with elementor what we can do is once again we can right click on the section click copy then we can come over to our standard thank you page we can just delete this section over here and we can also delete this section here as well because we're not going to use that so we've deleted both those then we can right click on the plus and we can just hit paste so now we've pasted that in there we can just drag that above here and then the last thing to do is just go and change the shape divider so we can click on edit section over here on this little one and then we've got shape divider and i'm just going to go and change the color so there's the purple color and i'm just going to go and change that to this and now we've created our standard thank you thank you page so we can just go and hit update and now we can hit view page so basically both of the thank you pages are the same but they're for different packages so we've got one for our basic package and one for our standard package and then all you're going to do is repeat the entire process for your final package so for your enterprise package so for your checkout page you're just going to go and repeat this so if we just go and type in standard checkout page so let's go to this page so we can have a look at it and then i can just explain a little bit more about the last step so basically for your enterprise package or your third package whatever it is once again you're just gonna do this exact same process that we just done you're gonna go and create the product for it and then you're just gonna go and copy and paste everything over to one more page so i'm not gonna do that now because it's gonna get pretty boring me just going and doing the same thing that i just showed you so i'm gonna do is now i'm to head back to my wordpress dashboard and then i'm going to go and just create the final flow within cart flow so you just come into part flows so now we should see we've got two flows we've got the basic service and the standard service so i'm just going to do the exact same process and just go and create my final checkout and thank you page for my final service over here and then once i have gone and done that what we will do is we will go and link up all of the buttons on our homepage so i have just gone and created my final flow for my enterprise service as well so a checkout and a thank you page that i just copied from the standard service so you can see over here i've got my enterprise one as well and i've just gone and put in all of the details so now once you have gone and created all of your checkout and thank you pages and they are all linked up to each different package what we can do is we can go and copy this link over here so make sure you go and copy the link and like i said you have to make sure that you're naming them correctly so we've got standard checkout page basic checkout page and enterprise checkout page so now that we've done that we can go to the front end of our drop servicing website and now from here we can go and hit edit with elementor and once elementor loads we can go and scroll down to our different packages we can go and add in the buttons the link to the buttons over here so just go and click on the pencil icon then you're going to see the button and you're going to see link so just go and paste your link in so that's my enterprise link then i'm going to go to the standard one over here we're gonna go to button we're just gonna go and paste that then i'm just gonna change where it says enterprise to standard and then finally we've got the basic so once again we just do the same thing go to button paste it in and change enterprise to basic and then finally i'm going to link up my contact button as well so if we just go and click on this and i'm just going to link it to the anchor menu over here so we've got hashtag contact so what i'm going to do is we're going to click on this pencil icon we're gonna go to button we're gonna go and paste our link in here and then we're just gonna do contact so hashtag contact and then just go and hit update so now what we can do is we can go and view the page and let's make sure that all of those buttons are working so firstly what we can do is if we go and click on pricing over here it brings us down to the pricing tables let's just do that again so we can see how it works so that looks perfect then if i hit contact it brings them down to the contact us page and then from here they will be able to go and choose their plan and it should go and bring them over to the checkout for that specific plan so if i just right click this and hit open for this one and then we can go and see that it brings us to the standard checkout page so from here they can go and check out with the standard package for 99 and then if we just right click the basic plan we can go and have a look once again so from here they go over to the basic plan and we can see we just got a basic plan 39.99 now as you can see one thing that i haven't changed on here is this color over here so i need to go and change this so when you are doing creating these types of sites it's always good to go and test things out make sure that they are working correctly so in order to change this color it's really easy we can just go and hit edit step and then from here we can scroll down and we will see checkout design so i'm just going to go and grab the purple color and over here we can go and paste that in here and you can go and change your font family so i'm using montserrat so then i can just go and hit update so let's just go and do that and now we can go and close this and we can just test that page again to make sure that it's looking correct so let's go back over here we're going to go to the basic plan now and just open this up in a new tab and i'm just going to go and close this enterprise package page and now we can see on the basic package page we've got our monster up front and we've got that purple color so that looks a lot better and just keeps the branding consistent so now all of our buttons are linked up and people can actually start purchasing so what we are going to do next now that we have actually gone and set up our checkout pages we need to actually go and set up woocommerce so we need to go and fill out all of the settings and set up the payments so people can go and pay with paypal or with stripe so we're gonna head back to our wordpress dashboard over here and then from here we're gonna go to woocommerce and we're going to go and click on settings so let's go through some of the woocommerce settings so firstly under general you will have your address so you can just put your home address in here so you can see i've just gone and put in 123 home address just as an example so you can go and put your address in what countries you're selling to if you're selling to all countries so shipping locations ship to all countries that you sell to so for us it doesn't really matter because we're not really dealing with shipping so that's fine and then you've got your currency options as well so depending on what country you are going to be targeting then you're going to go and put your default currency so i'm in the uk so i've just gone and put it as pound sterling then you can just go and hit save changes so now that we've done that we can also go and look at emails over here so basically the emails these are the emails that get sent to the customer so every time that you get a new order a cancelled or a failed order it will go to this email so every time you receive a new order on your drop servicing website it's going to go to whatever email you put in here so make sure this email address is one that you're going to be accessing regularly so that you can go and get notified every time somebody makes an order on your drop servicing website now if we scroll down to the bottom here these are the ones that are going to be sent to our customers so the from address is in here is going to be the one that we created earlier in siteground so your professional email address so it's going to be contact domain dot com now the from name is going to be the name of our drop servicing site so let's just say my one is called architect pro or something like that whatever the name of your site is so you're basically your domain name so that's going to be in there you can go and add an image in if you want to a header image but that's not really necessary but one thing that you're definitely going to want to change is the base color so this is basically your main brand color so once again we're going to copy this we can paste that in here and hit save changes so that's basically it for the woocommerce settings now the next thing that i'm going to show you as well within woocommerce settings is how to set up your payments and this is obviously one of the most important parts of the tutorial because if your payments aren't set up you can't actually receive any money from your customers so you're going to go over to here to where it says payments and if we scroll down right now we see we've only got paypal over here and we also have cash and delivery so we actually need to install a few other things to make sure that we can accept paypal and also stripe which allows you to accept credit and debit cards we're going to go over to here to plugins and we'll go and hit add new and now from here we're going to go and firstly type in stripe so type in stripe and then we're going to see this one woocommerce stripe payment gateway so just go and hit install for that one and we will set that up in a moment so don't activate it just yet because now we're going to go and type in paypal so type in paypal and then we're going to go for the woocommerce paypal checkout so we're going to go and hit install on that one as well and now what we can do is we can go over to installed plugins so click on install plugins over here and from here we can scroll down we can tick both of these scroll back up under here where it says bulk actions just go and hit activate and click apply so now it will say selected plugins have been activated so now we've got the woocommerce stripe gateway and the woocommerce paypal checkout gateway so once again we can go back to woocommerce and go to settings over here and now from here we can go over to payments once again and then from here we can actually go and set up those payment gateways so the first payment gateway that you can set up is paypal so you'll see paypal checkout here so make sure that it's just turned on and then all you can do is click on manage over here and then when you click on manage you will see set up or link an existing paypal account so just go and click on that button and then from here all you have to do is go and enter in your paypal account details so just enter in your email hit next and it's going to ask you to enter in your password and then you just go and connect your paypal account to your wordpress website it's really simple to go and do this so i'm just going to go and hit back now and like i said it's pretty straightforward just go and follow through the steps to set up your paypal account then once you have set up your paypal account and make sure it's ticked on over here so where it says enable paypal checkout just make sure that is ticked then we're going to go and click back to payments and have a look at setting up stripe now so from here we can go and set up stripe so let's just scroll down and when we have stripe let's just click this on and then we're going to go and click on setup now from here we can go and set up stripe now at the moment i've got it in test mode but if we go and just turn off you'll see live publishable key and live secret key so i'm just going to leave it in test mode just so i can show you those in the test version so if you go over to and just go and create an account so from all you have to do is enter in your email and your password so just go and sign up for stripe or if you've already got a stripe account then just go and log into stripe then once you log into stripe you are going to have to go and activate your stripe account so just go and follow through those steps and in order to do that you need to go and verify your account you need to upload a picture of i form of id so either a passport or a driving license and also proof of address so something like a bill or a bank statement so you're gonna go and upload that then once you have done that you're gonna go to developers over here so click on developers so you can see i'm in test mode at the moment but if you just untick that you will see the keys that you need then from developers you can go and click api keys over here and all you're going to do is copy this publishable key so copy that and like i said you're going to untick test data so it's the live key so you're going to copy the publishable key and you're going to copy the secret key and all you're going to do is paste them in here and here so if you untick enable test mode you're going to paste your publishable key in here and paste your secret key in there and then just hit save changes and then your stripe account is connected to to your wordpress website and that is basically it for setting up payments so it's really simple very easy to do and then once you have done that you just need to hit save changes and basically then your stripe account is enabled so you can start accepting debit and credit cards and also you have enabled your paypal so you can start accepting paypal payments as well when people make an order so now that we have gone and set up our payment gateways the next thing we're going to have a look at is fulfilling orders so when an order comes through how can we actually go and fulfill those orders so under here where's woocommerce you've got orders so let's go and click on orders and then from here you should see orders so i've just gone and created this dummy order over here from john smith so we can go and click on the order and then within the orders we will see all of the details of the customer now what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to email your customer with some requirements for the service that you're providing to them now what i recommend doing is you should go and order the five a gig that you plan on drop servicing so go and make an order for that five gig and when you make an order of the fiverr gig they will ask you for some requirements so when you actually complete the order they're going to ask you these are the requirements we need to create your order and what you're going to do is you're just going to go and take those requirements so you can see over here this is something that i ordered on firewall where they created a editable pdf for me and they had a form and some text and also any other things that i needed so these were the requirements what form did i want to create what text did i want to add to the form and this one just says which you think to need so that sort of just worded badly but basically i think what they meant was is there anything else that you need and i just put upload uploadable image in the top left corner so when you go and purchase the fiverr gig that you're drop servicing go and look at the requirements that they ask for and go and save those somewhere in a document and then basically what you can do is you can go and email your customer with those requirements so you're going to head over to siteground you're going to go to email you're going to go to accounts and then from email accounts you will see your email account so we can go and log in to webmail over here and then from here you can compose a new email so you're going to compose a new email you're going to go and grab your customer's email and then you're just going to paste it in here then you can choose the subject so you can go and say the name of your site so let's just say site name basic package and then what you can do is you can say hi john thank you for ordering and then just put in whatever it is in here the basic package with us there are a few requirements we need to get started with your project and then all you're going to do is paste the questions below so question one or whatever requirement one so you're gonna put that in there and then you're gonna do requirement two and so on so however many requirements that your fiverr gig needs then you're just going to go and paste that in there and then you can just say we look forward to hearing from you and working on your project project and then the last thing you can just do is just sign off kind of regards and then you can just put your name friendly and you can just say project manager or something like that now you can also go and put in your website name in there as well just to so you can say whether my website was called so you can just go and do that now once you've done that you're just going to go and send that and you wait for your customer to reply with the requirements then you get their requirements and then you just go over to the fiverr gig and you just purchase it you paste in their requirements into the requirements on fiverr then the person on fiverr creates the gig when they send it back to you as a whether it is a pdf or it might be a photoshop file or whatever the file is that they send back to you then you just get that and then you just go and you email it to your customer once it's finished so you can just go and create another email within here you just attach the project files for them and you just say here is your completed project thank you for ordering with us and then you can always try and upsell them on something and things like that so it's really easy to go and fulfill these orders then you just come over here and you just go and change the order from processing to complete you just change it to complete and just hit update and then that's basically it for fulfilling orders so like i said it's a pretty simple process obviously it's not like drop shipping where everything can be done automatically but eventually when you are getting a lot of orders in then you can always go and hire a virtual assistant on fiverr or on upwork who can just go and fulfill the orders for you so you can just go and create a video of how to fulfill the orders yourself on your site and then you just go and send that to a virtual assistant and just say tell them through email this is how we fulfill orders and then they can just go and do it for you like i said but that's going to take some time until you actually build up a lot of traffic and you have a lot of people making orders on your drop servicing site so now that we've had a look at fulfilling orders there are just a few things that we need to do to fine-tune our site now the first thing that we're going to do is add a sticky header so that our menu at the top sticks to the top so that the user can go and click on any part of our menu so in order to do this we are going to go over to plugins and we're going to go and click on add new and then over here we are just going to go and type in sticky header so just go type in sticky header and then from here you're going to go and install this one over here sticky menu on scroll so just go and hit install and then once it has finished so let me just click that again and once it has finished installing then all we're going to do is go and click on activate and once it has activated now we have our sticky menu so if we go over to the front end of our website we can scroll and we can see the top bar now sticks and that's just a lot better because that just means people can just go and click portfolio pricing contact us they don't have to keep scrolling all the way to the top every time that they want to go and click on a different part of your website now the next part we're going to do is go and change which is my wordpress so go and click to the back end so to your wordpress dashboard and then we're going to go down to settings i'm going to go to general over here so when we click on this within here you can go and change your site title so i can go and change this to something like let's just call this let's say architect pro with my website once again we know i can't spell and then i can go and just put something in like let's say low cost 3d rendering something like that so you're going to go and put in a tagline so something that describes your website and then just go and hit save changes now you can see over here when we go to the front end we can see we've got architect pro low-cost 3d rendering that just looks a lot more professional than it's saying my wordpress so now that we have done that the next thing that we want to do is just go and change our footer now we are going to want to go and create some privacy policy and terms of service pages and maybe you want to create some other pages that you can go and add to your footer so in order to do that we're going to go back to our wordpress dashboard and what you can do is you can go to where we've got pages over here and we can go and hit add new and we can go and let's just call this one terms of service so we've got terms of service and we can just go and hit edit with elementor and now from here what we're going to do is we're going to go and open up our home page we're just going to go and hit edit with elementor on our home page over here and then from here we're just going to go and copy this part over here and then you can just right click on this and you can hit paste and then where we have this we can go and just delete this and from here we can just go and change this to terms of service so we can just go and do that and that's just way that just keeps the style and the branding of our site the same for all of our different pages so what you can do is then you can use a website called get terms dot io so you can go and use this website to just generate a privacy policy and the terms of service so what you can do is you can just go for the basic one if you're just starting out now if you are in europe i believe you're going to need a gdpr one so you probably want to go for this comprehensive pack over here which is 29 i think it's usually 49 so if you're watching this at a different time and it's 49 i'm sorry that's just the time i filmed it it was cheap but you can see over here gdpr already now you don't necessarily let's say need this straight away but it is good to just cover your back and for 49 to stop you from getting sued then you might want to think about using that so from here you can just go and put in your website name so let's just go and grab this and you can just go and paste this in here and then you can go and put your website name in here so my website you can put the email address contact my website dot com you can put in your location so wherever united kingdom and then you can put the policy effective date you can just put the day that you started your site and then you can go and change it to whatever english usa english uk doesn't really matter and then once you do you just click i understand and hit generate terms now from here you can see it's generated a privacy policy for us and it's also generated a terms of service so what we can do is we can just copy this to the clipboard and then from here we can just go and hit the plus icon we can go and create an area for us and then we can just go and drag the text element on here and now we can just go and paste that in there so there you go they have a terms of service now you're going to want to make this look a little bit nicer so what you can do is firstly you can just like delete things like this and then you can just go and make these bold and then just put some space so what you can do is let me just go back up like this if you hold if you hold shift and hit return then it just goes down one like that and then you can just go and do that for all of these different headings so i'm not going to go and do that for all of these but you get the idea you can go and do that for all of these over here and just go and create some spaces between them just to make your page look a little bit nicer so you can just go and do that so once you have done that you can get rid of where it says generated by get terms and so let me just go and make it look nice because i'm a bit of a perfectionist and then like i said you're just going to go and make all of these headings bold and then you can just go and hit publish so once you have created your terms of service then you can go and create your privacy policies we're going to do is we're going to go back to our dashboard so let me just hit update again and i'm going to exit to the dashboard and then from here if you go to pages and click on all pages over here and within your pages when you install woocommerce it automatically generates a privacy policy for you so you will have a privacy policy page in here it probably should say draft or something like that now what i want you to actually do is just trash that page and the reason that we trash that page is because it when it automatically generates that page it does it in a different format so the layout doesn't look right so we're just going to go and create that page from scratch so what we're going to do is now we're going to go and hit add new and then we're just going to go and type in privacy policy and then we're just going to go and hit edit with elementor now from here we can just go and create our privacy policy so once again we're going to go copy this section from our home page and we're just going to go and paste it over here and then we can just go and delete the text and just keep this heading over here and we can just go and type in privacy policy and then what you can do is you can just go and add in another section a single section and we can go and just add a text editor in here and then you can just go back over to get terms go to free privacy policy click copy to clipboard and then from here we can just go and paste it in now once again with this you're going to want to go and just clean up make it look a little bit nicer like i said it's just the fine details so you can just go and hold shift and hit enter and just split up the text where it needs to be done so you can obviously go and see where all of the different sentences end and like i said these small details just make your website look a lot more legitimate and then you can just get rid of that so now we have our privacy policy we can just go and hit publish and now we have our privacy policy so let's just hit update now one thing that you're going to want to do is go and connect this privacy policy to your woocommerce settings so go to woocommerce go to settings over here and then from here we can go to accounts and privacy and then if we scroll down you will see privacy page and now we can just go and choose privacy policy and hit save changes over here so now that we have done that what we can do is we can just go and add those pages to the bottom over here so in order to do that what we can do is we can just go to customize over here and then from here we can just go and add change our footer so if we go to footer over here and now we have footer bar so over here we've got our footer bar now in here you can go and change this so you can get rid of powered by and you can do let's say let's just get rid of power buy so it will just say copyright architect pro and you can also go and change the color of this so let's say i want to change the background color to let's just say black i could go and change that to black like that and now what i can do is if we go back over here we can go to footer widgets and you can go and add in some widgets if you want so over here you can go and add in some different widgets now you can see you it's got four different widget areas that you have to have so if you don't want to have it this way you can go and create a custom footer so i'll just show you how to do that so you can just get rid of this and we've changed the color of this bottom bit here so let's just go and hit publish and what we can do is we can just go and create a custom footer so in order to create a custom footer what we're going to do is we're just going to go to edit with elementor over here and now from here we're going to scroll down we're going to go and click add and then we're going to go and add in a double section like this then you can go and change the background of your double section so let's just go and change it once again let's just change it to let's just say black and now we can just go and add in some text so we're going to add in two text editors so this one we're just going to call this privacy policy and now we're going to go and change the text to the middle i'm going to go and change the style to white like that and you can always go and change the weight of it so let's just say like 500 and now if i just go and right click and hit duplicate on here i can go and throw that one in there and i can go and call this one terms of service so now what i can do is i can go and just type in my website forward slash and we're just going to go for terms of service so you're going to get your terms of service page up and i'm just going to go and copy this and now we're just going to go and link it here so if we just highlight this we go for insert link paste your link in click apply and now you can see that that's in there like that now the reason it's gone that color is because within my custom settings so when you go and hit customize on your home page my links are set to that color so you can just go and change that in there if you want to so now that i've done that what i can do so i could just go and let's say i didn't want it to be dark on dark colors here i could always go and change the background of this to let's say like a light gray so let's say if we go for this and we're just going to change it to a sort of lightish kind of gray something like that so now that you've done that what i can do is i can come back over here i can go and type in privacy policy and then i can copy my privacy policy and i can just go and make this a link as well so we'll go to this text over here and then i can just go and hit link insert the link and click that and then i can just go and hit update to save that now what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go and save this other template so over here it says edit section if you right click this and what you can do is you can click save as template and you can go and just save this as footer hit save and now that has saved so we can go and close this and basically what you're going to want to do now is you're going to want to go and add that footer to all of your pages so if we scroll down here we've got our footer down here so what we're going to want to do is when we go to choose the plan you can go and hit edit with elementor and you're going to add that footer over here as well so if i go and hit edit with elementor over here and now from here i can scroll down i can hit the plus icon sorry actually we're going to go and hit this one over here add templates so go and hit add template go to my templates over here and then just hit insert on your footer template hit yes and now we can see we've got our footer in there like i said you're going to want to go and do that for all of your pages on your site so you always have your privacy policy and your terms of service so let's just go and see if we can go so when you do it on these pages sometimes it might not change the font to your default font because this is a custom checkout page so what you're going to do is you can come in here and in typography you can go and change it to whatever the font it is you're using so i can go and change it to the monsterat font that i was using and i can go and change this one as well to the monster font that i was using so let's go and change that and then you can just go and hit update and like i said you're going to want to go and do that for every page on your site so all of your pages have your privacy policy and your terms of service and then at the bottom you just got copyright with the name of your actual site so now if i just go and click on privacy policy it brings me over to the privacy policy now on this page once again i would go and add that template and that is basically it for our site it's pretty much done i've shown you how to fulfill the orders how to go and add this sticky header over here which looks really good and we've gotta contact us we have our privacy policy in terms of service and then at the bottom we just have our final footer so now that we have gone and built out our site the next part of the tutorial is to have a look at how we can use google adwords to go and get some traffic over to our site and start making sales so let's have a look at running google ads for your drop servicing website so the first thing you are going to want to do before you actually start running any ad campaigns is just have a look at similar ads that are already out there so you're going to head over to google and you're just going to go and type something that is related to the service that you are drop servicing so you can see here i've just typed in 3d architectural design and you can see there are a few different ads that are coming up and a lot of them are not applicable to what somebody might be looking looking for so for this one it's virtual employee which is something similar to fiverr and upwork where people can just hire somebody to do 3d architecture for them so they might not be looking for that so next up we have this one mckinley spaces so let's go and have a look at this so they might go and click on this and see if this is something that they're looking for so you can see over here so this is just a one page website as well so these don't really make it very clear as to the services that they're offering so this is not a great site so somebody might come over here and just not be interested because they can't find out how much the services are and things like that straight away and then finally we have this one over here architectural visualizations beautiful property visuals and if we come over here this is a site that's very similar to the site that i have showed you how to build today so you can see over here kind of similar and they've got loads of different pictures and things like that so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go and compete for the keywords of ads that are similar to the services that you're offering so because photo planner offering similar services to what we would be offering over here we can go and create ads that are similar to this so what you're going to do is then you're going to go over to google ads so we'll leave a link in the description but we have to do is just go over to google and just type in google ads and then from here we can actually go and sign up and create an account so what you are going to do is you are going to go and click on start now now when you click on start now you might be brought over to this page if you don't already have a google account so all you are going to do is you're just going to go and enter in your information and once you have entered in your information just go and click on next now once you click next it's going to ask you to verify your email address so just head over to the email address that you signed up for google and they should have sent you a code so you're just going to go and copy that code paste it in here and then just click verify now from here they're just going to ask you for your phone number your date of birth and your gender so once you have it entered in just go ahead and click on next they will then ask you to verify your phone number you don't have to do this straight away so you can just go and click on not now and then just go and read their privacy policy so just go and agree to this and click on create account and click on confirm now you can go and set up a google account if you want so this will go and show you to local people but if you want you can just go and skip this for now and start running ads so you can just go and hit not now now from here it's going to say do you want to go and set up a new google ads account so just click on new google ads account and then you will be brought over to this page where you can go and start running your campaign now this is just the quick setup tool for google ads so i don't recommend going through this route straight away so what you can actually do is you can click on explore more campaign options and then you can click on create an account without a campaign now from here it's just going to say confirm your business information so just going to go and enter in your country your time zone and your currency and just hit submit and then once you click that it's going to say explore your campaign over here so click on explore your campaign now from here it's going to say you have no campaigns yet so we can go and set up a new ads campaign so click on new campaign over here now from here we can go and pick our campaign type now in all honesty for a drop servicing business these are not going to really make much difference so we're just going to go for sales because generally we are after sales we want people to come over and to purchase and then what we can do is we can go for search ads so click on search over here and then from here we can go and pick website visits and then we're going to go and enter in our website name so go and get your website and then you're just gonna go and paste it in here and now what you can do is you can just go and click on continue because you don't really need to set up a conversion action because basically if this is the only ads that you're running to your site you know where all of your traffic is coming from so you don't really need to go and set up conversions and you can kind of work out whether they're profitable or not because you can just look at how much you're spending and how many orders you're getting in so you don't really need to set up any conversion actions so you can just go and hit continue after that now from here you can go and pick your campaign name so we can go and just call this wherever we're going to go and target so let's say for this one i'm going to go for art architectural visualizations i can just go and call this architectural visualizations so i can just go and put that in there now you can go and put your ads on the search network and the display work network but personally i just prefer the ads to just be at the top of google so now they've done that you can go for as many different countries as you want so you can go and target loads of different countries united states australia new zealand loads of different countries or if you've got something that you think is a little bit more local to the country that you live in then you can just go and target your local country then you have your language so by default you'll have english but of course if you're running your drop servicing website in a different country then you can go and pick some different languages now over here we'll say select an audience so we don't have any audiences yet to actually select so you can just go and leave that now from here you have the average that you want to spend each day so you can make this as expensive or as cheap as you want but personally i prefer to whenever i run as to kind of spread the spend over a longer period of time so we're just gonna go for five pounds per day now after that you have the bidding strategy so it's going to say what do you want to focus on so i would just recommend just leaving it as clicks so you want to focus on getting as many clicks as you can now you can go and set a maximum cost per click if you want but what google will do is they'll try and get as many clicks as they can for the budget that you spend so i recommend just leaving it on as it is now if we scroll down over here we have an area that says add extensions so basically you can go and add extra links that will link to different things on your site if you have different pages so because mine's a one-page site then i'm just going to go and link to that so we can basically leave these out these are a little bit more advanced what i would recommend at the beginning is just try and get some clicks in and get your first orders before you start looking into this so now you can just hit save and continue now from here you can go and change your ad group name now for your ad group name it doesn't really matter this only really matters if you're running loads of different ads and basically when it comes to google ads you can basically name your ad group name based off of the area you're targeting or the type of keywords you're targeting so for example i could call this uk and i could call this beautiful property visuals or something like that so i would recommend not complicating things and just call it at group one so that you know you're just starting off with one ad group and you can always go and change the names if you decide that you want to create more ads so now that you've done that you can go and get some keyword ideas so what you can do is you can go and enter in your product or service over here so let's just go and add in architectural visualizations in here and see what comes up so we can see we've got architectural visualizations if we hit plus on this and we hit plus on this now these get added over here now you can see that they've already generated some for me interior design for home home decorating ideas now some of these are not going to be relevant for me so i need to go and look at some keywords that i can use so let me get rid of all of these and let me just go and try architectural so let's just try that and now we can see what comes up as well so you can see that for this particular keyword they don't have any keyword suggestions for me now obviously this is a very niche target keyword so you need to go and have a look so what we can do is we can say architect design or let's just try architect on its own so let's go and see what comes up for that so you can see we've got a architect which is not really something that somebody would probably type in so let me go and type in 3d the property visuals so let's try 3d property so we've got property 3d so we could go for something like that and another way to get keyword is just to go and have a look on google as well so what we can do is let's just go and have a look on here so let's go and have a look on my 3d architect we can see if there's anything we can get over here so let's see what we've got so let's just go and scroll down and have a look so let's see we could do 3d interior design so let's try interior design and we can see we've got a few other keywords over here so let's try and add 3d to that and hit enter and we can see we've got 3d interior 3d interior rendering 3d rendering and interior design 3d home interior design interior design rendering services 3d interior design so you can see you need to just play around until you find some keyword ideas so interior modeling interior 3d view home 3d view 3d room decoration so there's loads here so loads that i can go and add and if you want to you can just go and hit add all ideas and then it will go and add all of those ideas over here and now you can see my average cost per click is one pound 98 now that's quite high and like i said it's probably because it's a very specific type of keyword this is a very niche service that you're drop servicing but that's still okay because even if we we can still get up to so let's say let's have a look over here it's two pounds per click and i'm going to get let's say that i was selling this at 40 pounds that means i can get 20 clicks before i'm making a loss and you never know somebody might go for one of these or one of these so even at the cheapest i can go for 20 clicks until i've made a loss so hopefully because it's such a niche service that you're drop servicing you should start to get some sales and then if it's too expensive then you can always go back to the drawing board maybe have a look at going for some different keywords or you can always go and think about drop servicing something that's a little less niche so now that we've done that we can just go and hit save and continue and now from here is where you can actually decide what your ad is going to look like so if we go back over here and let's just go and have a look at one of these ads so if we just scroll back over here we could go for something like quality architectural design so we could go for that so that could be our headline one and then for our headline two we can go for something over here like let's say cheap architectural visualizations so that's going to be a hard one to spell as you can tell from the tutorial so far cheap uh you know i cannot spell this let's try and do it once for the whole tutorial no i couldn't do it i'm sorry guys architectural visualizations and that's it so basically now you can see both of these are quite long so don't go over this 30 threshold so what i can do is i can just say 3d designer and then we can say cheap architectural visualization so let's say architectural visualization and we could go and say let's try low priced low price sounds a little bit better than cheap because cheap makes it sound like it's going to be low quality as well so let's try low-priced 3d designer architectural visualizations so you're just going to go and do that now you also have the url over here so you can see they're just going to come over to here and then you also have other url options now from here you can go and add in multiple different ads if you want to so you can go and test different ads out so you can go click done and create next ad and basically you can go and create another one so do some research like i said have a look on google at the services that are already being offered within your niche go and have a look at the type of ads that are being run for those and you can go and try and do something similar so now that you've done that once you have finished that you just hit save and continue and that's just going to say that you can add more ads if you want to like i said but if you don't want to you can just go and hit save now finally before you do that it's just going to say that you need to go and enter in your billing information so if you get this error over here just go and click fix it and then after that you can just go and enter your billing information so your card details so that you're able to pay for the ads and then basically your ad will start running straight away so then like i said all you need to do is just figure out if you are making money on your ads so if you spend 20 pounds and you've got 40 clicks and you don't have any sales yet then you might want to just spend a little bit more and then probably if you go up to let's say 100 or 100 pounds and you don't have any sales you're gonna have to go back to the drawing board so what i'd recommend is go and have a look at your keywords go and see if you can find some cheaper keywords on google that are going to get a cheaper cost per click so something like let's say 50 cents per click or something like that and then you can try and run those ads and make more sales or you can go and put your prices up so you can go and put your prices up and maybe that way that can account for bringing in more money on the ads you spend so if you go and put this up to let's say 60 bucks for your lowest package then that way you know you can spend up to 60 dollars before you are making a loss so until you get one cell so like i said you're gonna have to go and do some tweaking if it's not working so just go and run the ads and see how you get on and that's basically it for this drop servicing tutorial guys and i know there are a lot of things to go through and run the ads and see how you get on and that's basically it for this drop servicing tutorial guys now i know there are a lot of things to go through and you're gonna have to do some research and do some fine tuning and tweaking to your website but i wanted to just give you the basic structure and the basic skeleton of getting this type of business up and it is a really easy business to start off doing you don't really have much money to invest in the beginning and it's different to drop shipping because there are no physical products that you actually need to deal with which does make it a lot easier when you are fulfilling orders and things like that so i hope you have enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up if you have make sure to subscribe to the channel because i've got plenty more tutorials coming soon and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: PrendyPress
Views: 57,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Start Dropservicing, How to Start Dropservicing 2020, How to Start Dropservicing with WordPress, How to Build a Dropservicing Website, How to Build a Dropservicing Website with WordPress, How to Create a Dropservicing Website, Dropservicing with WordPress, WordPress Dropservicing Website, Start Dropservicing 2020, Dropservicing, Dropservicing 2020, How to do Dropservicing, Dropservicing for Beginners
Id: NraWZTpDkas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 38sec (10238 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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