Make $1000/month Building a Chrome Extension With ChatGPT and No Coding!

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I want to show you how you can make some extra income by building your own Google Chrome extension using Chad GPT no programming knowledge required you don't even really have to have an idea chat GPT can even help you with that first off I want to just look at how much money you can potentially make from a Google Chrome extension I have a list here of some popular Google Chrome extension these are all made by Indie developers which means they're not a company but it's just some random people that put something together we have gmass which is making1 $30,000 per month closet tools $42,000 per month CSS scan 100K a month and these are more complicated ones these would take you a while to build but some of these night eye all it does is turns websites into night versions really wouldn't be that hard to build and they're making 3K a month off of that a weather extension but I bet you we could spend that up in like an hour 2.5k per month then of course if you can create an extension like ad blocker $3.7 million per month they're making from their Google Chrome extension so again in programming you can do this on your own you don't need chat GPT but I'm coming with the assumption that you don't know how to program your skills lie somewhere else that's what I'm coming with the Assumption with so we're going to go over to chat GPT and let's say I want to make 1K a month and what I like to do is I like to start small and then you can work your way up so I want to make let's say 2 $50 per month with a Google Chrome extension okay and for the purposes of this video I want it to be super simple something that I could put together very quickly can you walk me step by step through this process then hit enter so what this is going to do is chat GPT will break this down into steps so let me just write down the general steps number one step one identify an idea step two learn HTML CSS and JavaScript one thing you need to know about chat GPT is it doesn't tell you sometimes you have to massage what they tell you based on your previous knowledge like I'm going to probably skip this step because I know it's some HTML CSS and JavaScript also you can have chat GPT give you the HTML CSS and JavaScript so then you wouldn't need to learn it let's I step one identify an idea let's do step two create the extension step three test the extension step four let's say release the extension step five monetize the extension and step six we'll say Market the extension okay so we need to come up with an idea okay and I always make sure I'm really polite with chat gbt just in case she or he it they become sensient please pretty please please come up with five very simple ideas for a Google Chrome extension something very easy to build okay and again we start small we can work our way up here are five ideas that it gave you know what word of the day I'm going to do Bible verse of the day look at that then I can combine entrepreneurism and God's word I love it okay thanks always be polite I decided I want to build a random Bible verse Google Chrome extension please walk me step by step through the process of building this please be very granular do you guys know what granular means define granular resembling or consisting of small so basically it just means like very fine-tuned okay that's what granular means please be very granular and show me exactly what I need to do the more detail you give chat gbt the more the better they will give you so Define the extension okay what I want the extension to do is when a user clicks on it it just pops up a random Bible verse easy enough okay so set up the development environment make sure you have a text editor I like Sublime Text so I'm going to go ahead and open that create a folder structure so I'm just going to do this in the desktop I'm just going to do new folder okay so new folder and I'm going to name it random Bible vers extension see it even gives you the name and that's a very James Pelton name random Bible verse extension I started a business that sends out mass text messages and when I named it engineer mind mobile text alerts all right so create the extension manifest so you don't even really need to know what this is but this is basically what tells Google Chrome hey here's what this is so we're going to just copy this code you again you don't even need to know what's going on here this is obviously the name if you create new versions you can put it here the description this is going to be the HTML file that pops up in the browser these are icons which we can maybe create letter you see how each of the extensions has its own icon we can probably find a free icon that we'll use there later let's go ahead and create manifest.json I'm just going to paste in there and save as manifest. Json this is kind of a good way to learn as you're going to because you might say what's a Json file and you what is a j you could ask it in chat GPT what is a Jason file and if you want to learn about that you can here's an article what are Jason files how do you use them for now not going to do that I don't care about learning I just want to make money that's just a joke by the way all right so next create HTML and JavaScript files so again we're creating popup.js a pop up. HTML and I'll just put with pop up. HTML fetch a random Bible verse so now we're going to use some js that stands for JavaScript so again if you're a programmer you know what JavaScript is you've probably heard of JavaScript even if you're not a programmer again if you want to learn JavaScript you can do that if you want me to teach some JavaScript on the channel let me know happy to do that let's go ahead and create popup.js and for for now it put in kind of two sample at least the beginning of two sample Bible verses so there's a couple ways you could do this we could go to the internet and have it pull in a bunch of Bible verses you could just type some verses that are your favorite that'd be easier we call that hard coding for now while we're just for demonstration purposes we'll just leave what they have here all right so now load your extension in Chrome by going to Chrome extensions so I'll do this in another window here go to Chrome extensions so this shows all of your extensions then we're going to go into developer mode cuz you are a developer now congratulations you can add it to your resume you're a web developer now and then you're going to click load unpack then we just need to go to the folder the random Bible verse extension and select okay and it actually gave an error so again this is something chat GPT didn't see so sometimes you have to massage what's going on but what it the problem is it could not load the icon so if you remember in our manifest we gave these icons that it needed to download and apparently Google Chrome won't let you load the extension if you don't if those don't exist so it's looking for images and it's not finding them so let's create a new folder here let's do images and then let's search for free B icon so then you might have to look around a little bit to find what you're looking for I like this one download so I'm going to say I like this one so I'm going to just save image as then if I do end up selling this you probably need to create your own or make sure it's in the public domain and if you do get stuck you can just copy and paste the error and just say hey it is giving me this error and it'll tell you exactly what's wrong what you need to do create icon images so you do need a 16 x 16 48x 48 and 128x 128 and let's say how can I generate those icons see what it says so it wants me to draw my own there we go let's do here we'll do favicon generator so basically this will take an image and create the icons the right sizes that we need so let's do free Bible icon let's say we like this one so I'll go ahead and save it and create favicon so we'll find this one and then I will save it and then this favicon generator needs a PNG file so can we do icon.png choose icon.png create favicon download the generated favicon so you can see this created a whole bunch of icons so now chat GPT which I'm assuming they're right they say we need a 16x 16 a 48x 48 a 128 are the three we need so did we get those we got a 16x 16 here send that one over we got a 16x 16 here so let's send that one over icon 16x 16 and then we need a 48x 48 which did made one for Android so that's fine icon 48x 48 and then a 128 by 128 which it didn't oh rats so it didn't generate one that size you could use just like Photoshop or something but I'm just trying to do this as quickly as possible let's just use this 120 by 120 and I'm sure it'll look okay okay so we got those three now and then we just need to make sure our manifest file matches those so I actually named it 16 by 16 48 by 48 and 120 by 120 again I hope that I hope it looks okay 16 by 16 48x 48 120 by 120 so again those are the dimensions so I used a 120 for a 128 image which means it'll stretch a little bit but I think it should be fine so let's go back here and do retry there we go so it is there okay and the first thing I see is there is some there are some errors and it says manifest version two is deprecated deprecated just means that it doesn't work anymore so again you could look up why that is but you could just say it is telling me let's see what chat GPT says so it's just saying go to manifest version three I think everything else should probably be able to stay the same so let's try reloading that okay and this are is saying that this browser action so chat GPT is a little outdated so it's using some older code but it basically just says we can delete this browser action part there you go so now there's no more errors so there you go we just debugged an error that chat GPT gave us so now when you go to extensions these are all the extensions I have but random Bible verse will be here and I can pin it and now it is up here so let's see what happens when I click it okay and nothing's happening and so again this is a debugging situation and I didn't look closely at the code it gave me for the Manifest version three but you can see if I put them side by side what I'm missing is the action default popup CU that's what actually pulls up our popup HTML so I'm going to put that in there save it then let's go back here reload and then I forgot to change these back to the weird naming convention that I used so save that refresh okay and the problem here was that these are actually in the images folder so see development is a lot of just trial and error chat gbt can help you with most of these but I just knew what the problem was on my own so now let's try it click it the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want so we now we have an extension see I click that and it puts up a verse and it's going to put up one of a random one from what you put in here see this time it did for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord and now it's here so again in this I've got this random Bible verse generator leave a like if you want me to continue this series do you want me to show you how to get this onto the Google Chrome Store we can create a website for it we could start making money with it we could sell it we could do ads there's all sorts of different things obviously we might want it to look a little better rather than this little thing up in the corner we could make it bigger but leave a like let me know in the comments if you want me to continue this series let's build this till we make some money from it and also if you have some ideas for a Chrome extensions I would like you to build a Chrome extension and let me know down in the comments what you're planning to build how it went for you what other questions you have but I appreciate you guys very much and hope you have a great rest of your day thanks
Channel: James Pelton
Views: 14,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a chrome extension with no coding, create a chrome extension with chatgpt, how to make a chrome extension with chatgpt, chrome extension with no code, how to make a chrome extension, make money with chat gpt, make money with chat gpt 2023, how to make money with chat gpt, chrome extension, best way to make money with chat gpt, how to make money with chatgpt, Make $1000 per month with ChatGPT, passive income, side hustle ideas 2023, making money with AI, side income
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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