5 Ways To Make Money Building Chrome Extensions

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hi it's Rick and in this video I'm going to cover the top five ways to make money developing Chrome extensions so I've made over five hundred thousand dollars from my Chrome extensions which has enabled me to quit my crappy nine to five corporate job and on this channel I share my knowledge and tips on how you can create passive income from Microsoft apps such as Chrome extensions so please consider subscribing if you want to see more videos like this so let's take a look now at the moment way to monetize your extension so first up is to charge a subscription fee which is obviously the most obvious one but if your extension helps make people money or it saves them a lot of time they'll happily pay you a recurring fee if there's a clear value win for them by doing so so you can offer a monthly yearly or lifetime plan for your extension and charge users for Access monthly plans tend to be the most popular ones since they have the lowest barrier to entry and usually represent the best value to risk you know ratio for your customers and in terms of Lifetime deals I generally suggest staring clear of those where possible unless it's a very simple Chrome extension or there's another good reason for it and that's because it will affect your eventual exit from the app as you've got a lot of user baggage you know for your apps buyers they're going to basically need to support those for the lifetime of the app even though they're not going to give any more dollars to the bio of your app to get people through the door for your app you can offer a free version of your extension with limited features or usage restrictions and then once they realize how useful the Chrome extension is to them they'll likely to upgrade to a paid plan to unlock all the features that they need so personally on micro extensions I had a free forever tier with limited features and then through the customer onboarding emails I was able to get them to upgrade to the premium tier and it worked really well okay so next up we have got affiliate and referral program so another way to monetize your Chrome extension and let me demonstrate this with a few ideas from my 23 Chrome extensions ideas PDF which is linked in the description below so the free Chrome extension ideas I've had I've not got time to build so you're welcome to build them or something near them so number one from this is the Amazon enhanced reviews Chrome extension which would overlay professional reviews next to the user's reviews providing a more balanced and professional and accurate view of each product and this could be monetized by adding Amazon associate affiliate links to any potential purchases that aren't already using an affiliate link and with millions of users shopping on Amazon every day the Amazon enhanced reviews from Chrome extension could be a very popular extension where Shoppers looking to get unbiased reviews on the products are interested in you don't have to limit yourself to Amazon either you could use a referral program from pretty much any company for example another one in that PDF is the game Cost Cutter Chrome extension which compares prices across several gaming sites and platforms helping Gamers save money on each game or expand management pack that they're purchasing you can monetize this via affiliate links to the various gaming marketplaces and make money that way okay next up we have got advertising so if you're not keen on charging for your extension but you still want to monetize it then placing ads via your Chrome extension is an option too so you can use Google AdSense or any number of other AD networks which offer competitive rates and or targeted campaigns the key here is to ensure that the ads don't detract from the user's experience so placing an ad on a page that's got nothing to do with it or bombarding your users with too many ads will result in them quickly uninstalling the extension and your extension receiving bad reviews if you need to find that right balance between monetization and the user's experience and if that's done properly as can be a great way to monetize your Chrome extension without having to charge for it okay next one is going to be the donations method of monetizing your Chrome extension so if you have a loyal follow-in and have given your Chrome extension away for free for the benefit of your users then you can always ask for donations relying on the principle of reciprocity if your users have found a lot of value in your extension then they might be willing to donate back to you so that you can keep working on the extension and also to keep it free instead of one-off donations you can't even ask them to set up a small recurring fee the equivalent of buying your coffee or two every month to try and bring in some stable income but this is by far the least reliable way of monetizing as it relies entirely on how generous your audience is but if done right it could be a great way to generate some income from your Chrome extension okay and finally we have got built to sell so if you build up a large user base and have proven that your Chrome extension is valuable to them then another way to monetize it would be to Simply sell the extension to a business in that Niche for example let's say you've created created a Chrome extension that tracks stock prices and users love it so much it's been installed a million times now you could approach businesses in the stock market industry and offer to license your extension to them for a fee and that this approach would require a considerable effort up front but businesses in the niche would likely pay handsomely to be able to capture the attention of so many potential customers within the niche okay so the key takeaways here we've run through several options available for monetizing your extension there's charging a subscription fee leveraging affiliate links as advertising asking for donations and selling it to businesses in the same Niche once it's up and running is established if this video has helped you please leave a comment below let me know what you think is the best monetization model out of these and don't forget you can download my 23 Chrome extensions idea PDF from the link in the description below if you need some inspiration as to what you can build and finally these are the topics that I cover on this channels or Chrome extensions Microsoft's passive income quitting your day job productivity all those good things so don't forget to like And subscribe and we've also got a Facebook group of people who are looking to get into Microsoft or Chrome extensions called the Microsoft Mastermind just look that up on Facebook all right that's a wrap so cheers for now
Channel: Rick Blyth | Chrome Extensions | Micro SaaS
Views: 20,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software as a service, passive income, startup, bootstrapped, software developer, programmer, side hustle, saas ideas, micro saas ideas, quit job, freedom, software development, make money online, saas software, get started with saas, how to, niche, recurring income, financial freedom, time freedom, technical freedom, subscription, launch, growth, web, business, b2c, b2b, rick blyth, software, engineer, chrome extensions, chrome extension
Id: nxPr-q6jJxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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