CODE WITH ME: Build a Chrome Extension | How to Build & Publish a Chrome Extension JavaScript & HTML

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we are going to code today we are going to code  a Chrome extension we built a Chrome extension   a while back and one of the most common questions  on that video was Tiff we want to see it published   like go through the publishing process so  we're going to include that today starting   from beginning to end and do it all relatively  quickly I did not know how simple it is to build   Chrome extensions they are so cool and it's such  a great way to add something to your portfolio or   your projects and really stand out for employers  and be able to talk about this project that's not   you know a to-do app or a to-do list this is  something that whether you're a beginner or   further along in your career you can follow  along to very simple to do we are going to be   using HTML JavaScript and we're also going to  be using an API for this project specifically   we are going to do a currency converter so I  always am looking on my phone or searching up   to convert different currencies I'm Canadian so  from Canadian a lot of times to us or European I   work with a lot of different kind of companies and  I thought this would be a really fun project to do   if you are interested in something that's not a  currency converter the steps we are taking though   you can really modify this to use whatever API you  want to use whatever kind of structure your Chrome   extension however you want okay copy okay we have  the liquid of the Gods we're ready to get coating first what we're going to do is create  a manifest Json file and what this is   going to do is give some metadata the  glare on these glasses I'm telling you   it gives them metadata to Chrome about this  extension so things like the version things   like uh the description let's get into  it here first let's start with the name and let's give it the version for  this of course it's version 1.0   first version of this app manifest  version which is the version for this   manifest which let's just go to for now oops two  description description of this is extension two and then we need to give some information about  the browser actions so for this will be another   object here default under underscore icon  which will be the default icon for this   let's call this icon which we need to create still  do icon.png we're getting really fancy here and   then let's also give this a default pop-up which  will be our HTML so in this case let's call this   index.html all right perfect next up speaking  of HTML let's create this index.html file also I share this in one of my other videos and  I was kind of embarrassed to share this because I   thought oh everyone must know this but if you just  go exclamation mark and then enter it will create   a file for you or the beginning of a file for  you which is super nice so now in this index.html   we essentially want to be able to choose what  currency we are converting what currency we are   converting this is where I need more coffee right  now to US dollars so let's have Canadian European   let's put a few others in there and then  whatever you can select which currency you   are currently in and convert it to us so from  here let's take out all of this outside of the   head and let's start by giving this a title  and for this let's call this uh tiffs Exchange   currency exchange and obviously if you're  publishing this I'm not actually going to   publish this we'll go through that process  but I'm not actually going to uh publish it   but if you are obviously give it a better  title than that and then we are going to   be putting in some script here which will  be coming from uh let's call it exchange.js all right perfect and then let's actually just  create that file now so we don't name something   else later on or something happens perfect now  outside the head let's get into creating this   and inside the body of course okay so in here  let's give this an H1 for heading and this is   going to be exchange rate converter  and then let's also start giving it   some input where we will input what oops  what you liking me all right anyways input   and in this input it is a type of a number  just give it some information be specific here let's do a placeholder let's  call this enter and amount   so and actually let's make input self closing  there we go input is self-closing right yeah   all right next up we are going to have a select  which will be the ID of currency we will use these   IDs in our Javascript file and then in select  we will have some options so let's do option and the value will be European and as I mentioned  we'll do copy let's do a few others do CAD let's do British which I just looked up as GBP  maybe I should know that I don't know and then   no I should I'm not British and let's do one  more I'm going to search up another one let's do   Japanese because I've never been to  Japan and I always want to go once   again just give me whatever you  want and then let's also put this save that and then now under the select we'll  need a button that we can use to convert so button   and let's call this convert currency and the ID this button will be   convert we're getting very creative here you  know all right underneath the button let's do   a div which will have an ID of result and that is  where we'll display the result so this is pretty   simple so far you know we're just creating an HTML  file that once again you can follow along for this   tutorial and then from there I would really  suggest going ahead and making your own like   you can get so creative with Chrome extensions  there are so many different possibilities things   that I know I want to make and I wanted to start  with something though simple but also this time   using an API to really enable you to take this  tutorial and use your own apis if you want or   whatever you want to build with all right I think  we are in good shape let's format this better I always when I format I go on a Mac I  go command a to select all and then I go   now I can't do some talking about it option  shift format is there a better way we should   look this up is there a better way because  I feel like this didn't do the best I did   okay let me know down in the comments though all  right let's get into though our Javascript file   so the first thing we're going to do is get  these elements by ID so we made some IDs in   here from currency amount convert and results so  let's uh to go ahead and do that the first one is   amount let's go amount const amount  equals document get element by ID   and the ID is amount now let's copy and  then update it amount and we have currency and then we have convert and result now this is getting  the IDS from the HTML document   there we go perfect Next Step because we  are using an API we're going to need to   get our API key which I will share with you  in a bit here how to do that let's just put   that there temporarily and also too we will  need to define the API URL which once again   let's just continue on and then we'll  we'll get to the API stuff afterwards   okay and then the first one is now let's  start with convert the convert button   convert and then we want to add a listener event  essentially so when the button is clicked uh click   then let's create a function here oops I'm  doing this backwards oh it's early in the   morning to be honest it's not even 9am which  for me is pretty early to be coding okay then   let's start going constant amount total equals  Mount Dot value let's grab let's grab the value   I don't want that like let me live my life value let's take the URL and then also to the currency   total because in this we are passing in the  currency total all right now let's fetch this URL passenger headers which will be our API key thank you okay now that we have our JavaScript our  HTML and our manifest Json we need to as   a reminder get our icon so for this I just went  online search money icon PNG and then add it to   your project as well because if you remember here  default icon is icon.png and then we have as well   default index default pop-up which is index HTML  which is coming from here so it's very important   to make sure that you have those things outlined  properly next up let's go to API ninjas and this   is where I am getting this API from now I'm  actually here we go okay so for this API as   I mentioned it is for the currency exchange so  if you go down to exchange rate there is a one   hour delay in fetching the latest exchange rates  which I'm fine with if you I was using this in an   application where others were using it maybe  um for I mean but the exchange rate doesn't   change that much typically famous last words  in an hour so I'm fine with it uh so yeah API   ninjas it's free to sign up and I really love  they have a ton of different apis which makes   me get really creative and this isn't sponsored  by them or anything I just discovered them and   love them so yeah I went to exchange rate and  then if you scroll down you can see here they   have code examples so we used something similar  for JavaScript well we used fetch but similar   concept anyway so now we need to grab our API key  so I'm going to go ahead and log in and after I   log in I will take you along with me as to where  to get the API key from okay now that I've logged   into forgot my passwords how to reset that uh now  that I've logged into API ninjas you can see here   I just went to my account and then right here is  where you will be able to find your API key I'm   obviously not going to share it with you but this  is where you can find your own and once again this   is completely free this is why I wanted to use  this in this example because it's not like you   have to pay a fee or anything to use it it's just  a free fun API okay so let's grab our API key okay   one thing too before we go back into our code we  need to grab our API URL so you can see here I   love how they you know we're in Python right now  but whatever you're in um for the tab but the URL   so we're going to grab this up until your Euro  because we also made that you can select based on   a few different options for what currency you want  to convert to us so let's copy this as well copy   go back into our code there we go and then we can  make an environment file for this or you can just   input it well you should make it an Artful file  for this actually let's go ahead and do just that   this is what happens it's too early in  the morning to hear that noise oh my gosh   okay let's get this Chrome extension going so  for this we open up Google Chrome of course and   we're going to go to Chrome extension  Chrome extension it's perfect okay   so you can see here um I just have two  extensions right now you can see here make sure   your developer mode is toggled on and then go to  load unpacked there you can see here we have our   Chrome extension or whatever folder you put your  code and made this project into and let's select   okay there we go let's see is  there some errors here description manifest version 2 is appreciated well  what won't you be using let's go here manifest V3 all right Chrome will no longer  run manifest manifest V2 extensions so all right so let's go back to our code and update  that see this is what happens when you learn in   public we also fail in public so it just actually  got uh updated to version three it says in January   so pretty recently so let's go back here I love  how though they are so they just shared errors   with you like that let's go back to our code okay  there we go save and let's see do we have to re   do the re-upload the project yeah I think we do  okay let's go remove and let's try this again and we have spelling errors this is just the  reality of course you don't recognize this   this is there anything else I did wrong today okay I think we should be good now let's  remove it again this process one more time   move I'm packed so what to  use instead seeing browser browser action required Parts copy that oh it's just action now foreign okay let's try that so just to action now  all right and then didn't say anything   about default icon or default pop-up so  hopefully that's okay let's go here all   oops removed and let's try this again no errors see and there's a will there's a way  let's keep on moving forward now now if we go   into our extensions icon we will see here we have  our exchange exchange rates and use this this is   super cool enter an amount I'm going to enter in  a hundred dollars and let and convert currency okay here's what we did I it's the naming  convention which is terrible so I have   result here and then I also have const result up  top so this needs to be something different so   let's call this result price and this is used  right here result price this result is still here we don't need this perfect all right  let's try this one more time here to remove two extensions exchange rates 100 Canadian okay we are back and I figured out what was  wrong you can see I have a bunch of console   logs essentially what was happening is we actually  need to wrap this entire file in an event listener   for when the index HTML file has already loaded so  we were loading our Javascript file before we were   loading our index index HTML and therefore all  our get Elements by ID were null so I will share   that code with you in a second here but before I  go up there to show you that I also want to share   with you that I update the code in a few places  so I actually renamed this to result price and I   think we we spoke about this result price which  is once again here and then as well the data is   not just rate it's exchange rate this goes to I  feel like I'm being The Stereotype of read the   freaking documentation all right so now I was  just testing it out by going into dragging the   index.html file into Chrome here let's do one more  time before we go 100 convert from Canadian to US   and we can see also isn't that not insane  100 I'm Canadian I go to the us all the   time if I buy something that's worth  100 Canadian I had to pay 135. which   is mind-blowing mind-blowing let's go back  over to the extensions and we can just refresh   exchange rates and we can see now let's  try this here as well Canadian convert   and there we go we did it this is so cool this  was so fun and simple now let's get into quickly   how to publish this how to actually publish this  okay here are the steps for publishing this on the   Chrome extension site so the first thing you're  going to do is zip your project up and make sure   this contains all the files that we just created  including your icon.png then you're going to go   to this URL Here sign into your Google account  click on the add new item and of course read   through the agreement and if you choose to accept  the developer's agreement essentially then you can   upload your zip containing all of your files and  then they require you to send in some screenshots   of your Chrome extension and I think this is so  they can check it out as well so then at this   point you can either make your Chrome extension  free or a paid version and then essentially click   on publish changes at this point you have to wait  till the review process is done which can take a   day or a few days and once it's done you will get  notified if your Chrome extension is published let   me know down in the comments if you do this and  what you end up publishing I definitely want to   check them out maybe I'll do some shout outs of  extensions you make in future videos that would   be fun yeah let me know share with me the Chrome  extensions you make and I'll share with them in   some future videos I think that'd be really fun  also I link this code down below so if you want   to follow along through cloning this repository  go ahead and do so hit that subscribe button   and let me know in the comments what what should  we build next I love building and learning with   you building failing and just kind of figuring  it out as we go I think it's a really fun way   to not be so buttoned up and perfect and just  make mistakes along the way and learn together   all right have a wonderful  day I'll see you all soon
Channel: Tiff In Tech
Views: 25,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CODE WITH ME, Build a Chrome Extension, Chrome Extension JavaScript, tiff in tech, tiffintech, how to learn code, coding for beginners, how to code, learn python, girls who code, learning to code, how to start coding, how to learn to code, women in tech, code with me real time, real-time code with me, code with me python, code with me javascript, code with me vlog, chrome extension tutorial, chrome extension, chrome extension development, How to make a chrome extension
Id: WvnZPwq4dJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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