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Milo where are we we're in some sort of prison how did we get in here got no idea and look there's Mikey and JJ they must have trapped Us in here that means this is a Mis prison but how do we get out we're going to need to find a way we're in a cell and it's really small these guys are really good Builders so there's probably no way out I don't want to keep sharing a stinky room with you CH hey I don't want to share it with you but oh gosh these guys are getting close we've got to find a way out of here here and hang on a minute they've put some really weird paintings around maybe we can use those to try and Escape yeah like this one no Milo that one's way too small I think we have to use the twoos sized one wow this one has a walking man yeah and we're about to be walking men going through this door wao another cell I can't believe you were F but how do we get out of here Miler now we're stuck in another cell these lanterns are hanging really weirdly low to the floor yeah what if I bumped my head on it actually Milo I don't think we meant to bump our heads on them I think we're meant to bump our feet on them they're parkour what oh my gosh chip you're just a genius thanks Milo and look there's a ladder we've got to make our way around up to that roof all right I'm going to use my ninja skills you have ninja skills when did you learn that I landed in my dream from the other night wow you've got some really powerful dreams can you dream us out of here I wish but I hate being trapped in a present by Mikey and JJ yeah me too I probably wouldn't even be able to sleep here okay I've made it up come on Milo we can make it together yay we're really escaping I can't believe how easy this is we're in some sort of vent and look there's lava over here it's really hot in here chip yeah that must be what the lava's for to make the vents way too hot to crawl through we can still do it though Milo we're really strong all right right behind you I think there's a hole in the ground these ones don't leave lead anywhere that's really disappointing hang on a minute this hole's really big and look there's a dinner table below us that's really funny ah my tummy's grumbling I want some food me too I'm starving I can't believe Mikey and JJ locked us up and they didn't give us any food they could at least invite us to dinner oh no there's a split end in this vent where do we go I think we should go left Milo that's right and there's lava here I think we definitely need to go the other way okay wait there's a dead end here unless oh yeah there's a hole in the floor I guess we need to drop through that this must be the way out let's go in I'm going to jump down this hole in 3 2 1 wao I'm coming after you we're in a storage room Milo with a bunch of gods running around let's try to be sneaky Jeff we have to be so quiet that's right okay let's only whisper I'm going to jump across to the other block okay I made it you do it too Milo yeah I made it okay let's try let's try to jump across to that one okay let's try it in 3 2 1 that's a pretty big jump oh no I didn't make it Milo H we have to figure out how to get out of here we have to run quick oh no Milo the God got you uh where do I go I need to run around here somewhere they're chasing after me wow it looks like we can't get caught by the guards otherwise we're toast they got us back in the cell dang it h there's got to be something El in here that can't be the only way out try breaking these hay bales Miler no I'm done I hate it in here I don't want to be it anymore chip I found a chest you did it Milo you're a genius should we open the chest or is it a trap I think we should open it it's our only chance okay wao there's a stick inside here with 100 knockback and 100 sharpness what I've never had a weapon so powerful neither have I maybe if we're this overpowered we can take on the guards and get out of here yes let's go get those stinky guards yeah take that me we're back here Milo I don't think we have to be sneaky anymore but we should still try D watch this I'm going to get this guard right here surprise Milo be careful it could make an alarm wait you did it you totally took out that guard behind you chip I got him you're so strong Milo come on let's get this other God as well take that this is so much fun I love getting the security guard me too hang on Milo there's a vent over there I think we need that to get out of here but we should get there quick before any other gods appear righted chip you Le the way I think we need to find our way back onto these boxes this is some really confusing parkour yeah it's like a maze look I got up here how what I'm going to use these letters okay chip you can use the lettuce leave the pr to the parkour I'm going to make it out of here as well I found a really easy way really I'm nearly over there ow I totally fell I'm going to climb up this ladder as well wait chip I'm a bit confused I don't know where to go Milo the vent is right in front of you see oh yeah I'm so dumb Dum yeah maybe that's how they got us locked up in here in the first place dang it I fell I can totally make this jump and let's go wow I'm like an escape artist I made it good job Milo we've only got one more jump and then we're in the vent hopefully Mikey doesn't jump scare us he's so scary that guy yeah he's like a weird Turtle okay I made it all right we're through hang on there's a couple barriers we've got to jump over in this vent I hope we find something crazy through the other side I bet we will oh gosh we've made it to the exit of this vent and what it's some sort of maze like maon a Mason maze that's right Milo should we go down oh no there's a guard what I think it's our only only chance though let's try and go down and Dodge the guard yeah quick let's go this way where the guard isn't oh no the guard's back run run we got to go this way I have no idea how to get out of here I guess Mason must be really good at mazes I think we have to kill him he's just going to keep chasing us all right I've got my knockback stick ready watch this come here God come back here you're so stinky he's running we're scary and oh my gosh we got TNT TNT we don't need TNT what could we use this for maybe there's something at the end of the maze we've just got to find it wow that sounds interesting but first we got to get out of here 1 hour later I don't see anything this way but wait Milo there's something over here wow this looks different wow this room is really fancy and creepy as well chip has a big V what how are we meant to break through this we don't have a pickaxe or anything I know a special code that can open it really give it a go okay bom 2 8 7 uh Milo I don't think that did anything but that gives me an idea those are buttons and they make redstone charges and do you know what loves to explode when it gets hit with a redstone charge what TNT oh my gosh chip you're going to blow open the vault are you ready Milo I'm ready we might want to stand back I'll activate it in three two one stay back don't get Hur we did it we made it through CH what is going on through here this is the scariest parkour I've ever seen it's crazy they have lava parkour inside their prison Mikey and JJ really know their stuff I think we should come back I'm not going to make it through there Milo we can't go back in jail otherwise we'll be stuck here forever and we do not want that that's true okay I guess we have to be Brave let's go okay I'm making the jumps come on Milo you can do it too I'm going to believe in myself let's go wow you did it let's keep going okay second jump and I did it wow you're getting really good at pacor Milo I guess you've gotten buffed from all your time in jail pretty much I did a lot of push-ups yeah I can imagine Mikey built his own head in this parkour they really love themselves yeah they do like who even has a whole prison about themselves yeah and locks up other people inside that's really horrible that's really mean basically yeah completely let's keep making these jumps hang on a minute there's another side to this lava parkour I think we have to go through this wall what through the wall I don't know how to go through walls neither do I I guess we'll experience this together wo there's a lava drop inside this wall CH be very careful not to fall in okay okay you too Milo let's jump over Yes we made it there's still a little bit more parkour to go but we're almost at the end Milo I can see the light at the end of the D really I just see more prison but maybe it's the final room what the final room I never want to have to do this again we made it out of that lava parkour that was horrible but look Mikey and JJ are here oh no they caught us chip what are we going to do they're spawning Iron Golems Milo quick let's chase after them but we got to take out their iron go first this one I'm going to get this one oh he's looking at me funny do it Milo I'm on really low Health let's get this one finally lost it yes we did it I can't believe that worked let's quickly get Mikey and JJ wait a minute there's a door here how did they get through this it's locked and there's no button we might need to find something that can get us through Milo let's look through all these rooms okay well there's nothing in this stinky cauldron this one has a chest let's see what's inside okay it doesn't have anything but maybe the other chests have things we can use I bet one of these will have something no no they're empty what about this one wait a minute Milo this chest has a lever really that's perfect that means we can open the door you're right let's go levers are the perfect answer to our problem I'm going to place it on top of the door now all right do you want to flip it Milo yes I love LS 3 2 1 oh yeah let's go through and watch there's lasers Yeah by lasers this misen prison is so secure Mikey and JJ did a really annoyingly good job they really want to keep us Lo up let's jump over these lasers and not get hurt oh you just got hit jip you got to be more careful like this ow Milo that wasn't careful at all I'm sorry I'll try better me too let's go okay we cleared that one yeah we totally did this one's going to be tricky but oh I almost did it yeah same hey we just got to dip around these two yeah that's really interesting what is this I'm going to hit it Milo you broke the slime block dang it hang on a second that's a piston I think if you put the slime block back we must have to launch over that laser okay I put it back all right you stand on the slime block I kind of want to watch all right all right I'll press the button in three 2 one J launch me over the laser good job I'll try now as well we that was so much fun there's another one let's launch this one as well go again I made it good job I'm really low on health so I can't get any more hurt but we good job chip you're really Brave we've only got a couple lasers left Milo let's be really careful when we jump over them all right let's do it wow good job let's jump on this ladder we're so close close to the end hey you're pushing me off the ladder stinky sorry Milo Milo it looks like there's some kind of dropper here and there's zombies at the bottom the zombies are moving really weirdly so I'm guessing that's not actually wool I think it's some sort of fall protector I'm very scared but I think we got to do it me too let's go down Milo in 3 2 1 ow here was a bouncing pad the zombies are doing a lot of damage oh gosh we have to fight them off going to use my knockback stick to get them oh no there's more Milo quick let's go into the security office quick and now let's shut the door behind you we do not want the zombies following us what does this say it says plans trap chip and Milo Mah it's green so it must be written by Mikey they're so evil they really are what do we meant to do in this room I don't know why you asking me there's got to be some way we can get out of here hang on a minute I know this this chest I didn't even see it before neither did I let's open it oh there's a camera monitor inside what a camera monitor like security cameras of course this is a secure Meen prison so they obviously have security cameras why didn't I think of that that makes a lot of sense okay chip you have to look at them all right what's on this ooh there's camera number one I'm going to see what's on there wait Mikey and JJ are here I see them they're on some sort of big open area I think it's some sort of maybe basketball field or wait a minute no that's ridiculous I think they're on some kind of roof the roof maybe they're on the roof of the prison I think you're right it's made out of green and red we have to figure out how we get there okay I think we might have to go back out of the security office and through the zombies what I don't want to go back out there neither do I but the zombies are the biggest obstacle we've got to to take them on okay chip you go first we made it Milo but look there are so many zombies quick get on these ladders this is so terrifying I made it AC cross chip I got another jump to go gosh these zombies are really hungry I guess Mikey and JJ haven't fed them either yeah they probably want to eat our brain yeah that's how starving they are oh this one has a shovel why did Mikey and JJ let them have that maybe he's the gardener yeah they treat their gardeners really really bad then come on we got this Mikey and JJ will never keep us trapped here only a couple more ladders to go you're right okay I'm just going to jump onto this one and I did it come on Milo you can make it too okay Milo we've made it onto the roof oh my gosh what is going on Mikey and JJ have activated their defense systems they're using themselves to shoot Fireballs at us oh no chip I think we're done for I got hay bales from back in our cells I think we can use them to block the dispensers as we go along wow chip that's really smart let's do it let's go Milo we've got to be really strategic with this let's wait until they go back around before we try Okay quick there's a break now let's place a bunch down don't let them get you I'm hiding here this plan is working thanks Milo I'm really proud of it all right let's wait for them to come back again and run oh gosh got H CH help me oh no so did I quick let's boost our defense on both sides okay I think we're safe here for the moment Milo I'm running out of hay bals and ow I keep getting set on fire let's go Milo we've only got a bit to go yes we made it quick let's block off their entrances to us and make our way up onto the higher part of the roof oh right block the up chip okay they cannot follow us oh no JJ just tried but he didn't make it what are we going to do up here we need to look for a way down we are way too high up I didn't see anything but W I just fell Milo okay fine I'm coming down after you we made it down here but what is this place what is that over there chip oh my gosh it must be their final guard he looks so scary he's going so fast ow ow he keeps hurting me and he's really fast I've got some sort of potion effect champ we need protection you're right maybe there's something in these chests okay I'm opening this one and W there's armor my one was empty maybe there's something in there this one there's armor in mine as well and a laser tool I'm going to put all my armor on ow I'm taking so much damage quick save me Milo okay I'm going to use my amazing gun to shoot him do it please ow ow ow I'm on one half a hot I can't take it much longer this gun is so powerful I'm really getting him I'm shooting him as well Milo wao he just summoned baby pumpkin heads I'm going to use my knockback stick on these pumpkin heads I'm going to use my knockback stick on him I respawned but I don't know if I have many lives left this armor is about to break I just hit him and he went all across the room wao he can teleport he's really strong but I'm going to get all of his stup pumpkin baby that's crazy oh wait I forgot we have our powerful knockback sticks I'm going to use it on him yes get it KCK um Milo he's flying now and his horse is attacking me I'll get the pumpkin you get the horse oh yeah I've got a super powerful laser tool I got the horse Milo you're so strong come here pumpkin head you can't take us alive wa the head came off what okay I'll get the head you get the bunny wao it's really creepy it's chasing me he's teleporting everywhere how are we going to survive you got the head now I've just got to get the buddy in three 2 1 what where did it go I think we did it Milo we beat pumpkin head oh this is amazing amazing get it this is the best day ever look Mikey's on the wall I can't believe we did that he's so silly I bet Mikey's going to be really mad that we broke out of prison chip look behind you wait a minute it's Mikey what's Mikey doing here what does he want he's placing down a sign Milo I wonder what it says it says I'm sorry guys oh he's apologizing for locking us up in a misen prison that's okay Mikey we forgive you we forgive you Mikey goodbye let's go home
Channel: Milo and Chip
Views: 814,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milo, chip, milo and chip, chip and milo, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, checkpoint, kory, omz, mia, maizen, maizen prison break build challenge, mikey and jj, minecraft prison break, maizen prison break, minecraft prison
Id: otusUr6QJMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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