Using Security Cameras to CHEAT in Hide and Seek Minecraft

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we are playing a Hide and Seek challenge Milo no way I think you should hide first yeah and I'm gonna count right outside here really then where am I gonna count well that's why I built this box for you to stand in while I go hide what hey I can't believe you've done that uh why do you think I'm gonna cheat because you have behind okay fine I guess I can go in this box just please don't shut the door okay I'm counting right now one two three what Milo doesn't know is that I have hidden secret security cameras all around this hide and seek map so even this iron box is not gonna stop me we can even use them right now to see where Milo is hmm where is he oh there he is look right in the middle of the camera this is so good there's no way he can escape from us now what's he doing he's on the wishing well maybe he's wishing for more bad things well I hope I get some bad seeds today as my price for winning this competition I'm really excited to beat chip wow I guess he really was wishing for Bad Seeds wait a minute where is he going now he's sort of heading up in that direction wait no now he's coming back around again hey now he's doing a little dance this is really funny wait a minute where's Milo gone oh no I think we need to use a different security camera to see where he's hiding let's check camera number two look he's hiding behind the tree our other camera couldn't see him because he's hiding behind an obstacle we can use all the different cameras to look at every angle of this hide and seek map wait a minute what's Milo doing hi I'm nobody could any good I don't think the pig is gonna answer Milo you're gonna go find someone really cool I wonder when Milo's gonna hide now wait a minute he's about to go inside that house let's see if we have another camera we can use to find him look there he is we're right inside the house with him wait a minute what's he doing on that crafting table let's see if we have any other cameras we can use to see him now behind the crafting tables is a trap dweller that leads right underground Milo must be down there we need to go out and find him I wonder when he's done hiding let's tell Milo that it's time for us to hunt him down okay Milo I finished counting all right all right you're never gonna be oh I wouldn't be so sure about that first let's get out of this little box I did not like it in there I need my space hmm I knew we were watching Milo on the cameras but I do not remember which house is the one he went inside hmm he definitely didn't go in my house or his one wait a minute this house looks really familiar oh hang on a second I remember this house it has a yellow bed and a table and best of all two crafting tables on this side of the room but wait a minute what was behind the crafting tables let's have a look oh look this house even has a trap door hang on a minute it leads down into a secret area oh yeah I think this is where we need to go oh no where could Milo be [Music] okay let's open the trapdoor and let's see if Milo's hiding spot isn't really all that good what could be down here whoa Milo you've got a bed and a TV and a rug and a couch oh uh I'm just really good at hide and seek and Milo I could hear you talking to the pigs I guess I'm just really good at this game you have to have to okay fine you can hide again Milo but I'm only gonna count to 50 this time okay well it's time for time please Milo I do not want to go back in the box it's really sweaty in there uh okay fine fine I will I will just stop screaming right in my ears stop stop being suspicious Milo I'm not suspicious I'm not cheating I promise just go hide well it doesn't matter sure Milo good luck with that Milo's totally left us now let's use our security cameras to find him again look there he is we found him is a chip he found me way too quickly that round oh no if Milo finds out I'm cheating he will never play hide and seek with me ever again I hate you hate GK I need a needless place oh no I always cheat in every game we play together I cheated in Monopoly I cheated in chess I even cheated in soccer wait we really should stop cheating but it's just so fun hang on a minute where's Milo going now hmm he's walking around and wait a minute he's right in front of my cookie and there's a massive security camera on that cookie let's switch over to that one and try to get a closer look maybe I could blend into this big cookie although I'm very glue you're so dumb hang on a minute I think he's about to go inside his house maybe I could we need to find another security camera inside Milo's house luckily I know just the one we're in wow I can't believe Milo didn't even notice me putting this one up I wonder what he was doing oh look is beautiful paintings lucky I put this secret room wait a second where was it okay well it's not it's not dead maybe it's my paintings up here I'm scared he found a way in oh goodness we really need to get inside there I can't this is perfect Milo has no idea that we know exactly where he is all right Milo I'm gonna come look for you yeah let's walk outside and pretend that we don't know where he is oh Milo are you hiding in the trees yeah definitely cause I'm a bird I would definitely hide in the trees he thinks that we have no idea where he's hiding but we actually know exactly where he is if we just keep tricking him he won't have a clue that we're totally exceeding oh Milo are you inside my house no wait a minute Milo I had your voice coming from your house are you inside here house let's catching somebody yeah it definitely would be oh wow this sure is a lot of paintings you've been doing a lot of artwork oh chip is so stupid he's so stinky and rude we already know where he is but I have a really fun idea of how we can keep pranking him this is TNT my favorite book in the game and I think if we just blow up Milo's paintings he'll be really upset oh Milo I think I see something behind this painting I'm gonna blow it up just to check what's this oh no there was nothing behind it just a silly little room Milo that wasn't a real explosion I was just uh totally tricking you better not yeah that's never gonna happen maybe you're hiding inside this bookshelf I better blow that one up too I hate I hate no Milo that wasn't TNT that was uh bad guess I had some really stinky fish last night hang on a minute I think I hear you coming from upstairs oh I think you could be Milo and look there's another painting wall here this is perfect I I'm gonna use another TNT to blow up the wall and then we'll totally catch Milo behind it all right this is gonna be a loud one oh gosh I fell off wait a minute Milo where are you I swear I heard you inside this room hang on a minute Milo must have a secret passageway somewhere in here hmm let's keep looking around this room to see if we can find a secret passageway wait a minute underneath that toilet paper is a lever hang on a minute I don't think that's a normal toilet paper holder I think this is the secret entrance let's press it in three two one wait a minute Milo what's this I don't know what you're talking about oh I think you might actually I can hear you what if I turn this corner and I see you that means I win this round shut up how did you find me again Milo uh you were just talking to yourself the whole time obviously I think you should take a look at your house uh nothing you know like I said earlier about the bad gas it's not my fault Milo I couldn't help myself I really needed to find a way you were hiding so angry I wanna play another round so I can hit you final I kept one last round and if I beat you then I get to blow your house up with TNT hey what are you doing I'm replacing the iron without no way that sucks it's good one hour later ah I do not like my present it's so ugly let's use our trusty cameras to see where Milo is wishing well well wait a minute what Milo just jumped into the wishing well that can't be safe I can totally see the bottom of that that's a really bad hiding spot if it's true Milo can I please start finding you now come and find me chip you're never gonna be able to I'm gonna find you Milo in three two what uh I I don't think Milo's inside this well actually wait a minute something else is inside this well it's like a weird giant dropper let's go down and see where it goes whoa what is this place and why am I in survival oh this must be Milo's secret lair and Milo's totally the end of it we just have to beat it and then I'm sure we'll totally find Milo all right let's go on this slime block and whoa that was a massive drop this popcorn is really easy I forgot that Milo's super duper bad at it I can't believe we're halfway through the lava Paco this is amazing I forgot how bad Milo was that hide and seek these jumps are getting kind of more difficult I guess Milo must be really trying to keep me out but don't worry there's no way he can keep me from finding him this time one two three okay we just have to make the one final jump and then on to the next section all right and whoa what is this area I do not like this one bit but I guess we do have to go through it find Milo all right let's see what these do and wait a minute I don't think they did anything that was really scary and we managed to jump over the laser as well these lasers are really powerful and will probably kill us if we touch them let's jump up here and sneakily go over okay this is doing really well oh these ones are going to be really difficult to jump over but let's try oh no that did a lot of damage oh there's another opening here ow ow oh this is doing a lot of damage to me how did Milo even get through this there's a squiggle we have to get through all right let's try our best I do not want to get fried by these lasers okay we're almost at the end of this Laser Maze and we're past the final pressure plates wait a minute what's this what Milo build all of this just for one brand of hide and seek and wait a minute this is a maze where could Milo be hiding inside this maze I think there's something special over here but I'm not sure what oh wait a minute that's netherite blocks I know they're on the floor but these ones are on the ceiling in wait a minute do you hear that I can hear eating noises that must be Milo whoa there's door's here I'm gonna open the doors and catch him in three two one caught you Milo how yes it's my turn to hide now oh my gosh well maybe if I beat you at hide and seek by finding you then I will redeem you need to hide inside this big obsidian box you've made I can't believe I've done this to myself I hate obsidian bye bye Milo I'll let you know when I'm finished hiding we can check on Milo using the security cameras to make sure he's not trying to break out oh look he's in here okay we just need to check that he's not escaping boom all these walls look pretty intact so I don't think he's trying to dig out of there it looks like he's just okay this is great now that we know that Milo is dancing his way around in there and not trying to break out we can totally find a good hiding spot we can hide in the best building in this whole village my house because it has a giant cookie at the front my house actually doesn't have very many hiding spots at all I know I can fix it let's add some hiding spots right now this is my Play cubby my favorite room in the whole house but I think if we play some ghost blocks all here we can block anyone from ever coming inside but look we can go right through these blocks and it looks just like a solid wall this is perfect now we just have to make another hiding spot inside this cubby and that hiding spot will be a ladder going right down underground into my secret tunnel leading into a giant sewer Network this is going to be perfect there is no way Milo can ever find us in here this tunnel is pretty open so I think we need to add some more ghost blocks around let's make some ones out of andesite because this block looks really solid and impossible to pass through I love these ghost blocks so much oh I don't understand what's at the end of that so let's block this off with ghost blocks as well oh yeah you can barely see the ladder all we have to do now is block off this Corridor because Milo can totally just walk in from this side as well this is looking really secure but I have some more ideas let's replace this glass with ghost blocks so that this way we can make a dashing Escape through the window we'll head back through our ghost blocks in the tunnel to the other side let's add some more ghost Cobblestone blocks here whoa this really does look like a dead and it's perfect but when you walk through you come up to this other ladder which leads right over to a house in the village there's no way Milo could ever find me here I'm gonna make a couple more ghost block traps right outside my house this way it'll distract him before he comes in let's just break a hole in the floor like this and then put some ghost blocks here now if Milo walks over it boom he falls inside and it'll totally confuse him oh Milo you're taking so long to count you better have this forever oh gosh Milo's run off the camera quick let's switch to another one before he gets away he's running around but oh no he's about to fall in my ghost block trap oh you're probably just seeing things I don't know why that would be there wait a minute now he's going inside his first hiding spot let's check the cameras in there nope oh no Milo ran outside again let's quickly switch to another camera he's not gonna why not penny side his house oh he's almost figured it out was that too obvious with my hiding spot well I really hope he doesn't go in okay luckily I put cameras inside my own house otherwise that would have been really bad this Village is looking really delicious no wow Milo's trying to talk to The Villages that is so funny hang on that villager just nodded at he must be in here oh I really hope Milo doesn't keep looking around [Music] oh um uh nothing I I didn't sneeze I swear these movies what's really no Milo found the ghost block wall this is not good I've got to be super duper duper careful missed blocks where could he be wait a minute I can't see him inside here we need to break out of my secret spot and have a look I'm gonna break this wall in three two one oh gosh I really hope Milo doesn't see me oh look he's inside the room I don't see him at the moment but we've got to be so careful I really wish I put security cameras in there no we found the cubby this is not good and he's going down uh oh I really hope he falls for the ghost blocks but I can't see we've got to go down and watch him in person hopefully Milo doesn't realize those exhaust blocks I really really put security cameras in here I can't believe wait a minute if we hide in these ghost blocks Milo will be able to go into the next section without seeing us because we will just look like a part of the wall this is really good but we'll still need to run when he breaks through number four were like magic secret blocks I wonder if there's any more in here uh oh I really hope he doesn't figure it out I was mystery blocks oh my gosh I can smell chippy circles oh no we need to go back up the ladder quick I really hope Milo doesn't catch us in time thank you Mr goodness all right luckily we put more ghost blocks here so we thought we'd find us yet but uh oh he's getting so close he's right there I'm gonna check the cameras to see if there's any way we can find him um I don't see him on this camera this camera no this camera's inside my house huh I guess Milo's not on any of these secret cameras I wonder where he could be uh-oh uh what is it ah my look how did you find me what are you oh well I was just checking the camera wait a minute how did you find me in here did you just oh that's just the camera monitor I mean oh gosh Milo I promise I wasn't using the cameras I was just um I was filming a reality TV show ah no please please don't hurt me
Channel: Milo and Chip
Views: 903,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milo, chip, milo and chip, chip and milo, minecraft, family friendly, kid friendly, minecraft mod, cash, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, checkpoint, kory, omz, mia, maizen, Using Security Cameras to CHEAT in Hide and Seek Minecraft, Cheating in hide and seek Minecraft, Minecraft hide and seek, I cheated in Minecraft, Pranking my friend in Minecraft, Pranking using security cameras
Id: 4Ba21pMZ5Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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