Can YOU Finish The Never Have I Ever Line? (ft. The Cast of Netflix’s Never Have I Ever) | React

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- Gotta be "Not likely" with the show hands? - No, you have to sing it! - I'm not-- (sing-song) Not likely! Something like that? Come on. - Worth it. (beep) - Hey, it's the cast of Never Have I Ever. - We're here to see if we can finish our own lines. ♪ (upbeat techno intro) ♪ - (React) First of all, welcome! We are so glad to have you here on the React Channel. We have a fun challenge for you today. Since you are the stars of Never Have I Ever... - (Devi) This is my last chance for an American high school boyfriend. Good morning, Ben. Good morning, Paxton. That's why I have to figure out my boy situation, stat! - What's the alternative? You just date two guys until you move to India? (ding) - So, you're saying I should just have two boyfriends. - (React) We thought it'd be fun to see how well you really know your own show. I'm gonna show you some iconic lines from your show, maybe some obscure ones. Mostly iconic. And we're gonna see if you can finish the line. Are you ready? - Yeah! Let's go. - (Maitreyi) Born ready for this. I'm so ready. - (React) Here we go. Here comes the first line. - (gasps) I'm just kidding. - I will not be buying you a tacky-ass phone. - Fine. I'll just... - Oh, oh! - (React) Oh, Megan? - Oh. - No. - "I'll just cut out the butt cheeks." Something like that! - "I'll just cut out the butt cheeks in my underwear." - Hey! I raised my hand first! - That's gotta be a DQ for Darren. - (React) Ramona gets to answer. Ramona, what is your answer? - "Fine. Then I'll just cut out the butt cheeks on my regular underwear." - (Devi) Fine. I'll just cut the cheeks out of my normal underwear. Whatever. (ding) - Yeah. - Cheeks. - Yes, Ramona! (claps) - Let's go! Let's go! - (React) Ramona's first on the board with a point. Here comes the next one. - Can I get you a Gatorade? 'Cause you seem REAL thirsty. - What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be-- - (React) Darren? - I feel like I shouldn't answer, since I definitely know what it is. - No, you can. You can. - I'll let someone else try it. - (React) Your hand was up first. Go ahead, Jaren. - "Shouldn't you be counting your friends on two fingers?" - Ooh, what a burn. - (Jaren laughs) - Wow. He's so creative. - That was pretty funny. Come on! - (React) Good line. Let's see. Is it correct? - I hope so. - What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be counting your friends on two fingers? (ding) - YES! - Good job. You're doing really good. ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - Eleanor, could you chill out on your spontaneous showtune singing? - (React) Jaren's hand went up first again! - Gotta be "Not likely" with the show hands? - No, you have to sing it! - I'm not-- (sing-song) Not likely! Something like that? Come on. - Worth it. - (React laughs) Let's see. - ♪ Not likely ♪ - Yes! (ding) - (Ramona) Good job. He did good! I thought the line was "I don't think so." - (laughs) - That wasn't it. - (React) Everybody's falling behind. Jaren has two. - (Jaren laughs) ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - Devi got bit by a coyote, but she's in stable condition now. - Oh, is she? Is she in stable condition? How are her vitals? Tell me more. - (React) Darren's hand was up early. - (Maitreyi) Damn it. I know it. - "Dr. Walking HPV Infection." - Tell me more, Dr. Walking HPV Infection. Get the hell out of here. - So good. - (React) You didn't get the "Get the hell out of here," but that's okay. I'll still give you the point. - Oh. - (React) I'll give you the point. Well done. What was that scene like to film? - If you look closely, you can see that I'm actually about to smile. I'll be so honest. - (React laughs) Cool, Darren. You're on the board. Maitreyi and Megan still pointless. - Dude! I'm out here! I'm raising my hand! I just don't know when it's cutting off! - You slow dog! - It's the lag. No one's catching my hand going up first. ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - Paxton was never my boyfriend, and we never did anything! - Y-yeah, yeah, she never did anything. She's as pure... - (React) Maitreyi? - "She's as pure as the driven snow" or something? - I don't think "or something" is part of the line. - I don't know. - The driven snow? - I feel like that's-- - There's like a weird word before snow. - Yeah. I think it's driven snow. - She never did anything. She's as pure as the driven snow. (ding) - Okay! - Yeah, that's right, guys. - That was nice. - (React) I was gonna ask you, Ramona, what does it mean? - I don't know. Like, you drive over snow? - But doesn't that make it impure? - I was about to say. - Right? - Yeah, that makes it brown. - You're as pure as the driven snow. Was I-- I don't know. - Oh, unless they're referring to ice skating when they do the little thing on it and make it soft. - Oh, like Zamboni? - Ohhhh. - When the Zamboni the ice. ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - You shouldn't wear so much makeup. It'll collect on your mustache. - At least I can grow a mustache. - My doctor... - Okay. - (React) Whoa. That was all over the place. Megan! - "My doctor says, 'Any day now.'" (ding) - (Jaren) That is correct. - (React) Crazy. - I loved how passionate everyone was about that. I feel like everyone's hands went up. That was exciting. - My doctor says, "Any day now." ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - You cannot run in Los Angeles at night! This is the city of Charles Manson and Harvey Weinstein! - I think it's okay. The worst criminal in our neighborhood is... - No idea. - Wait, no, no, no. - I know it, but I don't know the full line. It's like, "The worst criminal is, like, they left their sprinklers on," or something like that. - (React) Maitreyi, you wanna give it a-- Megan, you're close. - It's something about that, but it's about-- [censored]. [Censored]. Sorry. - (laughs) - Is it something to do with a garden hose? No. - The worst criminal in our neighborhood is the lady who watered her lawn during the drought. (buzzer) - (Jaren and Ramona) Ohhhh. - Yeah. - Never would've guessed that. - Crime, though. That is a crime. - (React) Megan had the idea. You had the idea, right? - I had the idea, but I was so far off. So, let's just not even use that. ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - I'm part Japanese. - Whoa! You are? - What do you think... - (laughs) - (React) Megan's hand went up first. - Ah. - "What do you think Yoshida means, bro?" - She's a word off, but okay, I'll give it to her. - I mean, a word off counts. It counts. Darren, you wanna correct it? - "What do you think Yoshida is, bro?" (ding) - Is, bro! - You are? - What do you think Yoshida is, bro? - (React) Darren gets the point for knowing his own line. - (Jaren) Ah, topped Megan. - (Ramona) Good job. Good job, Darren. - Paxton! - Guys, how can you be so sure? - When you're old and on your death bed... - (React) Ah, Jaren's hand. I saw it. Jaren, go ahead. - Whose naked body do you wanna be picturing? - When you're old and on your death bed, whose naked body do you wanna be picturing? (ding) - (laughs) - I demand a rematch. - (laughs) - Yeah, let's start over. - Megan, let's protest for new clips. I need some Aneesa quotes in here. Come on! - Not even, bro. I just want a redo. Redo it! ♪ (upbeat interlude) ♪ - (React) Jaren, with three points you are the winner today. - Yeah! - Lag, but okay. - (React) What would you like to say to your competitors? - I just wanna say, you know, just like Ben, I am superior and excellent in competition. So, it was a pleasure playing with all of you, but there can only be one, and today, you know, come on. - (React) All right, now before we go, I have one last line for you to finish. We'll go one at a time. - Never Have I Ever season two is... - The best. - Superrrrrrb. That's one word, right? - Fire. - Brilliant. - Awesome. - Yeah! - Yay! Thank you so much for having us. We hope you had fun playing along. - Be sure to check out season two of Never Have I Ever on Netflix. - Thanks for watching. Bye! - Ben gets my super brainy side. Paxton gets my mega horny side. - Are you kissing? Your father's ashes have barely begun to drift out to sea! - I just got overcome with emotion! - What are you gonna do at my funeral? Just have sex on top of my grave?!
Channel: REACT
Views: 1,024,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, netflix, never have i ever, never have i ever trailer, never have i ever interview, teens react, never have i ever reaction, fbe, maitreyi ramakrishnan, jaren lewison, darren barnet, megan suri, ramona young, challenge, netflix tv, netflix 2021, never have i ever season 2, reaction, react channel, funny, celeb, celebs react, devi, devi vishwakumar, paxton hall-yoshida, ben gross, Finish The Line Challenge (ft. The Cast of Netflix’s Never Have I Ever), guess that
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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