The Cast Of "Never Have I Ever" Finds Out Which Characters They Really Are

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I'm my tree and I play Davy my name is Lee Rodriguez and I play Fabiola my name is Ramona young and I play Eleanor I'm pretty sure and where the cast of never have I ever and we're gonna take a BuzzFeed quiz to see which character we are on the show first choose an extracurricular activity to sign up for ok got Orchestra drama club swim team a lot of you would your politics club in science club I choose drama club I'm gonna pick Orchestra cause realistically like in school I was a part of jazz band and concert grands like that wasn't the first thing I ever signed up for I'm gonna say science club usually yeah it's cool you get to do experiments and stuff during each class you're texting talking to your friends taking notes shouting out answers arriving late or asleep talking to me that's that's easy I always talk it up taking notes probably pick a symbol of Davey's dad the garden tennis the moped the coyote I was home the moped made me cry that girl if you could have one thing come true what would be pass a hard class has a most popular kid in school fall for you get bullied in the school place get invited to the coolest party get a cool car make a varsity on a sports team that would never happen to me I am athletic get a cool car yeah I want a free cool car yeah I'd want to be the lead in the school play but like morally I want to earn that which you have okay thanks yeah no okay cool cuz they cool yeah it's all get cool right what's the worst thing you can imagine happening on your first day of school forget your books at home wardrobe malfunction spill your lunch on yourself sent to the principal's office picked last in gym class or fall in the hallway take a pic class and really yeah I would you a lot that's really amazing yes wow I just like if that happened I would be like I understand it not well no I laughing like really like big bless you last I have everybody like you waited to hear your name and you never go you don't link just hoping and pull me no real flavors okay I'm just gonna pick follow the holy series people are still walking Willy stop for me if I'm on the ground pick a slang word for mr. Shapiro to use liddie 100 shook it haha trust Sam Savage I can like hear his voice on me tail you know like reimagining with dnews awkwardly I would say shook it oh my god lady I'm gonna go lady trust choose another never have I ever character you got Davies therapist Davies teacher baby's mom John McEnroe Trent Eve shreds Harrison Trent for reals Trent your ideal friend will keep your secrets challenge you tell you the truth make you laugh go to parties with you or friends who needs friends I was very animated Thanks I will go ahead a lunge you I'm gonna say tell you the truth that's also true I will be change it up and be like keep the old secrets did you murder okay finally choose a bigger deal with character Archie Betty Jughead Veronica Cheryl or Tom this is the hardest question I actually met the guy that played Archie one kid you know and then he added me on Instagram and then unfollowed me on Instagram so I'm gonna go with Joe good hey Archie bye Betty Oh big Sheryl oh I got we got it bad men I got a Paxton okay so cool you're extremely competitive and love being right even when you're wrong but when it counts you're a great friend who looked out for those you care about oh I feel slightly better yeah you are fun popular person who's always down for a good time people are attracted to your energy and big personality you're protective of those you care about and you have a huge heart so good that's so true so much about through those you care about you you know I think it's interesting that we all got boy boy characters none of us really thought I was gonna get Davie but I thought I was gonna get like Eleanor I'm not upset I'm not sure we keep it liddie together BAM shook it
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 1,907,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed celeb, buzzfeed quiz, netflix, never have i ever, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Lee Rodriguez, PL-Quizzes, Ramona Young, The Cast Of Never Have I Ever, Finds, Out, Which, Characters, They, Really, Are
Id: RbuA7yJstj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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