Mainsail Setup Guide: Klipper Web Interface

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hello everyone today i'm going to do a quick guide on converting your printer from octoprint and clipper over to mainsail and clipper i'm going to assume you already have a functioning printer so i'm not going to be going over any of the printer config information that you know is related to the printer itself even though we will need to add some additional macros and things like that for mainsail this is really to make sure that this video doesn't get out of hand i may do videos in the future detailing those steps but i'll try to keep them in individually kind of short videos so that you can jump back and forth as you need to as well there's additional written documentation if you're looking to set up your printer for the first time that i will also link the video description let's get started so the first step is to grab our printer configuration off of the printer because we can upload that to the new image and basically resume where we left off if you don't already have a printer configuration made then you can grab it off the voron design repo or any other example configuration on the clip repo if you're not using a voron so the first thing we want to do here i'm using winscp there's plenty of other ways of doing this but i want to select sftp put in the ip address of your printer put in your username which is pi and your password which is whatever you specified it or raspberry if you haven't changed it and we're in in this case likely your printer file configuration file will be in this home folder this installation here is not i'm already have mainsail on here but it would be just printer config here in this case mine is under a clipper config but we just want to download this file so the next step is to go power off the printer and grab the micro sd card out of the raspberry pi if you happen to have a spare micro sd card you can go ahead and use that as well that's a great option because then if you decide you want to go back to octoprint you can just swap the sd cards back they're cheap enough that it's always good to have spares so that's another good idea so the next step here is now that we have the micro sd card plugged into our computer we need to download mainsail and so mainsail me to you is the creator mainsail and you can install it through his instructions however there's a lot simpler way of doing it by using mainsail os if you think about octoprint octoprint is a you know is not an image it's the program itself octopi is the image you can just flash onto your sd card and plug into your raspberry pi and has everything pre-loaded that is basically what mainsail os is it is the octopi to octoprint so what we want to do is just download this latest file if you go to the home page and then go to tags this will show the releases and we just want to go to this latest release and download the zip file so the next step is we need to take that downloaded image and flash it to our micro sd card i use ballina etcher which is a very common uh tool to flash say octoprint or any image like that to a micro sd card so we're just going to select flash from file go to our downloads and download the disk image file then we'll select our target in this case i have a sd microsd card plugged in select and flash and just like that about five minutes later faster or slower depending on your sd card the flash is complete sometimes it will throw an error during the verification depending on your adapter that you're plugging it into your computer with sometimes they're kicked off as soon as the flash is done now we're going to disconnect and reconnect the usb adapter that i have for my computer because the the sd card does not show up until after it's been reconnected i have plugged it back in and we're going to get some comments right here saying we need to format the disk we do not we'll just exit out of those but the one we do want is this boot right here so we want to go to the mainsail os wpa supplicant file and we're going to edit it with notepad plus plus another great program and what we need to do is update our wi-fi password and ssid so exactly like it sounds you just put your ssid in here and your password here and you want to keep the quotation marks marks outside of it the other thing you need to do is uncomment all of these lines to remove the hash signs and then also we're not in the great britain so we're going to select that and we're going to remove for the u.s and with that we can save the file obviously i'm going to update this file with my actual ssid and password here in a minute and then i'm going to go and plug it in once the sd card is in your pi go ahead and turn on your printer and let it boot up you'll want to find the ip address from your router or other whatever means you have to do that i looked at the attached devices on my router and pulled the ip address from there if you are on a mac computer you can also look up mainsailos.local it should show up there but regardless whenever you put that in your browser it should show up with this window and this means that everything is connected properly and we can go on to the next step if you don't see this you want to go back and check one to make sure that it is connected to your network and two if it is not connected to your network make sure you entered the data information correctly into that text file so now that we're at this place we can see that clipper is throwing an error as expected because the default install of mainsail doesn't have any configuration files added with it so we need to add that configuration file we pulled from the card before we flashed it so what we're going to do is go to the settings page and right here you can see there's mainsail config and moonraker config so we need to go ahead and press the upload file go to our where we downloaded and save that file and there it is we uploaded it we don't need to go into any sds ftp or anything like that we can just do it straight from the web browser then we'll hit a firmware restart so you're in for a treat because this is also another thing if you have multiple printers make sure you download the correct printer config from the correct printer before you format your micro sd card because i happen to download the printer config from printer a and i formatted printer b so we're going to recreate it from scratch what i've ended up doing is i've grabbed the printer config off of the voron 2 configuration here just the default one for the skr 1.3 is which is what i have and i went ahead and renamed it printer config and uploaded it so we're going to open it up here we're going to go through and quickly update this to what we want we'll grab those in a second we need to change this is a 300 millimeter build so we're going to uncomment that we need to rename this as 2209 because we are using 2209 drivers we are going to uncomment this because our y travel is 300 same thing for z i actually have a slightly shorter build than normal because i put in the wrong extrusions by accident so i have a 250 and we're going to rename this again i'm just going to keep doing this going down the list here okay so extruder checking this that's all good so i'm checking this on this you just want to make sure your thermistors are are accurate um to what you have let's see here all these settings are looking fine i basically have a fairly stock configuration on this one we will take this out like that let's see here and then for homing override we have a 300 millimeter build for a quad gantry level again we have a 300 millimeter build so we need to uncomment the gantry corners oops the probe points here and then our display here is um the mini 1 uh 2864. um so we're going to uncomment all of these pins here or actually i'm not paying attention oh yes i am doing it right and then we also need to uncomment the neopixels here because um the version that i have which is the v 2.1 of the mini 12864 actually has three newer pixels in it so you can configure some of the display also note that if you don't uncomment this section then the display won't illuminate because essentially the neopixels are creating the backlight for the display the final thing is um to uncomment this uh delayed g-code here all this does is it sets the color for neopixel 1 which is the display itself and then neopixels 2 and 3 which are the left and right of the knob leds scrolling down through that's pretty much it i'm going to go back to the top here and check so mcu pass we need to do that next extruder and heater bed homing override looks like we're good for now so i'm going to go ahead and hit save and i'm going to go ahead also and we need to pull the ids from the sql 1.3 assuming that we've already flashed them but we're actually going to have to flash them as well because likely this mainsail os is newer than our previous version of clipper so we may need to reflash the mcu's just to be safe i'm going to go ahead and redo it anyway so so this step is one of the few times you need to actually ssh into the raspberry pi hopefully eventually we'll have all this in a gui format that you can do it without doing this but in this case for windows we're going to do the command prompt ssh pi at is my ip address for now let's see here so since i already used this ip address in the past for this pie but it's a new image there's a different key so in this case i'm going to clear the key for this pie and so now we can go ahead and ssh into it it's a new pie so we're going to do yes and we're going to enter the default password and we're in so what we need to do is go cd clipper and then we're going to do make menu config so this is where we select what type of micro controllers we're going to be using in this case we're using the skr 1.3 um which is a lpc1768 and you can see here it says 1768 it is a 100 megahertz if you are using the skr 1.4 turbo then it is the lpc1769 but if you're just using the base 1.3 or 1.4 is the 1768. in this case everything all the default settings are correct so we're gonna do quit here just a second hit save yes for safe and then we're gonna do make clean make clean if my keyboard does what it needs to and then make and here is going to build a clipper bin file for us so the next step here is to grab the firmware.bin file as it's named clipper.ben from the raspberry pi so we're going to open up a new session there we go and then it's going to be in clipper out and from where dot been we're just going to download that file to the desktop and then we're going to go ahead and rename it to firmware not bin so now we have everything from the printer that we need so we can go ahead and shut down the printer and grab the sd cards from both of the skr boards so i pulled the micro sd cards from my skr boards i plugged them into a adapter on my computer and if you have trouble writing to them just be sure to flash them using fat32 and then you can just drag and drop that firmware.bin file into the usb drive again make sure it is named firmware.bin and not clipper.bend because if it's named clipper.bin the skr won't pick it up do this with both of the sd cards that you pulled from the sqr boards and then plug them into the boards and power up the printer then after that we'll be ready to go to the next step now that we have the printer back up and running and you'll see from the screen that we are still disconnected and that is because we haven't given clipper the identification of each of the controllers right now clipper just doesn't know what to look for so what we're going to do is we're going to jump to the printer configuration and you scroll down a bit into the mcu section you'll see it says obtain definition by this command so what we're going to do is we are going to uh ssh into the pie here let's see here just a second i'll pull this over in just one second okay we're going to do this search and you see we come up with two different identification things here one for board one and one for board two the problem is we don't know which is which so what i'm going to do and what i recommend you do i'm going to do it off camera is that you disconnect one of them you run the command and then the remaining one you show up you can identify it from the steppers and configuration that's connected to it which is which and then we will add the corresponding value this right here into our configuration so i'm going to go and identify which is which and then we'll come back now that i've updated the values let's just do a final firmware restart and we're in so now we can see both the temperatures are correct but we have some errors here because we're still missing some macros and settings like that that we need to get from the mainsail configuration page so we'll go to this link here and there are some things here that we need to add and some things we don't if we jump back over here and go to the wiki you'll see here that there is a step already included where this creator raymond has included a mainsail configuration with some of this so we're going to copy this we're going to jump over to our printer config we're just going to add this at the top it can be wherever but the top works well and we'll just do a firmware restart go back to the dashboard and we're still missing to pause and resume so i'm going to go back to the let's see here the printer config scroll down to that and then from this necessary configuration we have the pause and resume that we're just going to grab right here copy paste and then copy and paste now when we hit save we're going to do one last restart and there we are so now everything is completely loaded in we're good to go we're talking with the printer and in this case everything should be back to normal you can home etc you know see the console you'll have to define a few more things for bed mesh i this configuration doesn't have a bed mesh installed but it will show up over here if you do add that section so you're pretty much set from here on out one last tip before we wrap up if you want to be able to export gcode files directly from your slicer to your printer you can just go up to the corner edit physical printer and add your let's see here whatever i p address you have and hit test and it works properly so that's an easy way to be able to upload update that and there's also a way to add thumbnails i have it configured here there's some documentation i'll jump back over for thumbnails you can add these configuration settings to prusa slicer so that the thumbnails are added along with the gcode file which
Channel: eddietheengineer
Views: 40,235
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Id: hW6_inNLcO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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