How to : Klipper first config PART1

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hey and welcome back to the Build It basement today we are jumping off of our last video uh where we finally got Clipper installed on our MCU and we were actually getting into the configuration we kind of breezed over a couple things uh next couple videos in the series gonna be relatively short videos um we're gonna start off with the first one we're gonna give an overview of the printer.config file a little bit more in depth than last time and kind of what you're going to see when you first turn on your printer and what you're going to have for config file to modify that to get a printer that is semi-functional all right let's jump right into it all right so I made up this new scene and my boobs my OBS hopefully it works out um so uh let's start off here so when you first start off your printer you're going to wind up with a screen similar to this one um the only thing that's done right now with my printer.config file is I did point we did this in the last video I did point the Clipper towards the MCU with the serial address that I had uh really really brief overview when we get into the file in a second so let's look at the screen real quick we have our errors right here and this is actually going to be Paramount for what we're doing today and Paramount actually moving forward if you wind up with errors Clipper is very good at telling you what your arrows are and very good at telling you how to fix those errors won't fix them for you but it'll tell you kind of what you need to do to fix those so that being said um I do want to look at a couple things on this screen before we leave it um I actually now that I think of it one of these things was mentioned to me by Woody and that's the emergency stop which is right over here very important uh today is Woody's birthday so happy birthday Woody uh Woody just finally got his printer up and running pushing plastic so he will be in the serial number I think today or tomorrow for his birthday so congrats Woody um and uh yeah so anyways Woody basically sent me first experience built first brains ever built first time he's ever done 3D printing uh he uh he actually had to use this emergency stop button he had a belt that kind of got jammed up and he really emphasized on good for everybody know that that button's there so this emergency stop here in Mainsail is also one in fluid uh I'll show you that one right here too that one's right here in fluid I have fluid instance going here for another printer uh so on either one of those you do have an emergency stop good to know right um yeah we won't get too far into the interface on that let's jump right into that config file so to find the config file in main cell you go to machine and then up here you'll have configs config examples docs and logs logs are very good too if you need to do some troubleshooting we're going to start in the config area um we already have a printed dock config file in here okay and here it is and like I said the only thing I've done is I've gone ahead and I've put my device information in here so we can talk to clipper now where did that come from that came from the ldo uh uh printer rev a config file which I will put a link in the um in the information about this video down below eventually when it's up uploaded but basically I'm starting off off of a file you could start this from scratch I highly suggest you don't do that but I just want to show you where this was okay so once you get into these Pages here one thing you're going to want to do is you have a save and close save and restart 99 of the time you can do save and restart because the changes you want to make you want to take effect if you don't hit save and restart changes you make will not take effect they will save in the file but they won't take effect till you restart the printer so let's exercise this real quick and let's go back to that error so the error at hand this is the first error that we're getting probably be the first area you get but I can't guarantee it because everybody's a little bit different which is why I'm doing these videos kind of in little bashes of videos because everybody's going to need a little bit different information I don't want people to have to sit through a three hour video on configurating configurating configuring um Clipper in Mainsail so yeah so um it says option position Max in section stepper Z must be specified okay so we are looking for stepper Z and position Max so what I suggest you do is you go ahead and select right click hit copy on that okay like we just did go back to machine okay go into my printer.config file here okay um a lot of great information up top here that you can leave or take out it's up to you anything with a hash in front of it or a pound symbol in front of it is for you not the printer so you could delete it if you wanted to but a lot of it's good information to have you can delete it once you have everything up and running the way you want just make you file a little bit smaller not that it makes that much of a difference all right so how do we find that I'm going to hit control F on my keyboard and once I do that I'm going to have this find come up on here on the bottom and now I'm going to hit Ctrl V to paste in position Max okay so I'm going to hit next here to find it and here we go we're finding position Max stuff here okay under X Y stepper settings now it wasn't asking for XY stuff for settings but that's where browse first so let's hit next again and next again it's going to bring us to us a bunch of times and right now we're looking at stepper right motor connected um and we're under we're still under the uh the X Y so let's go ahead and hit again and then we're going to loop back around to that by the way but I just wanted to show you how to basically go through and solve these errors because it's one of the biggest questions people have is when they have these errors how do they find them how they resolve them on a new printer that error is usually caused by not uncommenting things about your build there are certain things that are the fault for your build one of which uh is these sections here let's say uncomp below for X build so basically for a 250 build 300 build or 350 build now if you're building something that's not one of those three so you decide to build a 400 because you're going all out or a 500 because you're just playing crazy um you'll have to use these num use modifications of these numbers based on the size of your printer and these numbers basically are telling the printer how big it is so now that we're able to find that position Max for that right there I'm going to hit save and restart okay go back to the dashboard again we still have an error but it's not bad because now it's telling us that we option points to section quad Gantry level must be specified so we have a different error now so we fixed the error that we had before but we have another error now I could go through and find this one too but before we do that let's go back into that printer config file okay and let's look for the uncomment comments so I'm going to hit control F again for find and I'm going to type in uncomment and the reason we hit uncomment is because I want to go through and find all the errors that uh the file is telling me already to uncomment certain things based on the size of my printer so let's go through and fix all of that first so right here it says uncomment for 300 build mine's a 300 build again 250 350 yours is different you're not going to be able to do this you're going to write them in yourself but you're going to have to have all this information so I have a 300 build so let's go ahead and uncomment this these two this section and that was for the X Y I'm going to hit next and now it drops me down to here this is what we got here this is again uh the this is this times for the a stepper so we're going to uncomment this and this and we're going to hit next again we're going to find the next uncomments uh uh right here we just did this one for the Z stepper and that's basically how high the printer can go is 260. let's keep going though let's see if we find some more say uncomments right here I'm calling for 250 build ours is a 250 builds 300 built so this is Gantry Corners okay so we need to Define our Gantry corners so let's uncomment our Gantry corners and then anything with a single hash we're going to get rid of under this section run comment run commenting if it has a double we're going to leave that there okay so double leave single get rid of okay so let's go next let's find some more uncomments we don't have a 350 we know that uh some macros now this macro is for the g32 uh let's see here on comment this for 300 builds so let's go here uncomment that okay and next again next again and I Think We're looping around now cool Okay so we've gone ahead we've uncommented all the the individual items in Clipper for basically the x y z uh on the printer and some some points on the printer for that g32 so let's hit save and close again go back to the dashboard again and we still have an error so this time it's saying filled automated restart MCU well let's try that again [Music] I hear my fan coming on uh oh I'm just kind of way one up in the last video going back a little bit on this one uh can I update MCM Fair guys is and shut down online issue firmware restart so what could be happening here well this is normally due to not having your third misters set up so there's one huge huge red flagging flipper and that is it not knowing what temperature your parts and pieces are so if it doesn't know how hot your bed is and it doesn't know how hot your hot end is it's not going to run it basically is a safety shutdown system and that basically is first and foremost so let's go back into our printer.config file okay and let's do control F again and this time let's type in thermistor okay uh or not don't get fine with sir mister uh let's see here we want to find where our thermistor pins are located I could have sworn thermistor would do it for us but let's look here sense resistor stealth chop that's all for steppers uh let's hear actually you know what let's do this let's type in extruder let's go find that and we have our pin here and we have our sensor type and this is for the bed heater now let me confirm my bed here now my bed isn't from the ldo kit my bed was actually an aftermarket part that I bought because I got the Mandela Rose bed with the different kenovo system on it so let's just confirm that's the proper sensor for that um and I'm going to actually work off here on another screen while we're doing that let's do this and I want sensor all right all right it looks like the bed here that I'm using on this which is the konovo is actually an NTC 100k so let's go ahead and change that and again I'm doing copy and pasting here I get the information uh and basically just want to do a web search for whatever your heater bed is if you've got the LDL this is already going to be correct for you but I need that there and the other thing we want to look at is our extruder which should be yep right above here and on this particular build we're using the um the fadous Rapido and let's confirm because I don't believe that's correct for the rapido but let me get the proper nomenclature for it well maybe it is nope there it is is the pt-1000 on the one I'm using uh and those can change this I think there's a couple different ones that they can use on the Rapido uh depending on whether or not you get the high flow high temp one so let's go ahead and change that as well now the pin should be correct already so I'm not going to look at the pins here so let's hit save and restart let's go back to the dashboard again all right it's been shut down again shut down something out of whack okay so I believe our bed is correct and I know our extruder is correct so what else could it be let's see here let's check our pins so again we're going to use Ctrl find let's go back down to the extruder and let's see here update value calibration uh we have to hold that but we're actually worried more about the temperature stuff here so where is that okay so we have our sensor type of PT 1000 that is correct that is correct there and and let me see here before hmm let's see okay so one other thing we did on this is we switched our heater pin to our extruder heater um our cartridge heater because of the 105 Watts so let's invert these two so right now that one's pa1 and this one's pa2 so let's make this one pa2 and make this one pa1 that really shouldn't cause us this issue but let's see where that brings us still going to shut down hmm let's go ahead and do a complete hard reset at this point and the way we're going to do that is we're going to do a complete system reboot and over there and it's going to take a couple moments for it to come through so while that's doing that let's talk a little bit about clipper like should we look at the camera Clipper and Mainsail versus fluid so Mainsail which is what we're using here today is much the same as fluid in terms of what you get for a GUI there are some small changes in the back end there are some small changes in the front end but basically it's it's a 50 50 switch originally fluid to me was a little bit nicer than Mainsail but I've sent switcho to Mainsail because it seems to be a little bit more happening with Mainsail than fluid uh seems to be a little bit more you know a little bit more updating happening with it so um all right we look like we're ready to start up here [Music] all right so let's go look at so it has to be an issue with one of our temperatures I know it's not the exterior I know it's not the bed uh the only thing other than those two it could be is the chamber probe which I am not using currently because I don't think there's a huge need for chamber probe I don't have one hooked up I bet that's our issue so let's find uh again control F on the keyboard and let's look up a chamber and and let's see additional sensors right here thermistor temperature sensor temp uh all those things so since we're not using uh any additional sensors here which we might in the future I'm going to go ahead and I am going to comment these out now I might add a chamber sensor in the future more for safety than anything else but for right now I'm not using one and I bet that's our issue [Music] perfect okay so now we're not getting a uh a Clipper error that basically is killing the printer that's basically sending everything to no no land now we have specifics here that we need to set up now if you were saying this up and you're doing it manually there are two ways that you could do this uh option number one is to add these missing configuration items directly in your printer.config file the other way to do it is to add them using an outside config file so the way that you would add a sometimes macros is by basically including them into your file and you want to put those near the top and what it's going to do is basically call out or reach out to that other config file pull that information into it and then continue down the file pull the information from the other file and keep on going down that file because basically the printer reads down that whole file when it's running so it's looking for a virtual SD card which is what you're going to use or what the printer is going to use to basically store files that it's printing and you can reprint a pause and re resume uh and that's basically so the printer knows how to pause and how to resume a print free self slantering and the macro for pause which you can't without pause and resume and a macro for resume which is going to get called upon for pause or zoom and then a cancel print which basically allows you to cancel print without doing an emergency stop and dumping everything out but basically re-park your printer all those types of things now if you are using Mainsail and that's what this is uh the the best and easiest way of doing this and let me get it up on the screen here is and let me see the best way to bring this down let's just copy this and paste it in so right here on the Mainsail GitHub for this or the get they have their own set of macros that you can use now you can bring these into your printer using some commands right here uh and you can basically have it auto update there's a bunch of stuff you can do but what you can do also and since we already did a Mainsail configuration our printer already has most of the stuff already in it so all we really need to do is go back into our machine here and check to see that we have a mainsail.cfg which is right here and so we want to basically include this file into our printer so that's our next step right now since we did the install the way that we did it again now if you didn't do the install the way that we did it in our previous video uh you're going to either a want to go through and do it the way they did it or B I will show you real quick you're going to want to create a new file you're going to want to go into that into the let's see here where is it initial comment let's see here this one nope not that one this one like Clipper yes uh you're going to want to go to Raw you're going to want to hit Ctrl a that selects all Ctrl C to copy it and then you would paste it into the file again we installed it a certain way so it actually already put that Mainsail dot CFG file in here so you don't need to do that but it should be relatively close to what was in that file and we could paste that in here right now if we made a new file named it mainsail.config okay all right so much fun right so what we need to do is we need to include that Mainsail dock config file and we're going to do that in our printer dock config file and the best way to do that for me is directly after the printer information before we get too far into this so what we're going to do is basically do a square bracket and type in include uh Mainsail dot CFG and then close that out so now basically as this reads down it's going to see okay this is the the um the MCU that's how it's connected to the Raspberry Pi this is the type of printer we have it's a core XY we have some things here that we'll tune with later and then we're going to include the main seal config so again we're going to hit save and reset and restart again there we go so at this point we have a working printer but I wouldn't quite work it yet so what we're going to do now is close out this video I'm going to say thank you for watching I'm going to tell you that we're going to have another video that we're going to continue this configuration in but again I don't want to make these too long this stuff's kind of boring I think everybody finds it boring so hopefully little videos will make it a little bit less boring to watch by all means if you do need this information and you're looking for something specific let me know leave a comment down below give me a thumbs up give me a like join the channel if you haven't yet check out the whole backlog for this whole build if you want and I also got an older video if you're building a war on with afterburner for some reason you're by building an old voron 2.4 non-r2 I get that too so I will catch you next time where we continue to configure our Clipper instance and Mainsail and I'll see you next time
Channel: Build It Basement
Views: 3,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voron, Voron 2.4, Voron Printer, Voron 3D Printer, kit, build, help, how to, 3d, printer, core, xy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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