Installing klipper firmware on a Raspberry Pi - A Detailed (and Boring) Guide (Part 1 of 2)

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hi this is Mike from minimal3bp and today I'm going to do a video on installing Clipper to a Raspberry Pi just a single instance of the multi-instance and all that most users are probably just doing a single instance and last week I posted a video linked to Bob that was my long and detailed boring guide to installing marlin so I figured I'd sort of keep up with that and keep moving forward again with a long detailed guide to doing Clipper and hopefully everybody finds this useful also I should mention um I'd like if anybody has any thoughts about how this sounds let me know I am struggling mightily with getting my sound on my videos to sound consistent apparently I don't have good hearing and sometimes I I can hear things some sometimes not as well and so again if you have any thoughts or ideas or suggestions I'm open to it so let's go ahead and get started started with uh I have a Raspberry Pi or here if you're curious what model you have it's right here at the top as that mindsafe model or B and I believe this has two gigs of ram in it my goddess before various chip shortages so I'm lucky to have it so let's go ahead and get started with I'm installing everything I already have a Clipper on here but I'm going to go ahead and start from scratch are there numerous ways to go about installing clipper and then also the interface such as Mainsail fluid or even octo print the easiest I found is just use the Clipper installation and update helper I think this script sort of takes care of everything or you also with your Raspberry Pi or in your p on your PC as noted in my previous videos and I'll link that above you can install multiple instances I also like the fact in the case of this script I'm installing Mainsail fluid and octoprimp that way I could test which one I like do different things I've also found that particularly if I want to do some remote Administration connecting to Clipper via octoprint is pretty handy because of all the various tools but then when I'm working in the house I really like Mainsail so again this tool gives you the option to try different things now right along with this go ahead and if I scroll down here this mentions it's tested with Raspberry Pi OS light since it's been tested with raspberry Pi OS light I want to make sure that's what I start with so the tool I'm going to use is the Raspberry Pi Imager and so first thing I do is Select operating system and I'm going to go Raspberry Pi I'm going to select Raspberry Pi LS Knight 64-bit I'm going to choose my SD card so I'm going to open up the advanced settings and I want to set the hostname and I'm just going to type in Array so it'll be under three dot local I want to enable SSH when I change the username while leave the username is pi and add a password foreign router I'm going to change the main country to us I'm going to set webcal hey and then I'm going to go ahead and hit right and this will happen it's to image the SD card and I'll come back in a minute so as you can see Raspberry Pi imager is finished I'm going to hit continue and I can take the image out of so I've taken the image out of machine and now I'm going to go over the Raspberry Pi now this is pretty simple I just take the SD card and I insert it into the Raspberry Pi with it turned off Raspberry Pi is turned off I'm gonna go ahead and close it up and then now I'm just going to go ahead and power the Raspberry Pi on the lights on and this should take a minute there too to boot up I've gone ahead and waited a minute or two and my Raspberry Pi should be booted and I'm just going to go ahead and SSH into it and then run a couple configurations options to go ahead to uh get everything straightened out so I've gone ahead and let the Raspberry Pi Boot and now I've brought up my terminal window in my case since I'm on Windows we use Windows terminal and I'm going to go ahead and SSH into the Raspberry Pi and make a couple configuration changes this configuration changes and do the install process it's just SSH into the Raspberry Pi so I left the username as Pi and then I did it as Ender three Dot local and if this is configured properly it should prompt me for password yes since this is my first time logging in my password so now I'm actually on the Raspberry Pi and next couple steps will be updating the operating system and just making sure everything's configured appropriately these couple steps are more of my best practices so I'm going to type in sudo apt update because I just want to make sure everything's up to date as it might not be so this will take a minute sudo at get upgrade and there is a couple things here I need to update so I'm going to do capital Y yes and let this update it's updated I'm going to go ahead and reboot the pie make sure everything is installed appropriately now one of the things I usually tell people is it's sometimes not a good idea to update the pie after the fact once you have everything installed and figured because that might add some other issues but I haven't I've I periodically update all my Raspberry Pi so I've never had an issue this looks like everything's installed appropriately so I'm just going to pause and then I'll come back when it's done installing while the updates have finished installing um just a couple of packages that I know so I'm going to do sudo at get installed and I'm going to do get and FM packs used towards camera and I've had issues in the past with that not being in stock correctly so I found just installed on the frame end I'll help you when you're trying to configure the camera down the road oops no not just hit enter so this is going to install a whole bunch of different pieces and parts and again I'll pause and let this install so my two packages were installed and let's just go ahead and reboot the pi so I do sudo reboot and this will end my SSI SSH session and then reboot the pop so I'm going to give it a minute to reboot and then SSH back into it and continue with my configuration I think I've given it special time and up Arrow it's like it's rebooted so that's good now I'm going to paste in this command so sudo Raz Pi Dash config go into the actual config now there's a whole bunch of different things you could change here one I do is I scroll down to Advanced so I'm using arrow keys then I use the spacebar to select or I'm sorry select enter to do the options to do the advanced options and then I'm going to go ahead and expand the file system and that looks like that was accomplished appropriately I'm going to go down now to finish go ahead and reboot the pie so again my SSH session is closed and I'm going to give it a minute or two or if I've given it sufficient time so it's go ahead and SSH back in so we're back in you'll see the prompt down here at the bottom and tell me which user I am again the name of the ice and our next up couple steps are going to be installing where I'm sorry cloning the Clipper install and update helper so we're just going to start off by let's run an LS to see what's there there's nothing in my user directory so let's type git clone and then switch over to the browser and get the proper URL get the URL we just go to here to code https and we just hit copy and switch back over to terminal and paste that command in so now I get clone and the path to the rebound for the Clipper install and update helper so that's gone ahead and cloned it let's hit LS again and you'll notice the folder is listed right there so let's go on to our next steps so let's take a quick look at the browser scroll down here a little bit and there is our Command we need install scripts let's just copy that refer to our terminal we start command in now notice that nothing is installed which is okay we're just going to go through step by step and install everything we need in this install I'm going to do one copy of everything one instance and then I'm going to go ahead and install Clipper Moonraker Mainsail fluid and then octoprint I'm going to leave Clipper screen telegram bot and what used to be a beak I'll uh used to be spaghetti detective I'm going to leave those not installed I've noticed some errors with those periodically and I just don't want to mess with them right now pick number one for install okay number one for a clipper and I'm going to select the recommended version which is python3 and what in one instance so I'll hit enter and install whatever I need to make this work and then also install clipper so I'll pause and come back when it's finished installing now this install process probably took about five minutes so just be aware it might be a lengthy there's a lot of different dependencies that need to be installed next prompt it's asking me do I want to add my user to the user group to allow me to build and wash for my controller for my 3D printer I want to go ahead and hit yes just to be on the safe side and so I've gone ahead and I have Clipper installed so now I'm going to do Moonraker so I'm going to hit number two yes for install Moonraker and you'll notice that in this purple bluish color list and all the dependencies so those all need to be installed before Moon breaker will work appropriately so Moonraker is now installed and and go to our next step and I'm going to install Mainsail so just hit number three luckily as this progresses I should have less and less dependencies that need to be installed so the process I'm hoping gets a tiny bit quicker those first two steps again took about five minutes a piece and I'm just going to let this run right now it's installed on a web server and configuring everything next prompt it's going to ask me if I want to install some sample macros I'm going to go ahead and hit yes it's the main sales installed I don't use split but maybe eventually I want to try somewhere to be a cool new feature I want to play with so it's just a four now notice Mainsail is on Port 80. so if I go to this machine in my browser Go to http colon slash slash ender3.local it'll bring up Mainsail now for fluid it can't use the same port so what I'm going to do is just do work 81. now wait let's do 82. that looks okay and again for fluid do I want to go ahead and install some initial scripts let's just hit yes done now looking at all the other installs I'm going to go ahead and install octoprint so I'll select number six yes and that's installing so now I have Clipper Moonraker Mainsail and fluid installed as well as octoprint now we have to make note of our various ports Mainsail will be the default so again if I type in HTTP ender3. local it'll bring up Mainsail by bring up ender3. local colon 82 it'll bring up fluid and ender3.local colon 5000 will bring up octopric so I have three different options using the same pie Tommy go ahead and show you this in the browser just to make sure again everything's working appropriately so I'm going to go HTTP colon slash enter three dot local that should bring that Mainsail as you can see main sale is up and running and we can go through and make changes to make and sale I'll run some updates and do anything we need let's go ahead and change our address to I'm gonna add a [Music] colon and go to 82 and this should bring up fluid there we go so fluid is installed and running and let's change that colon to colon 5000 and that should bring up octoprint there we go so literally we've installed pretty quickly and pretty easily there's three different front ends to our Clipper install we've done Mainsail fluid and octoprint and we can go to and configure these as appropriate so in this video we've gone ahead and uh done our installs on the Raspberry Pi and they'll head over and Flash the minimalist Clipper firmware on our 3D printer I'll be honest my 3D printer is currently print right now on a one or what that finish before I go to the next steps so I think I'll just do a separate video about flashing to the printer in this video we've covered how to install and configure everything on your Raspberry Pi if you have questions I want you to go ahead and put them in the comments or shoot me an email I'm also going to go up to my website and try to type out a lot of these instructions I'll put some stuff in the video description as well if you like what I'm doing please give me a like also feel free to subscribe I'd appreciate it if you have any feedback or comments things I'm not doing well or things I could do better or and positive stuff as well I really appreciate some actionable feedback so again this is Mike from mineral 3dp I appreciate your time hope you have a good day thanks bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Minimal 3DP
Views: 26,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: klipper install raspberry pi, klipper install and update helper, klipper installation guide, Klipper install, klipper firmware install, installing klipper firmware, kiauh installation guide, install klipper, kiauh install klipper, Klipper install mainsail, klipper install kiauh, how to install klipper the easy way using kiauh, Installing klipper firmware on a laptop, installing klipper firmware on a laptop or desktiop, klipper firmware, klipper install skr 1.4 turbo, klipper
Id: zzFxnu3Liyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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