MailChimp Automated PDF Download After Subscribing

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in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to deliver a pdf download to anybody who opts into one of your mailchimp forms it's super simple to do i'm going to show you all the steps in this video if you have any questions or comments please leave them down below i try to answer them the best i can my name is bjorn alpas in wp learning lab where we help you get better at wordpress you can earn more for yourself for your customers and for your business if you haven't done so yet click subscribe ring the bell so you don't miss any future videos now let's get started in another video on this mailchimp playlist we added this form right here to our wordpress site and we link this to mailchimp so when someone signs up here they're added to our mailchimp account but this form isn't going to incentivize anybody to sign up we need to have some kind of headline a call to action preferably an image as well so they can see what they get when they sign up because nobody wants to be on a mailing list just to be on another mailing list so i'm going to show you how to do that in this video how to level up the form of the call to action and also deliver something on the back end after they sign up through this form so first let's go into edit with elementor to spruce up this form a little bit and like i said it's already connected to mailchimp and i connected it in a previous video that's if it's not linked to in the card above or the description down below it is in the mailchimp playlist that this current video is also part of that is definitely linked in the description down below so here we have a headline that we didn't see on the front end just now because it was in draft mode but i just added a heading drag and drop that in here and just change the text to read download your free wp speed of 5 speed optimization checklist now we want to add an image below that let's drag and drop an image over here let's choose an image i'm going to upload one for my computer this is the cover image for my 11 point wp security checklist not the speedified checklist that we're talking about in this video but let's just pretend that it is because the cover will look pretty similar we just need a nice looking cover to make this work and i'm just going to add some padding on the right and left just to shrink this down a little bit and i'll shrink this image down a little bit that's a bit better now the form is a little more contained not so spread out and now we have a call to action we have an image we could also have a little blurb on what you get with this checklist and then we have a name email and a send button to sign up to get this checklist and if you actually do want this checklist this is actually a downloadable completed checklist if you want to get it there's a link to that in the description down below and there'll also be one at the end of this video it's a great checklist to help you secure your site if you've not secured your site before this will walk you through the basics and it's pretty easy to do just walk through what the checklist shows you and so now we have this done let's click on update and we're going to test this in just a minute but first we're going to go into mailchimp and create an email to deliver it right now we have a free mailchimp account which means we only have one audience if we go to audiences we see our one audience here wp learning lab if you had a paid account you have more audiences but in this case we just have one and that's where all the contacts that will opt in here will arrive they all arrive in this one audience and if you want to see how we set up this mailchip account i have a complete walk through on how we set up mailchimp and got it up and running in the card up above and the description down below it's also in this playlist along with this video as well either way if you want to complete walkthrough check that out and if you're finding this tutorial helpful click the like button because that helps this video show up for more people on youtube so we can spread the knowledge and help more people with this information so make sure you click like if you like this video in the case this video we're just doing something very specific which is adding an email that people will receive after they opt in to this form and to do that we're going to head over into our mailchimp account and go to automations and this is where we send automated emails there are campaigns as well which is also sending email but these are one-off emails that are sent once or you can send them multiple times we have to schedule them every time you want to send them in the automations section we send emails automatically after someone does something on the right hand side i'm going to go to create and i'm going to choose classic automations this is just a really simple automation which is going to be send an email so here we have a bunch of options for this example i'm going to choose email subscribers when they are tagged because we have a special tag assigned to this form in the previous video where we built this form we integrated mailchimp and when you integrate mailchimp in the form settings you can choose a specific tag so everybody who signs up on this form is going to receive this tag and with this automation we want everyone who receives or has that tag we want them to receive this email so i'm going to call this wp security checklist delivery under audiences i'm going to choose one audience because i have a free account only one audience is allowed in every free account click on begin to get started and here we see details this is the name of the automation we're creating this is the audience this can be linked to and this first entry is going to be the email we're creating if we want to create more we have to upgrade to a paid account so we're limited to one luckily when we send out this pdf we just need one email to send out the pdf so we want to edit the trigger for one we don't want to send it one day after we want to send it immediately so let's click on edit beside trigger we're going to wait not at all i'm going to select immediately from there and for tags we're going to select home page sign up which again matches what we have in the form settings for our mailchimp settings everybody who signs up through this form is going to have this tag they'll be sent this email immediately click on update trigger now we have that trigger updated schedule all day every day so even if they sign up on a sunday at midnight they will get the email immediately which is totally fine because they're the ones signing up on a sunday at midnight so they must be okay with that we also have the ability to filter by segment or tag this is more advanced you could have a special tag applied to people after they received this email or even after they opened the email and then you could filter out anybody who already has that special tag so you wouldn't resend this email to someone who's already received it you can also have post send actions also advanced we're not going to cover those in detail in this video but we will click on design email it's going to be a pretty straightforward email it doesn't have to have a lot in it in the first field we name our email that's called wp security checklist delivery for the email subject we'll have download your wp security checklist has arrived for the preview text we'll say this checklist will help you secure your sites for the from name i have my name and wp learnlab prefilled my email address is also pre-filled widely pre-filled because of the complete mailchimp walkthrough we did previously if you want to see that video it's in the card above and the description down below it shows you the complete setup to get your mailchimp up and running if you want to check that out then click on next in the bottom right now we can choose a layout from this list down here and i'm just going to use this first one here it's part of the free account if we hover over these and they say upgrade to use that's for a paid account we see it on a number of these simple text is also one you could use as well but they have to build the whole thing on your own here we have some elements pre-built so i'm going to choose this one and then i'm just going to rename the title to download your checklist below and for the image i'm going to add a new one let's replace this let's use this one right here which is an image of our checklist let's make a little smaller we're going to want to add a link to this image as well once we're done let's just pretend this text here is about our pdf describing it a little bit and this button we're going to change to download now and we also link to a web address and this web address is going to be the destination it's going to be our actual pdf there's a couple ways you can do this you could use a service like which i've been using recently to create your pdfs you can upload your pdf to amazon services like amazon s3 and deliver it that way you could upload it right to your website which i'm going to do in this case which is the easiest and fastest route and i uploaded pdfs to my websites for many years without any problems ever in the dashboard we go to media and then add new and then we just upload our pdf right here i have a simple basic blank pdf which is just blank copy the url once this uploaded and then under web address paste in the address click on the image click on link add the web address there so they can download the pdf by clicking on the image and by clicking on the download button then click on save and continue and now we are ready to go we have our email set up it's going to trigger immediately after specific tags added to the contact and that tag is homepage signup so let's go to next because our automation sequence is complete why there's a big red x i don't know what's the x for default text content fine they don't like it that we left this section in here which is the default so let's add some lorem ipsum text let's see if that'll get by their filters this one has some more ipsum you shouldn't add lorem ipsum to yours but this is just an example add something clever and witty in here to make your email more attractive because this looks quite terrible let's reduce this and it won't let me there we go let's try that save and continue cancel save and close save and continue now let's try that again hopefully no big red x's there everything's good check this out start sending it's going to send to one person that i use for testing previously and now we're going to test it live to see how this email is received by an actual user who's signing up so let's go to our home page let's go down to our form fill out this form with the name of an email this is an email i don't use very often it's mostly a spam email and that will be added to our audience inside mailchimp let's go to audience and then all contacts so we have that email address right here and the home page underscore sign up tag now if i go to this email account that email should have been received by now let's go to gmail and here it is right here your download or download your security checklist has arrived down your checklist below we can click on the image or the button and that will open our blank pdf which is just blank but this would be a link to the actual pdf so that's how we automate delivery of a pdf this could be the delivery of anything you could have this be a call to action and get a coupon you have this be a call to action to get some free gift in the mail you have this call to action to be a free one-on-one phone call whatever it is you can automate its delivery using mailchimp with the process you just saw in this video next up you should check out the mailchimp playlist right here where i show you how to do all kinds of things with mailchimp almost everything you need for online marketing is in that playlist if you're using mailchimp if you haven't done so yet click subscribe ring the bell so you don't miss any future videos my name is bjorn allpass in wp learning lab till next time keep crushing it and i will see you in the next video
Channel: WordPress Tutorials - WPLearningLab
Views: 5,462
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Keywords: mailchimp download pdf, mailchimp landing page download pdf, mailchimp, mailchimp ebook download, mailchimp tutorial, mailchimp tutorial 2021, autoresponder mailchimp 2021, how to send a free pdf file to your email subscribers in mailchimp, send pdf mailchimp, bjorn, digital marketing, wplearninglab
Id: 5KKhicH4ZoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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