Magnus Can't Stop Me From Winning THREE Times In A Row

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oh my God I'm oh oh my [Music] gosh let's keep going let's play A6 Liv in Grand Central Sean I'll be dancing uh let's go here I think I'll play D5 I don't know if it's a good move and maybe E6 let's trade and my heart on the Dance Floor time to develop the pieces logical I'll play here I'm going to play H6 and kick the Knight next move I think if he if he doesn't trade I could have traded the knights right away too um if I go C7 Bishop F4 small issue not a big issue let me think about this I'm going put the Queen here go here hit the queen I'll probably go E6 and Bishop E7 I also have Queen A8 to hit the pawn too on on e4 let's go here I don't even know if C4 is right but it looks right to create the chain uh um seems fine just trade and then play Bishop E7 I don't actually know if I'm doing well here this feels a little bit iffy like a touch sketchy probably not terrible but a touch sketchy can Castle maybe and go Bishop B4 I guess with Bishop C6 later I also have rookie a with Bishop C6 to it should be fine now the question is do I play E5 or not and my gut says no let's take the file that's a good move we'll go here take away this the entry no kobs on the seventh love me Underneath It All could play E5 I can also go Bishop E8 I'm going to go here and try to activate the tower and go for more kebabs lucky theath it all ooh let's go here hit the tower feel like I've got a good position actually I've got another very very good position out of the opening it's it's still equal but if anybody's playing for more it's probably me with like Queen C1 ideas looming uh let's go E5 anyway I want to activate my queen somehow bad those B4 which looks kind of dubious to me somehow maybe I try to activate my Bishop there's no way to win oh I allowed Bishop C5 oh my gosh I just blundered the game I just threw the game away I just missed that move Al together or did I um wait he didn't Queen thether is winning the bishop wait is the Magnus effect back in Vogue for me queen the3 is winning the game and he didn't do it okay Queen Z3 is just GG and he he didn't play it what the heck is wrong with this guy um maybe Queen E6 I it's still only a draw but a draw is better than a loss let's just do this I mean queen C3 is just winning the bishop he completely missed it yeah now I shouldn't lose at least that's the good news I mean nobody asks how but how do I get so lucky I guess is the point as Daniel would say right Daniel would say how does he get so lucky I mean he's completely lost how does he get so [Laughter] lucky let's go here I'm sorry guys I shouldn't be laughing so hard at that but I'm kind of tired I'm losing it a little bit as you can tell uh I shouldn't be laughing so hard at that but I am let's go H5 yeah I shouldn't be laughing so hard at that but I am cuz this doesn't look quite right to me um somewhere I feel like I'm going to have some idea to try and win the game maybe I go like um just bring the king up can always go G5 too but I'll pre moove this that's a good move actually I thought I had a trick but I don't go here got to be careful there's some E5 trick I just realized there's some E5 idea that if I liow I'm just going to lose game goes E5 anyway wait but now wait wait a second wait a second wait a second this actually tricky again this is not clearcut anymore for him I guess I'll preo in case he pushes he doesn't push but now if I check wait wait wait focus focus focus Bishop B7 E6 check F3 I go here doesn't work just a draw I guess wait that's a blunder wait he blundered I think I'm winning now I'm winning I'm so lucky I'm such a lucky you know what today oh my gosh I'm just winning holy mackerel yeah it should be actually wait is this winning wait I still need to be precise [Music] um no no actually I don't need to be precise it's the right col never mind it's the right color so even if I push the B Pawn I win oh no I just oh no I just messed this up again what did I just do or oh no I messed this up or no no I win oh my gosh I I was winning and then I messed then it was a draw right I was winning then I messed it up what was was this yeah just B4 what am I doing yeah bad bad play but I get to win uh let's play E4 again Tesla plus 11% yeah what do I want to play here uh many ways to play this what do I want to play let's play our two knights oh he play oh I didn't expect G I didn't expect G6 but [Music] whatever okay plays D5 I think all R's always used to play E5 against me so I'll do it as [Music] well I think I'll take logical not really playing this very well actually I'm playing this very badly I might lose I'm already not better playing this opening like a complete lemon I'm probably okay here but I I am just losing my mind a little bit yeah this is actually maybe this is okay with 95 and F4 but it's not wonderful actually maybe I'm better now maybe maybe I am okay actually I'm going to go A4 A5 I think actually I might already be a little bit better again I Bishop A3 to hit the queen I might be okay actually I might be better at might be better maybe actually Knight C8 is probably a nice move by Magnus I I bet a computer would just smoke him here with some trade and some G4 but I'm just not good enough oh if I could before you can also take all okay I got to move you got to go you got to go um let's go here maybe Knight G3 maybe C4 is move too I need to pick up the speed I'm a little bit too slow right now do have C4 I can also just take and play C4 like I know I'm fine here but I'm I'm a little bit too slow uh uh I guess I'll play C4 I'm sure it's not the right move but I'm kind of struggling a little bit here guess I'll take and play C5 maybe it's maybe not so bad for me no it's probably isn't very good he's got B6 yeah I'm going have to try to attack him probably logical I'll go here Knight D7 is a strange move by Magnus strange move I don't like it actually not a big fan of this Knight D7 it feels a little bit weird cuz now I have Queen E3 and Rook E3 and G3 and H4 and I not so sure that I like what Magnus has done I go here just to pressure the pawn he can obviously sack but I just take and go rookie one oh pre in case he does I don't think he will but I'll do it anyway position still is fairly balanced I feel like okay I think that's not the best move go here here logical also I take and play Queen C3 I think I'm I I think I'm starting to put a little bit of heat on Magnus here he's still fine I think but it's a little bit of heat it's not necessarily a lot of heat but it feels like a little bit of Heat and the fact that he's slowing down tells me's sensing a touch of danger in this end game now fact that he's slowing down means he's sensing D what wait was that a mouse slip or oh wait no he's got Bishop D whoa he got Bishop D4 holy bananas um ah King F7 looks wrong but I takes Bishop d41 King F7 might be a brilliant move by him by the way might be actually brilliant okay I guess I'll go here it's not the move I want to play but I'll do it anyway oh actually Knight G1 C5 dc5 probably okay Queen C6 Queen D2 should be okay or am I miss uh maybe here I think I'm okay but it's it's a little bit edgy okay takes which I'm very happy to see cuz now I get the knight in and I I should not be worse here doesn't mean I'm better but I shouldn't be worse um got to move though I got to move guess I have Knight E5 maybe to force a draw maybe it's probably proba just a draw but oh I missed R before before ah shoot still probably okay but I missed that but maybe I walked I might be G5 I think is a mistake by Magnus cuz now I've got Rook H3 that's a big mistake by Magnus I think it still might be a draw but or did I miss um here maybe no tricks let's go here and Rook F6 I think I'm actually oh oh I found Rook B7 which is oh wait do I have Rook oh no Rook C8 I think I'm winning here actually or wait no it's still tricky Magus keeps finding stupid moves n that's still this might be a draw I think I was winning but I think he tricked me wait wait that's a mistake wait see3 maybe Chuck I don't know what I'm supposed to do I'm going to play to win though it's just a draw though H I think I was winning this I'm pretty sure I was winning again but I think I was winning I think I was winning I'm pretty sure I was winning somewhere 72 right yeah I think I was winning I'm pretty sure I was winning at some point but I'm pretty sure I was winning I'm pretty sure I was winning somewhere in here this is zeros oh but now it's winning oh Rook oh my God Rook A5 oh my God I'm oh Rook five is winning oh my gosh Rook takes A5 and I just win ah so annoying after all after all the games that like where I was losing then to finally get the game where I'm winning I missed the win Ah that's frustrating that's so frustrating not so lucky now I mean it's that's kind of Fate though right that's kind of Fate it's like it's literally fate that um like the games that I'm losing I get lucky in the game where I actually play almost a perfect game I finally like I finally missed the win can we call you fa I mean it's kind of fitting is it all all the games that I was losing I survived like Dan and latassa this one where I'm winning I don't win it's kind it's kind of like it's kind of like perfect symmetry right perfect symmetry but now it's not winning anymore is it no now now it's just wow now it's already gone it's just one move that it's winning yeah it's how it goes yeah H frustrating but it is what it is it is what it is that's just how it goes yeah I missed it I missed it unlucky unlucky yeah yeah just how it goes just missed it it's like it's there and I missed it the one move yeah yeah just how it goes wait why isn't magnus's game started against F wait what the heck I don't know what's going on I'll play I'll play Berlin I guess why hasn't that updated did Magnuson oh there was a draw I don't know what's going on why aren't they PL I don't know whatever it's probably a bug or glitch or whatever who knows um I'll go here force a trade can play C6 I'm going go C6 here and H6 and probably just Castle ch so Rook e one logical move I could play Queen D6 Bishop G4 Bishop F6 Bishop F no no wait Bishop G4 Bishop F6 takes takes no that's no good G5 looks like a move but it's not the move I want to play Bishop C7 seems reasonable D4 is also Pro no D4 is not reasonable um need to pick up my speed here I guess I'll just go here doesn't look right actually Knight F3 maybe I just take okay I'm too slow I'm just too slow I'm just too slow I got to pick up the speed why am I so slow here maybe I should take and go G5 somewhere I don't know see what he does definitely going to go D4 here oh I just blun oh my oh my God I just he could have just taken and won the game what am I doing that was it I think CD4 is just winning for him what the heck is wrong with me wake up wake up I almost just threw away the evening title to I think C4 is just winning for him jeez I was just completely winning for him what's wrong with me so lucky there again back to being lucky because of course luck is my middle name now I do have Bishop A5 here Bish A5 Rook D1 Bishop A5 D5 takes takes Bishop E5 takes D E5 Bishop D wait Bishop A5 D5 B2 Rook D1 no okay be careful don't blunder don't blunder don't blunder and don't blunder let's take with the pawn if Bishop A5 D5 Bishop D2 just Rook E2 and I'm in trouble logical here I'm I feel like I'm very slippery like I'm very close to making a huge blunder and losing the game but I'm also kind of hanging by a thread if I get B6 C5 I'm fine logical 97 ALS H should be okay with Queen F4 I guess feel like I'm okay here I think I'm okay but I'm not sure if I'm okay I have C5 I have Queen F4 also this seems acceptable to me with C5 I don't know if this is acceptable but it looks acceptable to me I think I play I can also take this gets really sharp if I take take um what am I on I'm I'm trying to figure out do I gamble with C before or not this is a big question question here do I gamble C before or not I think it's too [Music] risky too risky or not I think it's too risky to take [Music] but so hard to judge now let's go for it I'm I'm going to go for it here this is going to get very sharp I don't know if this actually good for me or not but I'm going to I'm going to go for Glory did not expect that move actually cuz now I can take wait what oh he just wants to he just wants to take and play Rook D and maybe it's still a draw Maybe very very hard to judge what's going on here of course he sees that move which is a very good move that I missed I'm still in the game though I'm still not losing I don't think if I'm precise I'm still probably in the game it goes there I can't go Rook C it I guess I have to go here H the pawn don't know why I played 96 no I'm trying to throw this game away my rookie eight maybe y king of 49 a I got to go you got to go you got to go you got to go got no moves I got to move um I have a check on H2 still um oh wow oh my gosh I don't know if I'm lucky to draw or I'm lucky to not I don't know what's I I know I'm lucky to uh to draw this game or not I mean maybe I was winning maybe maybe I was winning maybe I was losing I don't know what was going on I was I was losing right I was losing and then I was winning I think king of no it's only a draw oh wow I was never winning it's always a draw I also missed Knight E3 so I was lucky yeah I mean this is a very nervy game both of us had chances I wonder if I gone King D4 if I would have won cuz I don't think I don't know if King G2 is an obvious move there but whatever yeah that was a wild game though Wild game yeah I shouldn't have taken the pawn either I I went for Glory with Pawn takes Pawn but it wasn't right h H yeah I went for Glory but it just wasn't right it just wasn't right yeah it was a very very messy game title Tuesday is a brutal event what can I say so I mean it's a very very tough event these days very very tough event to play yeah it's amazing how much travel you guys have to do yeah let's play H4 I mean I have to win this game right so let's play H4 have to win okay um I guess I'll go D4 here I don't know maybe it makes sense okay I guess I'll go C4 Knight C3 probably I can also just take maybe and play Knight C3 actually let's go here maybe E3 I don't know this is interesting maybe play here maybe E3 and F3 Pawn does not belong on H4 that much is for sure but maybe it's not so bad I can just go Bishop D3 Knight G2 and try to Castle Queen site even like 1 2 three logical um I have G4 maybe I also Bishop I think I'm just going to play standard cuz C5 I can always take or play Knight E2 let's go here logical let's go here he'll probably go B6 I'm guessing we'll see let's go here got the moves let's go here let got the moves maybe I should have just castled maybe probably I should go H5 H6 I also have G4 G5 here as an attacking concept as well I think I'm just going to go for it let's go for glor of G 4 G5 let's attack a she's got the moves logical also go Bishop F5 or Bishop B1 big question here not sure which one's right Bishop F5 has Merit but I think I'm just going to go think I'm going to go to C2 don't know if it's right but it makes some sense here maybe a bishop F5 was better actually I think Bishop F5 was better but now okay I can play Knight G3 maybe a knight C2 that's my plan at least a very double-edged position here I'm not sure what's going on but I'm trying hard I want to play H5 some more to open up the king side but we'll see if I can make it work or not it's not really clearcut I also have G I mean I've got multiple Pawn pushes here let's see what he does goes there G5 is the move that makes sense to me as long as he not hanging the house I'm going to play it takes takes knight4 doesn't do anything okay logical I assume I go here just guard everything I should be better now with H5 with with F4 and H5 I assume I'm better but I'm not 100% sure see what he does he plays Rook f8 makes a lot of sense uh if I go F4 F6 it's going to get very messy or I can play eh I think I've got to do it though if I don't do it what am I playing for I'm way up on clock with there's going to come a moment when I need to use my time and not Blitz out the moves I can already sense it like there's going to be a moment when I need to be very careful here la la la la okay rookie eight looks like a mistake I've got F5 here or H wait this looks very wrong to me no I I think I think uh Jose is getting very very sloppy here this looks horrible wait he's trying to play rookie wait I also have F5 maybe or Rook H wait okay let's think about this I also have Knight no Knight G1 he takes H how do I do this exactly I feel like I'm better but I don't know how to prove it I'll go here logical so much easy to prove how do I prove the advantage can obviously take I missed that H missed that move completely guess I go all in here I'm trying to go over Knight G4 and mate him I'm either winning or I'm losing here there's there's nothing in between do I take with a knight or do wait also Knight G4 let's go check wait I think I'm winning so if he takes I take the juicer all right all right I think I'm winning here actually uh or wait no it's not clear wait no it's not clear at all it's not clear at all actually it's very tricky and I don't know why I start singing like a lunatic I want to sack the rook and Sack the pieces or sack some wait Rook F3 wait no I win or no he's got Rook e four Wait Wait Don't Panic here Knight F4 Rook F4 Queen F3 Queen E3 Rook H4 Knight E6 um get 4 knight6 Knight of4 Knight of four queen of one2 Rook F four no no no no no no I don't see it I'm just going to go for the safe one I guess I think I was winning but it's it's too messy go there logical I'll play wait I got to move a i bled Queen G3 oh my God or wait uh no I can't ah I M wait I've got Queen F1 maybe I'm going to try to win the game still all let's go here come on you got to move it's too slow I might win now yes yes yes yes oh wow oh oh my gosh oh what a nightmare that was was I winning here or not oh no I was losing Bishop b f what what I thought I was just winning what the I was winning here with rookie 3 insane I missed multiple wins I don't know what was going on that whole game wait but here it's not winning I'm only I thought I was winning here somehow but so lucky so lucky yeah so lucky and I still go in and now now age six and I'm worse oh wow ag6 wow wait oh Rook C2 oh wow ridiculous actually ridiculous all right I mean I I've been losing in what like four games I'm doing like the nepo as well I'm doing the nepo yeah I'm doing the nepo actually I'm not doing the Fabiano I'm doing the nepo I've been lost in every single game basically like I mean I was lost against Jose I was lost against Santos latasa I was lost against knall that's at least three games I was losing yeah I'm gonna play E4 this time a draw more oh draw doesn't guarantee me first but a draw is good enough I [Music] guess oh all right let's just play D3 going to try to play something very slow and boring against bortnik he could just go E6 obviously he could also trade I don't know what he's going to do logical let's go here logical let's go here I guess he's playing very slowly so I thinke B's going to be going for some cheese plays F5 okay that's not crazy I can obviously Play N peasant but I don't think n peasant is what I want so I'm just going to Castle Bishop E3 also probably acceptable too he's going to try to I guess close the close the door go here he could play H5 if he wants to try and stop everything but he does that so be it I mean somewhere I've got A4 I also have B3 I think I'm just going to play B3 right here actually what am I doing kind of misplaying this just a little bit okay let's go here maybe play G G4 next [Music] move logical I can go G4 here the point is that some point I assume I'm going to play on both sides we go here logical I can obviously trade I can also take I don't want to play B4 but I'm going do it anyway how do I win though go here going to play G6 of course and I guess I go A3 I don't really want to play A3 but maybe I do it's question what how hard bordick wants to try and win the game too cuz he can obviously play G6 and try to clog the toilet and make a draw or he can go for more I guess I'll PR PR he's he's actually thinking about it here he's debating it okay so I'm going to go A3 here clog the king king's Queen side that's going to become a game of game of uh King side play logical let's go here probably I'm going to stack The Two Towers at some point I had Knight G5 maybe maybe the good news is if I want to I can play G5 and make a draw so I can play G5 and kill the game clog the toilet completely and then the game games over and I guarantee at least a share of first place I have a bit I mean the question is what happens in the MSB game against Christopher u i mean if youu wins then I could lose so if you win I lose maybe but we'll see um go here I'm going to go Rook G1 of course logical question is where do I where do I take or not take I'm just going to go here my knight on my knight on D2 is misplaced my knight here needs to be on a better Square it's not on the best Square where can I put the Knight maybe E3 probably I want this Knight on E3 so probably want to go one two three that makes a lot of sense actually oh pre moove takes logical let's go here [Music] wait what what does this [Music] do I don't understand Rook B7 at all is there some tactic that I'm missing this move looks it looks like a mouse flip honestly is what it looks like I mean I'm just better here clearly better now okay go here knight3 I me this looks very bad for black objectively I mean only I can be better here only white can be better looks very unpleasant to me if I go Knight E3 G5 I just take okay now I'm just better um the question is how do I continue to improve I think I'm going to go here maybe I walk my king maybe if I have time probably I don't have time to walk the king I take I mean I have KN wait takes takes Knight h Knight H4 Rook G7 I don't think this is okay I have Knight H4 I don't think this is okay at all this looks wrong I mean probably has to take with a G Pawn which again actually why did I allow this unless I'm going to I don't like what I've done I can maybe sack soon let's just go for it I think I'm winning but let's see what he does oh I missed that I missed Knight d8 that's annoying so I go Rook G7 that's no good [Music] I'm could go here and I'm trying to M him on B7 here think they just check me yeah I win check there we go let's go we got the win we get the win there we go we got the win 10 out of 11 N I don't know if the sack was right but it looked right was it right takes wow takes is wrong okay it's correct oh I was supposed to take D5 ah I was supposed to take D5 oh I took the wrong way but it's still good oh I suck at chest I was supposed to take D5 what am I doing but it's still very hard to play I guess uh still good H yeah yeah this game there was no luck involved luckily no I mean I actually knight5 why why did I miss that I should have seen that oh just Knight D5 and Rook G6 come on terrible yeah it's still good I mean I don't know if there were any Stacks earlier I thought I played well but yeah yeah luckily there's no luck involved yeah no luck involved in the last game luckily cuz I mean I got three lucks I lucked out three times earlier in the event at least um but three title Tuesdays in a row terrible exactly yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah no luck involved I mean I got lucky I was losing to Jose I was losing to Santos I was losing to Dan I think I was losing one other game too but yeah but yeah Knight D5 is just crushing because after takes takes takes I have Rook G6 and queen B5 and this just disaster yeah it was it wasn't quite right but it still worked out do you ever check the games in the middle like during the late title I mean theoretically you could like I could probably see if Christopher you is going to win against um against Matias blue bound but at the end of the day yeah I don't know all right there you guys go there you have it the winner at the end of the evening title Tuesday is grandmas hear nakur who's now won three title Tuesdays in a row um I won both today with a score 10 out of 11 the second one specifically I was very very lucky um but a win is a win money is money honey is honey and the sky is blue that's not the saying but whatever I'm tired and obviously it is what it is [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 125,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: xbzGnKL-CSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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