Magnetic Liner and Lashes | Do They Work? Pros and Cons and Sigma Eye Primers

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[Music] hey friends welcome to today's video today we are gonna be testing magnetic lashes actually I should say magnetic liner and lashes I have been so curious about this product since the first time I saw one of those ads on Instagram or Facebook that you see everywhere because I had tried matte magnet magnetic lashes oh I don't know a year ago two years ago whatever when they started popping up in the drugstores but they were the ones that came with like an upper and lower lash strip and you were supposed to like yeah it was a disaster I bought so many different pairs of them and I could never find one that worked and even if I did happen to get it right which never happened but even if I almost got it right on there they were so thick because there were two layers of lash so unfortunately I could never find one in the drugstore that I loved and since I got rid of my lash extensions last year I miss having long full lashes and I love applying false lashes but you know applying false lashes every single day it's probably not great for your lash growth so I'm really hoping that I love these I've seen some videos actually every video that I've seen using this product they seem to love it it seems to work really well so I'm very very excited I don't have any eye makeup on because I also want to play with the Sigma it's Pratt it's time to prime I got this in a PR package maybe a few weeks ago or so and I have yet to play with these and I really want to so it looks like they launched three new shades of these these primer sticks but I'm gonna use them just as like my eye shadow I don't think I'm gonna layer anything on top of it because I want my look to be pretty simple so that we can really focus on the lashes so let me just watch these really quickly for you so you can see what these look like so the first one is called persuade and this is what it looks like so these are pretty creamy they are I find them to be like eyeshadow sticks but they are saying they are primer so I assume you can pack on shadow on top of this really nicely this is persuade it's kind of like a peachy it's not actual like a flesh tone color almost looks like a concealer color and then we have the shade bubbly so this is like your high shimmery kind of champagne pinky shade a very very light would be a great color all over the lid then this is the shade sorbet which is kind of more of like a malts pink that's pretty these feel really creamy i swatched these on Instagram when I received him a couple of weeks ago and I was actually surprised how I mean I I expected them to stay well right but they would were really hard to get off actually I think you need like some good makeup cleaner to get these off okay and this is the shade ignite which is kind of like your yellowy gold hi sugar shade is deception mur no I'm sorry this does not have shimmer this is um this is more like a very very fair skin tone color almost like a very pale concealer color it looks like the color of skin but very light and this is a new one and then we have radiance which is also a new shade and this one looks to have some shimmer to it this is what radiance looks like so very similar in tone to the Ignite but with a lot of shimmer that's nice and then we have this shade earthen which is quite a bit darker than all of them and I think this is the one I'm going to use on my lid today because I am gonna wear it by itself this is just like your kind of I'm so terrible at swatches like why can't I have the real pretty clean perfect even swatches so this is what earthen looks like and this is like a creamy kind of me stupid shade that is kind of a pinky Brown really pretty I feel like this would be a great all-over color so that's what we are going to put on my eyes today and then we have two brushes that came in this set for these products this is the first one it's the p80 to precision round brush I like that I think this is the one I'm going to use and then it also came with this cream color a 58 brush which is like a flat you can see like a real compact flat synthetic brush I'm gonna use the precision round because I feel like I can buff the product into my skin a little bit all right so I'm gonna actually use two of these I'm gonna use one for my brow highlight and one for my lid we'll start with the brow highlight I am using the shade ignite okay so I'm just gonna kind of apply this right underneath my brow pretty mess Lee messily mess lays that word and then I'm gonna go in with this brush and we're just gonna buff it into the skin and blend it down that's pretty that's this is a great color for really making your brow pop I'm sure you guys have seen videos where they use concealer for that this would be a good alternative to concealer you could probably even use this above your brow to would you like to carve out your brow okay and I'm just gonna take the brush and whatever is left over and blend it on to my lid okay nice I just kind of brightens everything up I did have a little concealer on my lid so my lids were a little bit brighter than they normally are so next we're gonna take this shade earthen and we are just going to color all over the lid these are really creamy like they don't feel drying at all okay this is translating a little lighter than I thought so I might actually add a shadow on top of it we'll see and I'm just gonna take this brush and kind of buff out the crease a bit it is pouring outside I don't know if you can hear it but it's thundering and pouring so the perfect day to film I like the texture of these they're very very creamy okay I'm gonna take my finger it kind of got a little further out than I want okay I think I'm going to put a little color in my crease to give it a little definition I'm gonna use this shade right here this is from one of my new favorite palettes it's the Sephora brand and it's the I love in medium cool so I'm just gonna kind of do a sheer layer of that color in my crease these have a lot of pigment though so even though I'm gonna be light handed you guys are gonna see a lot of color come off this brush I really like cream shadow sticks because they're so easy if you or someone that doesn't like to take a lot of time on your makeup in the mornings but you want to look like you did or you want to look fully put together with a full face the makeup cream shadows sticks are the solution when I used to work outside of the home and my mornings were a little bit more chaotic than they are now I'd have to get myself up get myself ready for work and then get the kids up and you know all of that I would always wear cream shadow sticks because they were so easy all right so I'm just gonna kind of that into the crease all right and I think I'm going to take this shade here from the palette this bronze commissioned Marie shade and we're gonna pop a little bit of that on the lid just to highlight the lid so subtly okay so now we have the eyeshadow done I wanted to keep it really clean and simple because I really want to focus on these lashes so the brand of magnetic lashes that we're gonna be testing out today is by Moxie lash and I have two of the liquid magnetic liners and I have a couple of styles of the lashes so I have the classy lashes which look like this very natural I think these are the most natural of the three styles that I have the flashy lashes which have some more volume there are quite a bit longer they look to have nice little like clumps of lashes short and long lengths pretty glamorous this actually kind of reminds me of the lash extensions that I used to get and then I also got these sassy lashes which I assume are gonna be the more dramatic of the three styles yes so these look longer they look kind of similar to the flashy lashes just a bit longer all right so let me see if there are any instructions in here let's see how to use shake well before use start at the inner corner of your eye lightly continue gliding your brush okay so it just kind of tells you layer to maximize magnetic attraction and allow to dry for one to two minutes before applying your lashes okay well that seems easy enough I am going to film at the end of the day kind of a recap for you guys on how it is to remove this product because that has probably been my only concern is like how I've never used a magnetic liner before I wonder how that is to remove so I'm going to show you guys that to this evening as well okay so this is what the liner looks like it's actually a really beautiful package it's got this copper handle very sleek okay and then the brush okay so this is different I don't usually use a liquid liner like this this is actually a brush I usually use a felt-tip pen because I find it to be easier so let's see how this glides on I want to move you guys a little closer all right so you guys are up close and personal let's see how let's see how we do with this I've got a nervous okay so it's it's a little stickier than most liquid liners are it was actually easier than I thought to get that first layer but I think I'm gonna definitely need to layer it up and I'm actually curious if I need to do a thicker line than I normally do because the normal liquid liner that I do is always so thin it's a thin line and I don't know how it would stick to a thin line okay that's where we're at I'm gonna layer it just a little bit more but I'm not going to make the line any thicker I want to create the line just like I would if I were using a normal eyeliner and see how that works okay so this is definitely definitely a thicker formula for sure which I guess I expected it to be but with that said I was able to get a nice clean line I was kind of concerned that it would be very difficult to apply and messy and it wasn't but I do think you need to kind of layer it to get a nice consistent line it's not as easy as using like a normal liquid liner for sure so I'm gonna let that dry we'll move on to the other eye of it is getting in my lashes okay that's a little there's a little messy down there okay gonna go over that side one more time it's not perfect but I think once we have the lash on it'll be fine you won't notice any imperfections oh my god it is pouring outside all right so I'm pretty certain that the right side is dry we are gonna go and apply these lashes I am really excited about this you guys I hope this works because I just hope it works mm-hmm okay so I want to show you what the actual lashes look like so that's how you can see they come you can see the little magnets clearly those little squares that are attached to the band okay the lashes are really light make these okay so these lashes are very very light and fluttery the hairs look very soft like it looks like a high-quality lash I think - probably because you don't um put glue on these these can probably last you a lot longer than and typical lashes like you can get more uses out of them okay they stick they really do um okay none you guys oh my gosh Wow you guys I know these are really long but I'm kind of loving them oh my gosh oh okay hang on so I just lost power so here I'm back so I was kind of playing with those lashes a little bit and I think they're too large for my eye I want to cut them like I would a normal lash but I'm kind of hesitant too because I just want to do a little more research to make sure that would be okay so I'm gonna move on to the classy lashes we're gonna try those because those look to be a better fit for my eye and honestly they look like ones that I would wear every day anyway so let's give these a try okay so they immediately grab to the line are you guys Wow oh my gosh that was so easy what do you I can't see the band but yeah that is amazing that is amazing let's put the other one on I am so excited about these you guys oh my gosh I'm so excited I did get a little liner in my lashes and when I applied the other style I noticed that the lash that the false lash was kind of sticking to the natural lash where I had that liner build up so you do want to be careful not to do that I mean if you do it was really easy for me to adjust it and to like magnetize it to the liner and not my eyelashes but that did happen so I needed to tell you oh my gosh you guys that is so easy that is so easy and I'm gonna as far as like removing them okay so they definitely come off Cillian if you would try to get them off so at the end of the day they're not gonna be a struggle to get off but once they're on I mean once they are on their date they're pretty secure how do they look how do they look I kind of need to put a little mascara on my natural lashes because I can see my natural lashes so I'm gonna put a little mascara honestly I would probably recommend doing your mascara before you put these on that way you don't get mascara build up on the lash but for sake of this video I'm just gonna go ahead and do a little bit now and I'm just gonna do the slightest coat I mean I'm not gonna do much all I'm gonna I'm doing really is trying to blend my Naturals into these it looks like I just have perfect lashes they don't look like they're too much but they look like just a really really great mascara okay you guys I am impressed I am impressed so I'm going to wear these around today and I'm gonna check back in with you guys when I remove my makeup tonight and I'm gonna let you know how they wore throughout the day and I'm also gonna let you know how easy or not easy it was to remove this liner but so far I'm really excited these look fantastic and they were so easy I don't anticipate you having a problem with these at all the thing the trickiest part will be applying the liner applying the lash is super easy it's the liner that will be the difficult part if you struggle with liquid liners but they look amazing I'm excited I'll see you guys in a bit hey guys I'm back so it's been about a full week since I filmed what you guys last saw and I have worn the magnetic lashes several times over the last week and I have some final thoughts and I'm really glad that I tested them for several days because there are some things that I learned and some things that I want to share that I wouldn't have been able to share if I had only used them that one day I also want to show you the other styles so this is the style sassy lash this is what it looks like and I did not need to trim this one down at all I have this applied as it is from the box and I find that the strip actually fits my lash pretty well I do like these when I'm looking the monitor I like the way they look but when I look in a mirror I'm like these are so long but they are definitely glamorous then maybe for a special occasion but I think for everyday I would definitely wear the classy style so this is the sassy let me show you guys the flashy now these are definitely the band is a little too long and I message the company to see if I could trim them down and if it would matter but I didn't hear back but I'm gonna go ahead and just trim them and we're gonna see because I'm not gonna wear these as they are anyway because they are too long unless I were to scoot this all the way to the inner corner which would bother me they won't work they're just too long so you can see I mean you can see this little edge right here it's just too long so I'm going to trim that off and we're gonna see if they still last the only thing I'm concerned about is that there is a clear magnet right on the edge of this so I feel like unless I trim it far back enough to meet the next magnet which might mean I'm trimming off too much I don't know if the end would stick without it so let's just give this a try all right so I'm just gonna trim off what I would what I feel I need to but that does leave a little bit of the lash and without a magnet so let's see if it still works okay so I have trimmed it so the very very end very very end now does not have a magnet securing it in place but it does have a magnet pretty close to the end but just not right on the end and it seems to be it seems to be fine it looks like it's there on there secure so that's nice see I would wear this this is cute I like this style now that it's trimmed to my eye I'm gonna go and do the other so you can see the magnets on the band and you can see that there is clearly two magnets that are on either end so what I'm doing is I'm trimming off one of those magnets okay I think I need to apply a little bit more magnetic liner on the end because it's not really sticking you layer this a little bit okay while that's drying I want to show you how this works so I have a pretty thick line of the magnetic liner on my hand and you can see that the lash really does stick to it like a knot and I'll show you if I were to try and apply it like right here where I have no liner it doesn't it doesn't stick right when it's applied to the medic medic liner it actually sticks so see I want to show you just so you guys know that I'm not going to show you so if I were to sew IRA try put it here it doesn't stay so obviously it definite the product definitely works let's go and now that this is dry try to apply this there we go much better okay so we have them on so these are the flashy lashes I find the flashy and the sassy to be kind of similar huh I can't tell which I like better but I wanted to give you guys my final recap on this product some pros and some cons so one Pro is that these are definitely an easier way to apply false lashes than using the lash adhesive and lashes like we have typically been doing it's definitely much easier however that there is still a tricky part to this application and that is the liner if you struggle with liquid liner that's going to be where you find the most difficulty is applying a nice clean liner with this liner this liner is not like every other liquid liner this liner is thicker it is clumpy err and when I filmed the first day I didn't shake it I think I read in the description like you're supposed to shake it but I if you noticed I forgot to shake it so I have since been shaking it and shaking it does make a difference it does help it not be as clumpy but it's still a thicker formula you guys so I want to show you what it looks like when you take it out of the container so I don't know if you can tell but I mean it's thicker it's drier so it's harder to get a very clean you know sleek line it's going to especially when it's exposed to air for a while it's going to be a little clumpy ER so that's probably the trickiest part of this process is creating a nice clean line also I want to say that I did get this in my lash a couple of times and when I went to apply the magnetic lash it was a little tricky because my the magnetic lash was trying to stick to my eyelashes where I had this product in so that's tricky still way easier than applying glue without a doubt the cons of this now I want to say this when I removed it the first day I did notice that when I was removing the eyeliner it felt a little gritty if I could feel the magnets essentially it wasn't like just removing regular with liner didn't hurt the eye it didn't irritate the eye but there was that little grittiness that I definitely noticed also it did get stuck in my lashes and the next morning when I was trying to remove it you know I was just taking my fingers and trying to kind of trying to roll out the product I did notice that my one of my lashes came out with it with that said though I noticed when I use duo adhesive lash adhesive and lashes sometimes I get the lash the glue on my lash and when I pull off this fake lash I lose a lash or two with it so there is definitely that risk of losing lashes when you get this product into your lashes but I don't necessarily think it's any worse than the duo but it I definitely did notice the loss of some lashes when I got it into the lashes so you just want to be careful with that I also have really short thin lashes if you have strong thick lashes that's probably not going to be a big as big of an issue for you but for me it was something that I noticed I did confirm that you can use other magnetic lashes with this liner so while they have some really nice Styles you can also get the liner and go to the drugstore and pick up your Ardell magnetic lashes and use it with this so that's kind of a bonus because that just opens up more variety for you and I'm not sure how much these lashes retail alone but obviously at the drugstore you know you can get them for ten bucks or so as far as irritating my eye throughout the day I didn't notice them or feel them being any more irritating to my eyes than regular lashes you guys know I have very sensitive lashes so my eyes are constantly always irritated and I did not notice an increase in irritation by using these all so it is important that you do a thick enough line to actually have the magnets work if you do too thin of a line or you don't do a consistent layer of it and it's sheer or spotty in the liner it's going to have a harder time adhering I want to apply them today I didn't get the liner as thick on one end and I noticed that the lash wouldn't stick there so it's very important that you layer this product to get the strongest hold they do last all day I've worn these probably four or five days now all day long and I didn't have an issue with them falling off or moving or anything they stayed on the eye really great so in summary I want to say that I think this product does work I think it is easier than applying at typical lashes I think the cons really are you know having those that magnetic liner getting your lashes if you have very weak or short or brittle thin lashes that might be a concern for you it was for me so in summary this product definitely worked I was impressed with it there definitely are some pros when it comes to like ease ability and I think these are great a great option for someone that struggles with lash application and glue however I think the liner hopefully the liner will continue to evolve and improve over time I mean I gotta admit I think creating a magnetic liner is probably extremely difficult so hopefully they can get this formula to be a little bit smoother and a little bit easier to apply you know as they continue to improve their formula this isn't going to replace completely for me using lash and lash glue however I have no problem applying lash and lash glue I'm very experienced at it but I will definitely use these lashes again and I do like that they are reusable I think I read that you can use them like five times longer than you can your other lashes which which makes sense because you're not really applying glue to them they're staying relatively clean so I hope you guys found this video helpful leave all your questions and comments in the comments section below if you would like this video give it a thumbs up and I will see you all in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Lisa J
Views: 583,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moxie Lash, Magnetic Liner and Lashes | Do They Work? Pros and Cons, sigma eye primers, sigma eye shadow crayons, magnetic lashes, magnetic liner, how to apply magnetic liner, how to apply magnetic lashes, do magnetic lashes work, false lash application, sigma its time to prime, fake lashes, ardell magnetic eyelashes, magnetic eyelashes, moxie lashes, moxie liner, makeup, how to
Id: uiNkPk76Pio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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