Eye Makeup Tips to Make Your Eyes BIG and OPEN | MAC Training Secrets Revealed Series

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[Music] welcome to today's video if you are new to my channel don't be alarmed and don't be scared in my makeup looks like this for a reason in this video I'm going to be teaching you guys the do's and don'ts to create big open bright wide eyes so I don't know if you can tell but one side of my face has those techniques applied and the other has pretty much the opposite techniques applied now not to say that either one is better or worse I'm not trying to say these are the do's and don'ts of makeup this video is really teaching you the do's and don'ts if you are trying to create a bigger wider more open eye some of us have big bright beautiful open eyes and we maybe we want to diminish that or make them a little bit more almond shape or make our lid space look a little bit smaller and I still think this video will be helpful for you because you might want to follow the tips and tricks for the other side this video is really to teach you all about color placement color selection and texture selection in terms of matte and shimmer and where to place those to really create the perfect enhancement or shape of your eye whatever you're trying to achieve whether you want to achieve a rounded eye or an almond eye or diminish a larger lid or create the appearance of a larger lid I have this video filled with tips and tricks that can help you achieve that if you are newer to my channel and you enjoy these videos definitely subscribe these are my favorite videos to film I really like to break down makeup in an easy attainable and understandable way I don't like to just tell you guys to put this here and put this here I wouldn't explain the why behind it because our faces are all so unique none of us in this world have the exact same face so sometimes when you're watching YouTube videos and you follow them to a tee it might not be exactly what you're trying to achieve with your features so understanding the why why we put product where we do or why we place shimmer here or mat here or bright here or dark here that will really allow you to approach your makeup in the most ideal and customizable way for yourself so I hope you guys enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe and let's get started so first things first like I'm going to go ahead and prime both eyelids and I like to use a primer that is pretty translucent as you can see it really just slightly brightens my natural skin tone but there's no color to it this way it doesn't really alter the color of the shadow that I choose to put on it but it slightly gives a little bit of brightness on the eyelid and I just like to use my finger to just blend this out so this primer is i-wander beauty it's this smooth saline 360 eye primer this is my first time to use it I'm gonna have all the products that I use listed in the description box below I'm going to try not to talk too much specifically about certain products in this video because I want this video to be more about technique and teaching than necessarily the product but if you're curious everything will be linked down below so on the left side we're going to be doing all the tips and tricks to make your eyes appear brighter bigger more open and on the right side will basically be doing the opposite so you can really see side by side how makeup technique and how makeup Theory can enhance and kind of exaggerate your features okay so I'm going to go in and I'm using a matte mid-tone shade that's several shades darker than my natural skin tone but not too dark I know I said I was going to show you product but I'm going to show you the shade I'm using it it's the shade right here it's called bucked and it is in the Urban Decay Naked reloaded palette so you can see that this shade is definitely darker than my skin tone but it's not one of the darkest shades in the palette it's not necessarily dark enough to be like an eyeliner shade now I am going to apply this so look at this this is a creasing a little bit now I'm going to apply this in my crease and I'm gonna go back and forth almost like a windshield wiper motion and I'm gonna create kind of a rounded shape if you notice I'm really kind of rounding my brush to create that more round eye and I'm actually going to switch brushes I'm not a fan of that brush we're gonna go with my good old trusty 224 by Mac now I want this to be a very sheer wash I don't want it to be really intense I don't want to cut crease I don't want anything really stark I just want kind of like a diffused halo of color start that starts in my crease and softly like diffuses up and you can see that I'm really working back and forth back and forth to create that shape you can see that I'm holding my brush pretty far out I'm almost holding it to the end of the handle versus like choking up on it this is going to allow my hand more range of motion so I really can blend that product out and get a nice soft wash of color now what this step is doing it is such an important step you guys this is creating dimension in your eye it's giving you a more defined crease it's also tricking the eye of those that are looking at you to create like a more rounded eye it's also lifting your eye because I am pulling that a little bit higher it's tricking the eye to think that that area is a little bit more lifted than it is naturally so you can already tell that this eye has more dimension than this eye with nothing on it so what I'm going to do on the right side is I'm going to go in but I'm going to use a darker shade and I'm gonna use a shimmer shade I'm gonna go in with this shade right here you can see it's quite a bit darker than the one we just used and it's got a lot of shimmer now the way that shimmer and Matt plays with light and makeup as shimmer is going to basically make it an area look flatter it's gonna make an area look like it's coming towards you where Matt is going to recede light and it's going to make something look like it's going in so with using a matte shade I'm creating more definition in the crease using a shimmer dark shade I'm basically reflecting that light kind of pushing the eyelid out a bit more so I'm gonna put that in the same area but instead of going real round it I'm gonna kind of pull it out so it's almost more elongated now don't get me wrong you guys everything you're gonna see me doing on this side I'm not saying that it's wrong and I'm not saying that it's bad I'm just saying that if you're trying to create a more open rounded bright eye this is the technique that you want to go with so don't think that if you do your makeup like this it's wrong you might just like a more elongated cat eye that is totally fine I do my makeup like this sometimes too so I'm going a lot darker and I'm kind of pulling that out a little bit like I said to just create more of like a kind of pulled out elongated eye okay so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in and add a little bit of darkness right here in the outer corner just in the outer corner though I'm just gonna concentrate it here this is also going to kind of exaggerate and emphasize that real rounded eye because we're going from darker to gradually lighter and we're gonna keep all the lightness here it's going to basically contrast with that light and make that lightness pop even more which is essentially what's giving you those larger brighter more wide eyes so I'm gonna go into the palette and I'm just using a really dark matte Brown and I'm using this little pencil brush this is the pencil brush II thirty by Sigma and I'm basically just kind of placing that in the slightest little v-shape you can see that it kind of pulls down and meets my lash line and then I slightly take it up here into the very very outer fourth of my crease I'm just placing it with this brush then I'm gonna go back and I'm going to soften it with my 224 brush the brush we just use in the crease now if you ever have a hard time blending like if you have replaced really dark matte shadow like that I do have another video on a really cool trick that can help blend that a little bit better I'll link it down below but basically what you want to do is just grab a shade that's similar in color to the matte one you just used but it has a little bit of shimmer because shimmer tends to blend out a little easier so you can just take that shimmer and pop it right on there and it's gonna soften all the edges a little bit now I'm gonna do a similar technique on the right eye but instead of keeping it just in the outer corner I'm gonna bring it over to consume quite a bit of the eyelid space so I'm using a bigger brush this is the masterpiece crease brush by makeup of the day brushes I think is what's called you can just see the shape it's not so important you have these exact brushes that I'm using but you can see the shape of this brush so now I'm just gonna go and apply that color just like I did on the other eye except you can see that I'm taking this quite a bit over - oh gosh let's just take it halfway over the lid and kind of just feather it into the inner corner a little bit or the inner half I should say okay next I'm going to go with that 2:24 just like I did and I'm gonna kind of soften the edges I'm not trying to make this eye look bad keep in mind I'm not trying to teach you the do's and don'ts of makeup again I'm just teaching you the do's and don'ts of trying to create a bigger rounder eye so I'm going to just soften this a little bit with my 224 brush until there's not really any harsh edges it's gonna take a little bit more work because I'm working with a darker matte shade and a lot of it okay okay so next what I'm going to do is I'm going to put my lightness on the inner half of the lid in the inner corner so I'm gonna go in with a shimmery shade because shimmer reflects light it brings cause more attention to that so if you have a smaller lid like I feel like I do I don't have a lot of lid space right here I want to bring more attention to it I want to exaggerate it a little bit so I'm gonna pop a really light shimmery shade there and I'm just using the lightest gold in this palette it's called a barely baked and I am just like popping that right in the center of the lid and I'm just pressing it on with a little shader brush and you want it to meet the darkness but you don't want to cover it up that darkness you want to keep that contrast between the two and I'm leaving the very very inner corner Barracks I'm gonna go in with an even brighter color to even pop that a little bit so we're just gonna keep that right right here so I don't know if you can already tell the difference between the two eyes and which one looks smaller and which one looks more open but we are getting there so what I want to do on the right eye is I want to show you applying a shimmery shade that is darker so I'm gonna use this shade distilled and the palette it's kind of a nice rich dark chocolate brown but it has a little bit of shimmer and we are gonna pop that right here and then kind of more inner half of the lid we're just gonna bring that all the way to the inner corner right there so next what I want to do is I want to take the lightest shade in the palette it's called bribe and I'm going to pop this just right here in the inner corner and that's actually a little too white I don't how bright that is so I'm just gonna take a clean brush and I'm just gonna kind of soften it a little bit I could have avoided that by just taking this brush initially to apply it but I'm gonna take that brush then I'm gonna take the same shade and I'm gonna apply it right underneath my brow right on that brow bone this is going to help lift the eye because again it's calling attention right here to that brow bone so it's making it the eye look more lifted it's all about contrasting light and dark shades together you can see that I've got the light here the darker here I've got the light here the darker here putting those variations of tones next to each other really enhances them and makes them pop so for the right eye I'm gonna go with the light shade for the brow but I'm gonna go with something that's a little bit darker let me just show you so for the left eye with the more bright open eye I use this shade right here and for the right eye I'm gonna go on the opposite side and use this shade it's hard to tell in this palette but the this shade has a little bit more shimmer and this is a more of like a kind of a velvety matte shade so I'm gonna go in with that shade I'm gonna put that right underneath my brow it's pretty much the color of my skin it's not really any brighter than my skin in fact you can see that it kind of just blends into my skin so you can see that doesn't really do anything for the ayah doesn't really lift the eye it doesn't really highlight that brow bone it doesn't give that kind of lifted more rounded look it just it's just it's just there do you see the difference so hopefully you can tell that by putting a lighter shade with a little bit more sheen you can see how it really lifts the brow bone and really lifts the eye makes appear more open versus going with something that is too close to your skin tone and that doesn't really have any bit of Sheen to it I'm not saying you have to go really frosty or shimmery because that also can go wrong really quick but you want something with a little bit of a sheen to it okay let's talk liners somebody use the same eyeliner on both sides but I'm going to change the eyeliner technique you guys know that I love my Kat Von D tattoo ink is that the name of this product tattoo liner and I'm just gonna change the shape in the way that I line the eyes so for the right side I'm basically going to take that line I'm gonna take it from the furthest inner corner to the furthest out corner and you know that when I get right up to the inner half I kind of just pull it out a little bit and create the softest little wing but what I'm doing differently here than what I normally do in my tutorials really is taking it all the way to the inner corner depending on your eye shape and especially for someone like me that has I have pretty small eyes and they're very almond shape if I want to create a more rounded eye I don't want to bring it all the way over to the inner corner because it really is such a harsh product but I mean lit black liquid liner is a really harsh liner it does really make the eye appear smaller and more closed off so what I'm gonna do on the other side to make the eye appear more rounded and bigger is I'm going to start my liner almost about halfway slightly a little more than halfway and I'm going to create kind of like a rounded line so to do that what you want to do is have this inner part be as thin as possible and then have it slightly get a little thicker right here above the iris that creates that round effect then when you start pulling the liner down you can pull it and wing it out so you can still have that elongation of your eye if you like that which I do but you can also achieve that rounded look by concentrating the thicker part of the liner right above the iris and of course not taking it all the way to the inner corner do you see what liner does and do you see how it can completely change the shape of the eye okay so this next step I'm really excited to share with you because I think this is going to be one of those aha moments I get asked all the time in fact I just got asked the other day in our Facebook group page which is best a nude bright liner in the inner rim or a dark liner and then a rim and it's hard to say which is best because it's not really one is better than the other but they just do different things to the eye so a nude liner is going to create a more open rounded bright eye so I'm gonna show you how that looks right here in the left and when I'm looking for an interim liner I like something that's lighter than my skin tone but that still looks like a skin tone I stay away from this stark white liners they don't look natural and they're too distracting I think I think when someone has that in their eye it's very hard to notice anything else except that so I like to go with something that is either like a peachy or a pink natural skin tone that's lighter than your natural skin tone so for the right eye we're gonna go in with a true black liner this is the Urban Decay 24/7 and this shade is zero and we are just gonna go back and forth and line the inner rim and we're gonna go from the furthest outer corner to the furthest to inner corner now either way you go I think it is important to do some liner just below that underneath your lashes because that is going to just kind of complete and finish the look I think it looks very odd if you don't so what I'm gonna do on this side is I'm gonna go in with a brown kind of like a almost like a bronzy brown shade not a black and I'm just gonna kind of create a little bit of a rounded line and I'm gonna stop about midway over I'm basically not taking it any further than my iris ends and then on the other side we'll go do the same thing but we're going to do it with a black and we're going to take it over a little bit further now you can see here that you can still see my natural skin tone through the liner I didn't get close enough or I didn't get enough on there to really conceal that so I'm gonna go in with this shadow to just smudge that out and blend it now on this side I'm gonna go in with the same shade that I used in my crease so it's that shade that's a little bit darker than my natural skin tone but not too dark and I'm gonna just basically work this on top of that liner to soften that liner and give it more of like a smokey look and basically kind of end kind of diffuse the line where it stops so I don't want it to be a harsh line where it stops where you we can get that look with just a pencil alone this is gonna create a softer a seamless softer seamless kind of end and on this side I'm gonna go in with a really really dark matte brown shade that we used on the outer core I'm just gonna go over this this is just gonna kind of blend that black so that it looks consistent and you can't really see any of the skin and this is gonna take a little bit more work I never wear black eyeliner on my eyes it's so harsh for me don't get me wrong I think black eyeliner on the bottom is stunning I see it on others and I've tried it so many times for myself but I just don't think it's complimentary to me but don't get me wrong you guys this is just me and my personal preferences if you're watching this and you're thinking but I love black eyeliner on myself please don't let this video discourage you from doing it the purpose of this video really is to show you how light dark texture and placement of shadows can either open an eye up make an eye appear smaller more rounded and just change the shape of your eye that's what the purpose of this video is you guys so the next thing that I'm going to do on the left eye ours I'm gonna curl my lashes and I'll be totally honest you guys this is not something that I do day to day mainly out of laziness but if you really want to make your eyes appear larger and more open this step can make the biggest difference so I'm just gonna kind of curl those then I'm gonna go ahead and apply my lash primer in my mascara on both lashes I did a mascara video recently on tips to get the most volume and fullness at the root of your lashes I'll have that link down below but you'll notice if you watch that video you'll notice me now that's how I apply my mascara you'll probably notice that in every video now hi a little bit on the lower lashes so you can see that by curling the lashes it clearly made these flashes lift more and give a more round open eye versus this I mean this looks great this is normally how many lashes look but just doing that little extra step really does make a big difference okay and the last thing that you can do is add a little bit of brightness right here in the inner corner and I'm just gonna go in and use the shade that I used underneath the brow and I'm using a big fluffy brush because it's important that I don't want this to be too intense I don't want this to be very obvious I want this to look like a little bit of light so if I use a small stiff brush it's just gonna look it's not gonna look good I want something very very light I'm even tapping my brush so I don't have too much excess and I have the slightest pressure you guys the slightest pressure so I just want to go in there and give a little bit of lightness right in the inner corner and then we are done so hopefully you can tell between the two eyes obviously they're completely different looks but I pretty much use the same shades I just changed the placement of them so hopefully this video really demonstrated to you how choosing color range and how choosing texture in terms of shimmer and matte and how placement of your shadows can really exaggerate enhance or alter at your eye shape so I hope you guys enjoyed this video these are my favorite videos to film I absolutely love teaching makeup and an easy attainable and understandable way I don't like to just tell you to put this here put this to here oh I love this put this here I like to explain the why behind it so that you understand you know when you're watching these makeup tutorials why they're doing the things that they're doing and you also understand that not everything translates on each other the same way we all have different shapes to our eyes to our nose to our lips different features different things that we want to enhance or exaggerate so understanding the why behind it and why we place products in the manner that we do really I think allows you to approach your makeup in a very customizable way that's best for you so hope you guys enjoyed this video as always thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you all in my next one bye [Music]
Channel: Lisa J
Views: 108,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eye Makeup Tiips to Make Your Eyes Big and Open, how to make your eyes bigger, tips for hooded eyes, hooded eye makeup tips, makeup, makeup tips, eye makeup tips, makeup tutorial, lisajmakeup, lisa j makeup, eye makeup tips for hooded eyes, how to make my eyes look bigger, tips for small eyes, how to, how to makeup, how to make my eyes pop, best eye makeup for my eye shape, small eyes makeup tips, mac training secrets revealed, mac makeup, makeup artist, hooded eye makeup
Id: eF1AAOpdVpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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