Magnet fishing UK murder mystery! Steve almost drowns! #13

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[Music] in the 18th century a young woman was tragically murdered at the haircutter tunnel for jewels she was coloring on her way to London her head was cut from her shoulders and her body was dumped into the canal her head was never found and she became known as the kids grow of Bhagat today the staffs water rail esteem will search for the murder weapon and the jewels believed to be missing in the canal stay tuned as you begin our search of the waters morning guys and that's why we're here today down the hair castle tunnel got a good feeling about this well mrs. du than do my ass proud right to it but wishes look guys let's see how we get on times so the first find in maybe two months some kind of spike nail think it's a spike then what it's from though that's a happy so far never know might find the head of if whatever it was that was killed in there about the kind of luck I was expecting to find on the canal so apparently these guys are coming through this tunnel at the moment and they've been a lot longer than what they should be so the canals and rivers Truscott that we've been talking to is going to give them a bit of a flee in the air so an hour and five minutes they've been in there [Music] [Music] Bente so someone's purposely with it you never know I've been using something doesn't seem right you say make sure you've known to this day about this shoe bridges other that is a really good one gas canister bother look at it I'm not an unexploded bomb or anything for that is really cool and luckily that good find no I saw Steve interest in keep it going bud so this wasn't an iron bars itself is he a fan of someone else's and it is still wet I think we're finding this walking down to the bridge stuff we're not after all the magnet fishers so pissed off I don't want to take your junk town just wants a mine but if I it's fine how come he being grumpy it's going on my best today bit offense booster care today has it not a drill but the mystery of the kids Grove Bhagat continues to avoiders yeah all fence posts loose we know the canal is clean which is a good thing after our little escapade down to the hair castle tunnel didn't find more so we decided we're gonna come have a look at this nope all this I'm mistaking Stoke by ponds not Paul and thought it might find something never no dodgy pulling out a BMX at the moment so we're about to get that Oh doesn't look too old so you never know Dave might be able to have a ride on this one yeah fantastic Steve Steve's got to struggle on with this guy's because due to lockdown conditions I've got to stay two meters away from did we find anything in here to be fair quite pleased of that wheels flat for decent Nick bike frame that it yeah Nashville Steve well done mate found the other wheel now after a really quiet morning we moved on and we've come to one of our old stomping grounds in a few minutes pulling out the finds who does this he pumps a car wing full calling that off and active so I don't know what car that is someone could tell it's a v8 tell you what they Dave it's not very active at the moment [Laughter] well you can see Steve you've had something really nice so I'm gonna hand over to Steve now so we can have a look good today the tunnel called a couple of things it's gonna be one of those lanterns that goes on skips or on the roadside if the roadworks and things going on and it's not working for moment but it's gonna be one that I probably get home give it a bit of restore in garden refreshingly junk that is gonna be going nuts about ya nice fine well Steve awesome back box it's all about the motor industry in this and this pond the newsagent as you can see I folded it out and you would normally put whatever you're swinging from there and yeah wait yeah actually that was a grapple job that one did well get that in Steve mate so what fine do we have here guys still in its holster as you can see we have a knife that's awesome and it's a flip blade one as well I think there is a button on it yeah so that would compress down as well I'm not going to mess around with it too much I'll clean it up and show you the pictures after got there you go just zoom in a little bit there you go guys yep our third knife we've had so far amazing we'll put that away the other interesting fine guys as you can see there Steve thinks it's off a bike frame right Steve I think it's part of the bike frame from the handlebars so these handlebars no handlebars that get down the middle so those up there so that pit beware the petrol tank is where it's been chopped off maybe and then the rest of the frame going down crazy this pool is full of stuff absolutely for stuffins just say what kind of make it is on you weirdly enough all the fines that have had so far at this pool have all got something to do with traffic think it's another part of a motorbike let's say so to do yeah sort of the front end with a cross bar across the top petrol tank could normally go bearish and the engine there so it looks like there are Nikanor lopping the engines out of them and just chucking the frame so that's the second motive at today so yeah happy days we keep going so this number play I've ever found move a different one they could check now DVLA I was going to say if you checked that surely can see where the rights stolen car or something or at least it needs a demo today we've got parts to fail you know how to replace it [Music] Dan's not / - I see now you've done it for for this weighs a ton and but yeah this was someone I'm gonna over gand why are you smashing through concrete brick work and just on the floor we've got the connector so you know that that's definitely industrial job and you've got the fittings there go into it to drill through this stuff or come in it's toolbox mate amazing you need to explore the up now is that drill bit could it be oh no no but err me a Sbarro as well but that is a Makita even save it on there on the side have no need to see it that's a Makita as well may that's awesome what a fantastic fine that is that's probably my best fine today yeah that is brilliant we need to try and get that cleaned up and see even get up working heavy so guys pulled these out after Steve and three sockets come out on it and yeah this this pool was full of stuff fantastic so were quite chuffed with them we're gonna keep going there's loads of stuff coming out here so with all the excitement there's many catching the drill and I didn't even see the Spanish on the market and the shiny 2p but by the looks of it that someone's supposed tools are being stolen which isn't very nice for them and the beat stolen from a van or something and this looks like a hot spot for where people just dump all of the storm and stuff we found a couple of safety last time David anne-marie and so find a car parts criminal and which is unfortunate for the victims bought it's good for us to get these fines its really made today worth it so happy relaxed a lot down day [Music]
Channel: Staffs Water Raiders
Views: 1,625
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing murder, magnet fishing murder mystery, magnet fishing stolen goods, man almost drowns, crazy magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing europe, magnetstore, staffswaterraiders, magnet fishing knife, magnet fishing stolen finds, magnet fishing adventure, harecastle tunnel, spooky murder tale, canals, murder weapon, stolen jewelry
Id: 8zkZoesFi_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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