Gun safe found magnet fishing and a shocking item found in the pond!! #27

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] morning everyone we're back once again with the renegade master d4 damager power to the people so we've come back guys to the place that always gives us a great great treat i think there's unfinished business here guys it's got a good feeling there's gonna be more guns what do you think steve i think there's definitely gonna be more guns when we came here last time this was the last spot that we fished in and dave was lucky enough to pull out uh barrels and a pistol uh from the spot that he's gonna be fishing from today so i reckon i reckon we could and yeah i've got a good feeling about this today get in good feeling we've we had a week off guys we've had a bit of sun and a bit of holiday so let's kick back in and do some so uh let's get on with it let's do it guys look at that all these bubbles here unless i've just clobbered the turtle bunga so first find of the day what we've got stevo it is the ignition oh is as well from a mic anyone remember the crazy frog yes mate i apologize for that i'm sorry i will never do it again awesome well it's something mate i've got something over here dave oh hey the words of ricky tomlinson hey but for a second dave i thought it was your favorite thing in the whole wide world i think it's a ground peg yeah it's some sticky it's got it's got like the rope attached to it and it's got a rope attached to it so i think yeah someone's dog maybe i don't think they'd have took the dog in it's not going to be that dog that we found well yeah mate what kind of dog are they obvious with a steakhouse i mean wolf beast i don't know but yeah hound of the baskervilles got some weight on it whoa check this out steve we got bro oh mate look at that talk about burner guys walkie talk about bernie look at that mate that this is a proper mr t special that is 18 bad boys [Music] i don't know how old this bad boy is but uh hello is it me you're looking for [Laughter] how weird is that that is mad in it that is mental well at least you've got something to call the po-po's if we bring anything in mate i'll tell you what they should keep they should have these instead of little knockers they should have these these are more gangster style aren't they you know what if if they still had phones like that and those were out the law it would stop people walking around on the phone and and not looking where they're going because you wouldn't get you wouldn't you'd be too ashamed to get that right that is bed tonight you can build houses with him it's good to talk steve oh cause that was coming in that bit was poking out and i know your foresight's done a lot like that and i just thought i'd fold in a gun for a second but it is part of the bike i am going to pull in a yamaha a whole back there you go i know the law oh god there you go fishing lure nice [Music] teapot your touchdown here's my handle here you approve dave oh mate yes please do you know what though seem better day's mind you know what it wasn't that hard to get because i lured it in oh you mad fool metal teapot dude it's a smoke grenade i think that has a smoke grenade that's not gone off because it's still got the pin wash what the hell check it out it is look oh look at that that is mental what is that doing in this pond i don't know mate but we're swapping places you'll find all the good stuff grenade hand smoke screening training that is ace that is mental that's insane i'm just surprised you're doing this this little shitty phone says yeah i said twice what was he doing in his body that's insane i'm staining the membrane insane in the membrane [Music] mate that is awesome nice look at that guys that has mental smoke grenade in this little pond jesus tell you what the criminals in stoke are pretty hardcore aren't they criminals in stock hardcore they go at it properly smoke grenades guns everything going down oh mate that's it that's mental another pitchfork rake bad boy ultra shrek's pond i have the law i hope circuit board potential pc steve yeah i think it's got no names on it but yeah i think it's going to be like a pc thing so that's the bottom of it it's got a cable out which i think would be the the cable that goes into the into the monitor and i think that monitor shield that frame that you found earlier so someone had a hug this off a tree so someone's been down here potentially fishing and i reckon that might have something to do with it because that looks like a monitor screen yeah old school so yeah the old-school green screen pcs pull it there guys so that's just come out little uh nine mil bullet steve could have been off that gun we found a couple weeks ago there you go the gun that we found that got someone so angry there to call us names i'm so angry i'm shaking with rage while i'm writing this ah how dare you have fun how dare you lost in powers got a new grappling hook dave nice and that one there steve that's pretty cool that is that's uh let's wash him there you go that's a proper fishing look at that someone would have been gutted losing that bad boy yeah just pulled this little bad boy in steve as he would say i have the law yeah so it's quite a nice actually all rubbed up rub it up got a kinky lure a tail light of some kind some monetary items there dave good work steve nice style it's gonna be maybe a brake light or something off of a bike like a scooter maybe they all mate you've almost got a full bar you are i know what is it steve what we got there it's an oven tray for the person of a smaller statue dave that's what i think it is cooking your chips but uh no i have no idea it's going to be some kind of drainage straight into it yeah um would be flying it's got like the enamel and stuff on it but i mean it broke it look oh can't cook me chips no kenna all three of them the old ice man with a brand new invention something gotta hold me tightly i can dive like a harpoon daily listening to the boys from the big bad city this is jam hot this is damn hot got myself another uh judged ready of me oh very good and a law oh very nice mate no don't look at that look at this look at it look at it check it out check it out we have the nine mil and then we have the involved no i vlogged i had to check with steve on and then he went on german and slightly yes yeah it's very good eh what's that bad i am dutch don't you know stop it i've got the battery oh i think i'll leave the access to steve guys can you do the fandango and the modern lightning very [Laughter] [Music] so again another nine mil guys checking out that little bad boy so it's three four of them are bad now oh oh hey up now you're fourteen so right let's get this right so it's got a chinese label on the back all of these are the same color mates like the blue rims so we've got a little set going on here aren't we fisherman's tea set so i can have the for bloody daltons as well yeah there you go would you like anything else sir i would love a cup of tea please oh yes oh lovely winner that's the gears how was it oh well yeah note to self don't put your fingers between a piece of metal and the magnet good grief pamphlet good grief got my fingers out there dave there you go it's going to be about the gearbox into that yeah definitely mate it's got to be on it jack really grinds my gears dave come on when people throw motorbike parts in a bun oh say that it's got some weight in it yeah mate that'll be good for the scrap man you can imagine what i thought this was pulling that in and that shape came in but it's uh it's stuck come on mate wrench it off so yeah have a look i think it's just an adjustable wrench i don't know it's weird it's definitely not a gun anyway that's definitely a wrenching thing there's no old yeah some old wrenches broke but that obviously broke off that shape in the water guys look like a pirate pistol or something but yeah it's a wrench and then the other side we have a butter knife interesting couple of finds here guys so we've got some spring is it a spring or a bolt or something maybe oh it's not a bolt but it's definitely a car part anyway i'm rubbish but then we have a massive blade yeah definitely some kind of blade of bullets on there as you can see so yeah so loads of bullets steve i'm gonna hand over to you mate see what magic you can do in this spot a bit weird felt heavy in the water and you can see it does say battery thing on it so it's a battery cover maybe i think it's probably from the compartment yeah inside the engine maybe so while we've got a quiet spell i'm going to give the guys at white whaley magnet fishing a shout out and they gave us a shout out the other week which was dead nice of them we've just not had a chance to do it so uh hello everyone at white willie guys i've been watching your videos uh the little gun hole that you pulled in say a little gun hoard massive gun hall so anyone's uh looking for people pulling guns and give that guy a watch he's pulled in some special items over the last couple of weeks so all looking good awesome guys um yeah i've got any guns at the moment got a nice little sparkly thing though no no no no to point out as well that dave has got legs just in case you can't see them he's wearing camouflage so definitely i don't know which way around it go steve maybe that huh so yeah it goes that way the amount of bike parts you can this pond is crazy yeah that's the standard that's cool it would go down on it yeah okay so that as steve just pointed out there's the stand guys on the motorbike leg would you call it a leg stand leg foot stand whatever i don't i don't want to come across as trying to be an expert in keska yeah we are experts in bikes or guns or anything guys just in case anyone's watching who gets offended well actually i do kind of know me guns but i don't want to be a whatever the word it was he called me i just don't know anything about anything but that to me looks like a bike frame look at that there you go guys just pulled that in that looks like the mud guard off the back of the motorbike i actually thought i pulled in a boot but it is it's rubber and unless it's a willy i've pulled in a dead man's willy dave but that would look gross so we have a law or whatever that is dave it's like a a hook with a bell and a couple of bells in it yeah that's it there you go because fish like bells i mean you'll like this one shiny shiny i was a drab little crab once another law it's very green and colorful yes mate first thing you do when you find something like that is press the button at the top and see what happens boom thoughts i've got a bullet oh my off there you go yeah i got a bullet hey let's just speak to ruben for a second then guys i thought i found another oh oh talk about epic fail oh dear i thought i found another little treat from last last time we're out like a detonator hang on i had a bang somewhere he was these things sticking together right put it down what am i doing pure strength not like the spaghetti i'm tiny pee tell you what 18 spam on the internet that's what we got fishermen there's a bin right there there you go petra cap off the motorbike we also have another shout out to give today so sebastian harbouring uh we've heard that you've been watching our videos and you're really enjoying them so giving you a big hello from the swamp thanks for watching cheers for watching mate awesome hey up now the dinner set's coming in dave may we've got we've got the sandwich plate tell you what we've obviously been fishing had a really bad day and chucked all this stuff in [Laughter] honestly these guys are the residents of dagobah maybe it's yoda in a turtle it's a shoelace for the 90s kid gross bottle caps remember them if they put them on the shoes yeah that's that's a funky bottle cap what is this we've just pulled in so we've got a locker of some kind okay so steve he's just trying to get into what we think could be a gun cabinet guys we don't know for sure definitely a cabinet this is a gun cabinet so three guns in there wow nice so unfortunately guys it's heavy uh empty which means they've managed to get it open get whatever they want out of it and chuck it well i could find them mate so you see it's got um holes in the back where the bolt into the wall and whatnot but the gun's in there dave i know there's a thing of the guns in there never know mate that's crazy what a great final steve that's awesome that was a fight we love a fight though don't we dave in fact it was locked as well oh man let's go again guys let's go again just come out guys a little cash box but there's nothing in here as usual well guys come to the end of another awesome session um we found some great stuff again uh it's got crazy weather now it's baking up but it's raining would you believe um you enjoyed it steve i'm absolutely jiggered today dave first time back after a couple of weeks and pulled out some really good stuff we thought that this really would be it this is the last time we come here pulled out a gun safe uh we've pulled out cash boxes motorbike parts again ignitions from them bullets smoke grenades smoke grenades what does that do yeah awesome stuff so yeah i've had a good time yeah it's been really good so guys you know what to do oh i was going to turn as well steve but yeah cheers it's not even on your back oh it is a little epic fail um stash water raiders guys please like and subscribe we're on facebook and instagram as well thank you as ever for watching we really appreciate your support from me and steve bye bye bye bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Staffs Water Raiders
Views: 2,149
Rating: 4.8909092 out of 5
Keywords: Magnetfishing, Treasure hunting, magnetfishinguk, magnetfishingadventures, staffswaterraiders, magnetstore, gun found magnet fishing, gun safe found magnet fishing, shocking magnet fishing, awesome magnet fishing, magnet fishing europe, oh my god magnet fishing, shocking item in the pond, 550 pro magnets, best magnet fishing, jackpot magnet fishing, funny magnet fishing, magnet fishing finds
Id: SmSIXS4o3a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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