magnet fishing our biggest hoard

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oh gosh welcome to another video that mean you know what every reading there's some really cool tools we've got bridge above us we have that which was gonna wear really cool design so guys got something oh that's Chris part of a Christmas tree that's a come and mop handle that looks like it's look yeah it's me so a Christmas tree oh Christmas tree oh my god as you can see we've got guy back with us oh I love Christmas it's even like it Ryan so yeah that's your cool point Phillips got it okay more can I want Christmas strength so just chop that tree down here it never looks weak let's bring this something heavier pieces oh I'm gon look cool that wait why is it flat in there - my family what did you enjoy into the brain okay yeah looks cool though oh yeah to say that we're still getting things are hiding around there what'd you find oh wow beautiful necklace oh my god this one even magnet fishing this was just it was just I'm gonna put the pole down don't tell me that I mean Nikki stupid do you attack son yeah oh and the bad guys got something off you go well you got are we late he's got a wheel and what's that - oh Linda your sign is on some house see ya oh I don't know the jungle yeah really good night have a bent bar in it so I will know what hell is that what's it yourself I really don't know what Patty's really looks like I think that the car Tigers I thought that you know but why would that like the tiger Andy comment but no yeah or the normal answer Oh another bar is the bar kid Wow the milk you've allocated home bug oh my god I move lettuce oops or something whatever monkey barking thank you see what I mean and we thought was oh you've got nothing Giants got summer are we these helpful Nick I'm believing our holy water please please get that oh oh that's a leg of a chair Ilana oh no Annie still don't gate oh and he's got a bar over there never monkey bar you are definitely the monkey bar here right you kept on whatever use on you wanna love but what we're on I'm standing back to these better so dangerous take it all you want it I know you can all fit you've got a little Stanley nice being whatever the board blank thing yeah or if you're watching an America a box cutter okay buzzer sounds yeah we're finally up side of you hold on there's death junk but that's not what you was on though innit okay you're on it I owe wait until drank it tonic about Queen oh no oh they're caught each other giant it is not a word but I like giant is right you only got that on me no two people not a fuse box I separate this isn't dishwashers you are a sebacean actually it's edition comments below please just stop this arguing bring me oh my god you might have a push push bite down a mood yeah I was pulling it in and then he went looser and that came out really which is offered you just gotta find the rest of the bike yeah cool it's got something you've got hey it was no I haven't just eat all the monkeys just you know be safe are you safe - safe because the safe will reset that one things I can see gonna face I say they're hilarious Oh Lord it's really something oh no it's got all sorts a you talk about a bit of everything that's a boy look there we eat a corner bar yes that's a border I know and I don't know three things you want host John Daniel right now contrast atossa like a lot whatever that is I don't know yeah yeah there's like stuff and then it's whatever that is what you said is is that cool no not ice huh it's not machinery whatever in it yeah it was coming together like oh no not another race on it man at work one yeah yeah oh my god sticker today is that that's not what you've stuck on is EJ guys got something oh don't worry babies but it's nice been done I know this is it inside interesting some sort of machinery would you say it's cool Lisa he's on the hook trying to we got what you got what you got on it oh you got so Nicolas it's finally first monthly Oh coach and still conceit don't bully we'll get it off winner we get oh I used to make these these literacies at work you know tell me what ie so I just leave it a little game apart after so there's there we go he's pearl necklace cool oh he's got something it's a bike for me as well oh no what the hell is that is about oh there's a box in the back a box in a bag it's what sort of box interesting okay I'll bring you back up Joe's got something else what is it like yeah something what you got China I was in the boiling things season ooh okay interesting cool all you have to grab it on my boats go when it's in a bag another one wow oh my god no honey that's scary oh that looks yeah but you make me on that so what was not that sick thing as usual it's all work jack oh no but they look like you don't really that [Laughter] so what was my 13 that burn oh that could be my little boy that looks very interesting yeah I see somewhat yellow oh oh no it's gone I know you buddy that's it jacket on me yeah you can it's open they're fit what's up a draw isn't it they were part of this hold together see that yeah is so the front of that should have a handle one okay yeah police'll again Oh another stick should have known hold stick whatever oh that's sports backs on why notice this time yeah daddy's got a small condo so that's me mhm different very different cool my cystic feels something over there there is a lot of nice Canali oh oh and their time right do you want it put it back on when they bring it up okay he's bringing it up oh it's not like a scooter to me yeah I'll open corgis huh oh yes one of them follow the legs up come on yeah black one last on yeah oh you just gotta find the over after I know it's not no do you have a leg what's the old for then yeah sure oh my god you know disrobe a doc that folder I will check it when we get home I don't know where he's getting that from I'll know more Christmas tree okay oh my buddy's like it's come on dear oh right yeah I know it's oh I see car dishwasher I try where you put the ha where's this boy it's here oh it's coming it's coming there we go you can have to get down and rub be careful that one goes on the bike [Music] Jaime's boy is this the table dance joy dance we haven't seen you for a bit Larry yeah this is little Chico Chico thank you so you got find another partner look he's not losing oh yeah what does he go [Laughter] away smells in there I thought sure we get this show oh good just true cinema yes Berkeley they bring another scooter Oh God I cut it oh that one's good all no in the bag so he's got a scooter and a bag it's always worried me we've back just never know what's in him it's probably just for the balcony yeah I would just seventy either oh my god it's a nice scooter them really oh I was doing scooter dance lebarge call me guys got some it's a security like yeah it's probably the stuff that's India it's got some of it having a break it's falling on fear I don't know it's a hike another boy guys got some old sliding Kenny Kenny Kenny just grab it with your hand Niki's Oh God so Connie I could be dish wash our dishwashers wee bit frightened oh cool good good God Felix got something Oh soccer pass Oh a fan I'm gonna hide to cover with a fan and Jackie still opportunities we told bankers but it's a more oh my god I think event oh this is going excuse me tactic you put them loose button see button you know what I think he's is it are you got some little foot supplier things she's known for what work number yeah there's something big there it's come back yeah Soviet fell back in guys want something big over there I'll go gonna have to have another trip to this girl so it's just loads of stuff in here yeah we all go get bowling movie sorry I forget it Joe Oh your honey oh I'm Josh buddy I'll feel Jonah son oh I'll go to joy they oh let go that not like I wrote something what you mean off its gave you yeah at work oh we can't find it you know Kenya oh he's back home oh we pulled that out over that don't are we still going it's still funny oh we have pocket we've got a little mini box oh it's peace night everywhere is the open got a money box Jack well some sort of box it's got digital things on oh isn't what Oh - money - oh he's got it look there we go that will go if you sign I don't I know you put the note yeah oh we've got a version for me what Felix bring me something really they complement over I was on the side right back down again oh damn it chuckling that's what Satan that's why I don't know Oh I told always just the frames not hate like oh my god okay and joy was putting up a sign over there exam it oh you can have to grab it go the men at work again as cheeseball doubt just only box he is in there look easy thank you my little feet then you can hoots gone to the car van oh but you have to just tip that on the side and go through oh no gross ease as well blessing I don't think there's gonna be anything to you anything just tip eh I'm more so she down that's it give it a slushy there's a pike queen I wouldn't put it back on that though leave it there you need grunt oh so she don't you leave me well done another money box Oh driver oh my goodness oh okay Oh stupid what's that fell for tuition okay yeah that is Jack oh yeah yes I think that's more like impress so that comes out and then I know what I mean Arcana Cabana yeah okay don't know like me or a Jackie or a jack alright okay still good find yeah these stunts to take things back guys just or something a little plight of something oh god we went that something and slow that la and yes the vault that help I were just carrying yeah has been gonna call up oh oh he was Annie lusty get some coffee I think there we go the polls oh my god oh that's not what you was on though was it it seemed happier maybe someone else obviously under the water yeah well Stanley box is splashing everywhere don't get so close oh yeah oh you are funny they make small box cream so I moved it you dummy I almost feel scalps up instead he won't even go for that what's not I don't some salt show host yeah yeah I still got that sound meadow you just want to give me one crappy I'll bring about when he starts pulling it off we got ma'am Oh weird look your finger I haven't got a clue what a tease thank you yeah we'll have a look at home here's good oh that's not what he was getting oh my god what the hell okay I've got it look see oh it's sliding it's slow oh no not just either I can't be a brute what this male teacher oh no it's not no okay then perhaps the ear soccer ball Oh denied he's trying to get this it looks like a white family thing we keep slide it on it just oh my god Billy Jesus I'm not yeah all right there are phone oh I can hear about definitely aborting alright so we'll show you everything we've got when we get home guys back home they're just far too much we got out today to show you everything so put the best doll face give me like the two boxes that looks like a fuse board and corrugated sheet there's the frame to the roadside scooter yeah cash box then we've got that but that's got okay and that Trifield we just found actually on the side you ruined it then I just found it on so I'm just there on the so yeah I mean it's still got cash box available ok safe town about movement Oh and we've got whatever yeah well [Music] whatever that was duct tape - and we've got the knife yeah it's awful that know what that is yeah you don't know what and you're gonna damn you never know what well man got foggy so that then this some sort of thing number two right SOI okay with the two over there so that's the motorbike there's just not bits and bobs bars and yeah okay so that's all we got today I know it's not bought you know yeah and we only did one breeze out of the three so we're definitely going back to do the other booties pretty soon so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to give us a like and a subscribe if you haven't already so until the next adventure take care and we'll see soon
Channel: Brummies Outdoors
Views: 285,629
Rating: 4.6857901 out of 5
Id: 7I502x16be8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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