Gun,bags,bikes,phone and much more Magnet fishing with Manchester magnet men and Drasticg

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hi guys when ticking man come all the way from Liverpool unloading a new magnet bought from Manchester magnetic stole my co-star sure to say you know biggest UK seller for the magnets go and check them out and check them out use cold mmm ten ten percent discount first unboxing of easy I'm a new colored magnet double sided or it can use at the dipper box nice I get four hundred kilogram of pulling power so I'll be trying up this this morning again so poor or a key in kilogram fault and I'm what's alone Creek this one well 85 86 quid and the colored one was about fifty five quid yeah obviously ten percent discount using cold mmm ten works out obviously a little bit cheaper watch your fingers obviously moving on to the grapple ups as well obviously I've got Polacks made I made by by myself and my father shot out to me dad got a big one small one if you want any leave a comment underneath and we'll make a manufacturer in made-to-order send them out a lot ones 305 pound big birthday and I've included and that's not included postage guys a competition a couple of weeks ago and down in Birmingham this one was 65 pound and it was meant to be eighty pound and we're gonna try this little baby out today orange it follows you double side isn't it right oh yeah and also we've got a surprise guest today come to another video office say drastic G himself drastic G back out of Auslan see ya what's up we can find we've come back to the same location of God what if these bunny that's the good start to the day in it you're not going to get them off me they are strong fingers change ah yeah got the back together completely over strong anyway yeah so yeah Craig's just just caught this a one-off use rope so you can use it one of these always I think like these don't know what this is is that a 500 yeah Jason's in their minds in their got some new rope attached load of stuff now I see what we get okay yeah also when we were paired this morning seen this in the water which is obviously delivery drivers so there's got to be a bike down there so that's hopefully we can get it out through Mackay bring them bring the police and try and get it recovered yeah let's see what we find stay tuned guys I don't like they should have pulled out pedal bike with the pound pork well to watch somewhat over here oh that is heavy all the bubbles there shopping trolley - you're full of crap on the book from the bottom I'm gonna serve as a shopping trolley just so give it mugged it let's give a go see what is so it's like nope trying to do it multitask yeah I'll give it a try out and I'll they tell you guys what it's like I've used it yeah stay tuned anytime do this smoothie trust you that's definitely he's worth it my fingers just nice plastic key finger me most of all right summer move along to the path je and Craig I said got summer let's say help him out and then I'll their record when I get it you lose it all right let's see okay it's new magnet found the trolley that's pretty pretty new lot really galaxy on the YouTube channel it's calling their summit it's calling for a bit of help because they're all for doubles stuck on the grappling hooks down here and then they which can't can't pull out CoV will get got it up so much and we've tied it on to the gate but let's see what's what we're obviously guru sambar there as well so we're so we try and try his grapple up he's on some of their so coming that's Craig get on from that meadow don't they're not coming don't careful of his rope yeah that's coming not in it dear let's see what we get Jays pulled out of a log sphere icon washing line and the moss and I pulled kind of thing in it Jay few of the bits chickens exhausted from Paulie he's just holding that rope there for us through the bits okay there's the Busey top-quality magnet that magnetic stuff go and check them out use promo code mm 10 yeah go from there first they're more about girls just pulled up Sinemet bait yeah you'll be in the video now Sinemet well fine I got it yes happy days just there used Craig's 400 double-sided got a spark plug and I don't know why eyes and all that is cause they're Nucky like nice looks like a little sparkplug gk surprised about believe Moabites without this section of the canal a car from [Applause] you've got gloves on half nah I'm not putting no fingerprints on that well don't ya load in there y'all [ __ ] oh thanks yeah yeah it's recent in a month don't be busy now baby B's some B's modified a blank fire it's a fire B B's yes barrels probably done in that blank fires only up like waxing em right else like steel bb's up yeah so they've done lots [ __ ] safai your bb's [ __ ] may help first find of the day proper finder today it's nothing converted that says a blank boy's been converted to fire Bob Aaron's right boys the magnet store 600 kg that will started it let's pull that okay it is anyway in about see if it was down down the barrel if you hold that there now fire down the barrel you don't want to be he'll you don't want to be firing me see they like oh you can see the daylight now you can see straight down that you should be looking down a barrel of a gun low so Jeff it's nothing there's nothing in it there's nothin in it like right down the barrel like to see the daylight showing there's been converts fire water find my sister punk MIT men dress D G C was by the chickie run from Liverpool's brought he's look today and I was appalled that out we were fishing over there but Craig got a bit bored waiting around so we fought I just fish this old you call this what you call this a gutter fear the basin so we thought we'd have a little fish caught fish - fish year more than not we and this be quit coincidence as rewards over a police vehicle there they come run over and got him just waiting for assistance now yeah we have a little bit of a tidy up at the moment see what's going on James just pulled the scooter you know what you gotta do now J very skewer that you find you've got have a little go of it got on the puff a come on dig on Craig see some stunts off you there we are hey rookie runs now okay oh oh oh you're all right we got a did a shout out on Facebook YouTube one of these fans have turned up she named me some scum so a big lad it's come to where get this a back out fingers crossed dr6 pulled out a trike come on over to see what's over a dress Jay just pulled our suspicious package so much of time to grab some cheese over it's all you lot people yeah camera zoom dinner wilcos well cold whole day today wet windy day magnet fishing rain or shine JLo's that getteth down there took a wonder you can see him pigs having a lot of ones down there as well so see what we get there give the lady a hand with the boat if there's anything oh my god I miss my driving license driving license I can't show off for security reasons really I dress on it so Waller will try and return it to the gentleman yep hello it's got a few of his cards in that cells that will get I can get them to employ try and go from there I see if we can make a person happy if it still works LT moves down yeah stations a sign no handle scuffling Pole nice little a place a we found just meet down from the crime hot spot and see what we find Jason's just pulled this up was it so no Ally he's guys was I say what lot bit up from the right so syncopal go back no still have some good Susan it lets get proper I'm gonna walk oh yeah and some of the waters bugs so you going oh don't empty the goods out whatever is in there do you need to get somebody suggested it gets it in the bucket tips nothing right yes what could I get a bucket of water we got a book of Holland or old or watch the Parsee we'll rinse all this down me Oh blocks and stuff our handles chain the doorknob is like demons no laughs now look I did that book kick Jay derringer I don't for your reach down there looks like a little hard look at whoa cool watch the bucket make a fold down by itself Colgate now something in it what's that say the writers get a MacLean Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I'll get out that's cool I'm gonna run them yeah one over walk back handyman one steepler nice hold on to stabilize an old one right here just like a random tiger that's in it exhaust from well come back nobody's not Craig just pulled out Senna Gucci bag and if it's real hey should be fair or me looking at that side and a way it is facile Gucci but that look yeah yeah that's legit map so we are Gucci but definitely looking over zip on the bumpers have a look in there Oh the tenor another map you do some Paolini keep J just pulled out I love a little foot knife with an eagle on it [Music] love a knife of the street a flip knife with an eagle on it sir turning out to be a good little yeah it's not a finger no he's got a bit of a shopping trolley it's been in there a while that's the blade off the handle down there whereas wait that no because I pulled the handle out from in front of you so I can got hinges on it and it so opens no way stymie nice a right foot nice clean Montecarlo key thing is they don't you think Chinese most of these much having used off useful friend yeah that was alright we've got the right day today aren't we hey guy - LLL get him pushing the canal by crackhead yeah didn't record it when he was around in record it when he went and goin ed bought him galas Feraud books out guys had caused him in the canal so we're just catching up on obviously the wallet that Craig pulled out with a grappling hook add the bank cards in a it had the driving license in with them in his dress which then we took it to the dress which we've obviously just knocked on now and what's what's the outcome created we were just not and his wife and said we've just returned a wallet told him what we found it obviously in a river and she mentioned that her husband got mugged last night so you know how it goes out to Emily Opie's all right at least we managed to return his wallet hopefully one less stress the effort to do its deal with but not good not good thing so yeah stay tuned for the next video like and subscribe make sure you hit up drastic G obviously everyone would have sit watch these videos by now but yeah there's Jason there so yeah stay tuned guys
Channel: Manchester Magnet Men
Views: 9,622
Rating: 4.8817735 out of 5
Id: n8m4AUu3MKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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