Chew It or Drink It...Dissolve Mucus & Phlegm in Chest, Lungs, and Sinus | Dr. Mandell

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if there's one thing that all of us would agree on that would be that the most important thing that we can get into our bodies is oxygen and when our respiratory system is not functioning the way it should we potentially can be breathing in bacteria viruses fungus dust secondhand smoke pollutants and that's just to name a few and as a result of this we then start developing inflammation and inflammation causes swelling it starts allowing the body to secrete more fluid more mucus more flame to help protect the weakened areas and as a result of this we develop bronchitis COPD empyema a sore throat nasal congestion shortness of breath fatigue running nose as well as a low grade fever and unfortunately we've been exposed through the media that when we're sick when we have colds when we're congested when we can't sleep when we can't breathe well because of this mucus or this fluid we need to take medications and all of us know that medications all have side effects many people who are taking this cough suppressant really shouldn't be taking it maybe they have high blood pressure or some other type of ailment that may interact with that medication and I'm a big believer that there's nothing more important than building up your immune system and there's one thing I want to share with you today it's about this magical herb it's called th and many of you who cook in the kitchen who cook regularly might be using this right now in your foods but I'm going to explain to you in just a second something that you can start doing at home to get rid of that congestion that mucus to get you to breathe better to get more oxygen into your lungs so the cells can stay healthy and time has anti-inflammatory antimicrobial antibacterial antiviral and anti fungal properties that will help support your respiratory system and time works as an antispasmodic as well as a mucolytic it removes mucus it helps clear mucus and flam from the respiratory tract and that powerful antioxidant in time is Thal and that's the main constituent that does this miraculous healing within the respiratory tract so how do we use time well there's a few things we can do number one we can definitely use it as a tea I do like things that are warm the body loves things that are warm because just heat hot water can help work as a mucolytic in itself and you can use fresh thyme sprigs or the leaves get some hot water put it into a mug and let it steep for about five or 6 minutes you will definitely see that mucus starting to disintegrate you're going to breathe much easier and your condition's going to continue to heal because of these powerful antimicrobial properties that time has and I even like using the organic time I'll take about a half a teaspoon and I'll just put it on my mouth and start chewing it and just let it dissolve in my mouth swallow it sometimes I'll Chase it with a little warm water but this in itself you'll feel this miraculous change in your lungs and I'll do this several times a day so I want you to know how important the powerful effects that time has on your respiratory system because this is not only going to help reduce that mucus it's going to help your immune system it's going to help your body get stronger you're dealing with magic from the earth rather than drugs from a pharmacy I really hope that this does wonderful things for you your family your loved ones I really wish you lots of good health I hope you feel better if you are suffering from any type of respiratory condition leave your comments below because I would love to see how well you did by using time fresh or with the dried and most important make it a great day I'm Dr Alan Mandel
Channel: motivationaldoc
Views: 287,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Healing, breathing, inflammation, headaches, depression, anxiety, stress, yoga, neck pain, stiff neck, poor posture, lower back pain, diabetes, clogged arteries, cardiovascular disease, heart attack, insomnia, immune system, ibs, constipation, gastric reflux, palpitations, rounded shoulders, fatique, tiredness, autoimmune, osteoarthritis, pain, joint pain, life, lungs, heart, emphysema, copd, asthma, oxygen, remedies for the lungs, nutrition for the lungs, bronchitis, mucus, lung infection, pneumonia, thyme
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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