Magistar Incarnon Build | Khora Best In Slot StatStick | Whispers in the walls [Warframe]

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what is good Champions majara is one of the best Statics in the game and it's available in this week rotation let's start first how to get the weapon the first variant called Maj you can get it from the market for 25,000 credits and you craft it on your Foundry the second variant you can find it on new Loca for 125,000 standing there you go but if you don't have have a pledge to new Loca worry not you can get it from the market for 38 Platinum from other Thanos now after having one of the two variants the Santi or the normal Magister you need the incar Genesis you find it on the circuit steel path on the rotation of Lex Bolter Bronco and ceramic dager and then you need to go to zaran once you're there you go speak to cavalero cavalero involve in Caron weapons you scroll all the way down you will find two options the Santi majar or the normal Ma register to upgrade one of them meaning installing the incar of Genesis you will need 20 path clumps you find them in or worm steel path or normal and the draut and the AG Stone available in the very experience you just run around and check the map for that I have videos on how to get these resources and at this point probably you're confused Hank which variant I should install my inar Genesis on as I hardly worked for it and fighted the Oro very simple the answer is within you what you going to use this weapon for just to fight enemies on steel path go sany maista if you're going to use it as statti which you should and 99% of the time that's where you're going for statti you use the normal Magister and there is a reason for this Choice okay so the Maj is way lower than the sany when it comes to impact pcture slash critical chance statute chance ATT speed on so one but the Maj shines where Evolution game startop now Evolution two will give you 100 damage more than the sany and evolution four it will give you 16 critical chance instead of 12 and one critical damage multiplier instead of the sany 0.2 so steel path normal fights go for the Santi statti go for the Magister and please don't go for the steel path using this weapon as there is 100 million weapons way better than the Maj Inc carnon to fight and steal but there is not a lot better than it when it comes to stattic and we're back to simak we're going to be using Kora because the ma is best in slot for Kora now you would say how about ceramic dagger ceramic dagger is really good on Kora but Maj is a bit better when it comes to base evolutions and a little BG I don't like to talk about it but I'm going to talk about it today so if some other cor doing better than you in in a mission you will understand why the B I was talk to you about is Mago agress it's operator arcane when you do a Warframe melee transfer it will make the heavy blades and Hammer which is Maj to have bonus critical uh multipliers Max to 300% for 20 seconds with four charges now where is the bug on this hang works on whip Clow Landslide shattering lash and SL Dash no problem but it doesn't consume any charges that's the bug so until it gets fixed we're going to make a video about it to use it in the right way okay starting with Kora Kora I have the build on the channel you can go watch it for the details so I will go through this really quick nourish as the hel ability for the energy multiplier and applying viral to your attacks now we you want to use the like five yaron shards if you have them your energy will be above 500 so the uh damage boost will be doubled now this is the build boom and if you have any problem surviving with this build you can throw rolling guard or catalyzing Shield someone commented that in my uh previous video I don't have any problem surviving with this I did 3 hours and 30 minutes and maybe I will make a video using this build surviving eight hours just for the uh content now for the Maj Evolution one there you go all you have to do reach six combo multipliers and combo and then you do heavy attack to activate it here Evolution two you're going to be using Edge of Justice to increase damage by 100 here you have Evolution three 1.4 range and the evolution four which is the most important critical chance by 16% andal damage multiplier by one now mag we're going to be using shuttering storm and primed pressure point blood rush organ shutter sacrificial steel primed fever strike whipping wound the SPO strike and Gladiator M now you would say why Prime F strike now you can get rid of this and you use bz kill if you really want to no problem on that at all but here is the idea the idea is I have SL puncturing impact from the first ability of Kora now this weapon will proc for me Toxin and viral from nourish and the new Arcane melee exposure on ability cast gain 30% corrosive damage on M strikes for 25 seconds Stacks up to 140% so I have corrosive I have viral I have toxin I have slash impact and puncture and I'm ready to go okay now you want to use naramon so you can sustain your combo so like it doesn't deplete when you move from location to location you want to use either your Nautilus to bring enemies around with cordon and manifold to bring more enemies anous bone for the critical damage and this is you don't want to use the arra you want to use the vlock there you go boom and this is the vinar uh build there you go bite and tentious bond and so on and of course if you are planning on going endurance ran you want to use Smita kavat with a charm so you can have a lot of Steel Essence just a quick tip right there okay now what else I want to show you sad sow is an amazing amazing p pushing viral procs on enemies cuz when you hitting the whip you can hit immediately s and Prime all the enemies on the area epav is just right there as a backup you can use okur or whatever you desire let's showcase the build against enemies playing with this build is really simple all you have to do is keep Nish active all the time and of course ins snare those enemies use couple of your cages and whip everything on your way earlier when I mentioned about s hey is how you it works now you hit like your whip normally and then boom s and then hit and then wait for S to come back and boom that's exactly how you do it let's go to Steel path and showcase the weapon against the real deal here we are on steel path now you need to remember Kora isn't a tank and this build definitely isn't for tank if you're looking for a build to play Kora in more easy way check my channel I have a lot of things about Kora and I will show you a couple of builds uh after like we extract from skill path about uh cor okay to play more easy with rolling guard maybe dispensary stuff uh like that now let's wait for the aoly and just let's whip him out of the game and now we're going to fight malice hello malice always and snare the guy and one shot him like so easy as that and you're going to be oneshotting every single aoly that going to be spawning uh afterwards once more don't try to than with this build let's extract by this we come to an end to our video but as I promised I will show you a couple of builds that you can play Ka at more ease this is the build we used right now and this is the build where you can go let's say AFK almost okay resonator going to make enemies busy when you can whip them down adaptation to help you uh like resist all the upcoming damage rolling guard to cleanse yourself equilibrium to switch energy to health and so on you can add some Forma and play around with it to add Prime short footed here so it don't fall down abys of Kora is relying on this ens where you're going to be hiding and not even needing the the rolling guard in this one but it's okay we have it here but you can switch it with adaptation or you can add adapation instead of pering uh ping strangle uh though okay as promised so I want to say guys thank you so much big love to you all thank you so much for all your support and kindness to me and this channel don't forget to join our Discord link on description don't forget as well to sub comment like going to support the channel and I will see you guys on the next time
Channel: Hunkpain Gaming
Views: 7,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, magistar incarnon, magistar incarnon build, magistar build, magistar or sancti magistar, incarnon magistar build, warframe magistar build, warframe magistar incarnon build, warframe magistar, incarnon magistar genessis, how to get magistar, how to get sancti magistar, statstick warframe, best khora statstick, best khora stat stick, whispers in the walls, khora build, best khora prime build, best stat stick for khora, magistar build statstick
Id: hSm4bzn0pCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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