MagiClips and Glitter Gliders Slime Challenge ~ Maya's Playing with Princesses

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hi everyone you're watching Tic Tac toy and today we're here with Maya a whole bunch of magiclip dresses and doll and this super awesome giant pool of slime and my are you ready for a princess challenge yeah a princess slime challenge yeah RSD tuned for the fun dancing cool all right oh my isn't a big pool full of sign and she's gonna do a princess slime Chandra here the rules Maya okay I'm going to dump 40 different magic clip princess dresses in the flame pool and 40 different magic clip princess characters into the slime pool and we're going to see if Maya can correctly match all 40 princesses with the correct dresses in ready Maya under 10 minutes you think you can do that I bet you can let's find out so we're going to start out by jumping the dresses in this line pool so get them all around the pool and now we're going to drop the 40 magiclip dolls into the slime pool oh my goodness Maya this is going to be crazy and we're going to give them dibs a couple minutes to sink to the bottom of the pool okay my when I say go you're going to start diving around and seeing if you can match the princesses with their correct dresses and when you do I'm going to have you put them right here on this table and we'll see if you can find all 40 matches in ten minutes are you ready okay on your mark get set go I thought if she finds furs all we have a Merida and a bell that's not a match keep looking Maya what's she gonna find next Oh an Elsa dress see if you can find an Elsa doll got a drive around miss Maya wears an LSAT all daddy all you found one quickly blimp together and then put them on the table and that will be our first matte one else doll Kelly one slimy match done all right Maya she's diving again for some more matches what do you have my ass on a helpfu on an Elfa beautifying the dresses no I got Oh keep going keep going girlie oh did you find one who did you find on your dancing honors awesome put those together and that'll be your second match all right she's got her second match over on the table Maya all right - done so we got keyattr okay she dumped the honest dress mrs. fancy on it all start diving my up you can do a girl you got it we put him together she's getting it she likes to do it under the salon interesting she's got a strategy here what are you this like is that how you do it all right are the arms in let's add it to the table and that'll be our third princess complete neither let's read on all right man what are you dieting for under the slime the roar at oh you got a roars dress okay do you have an Aurora doll Aurora is from Sleeping Beauty as a G let's see how quickly so you can get that match together get it in there girl all right she's got it's gotta go at the table now go put it up there girlie oh oh quick quick I know if slippery in there isn't it what for done all right nice if you can find number five would you find another on the doll but can you find it on a dress oh that was exploding I made it easy-peasy didn't it all right she's putting the honest together good job Mike quit get up unto the table our times a-tickin times a-tickin girl get it up there time's going by quickly okay all right so we have another slide e on a doll whoa that's five dolls so far and what's my you doing now another Elsa we have lots of Elsa Nonna's don't we okay she's got to get in there and find find another part to it where is it Maya where is it oh so do you have the dresser the doll okay she has a doll we got to find an Elsa dress I wonder if any of our viewers can spot it through the slime is this oh that's a Cinderella dress where's an Elsa dress tricky to find huh I think I might see one over here where is it man no girly call all that doesn't look like Elsa there you go there's an Elsa dress nice work now I'm looking for a minute all times chicken times tickin girl oh this is fun you better get open quick [Music] all right girlie get up on the table and that's going to be our six magiclip doll this one's actually glitter glider I think isn't it yeah that's one of the DES letters yeah all right girl keep driving keep diving back a Ariel's dress and we got an Ariel doll can she do it she found on and out who were looking for though hope I think I see red hair through this lime let's see if I can spot it look for that bright red hair girly right red bright red hair for Ariel I think I see right here Oh Bri is that it yeah Oh Meredith pull me another one another little bang in there oh there's AA let's see oh no where are you found a good job quickly put the dress on here you kick stop picnic time to get over to the table it means your time is going quickly all right there goes Ariel up there she is wow we have quite a few but Maya still has a lot to go she's working hard in there who did you find Maya Aurora now we got to keep in mind Aurora doll to go with it those are Aurora from Sleeping Beauty she has blonde hair look for a blond doll did you find it awesome girl give them all matched up outfit on and we'll add it to the table boy that slime is bright green right is it so sticky [Music] I on the table quick quick quick all right our war is done oh my going to see us so why me I'll be down bail okay me and all oh that was a quick one wait get it on man I think I see something orange so what my see my lights are belladonna and you figured out it was Belle don't flip oh whoa super super duper slippery girls all right perfect we've got bail all right we're getting there girl keep going Oh Cinderella Cinderella indeed cinderelly awesome slippery its liberation slipping hmm you can do it girlie she's getting the dress on awesome all right over to the table over to the table get it on there girl all right Cinderella's been added what are you going for next Maya Cinderella again Wow so you have another doll so you can find an outfit now mm-hmm where where could one be what if any of our viewers can spot a Cinderella doll our Cinderella outfit I guess we're looking for right Maya okay did you find it awesome get that outfit on Maya alright put up on the table put it up on the table girly and don't flip in the progress all right well you hunt for your next when I'm going to count how many goals we have we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 dolls let's see if we can find our twelfth one Maya you go on it okay and on outfit now where isn't on a doll hunt hunt hunt girls find it hon hon hon did you find one no no oh we're is it going to be Maya you got to dig get those hands in that slimy slimy water start pulling some dolls up you can pull it on out Ariel Oh Ariel you got there's got to be an honest somewhere in there Oh fog will stick hey Maya you're getting distracted her time spickens we're Zhanna alright yes a little bit of flying yeah where's on a no girl I see oh I think I see you went over here like in here Maya come grab it alright see if you can find it I think I see it with one of those on oh yeah yeah yeah all right get her outfit on girlie perfect all right over to the table we're getting there dropped it good recovery good recovery girl all right on to the table on to the table okay and you go for some more girls all right would you get know why dos no white hard to find because you don't have a lot of snow white ones my favorite careful thought she is she's our favorite princess Maya I didn't know that all right where she wears no light you're gonna have to dive and you didn't and get messy and gooey where is she where is she oh there's a ton of princesses down this corner Mayan look right here could she be in there with all those princesses I see a whole bunch hiding down there oh I think I see you Snow White awesome girl get her dress on and put on the table all right she's sliding her in her pretty pretty princess dress alright to the table quick you should have got it in it Joker's out okay we got a bell dress can we find a bell princess Oh two of those dresses where is it Oh princess Lana you found it good work I get that yellow dress on her where is it goal is that we call it go yeah yeah okay let's get that orangish goal to Sheila's dress on her it doesn't look like JLo yeah okay quick eye over to the table Maya quick add it to our princesses oh no your times kickin girl all right Belle's up there let's continue on slippery slippery isn't it whoo all right what do you see now Maya who is it Oh Ariel okay now where is an aerial doll Warren Ariel you found Ariel awesome that was a quick one get it dress on and get her on the table you see flounder to know about King Triton no what about Prince Eric no what about Sebastian Ursula no Joe cereal and all right Ariel's going up on the table girl yep get her up here girly I care girly and no tripping no flippin alright well we have quite a collection of princesses here Maya but you have a lot to go are you gonna find now let's grab one let's grab one girl okay oh you're down down episode was super quick awesome get that dress on her [Music] in it oranges yellows throw this dress yes and I see light in that bell peppers line and it was Bell all right Bella on the table Wow are you flipping employed in that slime whoa all right who are you finding now what princess are you going for my ass all right get on that belly and go diggin okay who is it huh who is that is that Aurora it sure is I where's Aurora's dress now where is it you got a hunt girl I didn't did you find it let's eat you sure did all right get that dress on her yeah how can I tell it how did you talk with Aurora oh yeah I forgot broken oh no that was missing an arm poor Aurora yeah we did a video for treatment for your arm just oh oh poor Aurora all right Aurora with a broken arm is Maastricht our dress oh we gotta get it back on the table you gotta go quick [Music] [Music] I am a weapon to the next with one go quick girly would you find so Snow White awesome if you can find the other snow white dress now where is it girly where is it coming from okay snow white dress we can find this one did you find it no no could you find awesome snow white dress oh I get it all matched up princess alright Snow White is in her dress grab a table people to wait for my Seven Dwarfs over here whoa get out there girlie are they okay awesome alright now what are we going for my what about this dress right here who is this pulling along which princess is that that Meredith yeah alright let's see if you can find a miracle cuz we can find red hair under the slime pretty easily I bet you've got some red hair where's red hair is it some down here ma'am I think that's the red hair over here come check it out see if you consume it am i over here whoa right here girl eat it off and get married a dress alright Merida is in her down we're going to put her over on the table right miss Maya and we're making some progress girl I think you're getting there all right put Merida T on there we go on the table oh okay there we go all right well princess is next man what'd you find on okay we have an honour out but now we need an honor doll and a you found it already that one was super quick all right awesome getting on a dress all right here we go up on the table well we are getting a whole bunch what princess is next Maya we gonna find now Belle oh yes I've already done what I put that on up quick before it falls out Maya we don't want to lose already put together okay good what wins next girl we're getting there Tiana's dress yes kion okay risky on oh it's Ariel okay you're right it is Ariel look for red hair underwater I think I saw an aerial over here somewhere did you where is she where is she I think she's behind you I think it's you're behind you yes that's her I put her in princess all right Ariel is done Maya we have so many princesses only a few left let's finish it up girls we're going to finish strong all right you having Aurora dress we find an Aurora doll okay where is she you find Aurora no it was Rapunzel oh I see a lot of blonde down there but I see a lot of a Rapunzel's nyorori okay we have to hunt somewhere else girl a lot of blonde Rapunzel's Rapunzel what about over here this Aurora I think I see a roar under the slime ah is that her down there Maya he spot her yes awesome let's get Aurora all dressed we found a lot of Aurora today haven't we hmm all right up on the table yeah okay I'm from the table don't slip don't slip I would you find now Maya Rapunzel we saw a lot of Rapunzel doll rather a pimple doll got it perfect get her dress on get that dress on growing up put back okay okay good they're on the table okay who's next Maya who's next I bet you only have like four or five left okay who's that it's a l7 awesome go ahead and get her oh so Cinderella dress though okay where's Cinderella Lenore wears an Elsa dress what's that what's that on it awesome get Elsa all dress in her beautiful gown okay else is ready to go it's going to be added to the table in Maya we got to keep moving girl what's next all right you have your Cinderella dress if you find a Cinderella doll I flip it over over here somewhere do you see her good job let's get Cinderella all dressed in her ball gown gotta go meet the prince before it turns midnight for a bagel all right hop on the table quick upon the table no keep going okay Rapunzel we saw a lot or upon those where it's your dress there you go match match mate rapunzel Rapunzel here Chris Chris what's your little geckos named remember don't remember I can't read if you remember let us know it's escaping me all right that's good enough might get on the cable okay Bastile that's right all right up on the table of those whoo is gonna keep driving okay we've got bail I see bail down here my aunt Quinn grabber as quick as you can hmm great girl it stinks got it good job all right she's getting the dress on she's struggling come on girl you can do it you can do it all right quick down the table on the table go go go all right now she's got a Rapunzel doll and Rapunzel dress Oh perfect matching up matching up girl whoa I'll get him put the clothes on her identical count as a match when we have laughed okay see with with dolls down here I think that their last one who is that who is that my ass whooped there told me Cinderella perfect in Cinderella dress okay she is putting her last dress on my I'm afraid I don't think we did this in 10 minutes do you think you did you think you did this in 10 minutes we'll have to check the official time but I have a feeling not but you know what you did awesome let's get this last dress on super super quick prime still kickin come on girl you can do it come on is on the table oh well it looks like she got all 40 magiclip dolls match but now we'll have to check the time and nya look up here the official time is that's what you did awesome Maya thanks for playing everybody have you subscribe to Tic Tac toy yet it's not what goes back it's absolutely free go ahead and click on that button in the corner of your screen and then you won't miss any of our future videos thanks for watching you [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy
Views: 27,315,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magiclips, glitter gliders, slime, playing with princesses, maya, magiclip dolls, glitter glider toys, magiclip mix up, playing with glitter glider toys, dress mix up, switch dresses, magiclip princess toys, princess dresses, disney princess, toy video, glitter glider dolls, slime challenge, challenge, match dresses, playing with magiclips, silly, kids, toys, dolls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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