Magician REACTS to Shin Lim SPECIAL APPEARANCE w Jay Leno on AGT 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone my name is Jason welcome back to this channel about magic today we are reacting to shin limb on America's Got Talent wait what that's right he's come back on a GT and it's gonna try to beat Erick chin I'm just kidding I'm just joking that would be crazy but no he's actually making a special guest appearance this aired only a couple days ago and just to be clear it's not for votes this is only for fun by the way if you want to learn something maybe gain a pearl of wisdom stay tuned to the end of this video and I'm going to share you something from Aesop's fables alright so let's just jump right in and see what Erik Shin Lin has in store for us okay last year an incredible magician stormed his way into the finals and won then he went tonight he's back where it all began people show some love for shin to the game oh wow just super cool background what is it what is it happening it's like playing cards meets the matrix [Music] we're gonna try I'm gonna try an experiment with all of you in fact that's not just the audience over here but everyone at home in America so grab four cars and actually each and every one of you should have four cards and I'm gonna need a spectator for this so actually hey do you mind helping me out sir yeah actually yeah Jay Leno yeah [Music] there he's starstruck here's four cards for you have a seat over here Jay because right now you see there's about three over three million people watching this right now so we're gonna try to put the magic in their hands all right as well as your so you should have four cars yeah everyone should have four cards Oh check out Shin Lim rockin the Jerry's nuggets many non magicians probably don't know but those cards he's holding are called Jerry's and nuggets they come in blue and red and over the years they've been sought-after by magicians they're considered extremely collectible some of these decks going for between three to five hundred dollars on eBay and just recently they're being reprinted it's all over Instagram magicians are taking photos with these things left right in sideways myself included I am not immune I think shingling selected these cards not for the lay audience but specifically for magicians because he knows they will recognize and enjoy them so that's kind of cool oh and by the way I made a video review for this deck of playing cards you can find the link right up here secondly the trick he's about to do he has every one with four cards this looks a lot like a trick that I know will go ahead and watch and find out perfect shuffle the cards like this or not if you don't want to shuffle you don't have to it's your choice your life you do it if you want but until you're done hold the cards sideways like this yes perfect and I'm gonna simply just tear in half go ahead yeah very easy it's a self working trick very good all right now take one of the packets and place it on top of the other it doesn't matter which way just yeah perfect so you should have a packet like this and now from one to five card doesn't matter just take one two five cards from the top so I'll take four and place it onto the bottom okay so course you can do any number you want great and now do it again take one two five cards from the top I'll take two this time from the top and place it to the bottom very good alright this time we're gonna make it a little bit more random J and any number from one to five go ahead three three okay grab three cards from the top this time place it into the middle into the middle into the middle yeah alright very good and then now we have a new random top card so grab that top card right place that's your pocket but in my pock like AI mean make sure no one touches it I don't touch it great very good take the next top card J next top card place it onto the bottom actually on the bottom actually actually don't put it back to the top put it back to the top I'm trying to confuse you yeah we're doing that actually you know I think that was a genuine mistake but the cool thing is he recovered so quickly he made it just seem like he's playing around and trying to confuse J at least that's my opinion and if so it's amazing to see Shin Lim actually make some small mistake because he's pretty much perfection with his sleight of hand and just to be clear I'm not trying to attack Shen Lin and say ooh look at him he made a mistake I just thought it was interesting and also cool how quickly he recovered and just continued on with his pattern secondly this seems like a slightly different version of the trick than the one I perform I think at its core it's gonna be the same thing but he's kind of taking it a different route maybe he's adapted the performance for this particular venue proceeding yeah this time actually gonna add Simon Simon any number from one to five go ahead one to five yeah I think of a number one one okay good take the top card so it was one alright and trade it with a friend next to you so I'll trade it with you Jay alright and if you don't have a friend that's too bad I'm sorry trade it yep and place that new car that you have into the middle into the middle very good very nice all right Howie any car any number from one to five go ahead three three grab three cars three cars regret three cars from the sub trade with your friend trade with your friend very good and place those new three cards you have into the middle into the middle very good I'll wait until the judges are done they seem to be taking their sweet time very nice place into the middle very good so now we have a very very shuffle deck we're gonna do a process of elimination take the top card place onto the bottom okay very good take the next top card and throw it over your shoulder throw it over my shoulder yeah that's right it's for a good luck okay yeah take the next top card place it onto the bottom next top card throw it over your shoulder on the shoulder yeah littering yeah take the next um card to the bottom yeah next top card yep put it on the bottom yep and I'll take the next top card and throw it over your shoulder this is the entire performance not sure you guys knew I don't know somehow I won a GT I'm not really sure next I'll car to the bottom okay I'm gonna be quite myself cards how are you show there you have to go over my shoulder and until you're done next top card to the bottom it's top card over your shoulder next top card to the bottom okay and keep yep until you're left with one card don't throw all your cards away okay if with one coat very good so now let's just go over what happened cuz a lot just happened we had four cards we tore them and have that makes eight right right we have about 1333 people in here so that makes about 8455 right and actually believe it or not there's about three million people watching so you multiply by that it's eight million six hundred thousand fifty four thousand three hundred and thirty-two trust me I know the math because I'm age that's the same number that's the same number I came up with that's right but the possibilities are truly women in this place you grab that card in your pocket okay get the card in my pocket see not only does the bat match J but so does the face as well which is absolutely insane so thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you very much for holding it out pretty good let's hear it for Lou you can catch it limbs live show at the Mirage Casino & Hotel and Las Vegas tickets are available online big thanks to Jay Leno from Jay Leno's Garage on CNBC and one more time for shin lil alright now let me give you my concluding thoughts about this performance okay there were a couple things I wanted to comment on during the video first thing I really liked house in limb during his performance said yeah I don't know how I want America's Got Talent I like that self-deprecating humor and someone who is like completely the champion of the champions is really good but he's also humbled second thing they mentioned he has a live show at the Mirage I want to see that I'd be really curious to see what his performance looks like knowing that he has full control in the show is all his has anyone actually seen his show in Las Vegas if so comment below and tell me how you liked it third thing it was kind of funny how England said oh yeah this is just a self working trick magicians would know what that means but I think as far as the general audience it wouldn't really mean anything to them fourth thing the magic trick itself yes in fact this is the same trick that I do in fact I learned it from a magician named woody Aragon it's one of my favorite tricks because you can involve a large group of people and everyone's tearing cards and throwing them all over the place and generally speaking it gets very good powerful reactions because everything seems so random and chaotic like how could they end up matching at the end except the version from woody Aragon has a few extra things that Shin Lim appeared to have changed originally the theme of this effect was about love and that part at the end where you're throwing one behind your shoulder putting one to the bottom that was compared with pulling petals from a flower she loves me she loves me not and there was an additional segment in the effect where the spectator could throw away one two or three cards in each spectator would throw a different number of cards over their shoulder so then at the end when you're doing this one to the bottom one over your shoulder it seems even more random because all the spectators have different amount of cards in their hands which i think is probably even more confounding but perhaps shenlin removed that just for the purpose of saving time number five it was really cool to finally see Jay Leno on they're actually doing more interaction and seeing more of his personality number six it was really cool seeing him on a GT again I kind of wish they had actually taken this opportunity to have Eric chin and chin limits speaking with each other and interacting so many people are comparing one against the other it would be cool to see them speak are they best friends and we just don't know it or mortal enemies hard to say and that brings us to number seven which is Aesop's fables story time those of you don't know I like to read a story from Aesop's fable occasionally at the end of my videos they're very short little stories and I think it's just fun it allows us to discuss something maybe you learn a pearl of wisdom for today's episode I have chosen a short one called The Tortoise and the eagle this is chapter 81 for those of you following along at home The Tortoise and the eagle a tortoise discontented with his lowly life and envious of the birds he saw disporting themselves in the air begged an eagle to teach him to fly the Eagle protested that it was idle for him to try as Nature had not provided him with wings but the tortoise pressed him with entreaties and promises of treasure insisting that it could only be a question of learning the craft of the air so at length of the Eagle consented to do the best he could for him and picked him up in his talons soaring with him to a great height in the sky he then let him go and the wretched tortoise fell headlong and was dashed to pieces on a rock ouch all right this particular story does not have a moral of the story line for us we're gonna have to figure it out I suppose this is one of those messages about being true to your own nature and not trying to be something that you're not or maybe it's saying that if you ask someone for something and they advise you that it's not a good idea but you just keep pressing them to do it eventually that they're going to oblige you and even if it destroys you then I don't know what the rest of the sentence is but it sounded like it was going somewhere yeah I guess you could say like when people give you advice you should actually think about and consider maybe it's a good advice maybe a tortoise should not try to fly yeah the Eagle said that it was idle for the tortoise to try as Nature had not provided him with wings so at the very least you could take this in to the point of view of that quote from the serenity prayer that says grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference that's one of my favorite quotes and obviously I didn't have it memorized because I had to look at so in this case the tortoise falsely classified flying as a thing about himself that he could change and was therefore not very wise and is therefore quite dead let me know what you thought about this fable if there were any other lessons to be learned or you have any life experiences you want to share in the comments below I'm happy to read them so anyways thank you for watching I've got a lot of other magician reaction videos so if you want to see them make sure to subscribe smash like and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Jason Parker
Views: 89,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magician reacts to, magician, magic tricks, best magician on america's got talent, best magician in the world, best magic, best magician, shin lim, agt, america's got talent, america's got talent champions, champions, agt champions, card magician, card magic, card magic tricks, shin lim america's got talent, shin lim agt, shin lim magic, shin lim reaction, got talent, shin lim 2019, react, reaction, magician reacts, agt winner, jay leno, shin lim jay leno, jay leno shin lim
Id: SzHevaB2DEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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