Magician REACTS to Léa Kyle STUNNING & VISUAL magic on Penn and Teller FOOL US 2020

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hi there three quick tricks for you today sharpie up nose coin disappears sharpie goes away and roll the intro it's that button on the side there next to the dial uh no the other one over there [Music] hey guys welcome back if you enjoyed those amazing magic tricks i showed you in the beginning make sure to let me know in the comments below and today we're looking at season seven of penn and teller's fullest leah kyle she is a magician from france and i believe she specializes with quick change magic with that being said let's just hop right in sorry i'm late i couldn't decide what to wear my name is lia kyle and i come from france who i am today was created by a variety of life experiences horseback riding gave me a test for competition passions and self-improvement my searing studies allow me to create all of my costume i discovered magic seven years ago thanks to my boyfriend who is a professional magician at first i tried sleight of hand but sorry i just wanted to stop to say i think i recognized the guy i'm pretty sure that's florian save he's a magician from france also that i was reacting to who's on america's got talent right now so their boyfriend and girlfriend how cool is that i guess this is the first time i've separately reacted to two people who are dating anyways sorry they just caught me off guard proceeding it wasn't for me so i began quick change acts i applied my passion kids to make a new innovation on the traditional act i never thought i would be presenting my act to pen and teller the dream come true and to food them will be incredible i just want to pause it to say she already fooled me i don't know how she changed her lipstick color unless that was editing just for the fullest intro i'm curious was that a real magic effect or post-production secondly i'd like to add that it's really kind of cool how she was describing that horse riding kind of trained her on like a discipline she said something like that you know gave her this desire to work hard and about self-improvement and this kind of thing i do feel like that's a good reason for kids to have a particular hobby when they're growing up so it can like teach them about working hard at something i used to play the baritone in middle school high school and university so i was always practicing that but it doesn't matter because no one knows what a baritone is anyway let's check out her performance don't blink because here comes leah kyle wow i actually did not see where that came from i was watching closely okay we got our changing room here [Music] pretty fast [Music] nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's got a lot of clothes [Music] oh wow [Applause] that was really cool i got to stop and say i just like that from an artistic perspective you know it's like the petals of the flower fell apart and then the same thing happened with her dress that's something i've never seen before that was quite unexpected and really felt magical let's keep going [Music] [Applause] okay got some more flowers going on here [Music] wow that was so fast that was really good you know before i've seen these quick change artists ah that sounds like that's the wrong term that's someone who tries to switch your money for the wrong bills these quick change magicians i've seen them do stuff you know like where there's like a big hula hoop kind of going up and down and they change i've even seen them like dump a whole bunch of confetti and they changed so quickly but this one she was just moving the flower really fast in front of herself that's probably the quickest change i've ever seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just got one left the green one [Music] [Applause] that was really cool this is a favorite of magicians everywhere the first time i saw this glowing dot in real life i was just blown away whoa [Laughter] that is so nice actually you know what this reminds me of uh florian florian save he does something in a kind of similar concept is this but with his cds where he's making cds appear and disappear all over the place he has one moment where he has a cd case and then the cd just kind of dissolves into nothing or maybe it appears from nothing either way it's like a slow dissolve kind of like this maybe they were talking about this hmm you know some kind of magician to magician discussions going on anyways i've got to say it's an even better application of the method it looks really just you know something's dissolving and changing color like so visually okay okay calm down jason let's keep watching [Applause] [Music] oh the confetti is coming [Music] that was so good [Music] wow she's ready for her next performance already already reset oh it's so good wow that's amazing you're probably the only woman that says i'm just gonna change real quick and we can believe you thank you very much wow did you make all of this yes i make all the costumes that is unbelievable thank you very much and do you start with the design of a dress and then work it into the routine oh there's florence let's start with the trick and work in the dress she did the sewing studies so how does it make you feel to be out here performing it's a chance for me to be here and this is the first time that i perform in usa oh wow oh thank you for doing it here yeah thank you all right let's see if your quick change gets you a quick trophy all right before we hear from penn taylor i'll go ahead and give you my thoughts that uh second to last change with confetti was so cool i mean as i mentioned earlier in the video a lot of these quick change magicians will have like a bunch of confetti and they change and i thought when i first saw that on tv before i was like wow that was so magical a magical is amazing and magical at the same time it's a new word you should check it out and uh anyways she used like 1 6 of the amount of confetti she barely had any confetti at all yet still had the like powerful visual change happen right there that and the moment where she had that gigantic flower and moved it across her body and changed her clothes instantly those two were my favorite moments of her act because the change was just boom you know right in your face and i gotta say that's really cool seeing florian save on there as well you know normally i in a relationship with a magician that one person's the magician and the other person is kind of the assistant you know they're involved in stuff but here she's got her own complete act and he's just there as a translator so they're both like full-fledged magicians you know what's funny is they can probably just talk magic as long as they want to and no one's ever going to get tired of the subject but anyway her performance her act was just really well thought out very entertaining i like how she had these different areas she had three different areas of the stage the changing room thing in the middle and then the clothes hanging here and another one on the right so it gave her an opportunity to move around to the stage it was more dynamic it just felt fun anyways let's hear what pen and teller have got to say boys leah we love that act so good so beautiful and just moves right through and goes uh so much further than we ever thought it would go we were really happy with five or six changes and you did i think 700 000. um now we've been doing this show for seven years and uh quick change does not seem like magic to us we know the basics of quick change but this isn't a quick change act this is a magic act because we know how all quick changes done and we do not know how all your act is done there is stuff there is stuff uh in this act that um leaves us totally mystified completely and utterly thank you and um i am we don't want to open a floodgate here this does not mean that quick change artists can come on and fool us because quick change artists can't magicians can and leah we look so forward to having you on our show in vegas [Applause] awesome all right now let me go ahead and give you my closing thoughts yeah i mean i have to agree with them she definitely deserved that trophy it feels like she took the quick change magic and really elevated it to a new level really brought it somewhere new and i do agree with what pin was saying you know with quick change magic i've seen it a lot before and i understand the general concept of how it works but in her performance she had several moments that were just quite fooling really impressive and uh right now at the end of the reaction i did decide to rewind it and watch it again and scrutinize the details and with the ability to re-watch it over and over i do think i understand how it was done but upon just watching it once which is how magic is normally performed in real life i had no idea i was totally fooled i'm not sure that pin was talking in code there at all trying to remember what he said but if i were to give my own code talk about how she accomplished it i could say um her and her boyfriend florian probably discuss magic a lot together they probably help each other out with ideas and you might even say he was there assisting her in spirit you know really rooting for her while she was out there performing that's my best attempt at some kind of code talk to avoid exposure but still say something about it what did you think about her performance leave a comment below and now for a quick aesop's fable hopefully we'll learn something about the world you never know today we're going to do the fawn and his mother chapter 89 this is a tiny little one so here we go the fawn and his mother a hind said to her fawn who is now well grown and strong my son nature has given you a powerful body and a stout pair of horns and i can't think why you are such a coward as to run away from the hounds just then they both heard the sound of a pack in full cry but at a considerable distance you stay where you are said the hind never mind me and with that she ran off as fast as her legs could carry her okay so i guess this is another one of those do as i say not as i do the hind which i guess is like a mother deer was like why are you so afraid of those dogs to her fawn but as soon as they heard dogs the mother like took off and left the fawn there and is like you be brave but i'm going to run i should probably check what a hind is define behind especially of a bodily part situated at the back posterior probably not the definition i'm looking for there we go i guess this is old english or something a female deer especially a red deer or sika in and after the third year so yeah it's like a mother deer like i was saying i can't think why you were such a coward as to run away from the hounds and then she takes off so yeah some people like to talk a big talk pay attention to people's actions not their words well maybe pay attention to their words also but pay more attention to their actions so is there anything we can learn from that i guess you could say to don't worry so much about other people's opinions if people are saying stuff to you kind of putting you down you got to have like a strong core and believe in yourself i mean you've got to be able to take criticism too and improve if you need to but you should listen to what people say and then judge it on its merits or perhaps instead of as a filter for what people tell you maybe it's more of a learning lesson for the kind be aware of the advice you're dispensing to other people before you dispense it at someone think about how it would apply to yourself are you telling people to behave in one way but really behaving contrary to that in real life are you a hypocrite don't be a hypocrite like this hind or is it a hint and i've been saying it wrong the entire time probably it's a hind yeah all right i guess that's all there is for the fable if you think you can interpret something else leave a comment below something i may have missed thanks for being here thanks for watching this video the sean farquhar interview is getting very close to being complete but i wanted to make this reaction today and i think there's probably going to be a magician on agt that i should react to tomorrow as well possibly even florian save himself alright that's all for this video see you next time [Music] me
Channel: Jason Parker
Views: 2,473,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic tricks, magic, magician, pen and teller, magic revealed, fool us, teller, reaction, react channel, magic trick, penn & teller, magician reacts, magician reaction, exposed, penn and teller, best magic, magic exposed, magic secrets, best ever magic, 2020, season 7, fool us 2020, new fool us, best magician, fooler winner, fooler, winner, fool us winner, Léa Kyle, Lea Kyle, fool us lea, fool us léa, lea Kyle magic, lea kyle magician, quick change, clothing, change clothes
Id: SgghjE8jUWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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