Magician REACTS to Javier Botia FISM award winner on Penn and Teller FOOL US 2020

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone my name is jason parker and welcome back to this channel about magic by the way a friend of mine has developed a new app that i think is really cool and i want to tell you about it quickly it's called phone 2 which gives you a second digital phone number you can use just like a normal number currently you can choose from u.s and canadian numbers with more countries coming in the future and what are the benefits well that's a great question a you can have separate personal and business phone numbers without needing to carry two physical phones b my favorite thing even though i'm living in europe i can still receive text verification and calls from banks and companies in the united states and c perhaps most importantly your phone numbers belong to you it means you can move freely from device to device no need to call a cellular service provider and deal with the bureaucracy and unnecessary fees all you need is an internet connection and you keep the number forever because it belongs to you sound useful then click on the link below and now let's take a look at javier bottie a magician from spain appearing on the season 7 of foolish apparently he'll be performing some kind of mentalism act so let's take a look i used to be a tbs star in spain i had an audience of millions but one day i had the panic attack i couldn't breathe the panic attack is like you think you are dying i cancelled my tv show i was in the hospital two times it was impossible to work because i felt anxiety the doctor told me you need to be in front the people again try magic like a therapy you can wow that's crazy to imagine i mean he had a lot of experience he was an actor on tv everything's going okay and then suddenly a panic attack i guess i don't know a lot about panic attacks but you would think that if he has so much experience like how would it be so stressful to him he already knows what he's doing he knows how everything works so yeah it's really shocking to imagine that things could be going along well and then suddenly a panic attack appears out of nowhere and that's kind of funny that the doctor's advice was like hmm you need to get in front of people again he's like you know that thing that caused you all this stress in the first place do that again but that's why i'm not a doctor one of the many reasons why in addition to never having attended medical school at any rate it's interesting i guess he's saying that magic is the therapy he chose to move past this now let's continue you for a few people only five minutes i'm not good magician but mentalism is so different i need only my mind so i tried it and i have a good success i want the best mentalist in the world this is the end of the therapy if i make it through the show [Music] i think i'm cured with five randomly selected members of our studio audience please welcome world champion mentalist javier bautian [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen i am the spanish mentalist [Applause] very dramatic i have no limits and tonight i'm going to read all your minds at the same time please all of you think of a caller and send it to me should i be guessing yellow because of his shirt [Music] got that that one that one as well blue is yours thank you high degree of success god is there did you know come here what's your name tyler tyler yes ah i knew it i am the spanish mentalist [Applause] please grab five different color pieces from the floor pick the colors you like five different color pieces maybe blue maybe orange maybe violet orange is not a color aura is a fruit okay what are you thinking about we'll be using identical blank envelopes absolutely empty please pick one pick one okay pick one when you have your election shuffle them and give one to its volunteer uh one for you please thank you now i will turn around because i don't want see anything put your collar inside your envelope okay everybody and finally my volunteer are you finished not yet okay no you are not over now now i'm done to make it impossible why are you relaxing to make it impossible now collect them collect all of them i don't want to see anything collect all of them mix them and hand them over again well i've got to say everything looks pretty fair so far i did notice that uh even though he seemed a little cavalier about how he was handing out those envelopes he did or he could have like very specifically controlled whom he gave each envelope to don't know if that's actually important just something i was paying attention to also kind of randomly thinking back to his intro he said something like this being on fool us was the last stage of his the last stage of his treatment and i was wondering was that a joke or was that serious i actually thought it was a joke but i mean i guess he could be serious you know because if he performed for small groups of people and he kind of amped it up and then now he's performing on a tv show again and as far as this magic i don't know how he would understand which colors are in what envelopes at this point i mean he had us back to them the whole time and now the envelopes have been collected so let's proceed now the situation is completely random nobody knows the content of any envelope not even them tell me when you finish okay not yet now i'm done okay now sit ladies and gentlemen tonight i will show you that i can predict every single hidden color many mentalists use tarot cards for predict maybe look at his balls his crystal balls but the spanish mentalist prefer interpret a spanish masterpiece maybe you you will be this one come here in this position yes this is your places this thank you and you you will be the the woman with the rose in that is your position okay uh can you do palmas yeah okay can you clap i think you will be the dancer okay go to the center he's got dancer's legs you play guitar the titanic song that's about it okay pretend go to the corner pretend now everybody in his position uh this is a mess it's okay don't worry i am the spanish mentalist and i can do everything with my spanish mental power i predict your hidden color is pink open your envelope so far so good go away i'm looking your eyes and you look like a bull [Music] everybody with me now i predict your color is yellow open your envelope move to the center walk to the center something is wrong [Applause] perfect ladies and gentlemen tonight i will tell you that they can't predict every single color maybe it was lucky no amigos i am the spanish montalis all right i have a couple of really important thoughts to share with you so far number one for a while it looked like they were all playing air guitar that was super important thought number one my second thought is that i wonder how many mouths that rose has been in you know you just went over there and put it into her mouth and she bit on it i hope for her sake it gets doused in hand sanitizer at the end of each performance okay that's all for my super important thoughts back to the act and tonight i have a dream i have a dream that one day this audience will reset and discover the truth behind my prediction i have a dream that one day my three volunteers will not be judged by the color of the cards always over your head my prediction open your envelope show your color this is blue open your envelope show your color this is green open your envelope and your color is red the biggest prediction in full ass ever [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you that was awesome that was so entertaining oh excuse me oh i find a green car so how did this cure you matic is for me it's the best therapy because when you have a very big problem you are sick you need to believe that the impossible is possible oh that's yes javier should we find out if you fool them uh miss amigos pen and teller yes all right let me give you my thoughts before we hear from pin and teller so i guess during his performance when he was giving that speech that was supposed to be like the martin luther king i have a dream speech because he said something like you won't be judged by the color of your card in the envelope that was a little bit unexpected oh and then i thought it was funny at the end he says and now the biggest prediction ever on fool us and this gigantic tapestry rolls down with his prediction it was literally the biggest prediction on foolish ever so i like that he had a lot of little funny moments built into his performances very entertaining and then lastly right there when he was talking with allison i thought he had a really cool message you know in his situation he was hospitalized because of stress you know he was like really dealing with an extreme situation but it's cool how he talked about when you have these really low feelings how it's so important to believe that something is possible to believe that anything is possible yeah i mean i don't see the world in some unrealistically optimistic way thinking oh i can just levitate if i really want to and i believe it but i do think it's super important our beliefs that we carry through life the times when we're really broken down are also the times when we have the least hope so i really liked hearing this message about you know having that uh core belief can really enable you to recover and accomplish things i heartily agree okay now about the magic itself well i don't actually see how he would know what colors were in the different envelopes i did notice one thing that kind of gives me maybe a clue but i'm not really sure it's just that i noticed uh after the people i put the colors in the envelopes and after they had mixed them around and when that dude had randomly distributed them back to the people that if you watch the video again you'll see all the people are holding the envelopes in a very specific way like showing the face of it very straight forward and to me that tells me that they had received instruction at some point to hold it that way because they were all doing it exactly the same way they weren't just holding it in their lap or casually holding it in different ways so that leads me to believe that possibly there was something that could be seen by looking at the face of the envelope i don't know what it would be but that's my best guess so far i mean certainly when i was looking at the video i couldn't see anything through the envelopes they all look completely identical to me so those are my thoughts and let's hear from pin and teller now what a nice what a really nice presentation just crazy and stage filling and i just got nothing but good to say but while i'm saying the good see i'm having a lot of trouble complimenting you because i i really want to figure out this trick and teller and i have been banging on it because the idea is you're doing a big funny routine and when someone does a big funny routine we usually figure that's the important part of it is that it's big and funny the important part of it is not that it's super mysterious so we can probably figure this out well everybody else was laughing we were kind of watching carefully and when you handled those envelopes you took the envelopes you just kind of threw them around didn't care who you gave what to and as soon as you do that we start to worry because we say you know the spanish mentalist he's trying to get us to not care about the envelopes he's trying to get us to go well those envelopes don't matter he doesn't care about the envelopes so that means we care an awful lot uh i need translator because i can't understand you i understand better tell her i'm gonna come up there what i'm saying is can i look at one of those envelopes oh of course i can look at one of the envelopes yes dan phillips no no not the one you're gonna take i'm gonna take the one that i'm gonna take this envelope here yes there's nothing strange about this overlap nothing is nothing strange i thought there was gonna be something strange about this envelope i i really did i thought we came up here to bust you um but oh my god i'm dreaming you know what i'm thinking i'm thinking that you are the spanish mentalist and you have fooled us spanish medalists [Applause] people all right well i'm gonna go ahead and give you my closing thoughts now first off congratulations to javier on fooling pin and teller nice job not only was it very entertaining it was also very mysterious and fooling as well as i mentioned earlier i don't know exactly how i did i just have some kind of general suspicion and actually when pin and teller went up there on stage to examine the envelopes i'm really curious what they were expecting to find were they looking for like a second container inside the envelope or maybe little holes where you'd be able to see through it and were those envelopes that they picked up off the ground and examined were those the envelopes that were held by the spectators because i remember there were some other envelopes thrown on the floor at the beginning too i guess we'll never know anyways it was a great performance very entertaining lots of funny moments and at the same time being fooling so that's just perfect what did you think about javier's performance leave a comment below and now we've reached that time in the video when i will read you a fable from aesop okay this one looks pretty cool venus and the cat chapter 147 and as you can see there is a really nice illustration there this one's only a half pager venus in the cat a cat fell in love with a handsome young man and begged the goddess venus to change her into a woman venus was very gracious about it and changed her at once into a beautiful maiden whom the young man fell in love with at first sight and shortly afterwards married wow that was quick one day venus thought she would like to see whether the cat had changed her habits as well as her form so she let a mouse run loose in the room where they were forgetting everything the young woman had no sooner seen the mouse than up she jumped and was after it like a shot at which the goddess was so disgusted that she changed her back again into a cat chasing after mice disgusting punishment is going back to cat form all right that's kind of a weird story huh and i guess if we look at that picture we're seeing the woman run excitedly out of bed to chase after the mouse foregoing her husband all for the hunt maybe that's what it's about uh keeping track of your priorities not losing something more important to something more frivolous you know that she desired to chase after this mouse so much like her old ways that she lost her husband but uh you know the way it was described it kind of seems like a instant reaction like the woman didn't think about it and make a choice she just reacted and ran after the mouse so i can hardly fault the woman for doing that so what's the moral of the story here and what about the husband and what if she was pregnant it's gonna be some half human half cat hybrid huh so okay but really is there some meaning to this something about you can change the colors but you can't change the inside i know there was some expression like that bird can change its colors but it's still going to squawk that's not it of course as soon as i finish filming this then i'll remember okay so it's something about her appearance was changed but inside she was the same and venus was disgusted you can change your blue but you can't change your nature i know there's some expression like that right comment below i also find it kind of funny that the punishment for this behavior was she was turned back into a cat in my mind being cat is not such a bad thing at all i gotta say not my favorite fable ever i feel like the woman's actions were fairly justified especially given her history so i can't really find her at fault i just feel sad for their broken marriage anyways guys thanks for being here thanks for watching this video how many of you watched that sean farquhar's latest reaction to me directing him reacting to whatever how many of you saw that and do you think i should do another reaction to that one because his video was like something 40 minutes long and at first i was thinking i should react to it but now i'm thinking maybe it's a good place to leave it off go ahead and vote down below i'll read your comments anyways i hope you're having a magical week stay classy and i'll see you next time [Music] me
Channel: Jason Parker
Views: 73,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic tricks, magic, magician, pen and teller, magic revealed, fool us, teller, reaction, react channel, magic trick, penn & teller, magician reacts, magician reaction, exposed, penn and teller, best magic, magic exposed, magic secrets, best ever magic, 2020, season 7, fool us 2020, new fool us, new magic, fooler winner, winner, fooler, fool us winners, fool us winner, Javier Botia, Javier Botia magic, Javier Botia magician, spanish mentalist, spanish magician, fool us Javier
Id: naEIn9z7naY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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