Magician REACTS to Kevin Micoud INSANELY VISUAL Magic on America's Got Talent 2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone my name is jason parker and welcome back to this channel about magic normally if possible i like to share a little magic trick with you guys at the beginning of these videos before we get into the reaction but i don't have anything ready just yet so today we're gonna do random questions with you and me and today's random question is going to be if you were arrested with no explanation what would your friends and family assume that you had done leave a comment below i enjoy reading you guys answers and girls is is and if you wait to the end of the video i'll give you my answer as well unnecessary hand gestures in today's reaction video we're taking a look at kevin mccowd who is apparently a french magician appearing on america's got talent these are the audition rounds i've personally not heard of him before but i've been told that he does some very amazing visual magic on this performance so i'm excited to see what he's got hopefully you're excited too and let's jump into the reaction agt is the house of magic that's true there's been a ton of magicians this season especially there have been amazing acts right here on this stage that have actually taken over las vegas a residency in las vegas is the dream of every magician agt has a long line of amazing magicians this song kind of reminds me of something what is that oh it's killing me it's right on the tip of my brain i wanted to say harry potter music but i don't think that's it something more spooky kind of like maybe beetlejuice beetlejuice beetle no that's not it something kind of like tim burton-esque maybe i'm thinking of the theme song from edward scissorhands anyway it's driving me crazy i'm gonna have to go back and figure that out later if you know what song it is i'm thinking about leave a comment below i would be happy to know that and if i figure it out i'll leave my answer to that song in the pinned comment below so you can check that out and now we can check out this video my name is kevin miku i'm 32 and i'm a mentalist miku ever since i can remember i was interested in human brain when i went to the university i learned about the brain about the science or oh your brain speak and understand something when i told people i want to be a mentalist people thought i was crazy i was practicing mentalism in secret but my family was always there for me i love you i will be proud to show my daughters doesn't matter what people say if you love something do it my biggest dream is to have my own show in las vegas and that's why i'm here in agt this is my chance to show that i'm supposed to be doing this [Music] hi hello what is your name my name is kevin hi kevin and where are you from france where else [Applause] welcome to america yeah thank you thank you and what do you do in france mentalism mentalism yes how old are you i'm 32 since yesterday you know i think his clothing style choice there is very interesting he's got on like a business jacket but then he's got on these bright colorful sneakers ripped jeans arm tattoos and like a low v-neck i think that's a pretty cool style because it says like you know professional yet it's like super casual and trendy at the same time very avant-garde so kudos to his wardrobe designer or if that's him kudos to him second thing uh what he said there in his intro about you know being passionate about mentalism and he was kind of embarrassed people were calling him crazy so he was hiding that part away i do admire when people do something despite outward influences it's so easy for us to be peer pressured or even doubt our own ideas and it's great to see when people just push through that resistance and continue with the idea of what they wanted to do anyway i like it continuing happy birthday happy birthday oh happy birthday happy birthday how long have you been doing mentalism 12 years so you do it full time for a living now yes and what is the reason that you wanted to be here on america's got talent when you love something you want to share with much people as possible and this is the biggest stage of the world go ahead mentalize oh dramatic music i'm gonna show you a mind transmission performance but between you judges and mister terry crews come on terry let's give him a hand thank you so much right so i come to you actually i like that he says right i come to you a lot of other contestants are like do you mind if i approach the judge's booth and he's just like i come to you no problem okay here we've got photos of agt finalists from all the seasons of the show ladies you will pick one each and without showing it look at it then put it under your cup heidi put your finger on the photo okay take it keep your finger perfect thank you that's yours and worries sophia put your finger on the photo that one take it okay now let's do this let's do it also you see that little box he's got sitting right there that says agt finalist with bluey d blue led highlight lights because he's a mentalist i'm wondering is he trying to subliminally influence them to thinking like maybe he should be in the agt finalist you know just getting that into their mind because look at that image it looks very successful it's like already thinking past the audition stages at least i feel that's the type of thing a mentalist would think about now i'm gonna extract the mind of terry then grab your thoughts and put it inside and so do a mine transmission keep your concentration and your eyes closed from now till the end and imagine imagine me extracting the mind from your head [Applause] oh that is insane deeper to your memories is this video editing this is crazy ladies think about your contestants their talents their props heidi i'm gonna extract the contestants from your mind wow does it make sense does it make sense i'm so confused right now so many things are happening i'm like wait wait his mind is extracted and they're okay they're putting the thoughts from the judges into his extracted mind i guess i don't know i kind of forgot what he was saying when i see this incredible visual thing like appearing like a hologram right there all my brain's resources went like 100 to trying to understand that anyways assuming that's not a video effect added by agt through editing that looks incredible let's see what he's going to do with terry's brain [Music] yeah then terry imagine your mind coming back to your head if you can imagine it and open your eyes wow so cool take these boys and write the names of the two contestants you felt [Music] the two contestants you felt terry okay it's all up to you show us the board cody lee is that correct it is no oh yes yes it is [Applause] wait one last thing judges at the very beginning i left a photo of myself here the other reason why i left it even before you charge your contestants is because this photo contains my prediction okay i'm gonna go and give you my thoughts before we hear from the judges okay first off that was an amazing performance i'm starting to formulate an idea about how he made this incredible visual thing appear what appeared to be just a glowing hologram in 3d space as holograms often are so we have a couple options option a agt added video editing on top of his performance but i can't see how that would be possible at all that doesn't make sense because then he would just be standing up there with nothing in front of him so that's not really an option has to be option b no video editing and i'm kind of reminded of this alarm clock that i saw a long time ago where there was like a wand that would wave back and forth and you would see like the time floating in the air in addition to that uh i was at a shopping mall here in kiev uh i remember seeing this like two years ago there was some type of advertisement and they basically had like slimer from ghostbusters like floating in 3d i was go i was going down the escalator and i looked up and i saw and i was like what the heck how is that possible there's just some like incredible kind of 3d graphic like floating there advertising something obviously didn't work because i don't know what they were advertising and yeah i when i looked at it really carefully i've made a recording if i can find that somewhere in my phone what i understood is that it must be some kind of like led like blades or wands that are like spinning kind of like a fan and then it uh just timed to like light up at the right moment to make an image and it looks 3d because it's you know apparently not on a screen it's just like seemingly floating in mid-air so i guess uh kevin here has something kind of like that that he must have customized for magic i've never seen anyone use this for magic before and i've got to say that was an amazing idea combined with his d light you know where he starts off kind of plucking this memory and he then adds it into this 3d hologram as holograms often are yeah just what a fantastic idea i have a couple other thoughts i want to share with you but let's just proceed and hear what the judges are going to say first i'm assuming they're going to like it we need one of those brain things that you had there that was incredible i've never seen anything like it before and what you've done from my brain to teres it was incredible thank you sophia i don't even know what to say that was so much fun and it was such a different thing to watch thank you so much and simon this this app was sensational absolutely sensational it was taking this kind of act into the future it was unlike anything we've ever seen before this is a vegas act absolutely brilliant thank you the magic is far beyond anything i have seen before that was appearing in front of us those graphics were just floating in the air i saw terry cruz's brain in front of me it was crazy i think that's amazing i've never seen anything like it i'm so excited i'm going to start off the voting with a as you would understand we oh good job i give you your second week we've had so many weeds today and now you've got a fourth week [Applause] all right now let me give you a couple extra conclusionary thoughts i've got about his performance so kevin macau apparently i pronounced it wrong at the beginning of the video i said kevin mccowd number one thought that i have great job great performance the whole thing was so well thought out well done and i am excited to see what he's got next i'm assuming he's not going to continue to do that kind of hologram thing every single time because then it might kind of start to feel repetitive i don't know actually what do you think watching at home do you think he should use the hologram again in his next subsequent act or do you think it makes more sense strategically for him to do something just completely different leave your comment below maybe he will see it if he sees this reaction video sometimes these magicians come on here and comment although perhaps it's already been filmed like a month ago i don't know it's hard to keep track of reality with these reality tv shows i think i heard someone say that the audience in that theater was virtually created i started to look for that and they looked very real like the people standing up to applaud sitting down again as the camera was panning around were those just old shots from a previous agt number two did you guys notice those interesting uh sleeve tattoos those arm tattoos he had there i'm doing this so you know what i mean i was trying to get a good look at those because on his left arm it looked like he had an entire like passage written there and it looks like maybe it could be from a book or a poem and i'm curious what that is i bet that's a real conversation starter when you're walking around people are like whoa like hold on let me read that it just makes you think what text could be so impactful that you would get the whole thing written on your arm it's not like a one sentence thing it's like a one page thing it's like an arm page i kind of tried blowing up the image here but yeah i just can't make out what that is that would be funny if it was like that default latin text that they use for like web page builders where it's like lorem ipsum whatever just like meaningless text but i doubt it so we are on number two now number three number three that card he left on the table that end prediction he put under the cup there at the very beginning i feel like that was maybe a little bit anti-climatic because you know he had this amazing hologram which was 3d as holograms often are and he showed that he read terry's minds you know he got the thoughts from the judges and implanted them into his brain and got him to write it there and he was like boom you know everyone was like amazed applause and then he kind of like cut it short and was like oh and if you look there you'll see that i had also predicted this was true you know and i kind of felt like maybe it's better to even remove that completely from the act because what does it tell you it tells you that kevin knew what they were going to select ahead of time that he's using some kind of jedi mind powers and i just kind of felt like it wasn't necessary but that's just my two cents you know obviously kevin is the one who's up there performing and he thought through this i'm sure he had some reason for doing that number 2.5 in terms of the actual method i have a pretty good idea about when he went up to the judge's booth and he was having them select from the photographs there's a couple different options that could have been there some of them rough some of them a little bit more smooth and even if that wasn't involved there's an alternative that he could have been banking on trying to do some code talk there and in terms of terry when terry was up there sitting on the chair and how he got him to write the correct words i have two plausible options there one is that he had him sit there on a chair and you know it was a little bit covered up it's possible there was some kind of device on the chair that like through vibration or like a low-powered speaker was able to communicate to terry the names that he should write down i'm just kind of reaching there that might not be correct option number two which i think is probably more likely how he did it is uh pre-show work and uh i don't want to go into too many details about exactly how that works i'm trying to avoid outright exposure but essentially it's something that happened before the cameras were rolling but it's not quite that terry felt like he was in on it and he was a stooge or a confederate it's not that for all intents and purposes what i could say is terry will feel like he had a free choice and feel like you know he was experiencing the magic as well that's kind of probably what happened in this case just a little something that you and i and the viewers at home weren't really privy to in one case you could say it's kind of somewhere in the gray zone between what's fair and what's not fair but they do this type of thing on reality tv shows and competitions and like magic specials all the time and despite knowing all this i can still really appreciate how smooth and flawless kevin's performance was because it's not merely knowing the secrets it's the presentation it's the performance as well and that great idea he had to make this hologram at any rate i think kevin mccow did an amazing job please feel free to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts with all of us and we can make a discussion and it is that time of the video where in which with a pawn i read you a random aesop's fable and we see if we can glean some wisdom that we can actually apply to our lives like wet leaves some kind of therapeutic wet leaves that heal the skin alrighty today we have chapter 189 it goes from here to there very short the caged bird and the bat proceeding a song bird was confined in a cage which hung outside a window and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep one night a bat came and clung to the bars of the cage and asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night i have a very good reason for doing so said the bird it was once when i was singing in the daytime that a fowler attracted by my voice and set his nets for me and caught me since then i have never sung except by night but the bat replied it is no use you're doing that now when you are a prisoner if you only had done so before you were caught you might still have been free and the moral of the storyline is precautions are useless after the event yes that is funny this bird was so traumatized by being caught singing in the daylight and captured that bird now avoids singing during the daylight a lot of this tassel whipping going on here hmm yeah i like this story let's see if you think in terms of psychology and you think of a stimuli and then our response type of behavior sometimes we build this connection that isn't helpful you know maybe when you were a kid you got scared of clowns and now you're terrified anytime you see a clown and that's not really protecting you in the world that's not an important connection to have i mean how are you supposed to enjoy the circus eating your cotton candy trembling in fear that is no way to live yeah so obviously it's good to examine our behavior our phobias and see if they're holding us back unnecessarily we do want to know that when you touch the hot pan you will burn your fingers to avoid that but we don't for example want to have a connection of feeling anxiety when you're in social situations for example and it's at this point i would like to recommend you to visit your therapist and get your mental problems worked out this video is sponsored by nobody i could point to some kind of a therapist service right now if this video was sponsored but it's not and in case you don't feel like paying for a therapist or your problems aren't so gigantic they're small enough you can tackle them yourself just some introspection looking in thinking do my responses make sense are they helping me is my habit loop productive for me but yeah in closing if we rewind back to the moral of the storyline precautions are useless after the event but in some cases precautions after the event can be helpful for example if you got hacked if someone got into your computer maybe then you take steps to prevent that from happening again especially if this event could occur again that's the differentiating factor here for example if you missed one of my videos if you missed my last video and you could learn from that by going to the notifications bell and switching it from some to all notifications and then you'll be sure never to miss one of these videos ever again for the rest of your life problem solved precautions taken and fable interpreted thank you for being here thank you for smashing like it really helps with the youtube algorithm so far i guess i'm going to be continuing to react to these magicians throughout this agt season as they progress that's the plan for now again thanks for being here i really do appreciate you and uh have a nice week have a nice day keep it magical and i'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] me
Channel: Jason Parker
Views: 102,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magician reacts to, magician, magic tricks, best magic, agt, america's got talent, got talent, react, reaction, magician reacts, magic, best magician, america's got talent magic, agt magician, agt auditions, revealed, agt 2021 magician, agt 2021, season 16, s16e07, Kevin Micoud, agt kevin, micoud 2021, micoud magic, micoud magician, mentalist, mentalism, mind reading, visual magic, Kevin micou, Terry crews, RGB, LED, brain, 3d brain, agt best mentalist, mindreading, 2021, new agt
Id: -6BOh26Wf9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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