MAGIC SULFUR! Steel or less Sour Gas Boiler Experiment. Oxygen Not Included

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welcome back my fellow divisions to oxygen not included now a couple episodes ago you saw me build this little petroleum boiler right here which allows me to convert crude oil to into petroleum at a one-to-one ratio with a little bit of heat however one of the byproducts i had here was sour gas now you've heard about something called the sour gas boiler if you haven't well buckle up your seat belt because it's about to get crazy the interesting thing about a sour gas boiler though is that one of the byproducts is sulfur which is a key ingredient now in our game which is an which is now a key ingredient in the space down dlc the reason it is is because we use it to grow our little grub fruit plants and we can also use that for our grub grubs and sweetele critters so if you can get your hands on more sulfur you can build up more and more food inside of your base now those familiar with the sour gas boiler also realize that it has a power positive element to it so produce a little extra power and a little extra water which is useful for oxygen so what i'm investigating today in this experiment video is whether or not i so what i'm looking to investigate today is whether or not i can build a sour gas boiler that would work inside of the current spaced out dlc and there's two primary limitations the first one is that i don't have access to the high end materials so it has to work with steel or less and because of that i have to use alternative heat sources rather than very hot equipment so something like this magma down here or possibly harvesting the heat off of our rocket exhaust or for really crazy maybe even tap it into something like a volcano and even though it's not quite in the game yet we do know that nuclear reactors are coming online i don't know how much heat those will put out but they might be a potential heat source that will allow us to boil petroleum into sour gas so the following is an experiment video now this is basically the recordings of a mad scientist in his lair so basically what i'm trying to answer here is can i make a sour gas boiler and see just how much sulfur i'm going to get out of that and whether or not it's going to be power positive if i can't use those critical materials such as thermium or super coolant but just in case you're wondering this really isn't meant to be a tutorial it's meant to be kind of inspiration you can definitely dig out the details and explore it yourself if you so wish so let's jump on into the experiment if you're not familiar with our sauergrass boiler works here's the core of it essentially we're starting off with crude oil at whatever temperature it is once that goes above 400 degrees celsius it turns into petroleum at a one-to-one ratio if you go hotter than that up to 540 degrees celsius it then will convert into sour gas at that point if you cool it down below negative 162 degrees celsius you end up with 33 sulfur and 67 methane at that point heating up the methane will convert it back into natural gas at that point you can do all sorts of things with the natural gas you can run it through generators which produces water and carbon dioxide and it really snowballs but the core of the system is something quite simple you have a very hot side and a very cold side and you stick your crude oil in there and it comes out with all the byproducts you want so i put 10 kilograms of it in right here see that 10 kilograms and we're just going to cool this down so using the sandbox tool i'm going to go over here to the heat gun we're going to go minus 100 degrees celsius there we go we'll get it real cold all right so there we go now we've got some natural gas a little bit of methane and sulfur let's just heat that up just a little bit so we end up with just natural gas and sulfur so when we cool down the sour gas that's when it splits into both sulfur and methane which is pretty useful because that sulfur is going to be relatively cool pretty close to negative 170 degrees celsius and as you can see right here 33 percent of your sour gas is going to come out as sulfur so the rest of that ends up as natural gas alright so in order to cool this stuff down to negative 160 degrees celsius and doing it without super coolant brings up a big challenge why because super coolant is just incredibly powerful it can go all the way down to negative 271 degrees celsius and it has specific heat capacity of 8.4 thermal conductivity of 9.4 just very very effective and since we don't have this it's out of the question so water and its alternatives salt water polluted water all that stuff are all really close to the specific heat capacity of 4.1 so it's really quite effective when you take this and you run it through something like an aqua tuner the thing is that you can't get that very very cold because then it will just freeze the pipes the other way to get around that is if you have very small quantities running through the pipes then you're running 1.2 kilowatts for a very small amount of liquid or one-tenth of that so that would be 58 000 dtus if we're running water there instead of 585. now here's where things are a little bit deceiving the thermal regulator over here shows that it's only going to do 14 000 dtus but it's looking at oxygen and it depends on what type of gas or liquid that you're running through these things in order to see how much it's going to change so if we go back to our gases what we find out here is that our hydrogen gas is capable of going all the way down to negative 252 degrees celsius so it can go cool enough to actually get us to turn sour gas into you know liquid methane and sulfur and it has a specific heat capacity of 2.4 as compared to all the other gases i think that's the highest that's capable of going that low so that's going to be what we use and to give you some sort of idea here if we take a look at our utility oxygen has a specific heat capacity of basically one so when we run our thermal regulator on hydrogen it's actually going to put out 2.4 times as much dtus so when we take this thermal regulator and we run it on hydrogen we're actually moving 33.6 000 dtus for 240 watts all right so i know that i'm going to use gas pipes to run hydrogen through thermal regulators but how am i going to make this work all right so here's my plan i'm actually going to use two systems to try to cool this down because i'm not really moving a large volume of cold stuff we're only moving one kilogram per second so what i want to try to do here is to use two so here's what i'm going to do i've just got steel now i've got gold tiles steel pipes we'll do this number just like so and then i'll do that number just like that and bring this right back down so all i'm doing is running cold and i'm going to bring it in from the bottom and then move up i've kind of learned that doing this having the coldest at the bottom allows the temperature here to kind of gradually go to the point until it hits a critical spot and then it all just kind of stabilizes right there it just makes it run a little bit better so that will be just like so and then somewhere down here i'm going to need as many thermal regulators as i can actually run the more i throw at it the more power i'm going to have the colder i can get that hydrogen however i don't want it to get too cold so it's kind of a balancing act technically i can run eight thermal regulators off of one two kilowatt wire so i think i will do that all right so here's what i got going on i'm going to have four thermal regulators down here these are made out of steel so nothing too special and then there's going to be a second row of them right down here and these two are going to be made out of steel so what i want to do is i want to be able to take a gas in here and then have it jump out and then jump over again okay so here's what i want to do if the temperature is high enough i want it to jump through one thermal regulator and if it continues to stay high enough i want it to jump through all of them otherwise if it gets down to a point where it's cold enough i want it to kind of skip all of these things and just go out the other end nice and cool so depending on whatever the temperature of the input gas is that will kind of determine how many of these things it actually hits and then we get the output temperature so i'm going to put a gas pipe thermal sensor in right here before each one of these just like this so if it is above then we will run it in here and it will come out there otherwise if it's not then it's just going to pass right by it and then we'll bridge it right back onto itself just like that boop so then it will bypass and then we take this one and we tie it into the next one we check the temperature again if it's above a certain amount it runs through there comes out here otherwise it goes like that so each one of these drops is going to be 14 degrees celsius now just to make sure i keep the temperature in check what i can do is just put a steam turbine right down here that's looking pretty good let's go into the automation real quick just like so and connect all of these now these are actually all going to be set to the same temperature i believe so basically i want to get the gas down to that temperature so if it's not there yet then we just run it through whatever thermal regulator it's at right so its condensation point is negative 252 degrees celsius so if this is above negative 200 and say negative 240 and that's what i'm going to use that'll be the same setting on all of them here we have it all of these can be plugged into the exact same wire just like that so after doing the math right here we have 268 000 dtus that we can remove every time we run the gas through the full loop so that's a lot lower than what we'd get running an aqua tuner on super coolant but you know this is what we have to work with so the real question is is this going to be good enough to get some sulfur out of it okay so the next thing i'm going to do here is put the gas reservoir and i'm going to put this on the output i kind of want to stabilize the temperatures before i run them in here so i can kind of you know as the temperature might vary a little bit coming through here this should even it out so we'll run up here just like that and just like so now i'm just using ceramic insulated pipes here nothing too crazy but then again we're kind of operating in a vacuum this is still very much an experimental build not quite something you would deploy just want to see how it works okay so here's what i got thermal regulators right here all of these are looking for the temperatures in the pipe and then i have my gas reservoirs over here and they are pretty much just full right now just go ahead and hook up a little bit of automation to these i'll kind of show you the cycle that the gas will take so when i click this we'll send the gas off just like that one kilogram packets these are going to flow around just like this and that will cool down these gold metal tiles right here and any gas that's passing through here will interact with that metal tile if it gets cold enough to the point where it's liquid it'll turn the liquid and then drop right on down the reason i do this is so that it doesn't get too cold there's something about interacting with a tile horizontal like that it just suddenly stops interacting and i don't end up spending more energy making it colder than it needs to be so once it gets to the bottom that's where i want to pump the liquid out and that's going to be methane not even going to worry about how much is down there if there's enough to pump then we'll pump it now the real question here is where do i take this methane because it is really really cold and it's going to expand out into natural gas but once it does that it's still going to be down there at right around negative 150 degrees celsius which is really really cold and what we can use to make this way more efficient is we can use some of that and pre-cool a lot of the material that's coming out of here so this is sour gas really really hot and we'll pre-cool it using the natural gas so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to take this tile right up here and i'm just going to mess with it a little bit i know this is just kind of a proof of concept but i'm tweaking it already i'm gonna build this out just like so and then i'm going to go in here and i'm going to destroy that right just like this so right here is where i'm going to expand my liquid methane into natural gas so the idea is to have the dropper right here so that's the coldest spot and then as it moves left it should heat up now to be completely honest with you i don't think i'm going to be running a ton of material through this so i think probably just two or three gas pumps is going to be enough you know but just to be on the safe side i'll put a couple more over that over here all right so the liquid will come out here turn into natural gas will flow from this side to the left just like that and then once we hit this sensor if it's above let's say 700 then these two pumps will run if it's still above 700 over here then these two pumps will run kicking all that stuff out all right so that leaves this metal tile what am i doing here well we still have one third of this coming out as a solid normally the sulfur would just build up right down here so here's where i'm going to make use of that to kind of help again boost our efficiency so i'm going to put an auto sweeper in here just like that and then a conveyor loader and what i want to do is ship our sulfur through here as well remember it's right around the same temperature technically i could actually zigzag this one around a little bit more if i wanted to although i don't think it's all that necessary now there's a second thing that we need to be worried here when dealing with this sulfur is that it might get too hot and turn back into a liquid which wouldn't be good i also don't want the sulfur to be too hot in that it would just end up heating up my farms so figuring about how much i'm actually going to expose this as a cooling method you know i kind of want to bring it up to right around room temperature and then get it out of here i guess technically i could do like conveyor shutoffs like this all the way down you know let's not get too crazy with it let's just let's just do this number and see what happens boop all right so now for the liquid that's going to flow in here's where things get a little bit interesting because as we are exposing this it's going to go from crude oil to petroleum however in my base i'm starting off with petroleum so depending on whatever temperature i have here yeah things might get a little bit interesting one of the things i like to do is actually just take the liquid and and store it up like right here pretty close to the hot side that way it absorbs a decent amount of the heat right as it's passively cooling this right out of the get-go tends to make things a little bit more efficient all right so here's what i'm going to do with the liquid i'm actually going to bring it in here so this will be the coldest and that'll be the hottest whereas this is the hottest that's the coldest so this should actually take a decent amount of the energy out of it then i'll drop it right there so long as i have enough pressure here so what i'm going to use on this side to control the you know how much i'm putting into this thing is just going to be an atmos sensor and i kind of just want to get an idea of how much pressure i'm putting in here because as we move through here we should have a high pressure side and then a low pressure side as things are turning into a liquid so if the pressure over here goes below one kilogram then it's going to turn on or whatever number i set there okay so now to control this door down here i'm going to need a thermal sensor i'm actually going to put it in this tile right there run that automation wire in and there we go so if this goes above 450 degrees celsius then it will become active and it will run although i don't want to do it right now because i'm kind of in startup mode and right now everything's in a vacuum so the temperatures and stuff and pressures are not actually talking to each other but i think i have everything for the most part set up so after a lot of setup i think everything is ready let's see how this thing works what i really want to get out of this is some sort of idea of how much sulfur i can actually get out of this and if it's going to be power positive or power negative so i've got all of these thermal regulators down here running and what they're trying to do is they're trying to cool all of this hydrogen down to its minimum amount right and it's going to take a little while for that to get there we've also got some liquid flowing in right here and this is currently active because it is below one kilogram we're actually sitting in a vacuum so we'll see that flow in and the first thing we should see here is that this petroleum is going to heat up and possibly flash on over to sour gas but what i want to do is close this door make sure that that happens i might want to flip that real quick not to get too much in there it's one of those things where things aren't stable until it's up and running for a little while but here we go we're getting close coming up on the temperature right there now we've got some sour gas yes just what i wanted to see so now i can set this to below let that run and we'll see what happens so you can see here we reached the maximum temperature matter of fact it got all the way up to 600 and now things are flowing over here like this so if i take a look at the heat you can see that we're definitely cool over here and everything else is hot this here is not going to look you know cool until we actually get stuff running consistently through it so you can see all of these things running as hard as they can go in fact we do have a lot of thermal regulators that are looking a little bit toasty might be the right idea to bring the liquid out right here from the steam turbine and then kind of let it trickle around i like that a little bit more and then just run airflow tiles right down here and from the looks of it that's going to get a little bit too hot so we'll just get a pump pump and running there we go there we go now the heat's starting to come back down on those and we'll kind of push that oxygen out of the way you see the temperatures that are coming out of these tanks they're nice and stable both at negative 129 and then on the way back they're at negative 100 so taking about 20 degrees celsius out of here see the sour gas coming down in temperature notice that we got something cold enough over here to where we actually produced our first bit of sulfur awesome so that is going to shift through the rail 900 grams of it and as i suspected it got a little bit too hot and now we have liquid sulfur up here whoops whoops oh no all right a bit too much all right so now we're getting down there where it's cold enough to where we could possibly turn some of this sour gas into methane right there at negative 160 degrees celsius so any moment now we should actually kind of hopefully push that over the limit and see that the steam turbine has started to kick in a little bit and the way that i have that water figured out it's actually keeping these cool there we go there's a little bit of sulfur there's a little bit more hey now we're talking and we have our first natural gas right here although it is rather toasty and goes a little bit more a little bit more natural gas hey now things are starting to look like they're working all right hey now we're seeing some movement here and what we can see is we're starting to now produce a little bit of power from our natural gas generators nice and there goes all of that precious sulfur look at this thing go liquid sulfur nope i might have to put another one of these up here to kind of grab that i don't know it's an interesting problem the last thing i want is a little bit of liquid in here and that's what it seems to be doing all right so this tile made out of gold is just too powerful let's use something a little bit slower how about a little bit of iron oh look at this look at this all right if i want to make this a little bit more efficient here's what i do if i put this on a little timer sensor right here then it will run for about a little while and then it won't run and then it builds up so then we get a decent amount down there and we deliver a lot more all right cool that would actually probably help this um metal tile situation here if i moved larger clumps of sulfur so if i just only activated this every 100 seconds or so so let's say red duration of 100 green duration of 24 then i should move larger quantities of sulfur now let's take a look at the temperatures here so we're very very close cold over here on the right you can see that we're definitely transitioning right here right at the corner which makes sense and we're getting a little bit of pre-cooling but not a whole lot again we kind of got a little bit of liquid sulfur plugging up the plumbing can't have that if i just hunt around for temperatures it seems like this would be a better spot to run the sulfur through because right here it's right around 50 degrees celsius as compared to this spot where it's like 100 something and it's just even i'm even though i keep messing with it it's not working plan b we'll go out right there and we'll convert these to metal tiles that way at least we get a little something out of them or if nothing more at least warm up the sulfur so we don't freeze our plants so there we go now i'm going to ship it out right over here all right so it seems like things are working here let's go ahead and bring in a little bit more petroleum oh hold up that isn't working as intended i need an and gate here so now i've added the hydrosensor back in there that's right so that needs to be below let's say 10 kilograms we're just looking to get a little drop of oil in there we don't want a whole bunch all right so that added a hydro sensor here that is below 10 kilograms i'm just looking for drops of petroleum in here temperature is still controlling that door all i did is plug it in i got rid of any sort of automation there oh i noticed the conveyor loader overheating so we're gonna move that darn it once again i'm still having liquid sulfur jump out of here so first the main thing i want so i think i'm just gonna have to get rid of the whole idea of using sulfur to kind of pre-heat things it's just too easy for it to have issues we'll have it go right through here that should be all right all right so here we go now we're kind of catching up to it it the the thing about a system like this is it's always you always have to find the exact balance point to where you have just enough sour gas moving in as flowing out all right so here's another change i made i decided to run it through a liquid shutoff and then a liquid valve here and i'm just kind of bringing this flow down from its maximum 10 kilograms per spot to just one kilogram so i'm really slowing that down the automation rather than going to that liquid vent is now going over to the shutoff which is before the valve i'm just trying to take this so i can tune in just the right speed here and i have an idea of just how quickly i can run it based on how many of these thermal regulators i'm using so you can see up here i'm using all four and then the last one kind of toggles on and off that lets me know that i'm pretty close to having the temperature just right if all four of these were running 100 of the time then i'm probably not getting the right temperature out and you can see the temperature here is negative 218 degrees to 217. so i'm like right there so if we take a look at the temperature overlay we can see how hot things are down here we're at 600 or so and as we move up this is 150 degrees celsius sometimes a little bit hotter and then it gets down to 120 so we're not pre-cooling it below 100 degrees celsius before we get over here to where it's actually solidifying and you can see right where it's solidifying right here what this makes me think is that i can run a little bit more through here if i really wanted to it also seems like there's another 50 degrees celsius i could do with this natural gas i could probably tune this to get it up to right around 200. let's try this a good old temperature shift plate one here and one here maybe it's working i do see i might have a little effect i see 160 maybe 170 kind of depends on how recently this thing is cycled this side doesn't seem to be all that much cooler i don't think it's doing enough to care about so i think one thing i could do here to make this a little bit more efficient is rather than running this gas pipe up and away see that it's a 135 150 or whatever i can take that and i can run it right through right through that metal pipe right there and from the looks of it only every two pumps are going to run here it's not an extremely powerful system here so let's do this we'll bring it in right here and run it down and then just run the gas pipe over here all right now let's take a look here ooh now it's all the way up at 400 degrees celsius nice taking a little bit of that heat with it now one thing i could do is i could actually take that and put radiant pipes over here and then run the steam turbine off of that if i wanted to get even more out of it we've all i've done this enough times to kind of scrape a little bit of heat here and there just like i don't need two steam turbines i could take this and you know bring it up here with the rest of these and then steam it off so i don't have polluted water i just have clean water yeah this whole thing could be cleaned up a little bit all right so now this is running through an active cycle where it's going to bring in some sour gas that brings that heat up boom just like that but what is it over here we're really not taking a lot of that heat out of there you know what here's a crazy idea i wonder if it'll work what if i do this okay this is nutty so what i've done is i took this gold metal tile and i i broke it up so that it wasn't all just one thing i think the heat was just averaging out and now i'm definitely getting hotter gas over here this is 180 to 200 degrees celsius and even though it fluctuates a whole bunch over here i am seeing double digits every now and then it goes between like 200 degree it is it is honestly it's all over the place huh but definitely breaking up this tile it did something a bit unexpected ah okay here's what i do now that this is nice and cool over here this is when i put that temperature shift plate in because that's at 75 degrees celsius i really want this to be nice and cold that should help even things out and it it oh i mean that's working nice that's actually working as intended right there boom so now my inlet temperature to this is 70 degrees celsius what weird little tricks all right all i did is break this up and then put a temperature shift plate right there so now the output temperature over here is right around 200 and some and the input for my cooler system is right around 80 degrees celsius which means this might be protected enough to allow me to do this or if i'm real crazy i could do that ooh now my inlet temperature is right around 60 some degrees celsius hey now we're going the right direction all right so let's do this number and you can see this is having effect down here because my thermal regulators now not only are the fourth ones running sometimes but the third one toggles on and off every now and then and even with that i've upped the pressure inside of this whole system by 200 grams thus far let's pump it up to 1100 looks like i got a little bit too greedy by adding these tiles interesting that that would have such an effect though the mystery and that actually went backwards at this point i can't explain why though video game science that's why all right things are still looking real good here now my sulfur is actually coming out at negative 45 degrees i've actually been able to play with the timer a little bit which plays with how much i'm actually putting on the rail which ultimately says how much how what the temperature is over here because the less i'm putting on the rail the faster it can change temperature so i'm actually kind of able to control it a little bit that way i know so many weird little things you can tweak on stuff like this all right so now that i've got things tweaked in a little bit more i've actually gone back and removed the liquid shut off and valve thing the system seems to be capable of handling a little bit more pressure uh differences so it kind of jumps up over three kilograms and then i let it go below one kilogram and it seems to be able to handle that all right which is nice that's uh several less components that we don't need to worry about found a new spot to look at if i'm looking at this tile right down here i can see what the temperature is and what its lowest and highest temperature is based on the pressures that i'm putting through the system so i noticed i just went up by 500 grams on the atmos sensor and that moved the temperature range for this tile about 10 degrees celsius i'm also noticing that the thermal regulators down there are just they're running a lot wow i'm surprised this thing is keeping up with this much i set this atmos sensor to three kilograms right there however what i can see over here is that i'm not maintaining my cold temperatures so i think i'm actually slowly running out of steam here so i got to back it off that is beyond 100 what i want to see is the temperature of the hydrogen stable because if it's not stable then i'm running it too too hot all right so after several hours of tweaking this thing and getting it dialed in just right i think it's about as efficient as i'm going to get it here today and it's running as fast as it will go so this is set to 2.5 kilograms right there also doing above or blow all of this stuff and this all seems to work so what i want to see here is just how much power am i generating versus how much power does it take to see if it is power positive or negative and another important factor here is just how much sulfur am i getting out of this so i'm just going to let it run for a few cycles and then i'll crunch the numbers here all right so coming up here on the end of my test i should see that i have 486 kilograms if i calculated everything correctly 485 0.7 486 don't run oh no okay it produced a teeny bit more than what i was calculating all right so after looking through the reports here and crunching the numbers here's what we have in general just looking at the reports here if you add up how much our natural gas or generators are producing and how much we get out of the steam turbines right there it turns out that we actually do come out positive how positive well as it turns out our average net positive is 250 kilojoules or in watts about 418 watts however if we were to fit our generators inside of a power plant we could give it a fifty percent buff so that would actually work out to a positive one thousand kilojoules per cycle right there or 1750 watts not bad although it does cost you refined metal so you got to get that from somewhere however the thing that we really wanted to know here is just how much sulfur are we getting out of this well as it turns out we're getting right around 81 kilograms per cycle right there and after six cycles we had nearly 500 kilograms or so of sulfur so converting that into grub fruit would give us eight plants per cycle so i think the next question is you know how many sweetels or how many grub grubs can we actually ranch off of 80 kilograms of sulfur per cycle honestly that's not a lot of sulfur i was kind of hoping for a little bit more but then again if we were to look at some of these tiles right here these are 500 kilograms per tile and then after you dig it up you know that's 250 kilograms so every two and a half cycles you're building up another tile inside of your base for free essentially but that's another big question because how much petroleum are we consuming well we're consuming 246 kilograms per cycle or so let's just go with 250. so only 33 of that is coming out as sulfur the rest is being run into the natural gas generator in case you're wondering how i got this number essentially it's derived from how long the natural gas generators would need to run in order to produce this amount of power so i just kind of back figured that and as it turns out it's pretty accurate let's just say 250 kilograms per cycle or so again it kind of depends on how big you scale something like this up it being positive actually bodes pretty well to kind of maybe building it even bigger however one big limitation that we might have in the spacedown dlc is just how much space you have this design here is not all that space efficient right now we've got one steam turbine here another there those two can be combined we definitely don't need more than four natural gas generators for something of this size so we could probably get rid of all of these just take them put it up there and that you know shrinks things down a little bit the real question is this heat down here right now we haven't really pulled too much heat out of the magma so that is pretty good when you consider that i have a lot of magma available if we can tune this to work with a volcano then you'd have a continuous source of new sulfur and extra power which would be pretty awesome what i'm really curious about is just how much heat are we going to get out of something like the nuclear reactors once those eventually get added to the game we'll just have to see so the last piece of the puzzle here is how much water are we actually getting out of this system right now we're getting a 124 kilograms of polluted water out and since this is hot enough to convert straight to steam we don't have to worry about the whole polluted side of things so now when we take that and we look at an oil well when where we're putting in one kilogram we get 3.3 out so if we use heat to convert crude oil into petroleum what we actually get out of this is 412 kilograms of petroleum per cycle which actually gives us a net positive on our petroleum of 166 kilograms per cycle interesting which actually gives us a positive of 166 kilograms of petroleum per cycle that we could actually use for even more power possibly running that through something like a petroleum generator which will then produce a lot more polluted water so that's a pretty cool thing because now we kind of have a snowball effect in a system like this the only thing that we are actually consuming is heat so to summarize everything that this system is doing here is it is converting heat into power into water which is can be turned into oxygen and into sulfur which is food so while something like this seems quite complicated to actually build and set up inside your game i have actually done it a couple of times you can see why you might want to actually pursue that because it is a very sustainable way to maintain a base and we can get heat from various spots that are actually self-sustaining so for example a carbon dioxide rocket one thing i didn't talk about here is how much carbon dioxide we're actually producing per cycle because we have a positive of that matter of fact that is 41 kilograms per cycle which can be used to fuel up a rocket to fly out to do some things to come back which produces heat which we can possibly use down here to generate some more sour gas i don't know if the carbon dioxide rocket itself gets hot enough but i know a petroleum rocket if we ever get that engine back it will definitely get hot enough so there's definitely a lot of plus sides to doing something like a sour gas boiler and this right here is just a proof of concept the real trick is can we actually set this up to run inside of our game so i think this is a pretty cool thing you can see that it is actually self-sustaining but not self-sustaining in the same way that we've seen with super cool and all of those fancy tricks right now we're just using thermal regulators to do their thing which means that we really got to convert things into petroleum and use that petroleum to generate heat for us so that we can actually produce enough heat to kick off this whole chain reaction mmm fancy stuff at any rate that's all i got time for today hope you guys have enjoyed this little episode here of oxygen not included thank you guys for watching have a great day stay awesome peace
Channel: Brothgar
Views: 46,693
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: Brothgar, oxygen not included guide, oxygen not included gameplay, oxygen not included, free energy generator, petroleum, oxygen not included power guide, infinite energy, oni guide, oni tutorial, Experiment, free energy device, oni gameplay, oxygen not Included tutorial, sour gas, sour gas boiler, sulfur
Id: _a9l6xKHJ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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