The Mafia Killed His Family in Front of His Eyes, Unaware How Brutal He Will Become

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a guy named Frank Castle a former Marine had a peaceful life with his wife and kids until someone killed them since then haunting memories of their murder won't let him be his first move was to travel the country and take down gang members linked to his family's death he earns the moniker The Punisher once he's done he stages his death fading away from the world now 6 months later Frank's keeping a lowprofile in New York City going with the name Pete castiglion he works at a construction site in Brooklyn his days are about demolishing walls with a sledgehammer a way to let out his boiling rage not everyone's a fan though especially Lance a cooworker who's losing overtime because of Frank Lance messes with Frank ruins his lunch and even throws threats his way surprisingly Frank doesn't hit back in the mix of co-workers there's Donnie he attempts to befriend Frank by sharing lunch and opening up about his parents death when Donnie discovers Frank's Marine past he tries chatting Frank however ever makes it clear he's not the person Donnie's seeking after some work Frank takes a break at the construction site and overhears Lance and his buddy pully discussing a heist on a poker game guarded by the Nuy crime family when they catch when that Frank has heard their conversation they warn him to stay out of it Frank remains silent brushing off their threats before they can escalate their attention shifts to a friend who's injured at the site rather than lending a hand Frank simply looks away with their friend sideline due to injury Paulie and Lance enlist Donnie for their Heist eager for some extra cash Donnie joins The Duo and they head to the location of the poer game after incapacitating the guard they storm the basement guns drawn and take everyone hostage Donnie starts collecting the cash disaster strikes when his wallet slips to the floor revealing his identity now exposed Donnie becomes a target for the n's men who can easily track him down it's game over for the robbers frustrated at Donnie for JE prizing their plans Lance and Paulie Unleashed their anger beating him mercilessly realizing that the NY gangsters will sooner or later find them they decide to end Donnie's life so he cannot give up their names Donnie attempts to fight back but the trio overpowers him tossing him into the concrete mix just as Lance prepares to finish the job Frank appears behind them he demands Lance shut off the mixer but when Lance refuses a brawl ensues armed with his Sledgehammer Frank takes on the men one by one each forceful Blow To The Head leaves them incapacitated and Frank dumps them into the concrete mix as Lance pleads for mercy and offers cash Frank isn't persuaded instead he subjects Lance to torture to extract the location of the poker game once he gets the information he coldly dispatches Lance in the chaos Donnie manages to escape using a rope dropped by Frank meanwhile the nuty Mobsters are gearing up to track down Donnie when the lights unexpectedly go out gunfire erupt s and when the gang leader returns to the room he's stunned to find everyone on the floor lifeless Frank emerges from the shadows and swiftly takes down the leader with a gunshot on the other hand there's special agent Dina madani she's back in New York City after a stint in Afghanistan her primary focus is the murder of her partner zuar an Afghan National Police Officer Dina suspects that US soldiers were involved in heroin trafficking and when zuar uncovered it they silenced him she tries convincing special agent in charge Carson Wolf but he dismisses the case as off limits undeterred Dina turns to her new partner samstein for assistance she urges him to dig into files about Colonel schoonover the explosion and drug bust at the Docks last year and everything related to one of schoonover's men Frank Castle although Sam believes The Punisher is dead Dina finds it hard to believe that Frank and skover died within New York City Limits just 20 M from each other it can't be a mere coincidence meanwhile as Frank exits the basement an unidentified person is seen analyzing gate recognition on CCTV footage of Frank the man identifies himself as micro and drops Frank's real name revealing he knows Frank is alive during their conversation Frank discovers that microchip is the one who anonymously left a disc at his house containing footage of zuar being killed by the US Army Frank proposes a face-to-face meeting but microchip insists that Frank must first recognize they're not enemies observing a light from a nearby building Frank swiftly heads to the rooftop upon investigation he finds a mirror and a flashlight creating the beam of light a phone left by microchip is also present for communication as Frank surveys the area he spots microchip waving from the rooftop of the adjacent building worried Frank pays a visit to his friend Curtis hoil a former Navy corpsman and insurance salesman the only person aware of his survival Frank confides in him about micro and discloses that micro claims to possess crucial answers micro's sudden re-entry into his life prompts Frank to reflect on whether his family met their demise due to his own mistakes now Frank believes that micro might hold the key to unraveling these questions in his quest for information on micro Frank turns to his trusted friend and lawyer Karen pagee he briefs her on micro's existence and seeks her assistance and locating the mysterious figure micro hinted that he's not the only ghost in New York implying he also faked his death armed with micro's name Frank locates his residence and orchestrates a plan he intentionally places himself in front of micro's wife Sarah's car and pretends to get injured to make it look real he uses a razor to lacerate his forehead distraught Sarah invites him inside to tend to his wound amid their conversation Sarah recounts her husband's death unbeknownst to Sarah micro has strategically placed hidden cameras throughout the house to keep tabs on his family witnessing Frank's presence with Sarah micro panics he suspects that his wife's life is in danger he rushes home and waits outside observing a broken headlight on Sarah's car Frank helps in fixing it instead of harming micro's family Frank provides assistance allowing micro to retreat to his Hideout without exposing himself later that night Frank shaves his beard and Alters his gate to avoid detection through gate recognition technology ensuring micro remains unaware of his whereabouts in a covert move he then infiltrates Carson Wolf's residence confronts him and subjects him to a beating before securing him to a chair questioned about micro wolf discloses that micro was a traitor and that's why he was killed unsatisfied with this answer Frank shoots wolf in the thigh Frank inquires about his potential involvement with skover and wolf denies any connection despite being injured wolf manages to free himself he seizes Frank's gun and unmasks him it's at this moment that wolf realizes Frank is alive facing Frank Wolf reveals the Sinister motive behind the killing of Frank's family they aimed to eliminate Frank and used additional bodies to mask the true Target when questioned about why they wanted him dead wolf claims it was because they thought Frank leaked the tape to micro in a tense moment wolf attempts to shoot Frank only to discover that Frank has already emptied the magazine seizing the opportunity Frank regains control delivering a powerful punch to Wolf before ultimately ending his life by snapping his neck the next day Frank sits in a diner and receives a call from micro micro's first question revolves around why Frank visited his house Frank responds that micro chose to put his family in Jeopardy by crossing paths with the wrong person with this Stern warning Frank directs micro to meet him at a cemetery upon micro's arrival at the designated location he encounters Curtis instead of Frank Curtis relays the message that Frank has canceled the meeting and issues a Stern warning if micro continues pursuing Frank Curtis will retaliate by going after Sarah disheartened micro returns to his Hideout only to be surprised by Frank who had hidden himself in micro's car trunk with disbelief micro Witnesses Frank knocking him unconscious upon waking up micro Begins recounting the harrowing story of the day he encountered Carson Wolf and his man sensing trouble micro instructed his family to stay in the car no matter what as wolf and his men closed in micro left the car hoping to avoid a confrontation however wolf caught up with him near the river in A desperate attempt to clear his name micro shouted that the authorities had the wrong information he emphasized he was just an analyst not a criminal ignoring micro's please wolf continued to threaten him micro's wife Sarah arrived at the scene only to witness a gun pointed at her husband as micro refused to surrender wolf shot him in the chest causing him to plunge into the river miraculously the bullet struck the cell phone in micro's shirt pocket saving his life micro proceeds to detail the sequence of events leading to his becoming a target for Homeland Security in a revealing flashback it is disclosed that micro received his CD containing footage of aad a bear's murder as an analyst he felt compelled to assess the content recognizing the gravity of the situation micro decided to take action and sent the incriminating material to Dynam madani this Choice made him a target for Homeland Security particularly for Carson Wolf who was well aware of a mod a bear's murder in the current moment Frank subjects micro to interrogation who is now stripped and bound to a chair unexpectedly a three-minute countdown initiates micro discloses that it's a failsafe system if the countdown reaches zero all camera feeds will be broadcast to Media Outlets to stop it a code and a retinal scan are required as Frank is standing close to him micro takes the opportunity to inject Frank with a sedative causing him to lose Consciousness upon waking and realizing that micro hasn't executed him Frank questions micro's motives in response micro attempts to persuade him that they should join forces in exposing the people behind Ahad Zabar's death and the death of Frank's family Frank starts recollecting the traumatic events in Afghanistan where they did a mission called Cerberus Frank's Squad captured aad Zar and a CIA agent known as orange subjected him to brutal torture to extract information about his knowledge of their heroin operation the conversations were conducted in Persian making it evident that none of the squad members were aware of zuber's Innocence or Orange's involvement in drug trafficking tragically orange commanded Frank to shoot Zar in the head and bury him an order that Frank obediently carry out a few days later Frank and his team receive a mission briefing from schoonover in Orange from the start Frank Harbors suspicions about the mission being a trap but his concerns are dismissed the mission quickly turns disastrous as skover loses his arm and the team finds themselves under under heavy fire driven by rage Frank takes charge and clears the exit enabling the team to retreat in the aftermath as the team receives medical attention in the tent Orange's sole concern is whether they killed their intended target unbeknownst to Frank and his Squad the mission was a setup and orange orchestrated it to eliminate Witnesses of zuber's murder enraged at Orange for still caring about the target Frank violently attacks orange leaving him blind in one eye in the present day micro reveals to Frank that the operation he was part of was entirely off the books it lacked any official records or approval from the United States Congress rendering it illegal Frank agrees to collaborate with micro laying down one condition all the targets must be eliminated without exception or the opportunity for a trial micro agrees to Frank's terms to execute their plan Frank and micro require weapons micro hacks into the NYPD system and discovers an illegal armed shipment arriving from Greece with turkey is the buyer to reach the location they decide to Ambush another gang after a confrontation that involves killing the gang members and rescuing one of their victims Frank and micro depart the warehouse in two cars Frank seizes Turk at gunpoint and demands information on the weapons location however Turk shatters his plan revealing that the Greeks are selling the truck to another buyer who's willing to purchase the entire stock all Turk can offer is a pink gun intended for a gangster's daughter disheartened Frank returns to The Hideout and starts cleaning micro's pistol and the pink gun meanwhile Sam briefs the team on their mission they will be posing as criminal buyers to secure the weapons from the Greeks utilizing his hacking skills micro identifies the new location of the arms as night falls the mission starts with dynamod Don leading one car tails the truck while other officers including Sam wait at the intended destination suddenly their communication systems are compromised and a song starts playing in the background unable to communicate through comms Dina calls Sam instructing him to remain focused she soon realizes that someone is feeding them a loop as she notices the truck passing from the same location a third time while Frank seizes control of the truck he directs micro to take it to The Hideout while he follows in another car meanwhile Diner refuses to abandon the mission she heads to the location and catches up to Frank's Car as she continues following the truck Frank obstructs her pth preventing her from pursuing it a Chase ensues between Frank and Dina ending in Dina cleverly eluding Frank's sight and reappearing directly in front of his car both Frank and Dina accelerate prepared for a confrontation unfortunately tragedy unfolds as micro collides with Dina's car causing a crash Frank becomes infuriated with micro for hitting Dina's vehicle sparking a brief argument between them fueled by the urgency to save Dina's life Frank pulls her out of the wreckage and places her on the road away from the burning car as he reads her identity Dina questions Frank if he killed wolf Frank confirms it saying that he was a dirty agent he then departs from the scene warning Dina not to interfere with his plans Frank now possesses the guns but he remains in the dark about agent Orange's true identity to uncover this information he decides to approach gunar Henderson the man who recorded zuber's murder like Frank and micro gunar lives in solitude to avoid drawing attention from agent orange Frank locates gunar in a forest and as he explores the area he is unexpectedly attacked by gunar with an arrow after extracting the arrow Frank takes cover behind a tree and repeatedly asserts that he is a friend not an enemy as Gunner approaches Frank surrenders revealing how he lost his family due to the video gunar made recognizing his former colleague gunar agrees to engage in a conversation with Frank when questioned about agent Orange's identity gunar discloses that he has no information about the agent's real name during their conversation the duo hears the approach of a helicopter and soon soldiers arrive in the forest Agent Orange Is overseeing the Mission utilizing helmet cameras warn by each Soldier it becomes apparent that ever since becoming the deputy director of the CIA he has been striving to erase his questionable past to achieve this he aims to eliminate everyone who witnessed to Bear's murder at his hands since the mission wasn't officially sanctioned there are no records of those present however he managed to e drop on Dina's conversation with Sam where Gunner was mentioned desperate to eliminate any potential Witnesses he sent his team to kill gunar as the soldiers close in gunar skillfully uses his compound bow and traps to harm a few of them Frank then finishes the job meanwhile agent orange watching through the helmet cameras is astonished to see that Frank is still alive amid the confrontation gunar is shot twice and when Frank attempts to retaliate he two is shot out of bullets the duo takes cover behind a rock with more soldiers approaching micro observing the situation with a drone alerts Frank about the imminent threat with micro's guidance they managed to eliminate the two incoming soldiers using their guns Frank targets more soldiers finally stabbing the last one in the shoulder while dispatching the soldier Frank addresses agent orange through the camera and issues a threat that he's coming for him with this declaration he snaps the man's neck the attack fails but both Frank and gunar suffer critical injuries as night falls Frank continues through the forest supporting the injured Gunner ultimately succumbing to his wounds he collapses on the ground microl locates him tends to his injuries and transports him out of the forest in a van while Frank is unconscious he dreams about a family dinner with his own and micro's family amid the joyful Gathering he suddenly finds himself tied to a chair in a shocking turn soldiers enter the dining area and mercilessly shoot everyone before him leaving Frank screaming in desperation upon waking micro tends to Frank's wounds micro reveals he's been monitoring radio chatter all day someone has been broadcasting Frank's name referring to him as Raven a code word Frank's friend Billy used although micro was concerned about Billy knowing Frank is alive Frank is confident that Billy is unaware regardless Frank believes they shouldn't worry even if Billy does find out it is because he sees Billy as a close friend and he's convinced they'll go to Great Lengths to protect each other meanwhile Dam madani pays a visit to the location where Gunner met his demise micro had notified the local authorities before leaving ensuring that Gunner's body would be discovered although the bodies of the soldiers were removed by their sender dinina pieces together the events and suspects that Frank was present with gunar and likely made the call to the police her suspicions are confirmed when Sam informs her that the blood sample found in the area matches Frank's now Dina is certain that a death squad was dispatched by those who want to keep Mission Cerberus Under Wraps it Dawn on her that the situation is more dangerous than she initially thought involving influential figures with the power to deploy a death squad in her quest to uncover more about Frank Diner reaches out to Billy Russo Frank's friend who owns a private military company she shares with him the news that Frank is alive but in critical condition since Billy is aware of the Afghanistan case Dina is pursuing she seeks Billy assistance locating Frank the key witness to the events there familiar with the situation Billy expresses willingness to help find Frank if Dina claims are true following this Billy pays a visit to Curtis a mutual friend of his and Frank's seeking information on Frank's whereabouts Curtis pretends to know nothing Billy then Reveals His intention to Aid Frank not the government by facilitating his escape from the country and providing him with a new identity for a peaceful life after Billy departs Curtis visits visits Frank and discloses the details of his encounter with Billy now believing that Frank should accept the offer Curtis sees it as an opportunity for Frank to escape agent Orange's looming threat and embrace a normal life once more the next day Frank and Billy reunite at the Riverside engaging in a conversation after a prolonged separation Billy shares details about his company and recounts his meeting with Dina curious about what Frank knows she doesn't in response Frank divulges the entire narrative involving agent or orange schoonover and Bennett trafficking heroin from Afghanistan within the bodies of Fallen Soldiers as a true friend Billy advises Frank to let Dina pursue her investigation emphasizing that she shares a common goal of bringing the culprits to Justice before parting ways Billy extends an offer to help Frank leave the city via boat saying he will wait for him that night micro bides his time in his hide out patiently waiting meanwhile Frank extends his apologies to Sarah for missing the dinner invite their conversation takes a heartfelt turn as Sarah confides and Frank about the challenges she faces living without David particularly the impact on her son Zach Frank offers words of comfort and motivation witnessing the scene from his Hideout micro feels distressed for not being there for his family during this difficult period as night falls Billy anticipates Frank's arrival at the Port but Frank fails to show up disheartened Billy returns to his car and informs his associate that Frank won't come surprised surprisingly the so-called friend turns out to be Agent Orange it's revealed that Billy is in League with agent orange and wants to see Frank eliminated as soon as possible the next day Colonel Bennett known for smuggling heroin in corpses finds his dinner interrupted when Frank pays an unexpected visit Frank seeking information on agent Orange's identity confronts Bennett and presses him for answers however Frank's interrogation serves as a ruse to distract Bennett while micro clones his phone meanwhile bill Billy who knew Frank would come after Bennett positions himself outside the house with his team as Frank approaches he skillfully infiltrates the building micro monitors the situation through a drone and alerts Frank to the incoming threat in a strategic move Frank fills the area with gas to disorient The Mercenaries making it challenging for them to aim accurately as the men enter the room he systematically takes them down Billy with his face concealed remains unrecognizable to Frank in an attempt to eliminate Frank Billy accidentally targets one of his men providing Frank with an opportunity to escape the phone cloning is completed allowing micro to track Bennett's movements and Communications the duo already knew agent orange would send his men to Bennett's house so basically they are the ones who outsmarted agent orange the next day Billy escorts Bennett to agent Orange's Safe House fuming with anger Billy confronts his co- conspirators for using him as bait to lure out Frank when questioned Bennett reassures agent or orange that he hasn't divulged any information to Frank realizing Bennett's life is at risk agent orange decides it's time for Bennett to retire a plan is set in motion to facilitate Bennett's relocation to another country ensuring Frank won't be able to track him down as part of the arrangement Bennett is instructed to leave his phone behind at the safe house accompanied by Billy he departs to start a new life abroad while micro monitors the phone's location and extracts crucial information about the safe house meanwhile is in her office examining the case when a sudden realization hits her she confides in Sam expressing her belief that her office is bugged connecting the dots she notes that after they discussed gunar in her office he ended up dead the next day suspicious she initiates a search for any surveillance devices in her workspace confirming her fears Dina discovers a hidden bug on one of her shelves despite finding the covert listening device she opts not to remove it simultaneously Billy trans transports Bennett to a remote Upstate motel in a moment of confession Bennett admits to Billy that he never liked him or any of his special forces comrads as they Converse Bennett uncovers a grim surprise under the bed covers the lifeless body of the woman he was with the previous night realizing he's being framed Bennett reaches for his gun but Billy seizes his arm delivering multiple fatal stabs until Bennett dies on another front Frank arrives outside the safe house taking aim at agent orange his shot however is thwarted by bulletproof glass allowing agent orange to survive though the attack is a failure Frank learns the true identity of his Target William Rollins the director of the cia's covert operations the next day micro's house experiences a sudden camera outage prompting Frank to check in and ensure everything is fine it appears that Sarah intentionally turned off the internet at her house as a lesson for Zach once Frank confirms the situation is under control he prepares to leave however as as they exchange A Farewell Embrace things take an unexpected turn when Sarah attempts to kiss Frank caught off guard Frank stops her advances creating an awkward moment between them micro Witnesses the unexpected kiss through the cameras causing awkward tension between him and Frank despite the discomfort he realizes it wasn't Frank's fault and harbors no grudge against him desperate to reunite with his wife He suggests contacting dnam madani who shares their goal of apprehending the same culprit with the video evidence and an eyewitness Dina can arrest agent orange which will allow micro to return to his family however Frank firmly reminds micro of their agreement Agent Orange dies at the end micro loses control saying that Frank's family is dead because of him and now he wants everybody to die desperate micro attempts to contact Dina but is stopped by Frank who intervenes and renders him unconscious meanwhile Dina and Sam hatch a plan to expose the individuals behind the office bug they devise a a fake tactical plan for a fake weapon Heist involving Frank obviously Frank won't be there but their plan will lure out those responsible for the bug as anticipated Billy falls for the Trap and meets agent orange to discuss their next moves the decision is made to eliminate Frank on the spot to execute the job Billy recruits former contractors from his company enticing them with the promise of a substantial summon exchange for successfully carrying out the murder as predicted by Dina Billy and his teen f right into the trap a fierce shootout erupts between Homeland Security and Billy's crew with Dina and Sam also present to apprehend those responsible for the office bug the confrontation leaves most members of both groups dead recognizing the escalating chaos Billy attempts to flee he abandons a team member and later shoots him dead to prevent any exposure to Dina during his Escape Sam intercepts him holding him at gunpoint feeling cornered Billy surrenders allowing Sam to disarm him and reveal feel his face however in a shocking twist Billy seizes the moment and stabs Sam multiple times with a concealed spring-loaded retractable blade from his right sleeve before Dina arrives Billy manages to escape leaving Sam on the floor with his throat slit upon discovering Sam in critical condition Dina panics and attempts to stop the bleeding but Sam has already lost a significant amount of blood despite her efforts Sam succumbs to his wounds on the other hand we are shown the story of Ls wil a United States Army veteran grappling with the challenges of reintegrating into civilian life upon his return to the United States he confronted the devastating effects of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD struggling with his unstable mental state he even attempted to harm his own father in a desperate moment he tried to take his own life but was unsuccessful coping with his trauma he chose to sleep in a foxhole he dug in his yard rather than his bed seeking a way to channel his military hone skills he enlisted with Billy's private military group Anvil however his expectations of securing a position with Anvil were dashed when Billy aware of his mental struggles opted not to recruit him responding to his father's request Lewis reluctantly started attending group therapy sessions for military veterans organized by Curtis during these sessions he encountered OK Conor who presented himself as a Vietnam War veteran however OK Conor's true agenda was to promote extremist rhetoric intrigued by OK Conor views Lewis who already felt rejected by his country found resonance in the belief that the rules no longer applied and the nation had forsaken the Army it had trained inspired to make a stand Lewis joined oconor in a protest outside the Bronx County Courthouse the protest centered around a teacher facing charges for entering his classroom with a revolver before long a police officer named fah approached Lewis and OK Conor questioning their presence and inquiring if they were engaging in a protest Lewis responded that they were merely Distributing pamphlets asserting it was within their legal rights when OK Conor gave his explanation for being there faah interpreted it as evidence of a protest and insisted they leave however Lewis stood his ground maintaining that they weren't obstructing anyone from entering the courthouse fah was still unwilling to accept Lewis's reasoning and insisted they go so OK Conor suggested they grab some coffee but this infuriated fah who claimed that Lewis had reached for his gun a claim that Lewis refuted Lewis then attempted to summon OK Conor as a witness but OK Conor had left he watched as OK Conor left him and fah then shoved him to the ground and arrested him later Lewis delved into OK Conor's military records discovering that ok Conor never served in the Vietnam War he confronted OK Conor with the evidence but the liar denied the accusations suggesting someone might have tampered with the information despite OK Conor's attempts to deny the truth Lewis saw through the lies when Lewis refused to accept his story OK Conor demanded he leave his house sparking a violent altercation between the two in a desperate bid for survival OK Conor wielded a knife slashing Lewis across the stomach however Lewis managed to overpower him and retaliates by stabbing OK Conor multiple times leading to his demise struggling to cope with the aftermath Lewis tried to take his own life but couldn't faced with the overwhelming events that had unfolded he resolved to take matters into his own hands he went to a hardware store and purchased material to craft homemade bombs with all preparations in place Lewis sets off numerous explosives across New York City targeting a field office a police station and the federal courthouse amidst the chaos he sends a letter to Frank's lawyer Karen he seeks Karen's help in the letter believing she can understand his perspective according to his Manifesto he's defending the Liberties of the American people against a government he sees as trying to strip away those rights as a call to Arms he insists that car publish his remarks otherwise he will Target the New York bulletin building next time disagreeing with his views Karen opts to address him in an editorial expressing her disgust at his beliefs meanwhile Frank discovers the bombings through the news and reads Karen's response to Lewis concern for Karen's safety he fears her life may be in danger on the other side Karen participates in a radio program with Senator Stan ay to condemn Lewis's actions expressing his disappointment he asks Karen why she spoke negatively about him in response Karen explains that she detests everything he has done while listening to Karen condemn his actions Lewis declares that she and aie are on the wrong side of the war he ends the call realizing that Karen's life is in Jeopardy Frank instructs micro to track down Lewis micro is puzzled about why Frank is focusing on this case instead of their own Frank then reveals that Karen is like his family and he can't bear to lose her aware that Lewis poses a threat to Karen Frank loses control and demands that micro locate Lewis as soon as possible in the meantime Curtis heads to OK Conor's house as he hasn't heard from him in days upon arrival he discovers the door locked and a smell coming from inside upon entering he stumbles upon OK Conor's lifeless body on a sofa right where Lewis had left him as he explores the premises and uncovers explosives Lewis suddenly appears and launches an attack a fierce struggle ensues with Lewis subjecting Curtis to brutal torture shortly after Frank arrives and finds Curtis tied to a chair with a bomb stra to his chest as Lewis dials Curtis's phone Frank answers and initiates a psychological game with him standing outside the house Lewis expresses admiration for Frank's actions and desires to take matters into his own hands similar to Frank's he informs Frank that he's called the cops but doesn't want Frank to die suggesting that they should be allies Frank agrees and in return Lewis provides the information on which wire to cut to Defuse The Bomb as the police arrive Frank takes quick action he hurls a stone incapacitating one officer and swiftly subduing the other seizing the opportunity he makes his Escape leaving the scene in a stolen police car however Upon returning to The Hideout Frank discovers that his identity has been exposed to the entire United States due to the police dash cam footage now he is being labeled a terrorist and held responsible for all the bombings the following day while Karen interviews aie an explosion at the door sends them both flying to the floor smoke fills the room as Lewis and Frank start taking down the guards despite being injured Orie manages to get up seize his pistol and fire at Lewis while making his Escape Karen is left alone with Lewis this is the account Senator ay provides to detective Sergeant Brett Mahoney however Karen refutes his claims stating it's not what actually transpired she then recounts the actual events that unfolded Lewis entered the room wielding a pistol ruthlessly taking down everyone in his path Senator ory attempted to flee but Lewis apprehended him at gunpoint Karen tried to retrieve her pistol from her bag but the explosion had dislodged it as Lewis prepared to kill aie Karen pleaded for Mercy just as Lewis was about to execute them both Frank suddenly appeared leaping in front of Karen to take the shot seizing the opportunity Karen grabbed her pistol and attempted to make her Escape however senator y pushed her before Lewis to ensure his getaway Frank aimed his gun at Lewis but Lewis revealed he was holding a bomb with a single button in his hand capable of detonating it upon reaching the corridor Frank and the security guards are compelled to surrender while Lewis takes the elevator a skirmish ensues between Frank and the security Personnel Frank strategically employs a lifeless body as a shield to maneuver away from them the other half of the story is narrated by Dina a day earlier she discovered that the individuals who attempted to kill Frank on the day of Sam's death were all linked to Billy's company at some point suspecting Billy of possibly installing the bug in her office she confronted him to inquire about his intentions Billy acknowledged the identity of the deceased man but asserted that they were all former employees of his company implying the company no longer had any association with them as Billy denied the accusations the alarm rang due to the ongoing attack everyone suspected Frank is the culprit but Dina was convinced of his innocence she took the stairs and eventually found Frank she suggested they team up to expose agent orange but Frank insisted on dealing with him himself amid their conversation Frank gets shot by his best friend Billy Billy Finally Revealed his true Allegiance disclosing himself as an accomplice of Agent Orange justifying his actions as part of a war he threatened Dina to step aside and allow him to kill Frank during their confrontation security Personnel arrived and apprehended everyone including Billy Dina and Frank however just before Frank could be taken into custody he used a fire hose to make his way down and escaped from the authorities meanwhile Lewis had taken Karen to the kitchen where he threatened to detonate the bomb Frank soon joined them prompting Lewis to use Karen as a hostage Frank cleverly distracts Lewis subtly signaling Karen to cut the white wire and disarm the bomb Karen successfully cuts the correct wire on Lewis's bomb and shoots his foot through her bag in response Lewis locks himself in the storage room realizing his imminent defeat he rewires the bomb and triggers the explosion Karen and Frank narrowly escape the door just before it crashes to the floor on the other side a police officer arrives at Sarah's house and response to a call claiming information about Frank it turns out Zach after seeing Frank's identity on the news called the cops to report his frequent visits when questioned Sarah downplays it as a possible misunderstanding while a police officer looks around he asks about Leo Sarah's daughter Sarah claims she's spending the night with friends but in reality Leo was upstairs witnessing the unfolding events when the officer informs Sarah that they need to go to the police station she senses something is wrong suspecting trouble she instructs Zach to run and at that moment the officer Reveals His true intentions as he chases after the mother and son Sarah manages to overpower the officer and grabs a knife but the other officer seizes Zach for ing her to surrender unaware of the events unfolding in his house micro tunes into the news where Billy portrays Frank as a terrorist when Frank observes signs of a struggle in micro's house they review the footage and discover the Abduction of Sarah and Zach in a sudden realization Frank understands that their hideouts location is now compromised since Sarah has his number making it easier for Billy to track them down anticipating the imminent Showdown Frank meticulously prepares he strategically places guns in very various locations loads his weapons Don a bulletproof jacket and awaits the arrival of the enemies as expected The Hideout is soon infiltrated by mercenaries the men are unaware that they are facing not just Frank but the Punisher who has returned with even more Resolve executing a calculated Ambush Frank decapitates one mercenary and hurls it at the others the resulting explosion injures two attackers allowing Frank to take down the remaining as salant utilizing his exceptional combat skill he skillfully evades their attacks striking them with lethal precision and turning them into lifeless bodies after neutralizing all the mercenaries Frank uses their phones to contact Billy Billy informs him that Sarah and Zach are in their custody and proposes a deal if Frank and micro want to free them they must surrender The Exchange is set to take place the next day later Frank joins Dina micro and Leo who has now reunited with her father after successfully evading capture by the cops Having learned that micro allowed Dina in Frank decides to place his trust in her the next day the exchange takes place Zach and Sarah are compelled to wear fuel containers that have been cut and are leaking Sarah walks hesitantly towards Frank and micro struggling to believe her husband is alive simultaneously Frank maintains contact with Billy who has his sniper aimed at him leaving no room for double crossing Billy's men ignite the fuel prompting micro to remove his jacket and use it to extinguish the Flames Homeland Security arrives at the location but before they can intervene Frank is caught and knocked unconscious tragically micro becomes a victim of a bullet from Homeland Security as he succumbs to death Sarah screams in pain covering her son's eyes to spare him from witnessing his father's brutal end the traumatic loss of her husband is relived once again micro's body is transported to the homeland security building where it is revealed that he is still alive it turns out his survival was part of their orch castrated plan Frank was supposed to assist Dina in apprehending the culprits but he went unconscious disrupting their strategy it appears he might have done it intentionally to prevent the criminals from being arrested he wanted to ensure they face his own form of Justice which is death despite the setback micro is eventually reunited with his family sharing a heartfelt Embrace on the other side Billy has brought Frank to his Hideout where Agent Orange has joined them restrained to a chair Frank asserts that he will eliminate all of them agent orange Dawn's special gloves and starts brutally punching Frank in the face causing him to bleed a computer specialist is summoned to erase everything from micro's computer despite the torture Frank laughs at agent orange meanwhile micro discloses Frank's true plan to Dina he reveals that Frank is driven by the desire to eliminate these individuals and they had an agreement micro promised to give Frank the chance to kill them anticipating that Billy would take Frank to their Hideout they knew they need needed Frank to access the computers with his reinal scan since micro was no longer there utilizing Dina's Computer Micro gains access to the CCTV cameras at The Hideout they witnessed Frank enduring a brutal beating from agent orange micro explains that it was all part of Frank's strategy if he couldn't kill orange and Billy at least his death would be recorded providing evidence against them micro urges Dina to assist Frank meanwhile Frank reluctantly agrees to open the computers using his retinal scan after completing the task he seizes a knife hidden under his chair and stabs agent orange in the chest in response Billy overpowers Frank by striking him on the head with the back of his pistol before Billy can deliver a fatal blow Dina arrives with her team Frank survives but Billy manages to escape after tending to his wounds Billy heads to his office to retrieve money and a passport while Homeland Security raids his office he attacks them from behind he eliminates the remaining team members and and escapes the building as he departs he presses a button that triggers a bomb in his office causing a powerful explosion Frank's life is saved thanks to the surgical skills of Dina's father in gratitude micro gives Frank money acquired from the enemy's accounts micro and Dina Council Frank to leave the country and seek a peaceful life elsewhere on that same day as Curtis sleeps an unwelcome visitor arrives at his house brandishing a gun it turns out to be his best friend Billy seeking information on Frank's whereabouts when Curtis admits to knowing that Frank is alive Billy is hurt unable to reconcile the Betrayal from one friend trying to kill him and another lying to him all this time amidst their conversation a bullet pierces the building narrowly missing Billy in retaliation for the Betrayal Billy shoots at Curtis injuring his shoulder as it unfolds Frank is positioned on the adjacent building patiently awaiting Billy to appear in the window so he can exact his revenge Billy attempts to rise but the moment his knife becomes visible to Frank a shot is fired forcing him to remain where he is it becomes evident to Billy that escaping alive is a daunting task Frank contacts Curtis and instructs him to put Billy on the phone when Billy takes the phone Frank warns him not to harm Curtis a decision is made to meet at their usual Gathering Place the park where they used to spend time together as a family Frank decides to let Billy go allowing him to arrive at the park where he takes two employees hostage as as Frank approaches the location he discovers two teenagers tied to the horses of a running Carousel initially distracting Billy by firing in the opposite direction Frank enters the park from another angle and launches an attack a shootout ensues between the two adversaries Frank silently Maneuvers around the carousel to get a clear shot at Billy he manages to hit Billy in the mouth causing him to scream in pain as he extracts the bullet sensing defeat Billy Retreats toward the teenagers demanding that Frank reveal himself or he'll harm the kids to protect them Frank reluctantly tosses his knife and gun before Billy can carry out his threat Dina arrives to rescue Frank however in the chaos she becomes a Target and gets shot by Billy seizing the distraction Frank charges at Billy successfully disarming him the two engage in brutal hand-to-hand combat with Frank dominating the confrontation he delivers multiple punches to Billy's face and then proceeds to ruthlessly rub his face on broken glass Frank refrains from killing him as he believes inflicting severe pain and leaving scars on his body will haunt Billy for the rest of his life despite Billy's pleas for death Frank stops believing that an easy death is not what he deserves Billy is left critically injured at the scene Dina is rescued and Frank despite his actions is arrested however he is granted freedom and a new identity in exchange for not exposing the case on the other hand Billy has endured numerous rounds of surgery his face now concealed by multiple layers of gauze the doctors are unsure if he will suffer brain damage or memory loss the loing question arises once he recovers will he seek revenge on Frank determined to settle the score
Channel: Queen Recaps
Views: 358,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, movie recaps, mr recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, daniel cc, prime recap, how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, film summary, film summarizing, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, queen recaps
Id: VC3PYzfvK2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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