MAF Tuning and Scaling, Tuning Series Vol. 3, HP Tuners

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it's time to tune so let's get those mass airflow sensors dialed in [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the garage and today we are going to tune the mass airflow sensor and I know what you might be thinking hey we've already done that well we have but if you caught my speed density tuning video which is up there I'll put a link in the corner you'll know that that one was really long like 40 minutes and I thought to myself I want to change the format a little bit and the mass airflow sensor is a great series to do that over and so the new format is going to be we are going to have multiple videos we're going to have a video like this one that just gets down to the nitty gritty right away goes through all the steps to tune and that's it then there will be supplemental videos that follow afterwards they kind of explain the fundamentals of the different fueling systems and so after this one's done look for you know the description of what math tuning is and how the math system works and how it relates with the other systems but for now this video is just strictly going to be the tuning video I'm going to try and get all this data compressed down as small as possible so you have a quick reference to come back to and then let me know down in the comments if you like this condensed version better with the multiple videos or if you like the everything in one like the speed density video that I'll link to earlier but for now let's hit up the disclaimer and then let's jump in the truck and start tuning this video is intended for educational purposes only if proper tuning can cause catastrophic mechanical damage and you should do your own research before attempting any changes like this to a vehicle a temp custom tuning at your own risk okay you should have saved an ass found and that's a file that you want to download from your system that has your current configuration on there and then after that we'll go in and do a save as and we're going to save that as math step one I've already got one I'm gonna go ahead and over write that one and then on the background we're going to have a text document that documents what all changes that we're going to make so we'll start anything the engine tab here and if fuel saving is if you've got disabled on-demand on go ahead and let's turn that off then we'll go over to the DF Co which is the deceleration fuel cutoff and we want to make it where this will not work so basically we've got two parameters here the enable says that above this engine speed DF Co will be allowed so let's max that out we'll take it up to 80 100 and then on the disabled it says below this engine speed DSC o will be disabled so we'll take that one up to eight zero nine nine so that should disable both of them if you have a standard you may need to do the clutch feel cut off also so it's in this section next we'll go into engine fuel temperature control so we'll document this one engine fuel temp control turn off Co T and that's catalase over temp that just dumps extra fuel in there so we want disable that during this then next we're going to open loose open loop and base fueling here actually know it's an oxygen sensor sorry I always get that one mixed up because we're disabling open loop and on here it'll be the o2 a readiness voltage we're going to put a negative in there to make that negative sense whatever your value is that will disable the o2 sensors from controlling fueling so let's go ahead and label that one also engine fuel can't spell today oxy sensors Oh - readiness after that we want to go into our air flow speed density actually will go into dynamic to disable it on here so engine air flow dynamic and we're going to disable dynamic air which is our speed density basically so we should have a disable and if you read here it says above this rpm use filter mass air mass filtered mass air mass so we want to take this all the way down so we'll take it down to a hundred then we'll drop this one down to 99 should be good they're kind of double check everything else make sure that we don't need to change any of that and next we want to go in on our spark let's go into our advance and then our base table spark advance subtract five and then we're going to take five degrees out of our base tables to make sure that we don't get any engine knock that will cause us issues while we're tuning so we put negative five up in here hit the Add button that just tracks five from the whole grid same ordeal we'll do it on these other ones select the whole thing negative five plus negative five and we've got to add it because there's no subtraction option so we're adding minus five okay we can go ahead and save that one now that's our step one before we load this one in we need to set up our histogram over in our scanner so to do that let's go to where we're actually looking at our math frequency it's underneath engine airflow in general for the most part and you may have two of these frequency tables mine is only using one tables are the same you may have a table that is split into two so if you have one that you'll have a low side table and a high side table if you have two that are the same or you only have one we will be tuning them kind of the same I do not have to worry about air flow too if you have two you will know but for now we want to come in here and if we click mass airflow frequency up here because we'll be tuning in Hertz it'll well should pop open a coffee columns but we can come over here to the column axis and then do copy labels now we want to switch back over to our scanner and I've got the the PID is just the default PIDs from my vehicle loaded up which means I need to add a couple I have equivalence ratio commander that's an important one on top of that we want to have the mass air flow sensor well you say I've already got one in there that's in pounds per minute we tune and Hertz on this thing so let's go ahead and add a channel if we use the text filter I can type math in there and see the frequency one that's the one that I want to add and then I also need to add my EQ ratio off of my wideband so I'm having to use the AEM we'll toss that one in there that should be good now what we need to do is set up some math we need to have an EQ area ratio if you are using a MVP I Pro or the two that has the input directly on it you can come into the lambda and AFR and use the existing one before we did well actually let's do this because we'll have to come back and do another step if not but we want to copy this math and I'll show you why go ahead and highlight that then hit the ctrl C for copy and then we'll come down here do user math and on the expression we can hit control V and copy that over and we're going to name this one EQ error ratio we can leave it in percent but what we want to do is our EQ ratio sensor we want to change that with our mass airflow so right now that's this sensor right here we can edit this variable and choose to come down here to your serial input if you're using a serial input or if you're using the pro or the MP VI - you can use it underneath there if it prompts you for that just go ahead and say yes it's good hit OK now we have a new math ratio or a new math filter that we can use close this out and then we want it going back into the graphs are going to the graphs lay out here and add a new graph new table and our parameter is going to be that math parameter we just created so go all the way down to the bottom you'll have maths and then user-defined if you expand those out you'll see your EQ error ratio it's in percent we're going to go ahead and add two decimal places on there to get a little more a little more fun on there and then on cell hits we want to start out with five this is how many hits it requires before it registers is a good day to hit to initially start off I like to go with five and then I'll expand that out to ten as I start dialing it in closer and closer on our column axis since we had to copy that other thing let's come back over here and copy our column axis out of our editor again so we do column axis copy labels and then on parameter for column let's do math and we want the frequency that prompts you with this generic sensor go ahead and say yes it sounds good and then on values hit ctrl-v or right click to paste it now we can save this so save the selected graph math table dot table whatever and then we can rename it if we want to also math probably should have done that math error is what we'll call it we want to make sure that the view is an average so if we do a min on max or any of these other things it won't allow us to tune properly so we'll save this again isn't fair okay now we should be good to go let's go ahead and download I'm gonna skip over that so you're not going to see that portion and then I will be right back to start tuning so go ahead and download now okay so you just got done downloading it we connect up our scanner and we start logging sometimes you will notice that your EQ ratio has the decimal point moved over one location at least that's the way it works on the AEM so I'll show you how to fix that let's go ahead and stop scanning and if we come in here and we do transform when you come down the user-defined on that we want to go ahead and select our parameter our oxygen sensor and we're doing equivalence ratio and then select your model - the 41 10 it'll say let's do the generic say yes that sounds good well then we want to take input and divide it by 10 that'll move our decimal place over you'll see that we have a new calculation there if we start scanning now we've got a good reading that matches my gauge we'll come in here and as you can see we're running a little bit high that means that we are actually running lean right now that matches up by our decimal point point 14 so I want to make this rich before I start tuning we're at 14% I'm going to go ahead and stop right now and add 15% fuel and I'll show you how let's go back over to our editor we've got our table selected here our mass airflow is open I want to add 15% so I'm going to add 1.15 up in the block and multiply boom that bumps everything by 15% close that out and let's go ahead and save that as step 3 our step 2 I should say sorry download it once again whenever we download we do not need to write the TCM calibration just write the engine calibration okay let's fire it back up flip back over the scanner and let's connect and see how we're looking now should be running rich hopefully make sure and give your AFR gauge your wide be engaged time to warm up before you start scanning because you don't want to get false values in there okay we're running rich let's go do a data log remember whenever we data log we do smooth transitions we want to try and hit as many cells as possible without having to brough changes abrupt changes will create false data in our log we want to try and get as high on here as possible so a lot of this is gonna require slow wide open throttle runs up to full boost things like that if you exceed your MAF sensor let me know that's something else that we will touch in on some of the later videos but we're a log real quick this will be fast forwarded for time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so the nice thing about doing math tuning is is that you don't have to log nearly as much as you do with speed density so I went out did some pulls and looks like we got some decent range we're not gonna get too high up the curve right now just because I'm not in an area where I can go wide open throttle for the most part but this will give you an idea so let's go ahead and stop scanning we want to come over here and select the whole table right click and choose copy we can go ahead and disconnect for now from the scanner and turn the vehicle off and let's flip back over to the editor and open up our math table as I said if your math table is broken up into two sets you can actually build two histograms for each table just follow the instructions for the first one but select everything and then we want a paste special multiplied by half we want to do incremental steps as we tune this thing out now you can see your changes kind of glanced through there if you don't have your graph open beneath there your 2d chart make sure and open it if you're only looking at that it's alright but if you do the split view like this with the 2d chart you can see if you get any wonky data values in there so say we've got this one that's a little bit off and get it highlighted again here 8400 so if I come up here to 8400 I can do something I can smooth it and if you watch down in the graph it's gonna smooth out boom now if you see something like this you know you have an issue there's even times you might see something like this you know you have an issue so come in here smooth those out before you go any further this isn't too bad it's a little bit rough but that's that's nothing to be concerned about it's a fairly linear curve don't do that good lord let's undo that okay we can close this we'll save this as step three then let's load it in and get back to tuning so I will be right back okay now comes the boring part the rents that repeat we are going to do the same thing over again let's fire it up go back to the scanner connect up once again make sure that your AFR gauge is warmed up before you start logging you don't want to get a bad value in there and then start scanning we should be a little bit closer we were running about six or seven now we're down to five it said we're doing half steps and so it takes a few scans to get in there it's gonna get a little bit smaller we're looking to get that within 1% basically that means that you want your whole chart to be negative one to one whenever you're scanning that means you've got your math dialed in so let's do another log here real quick and we will do some more changes stick around as I fast forward once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay here we are we've got another log let's go ahead and save this we've turned the vehicle off and we want to copy the whole thing again so just click in that corner and let's do copy we'll jump back over to our editor same ordeal open up our math table and we will pay special multiply by half and this is repetitive we do this over and over again until we get this dialed in as I said whenever you get to the point where your scanner shows all of these kind of being within one plus or minus that means you're pretty dialed in if you look up in this area 4350 and up that's pretty spot-on those numbers are very good you're not going to improve on those you know that's that's just you're gonna get within the error ratio we're getting even closer there but we still have some cleaning up that we can do down here in the bottom where we've got the four is negative seven so it's just a repetitive task but now that that's done let's say that we've done this five or six more times and the whole thing is within one so what we'll do is we'll come in here and we're going to save this as our final step and we'll say math final and then let's open up our compare file so we'll open up our as found and go back to our document that we documented everything down so we disabled EFC oh that's under engine fuel cutoff we want to add that back in and we can use this option here to show what it was it was 980 in 875 so let's change that back 980 875 okay next we want to look at engine temp temperature control turnoff Co t if you don't have cats in your car you can leave that disabled if you do have cats you want to put that back in it'll keep them from burning out after that we're on o to readiness that was an easy one oxygen sensors we added a negative so let's check take the negative sign off of there and then disable dynamic air flow so air flow dynamic same ordeal if we come in here and look we were at 4000 and 3900 so let's put those back now is a good time to go over to and watch my speed density video if you need to tune your speed density I'll show you how to force everything in to speed density and then last but not least we have spark we've got five subtracted if you are going to be tuning spark or you're going to be tuning your speed density next you can leave those as is because whenever I get the spark video out we will be adjusting these based tables so I'm going to leave those as is go ahead say that our save it because this is our final and load this one end so let's jump out for the summary and we will go from there so that's it math tuning easy right yeah it is a repetitive process it takes a while but it is easy unlike speed density which is a little bit more in-depth once again throwing the link up there to the speed density video it's a long one it's a lot to digest and hopefully you like this format better where all the informations kind of just compressed down and is strictly on tuning but if you haven't already hit the subscribe button down in the corner because there's going to be supplemental videos for math tuning that explains some of this helps to kind of break down what's going on so you better understand the process as a whole on top of that there's gonna be videos about timing torque tuning transmission tuning all that stuff coming out along with some other videos so you don't want to miss out if you like this new format make sure and hit me up in the comments let me know throw a thumbs up my way if you want to I'd appreciate it if not you can hit the thumbs down if you don't like it not gonna hurt my feelings but I ask if you do hit the thumbs are the thumbs down I should say leave a comment tell me what I could do better I'm trying to make this content for you guys who want to learn how to tune out there so hopefully you found this information you know useful and if so I will keep on pumping this stuff out and hopefully you like the new shortened to the point format so once again I want to thank you for stopping by the garage and stay tuned for more content [Music] you
Channel: Goat Rope Garage
Views: 83,914
Rating: 4.9617591 out of 5
Keywords: HPTuners, MAF, Sensor, Mass, Air, Flow, Tuning, Tune, Chevy, Chevrolet, Corvette, Camaro, Silverado, Sierra, EFI, Live, Scaling, Scale, HP Tuners, maf scaling, maf scaling software, maf scaling hp tuners, hp tuners tutorial, hp tuners silverado, hp tuners torque management, hp tuners 101, hp tuners, goat rope garage, hp tuner, hp tuners maf tuning, maf tuning hp tuners, speed density vs maf, hptuners tutorial, hp tuners guide, how to tune a car
Id: 7IoWmLEmlvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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